The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Ton Ton

Caim gave a frown of distaste when Jake mentioned "Authors and Gods", but gave it some more thought when it came to the headcount of the party,
"Let's see here...We've got myself, Angelus Cadolbolg and Ton Ton, Devon and her companion, Ella; I'm pretty sure you met her when we were fighting the zombies off in Las Venturas. Let's see here... oh right, Jenny's still with us, thankfully. She's been rather helpful in keeping up morale."
It took a bit of time, but Caim, with the help of the Cuties, Devon, and AI Vermilion were able to get Jake and Akane up to speed regarding the current crew members and the situation with Shadows, Philemon and Nyarlatothep;

"...And there we are. If you're worried about facing your Shadow like some of the others have, just get an Evoker from Mitsuru or Fuuka. Some of them are shapped a little differently,"
he pointed to the knife strapped to his leg, and the collars Ton Ton and Cadolbolg had round their necks,
"But they allow for safe Persona summoning."
Cadolbolg gave a proud nod, "Uh huh! Me and Lei Zhenzei kicked lots of butt today!"

At the mention of his Persona, Caim noticed Devon's current state, and in a concerned tone, asked,
"You know, the more I think about it, you pretty beat up for the Shadows we were fighting in those simulators... What happened?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Ton Ton

[color=00c863]"Oh, it was mainly things that come with the fights. You know, taking a few hits, giving them out, getting people out of the way of hits... Nothing too serious. I can just sleep it off, Caim..."[/color] Of course, the validity of Devon's statement was severely lowered when Caim could hear the characteristic shortness of breath that had to come from a heavily damaged full plate.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Ton Ton

Cadolbolg shook his head immediately at Devon's claim, "Lying is not right, Devon! Father, she's making it sound less than it really is. I saw; when the blonde Annie woman's Shadow knocked her into a wall! And the the other Shadow set her on fire! Devon's really gotten beaten up; and she's really worn out from the fights. Please, make her go to a doctor."

[color=15650D]"Really..? Oh dear... That explains why your breathing's so shallow!"[/color]

Of course, the fact that Devon's armor was horribly damaged gave Caim further evidence to contrast Devon's statements. What the hell was his student thinking, saying she could "shrug it off"? His frown deepening further, Caim pointed in the direction of the Med Bay, and simply stated,
"Go. NOW. And find Melethia to fix your plate up while you're at it. I'm sure you can borrow some clothes from Ella or someone else on board."
And with the look Caim had on his face, he was pretty serious about Devon getting herself taken care of.

Rising Dawn: Ella's Room: Ella, Garm, Teri

Tama lifted her head up in the dark headspace, the familiar light seeming to appear in the eye slits of her helmet, [color=0E59E4]"You're right! I can talk to Mum and not worry about the douchemongler hearing me.... YO, KIDDO. Lemme use the rings again."
"You're talking to Mum, right? Better cut back on the swears, or she might not want to grant you an audience.."

After Ella spoke about the combat in question, Garm added in (after being given a small piece of meat) [color=356D60]"She is right. I saw how she acted in battle. Her tactics do not fit her level of defense. The blaze that is her efforts will be snuffed out quickly if this set of berserker like tactics continue."[/color]

Teri rested her chin on her palms in thought, and gave a grim nod after listening to the both of her friends, [color=0E59E4]"I understand."[/color]

Giving a small smirk, the Cleric took a leaf out of Toyotama's book and snarked, [color=0E59E4]"So, we got the plan down. I say we make a name for it. How about, Operation: Intervention?"[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

Dimitri's eyes took that glazed consistency again, and he continued with, [color=3897E0]
"It is done. Now, do you have any further requests?"

As Slindis was about to answer, she heard a voice she did not think would be able to enter her mind in some time, [color=0E59E4]"Lo there, Mum. You probably remember me from a while back. You know, I was a dragon, you were still using swords...

Anyway, point being, I need to talk to you. It's bout Dad. I think you and I have noticed that he's been acting kinda funky, and I got some funky news figured out bout him...."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Wanderer

Rugal let out a loud grunt of annoyance when Wanderer began knocking on his door.
"Gah! Curse this moronic ship!" He shouted as he got up from the sink and opened the door.
"What?!...Wanderer?...Is that you?..." he asked as he saw the Wanderer, albeit he looked like he picked a fight with a shredder.

*Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*

Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Jenny thought about Cz's problems, recalling the dozens of people at her clinic who suffered from nightmares and other such things as well.
Hmmm...If I had my powers, I could easily- She thought before it hit her: The Shadow Realm Emulator!
"Melethia, do you have an Evoker I could borrow?..." She then asked, starting to realize what she was doing.
If I'm going back in there, I'll need some help...

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship: Rising Dawn | Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Teddy, Ton Ton

As the small group conversed amongst themselves, one of the crew quarters opened with an audible swish, revealing an annoyed looking Teddy Bear with a long stick in his furry paws. One might have mistaken the look of annoyance over the fact that the conversation in the hallway had been the cause of waken the hungover Teddy Bear but the true source of the annoyance was the fact that with Miss Constance in the Medical Bay of the Airship, Teddy was forced to utilize what working braincells remained in his alcohol soaked brain and figure out a way to open the door given his rather short stature.

Giving the group a look of admonishment with his bleary eyes, he noted that there was yet another crew-member that he had not yet met.

[color=B87333]"Z'it m-*hic* me or dosh - does - *hic* does this crew seem to get bigger v'rytime ah - a - I wake up?"[/color] Teddy asked aloud to no one in particular before waddling over to the group to see what all the commotion was in regards to and noted that the heavy armor that the Ship's Bard wore appeared to be quite damaged in several places.

[color=B87333]"H-Heh-Heeeeyyyy. Y'r am'r broke!"[/color] Teddy stated as he plunged a paw deep into his stomach and produced a rather large bottle of pain pills.

[color=B87333]"Ugh. If ah - I'm gonna meet new people, I sh-sh-should probably get rid of this headache first."[/color]


Airship: Rising Dawn | Medical Bay Constance, David, Jenny, Melethia, Siz

Mir | Coveting Cove Outskirts said:
The Airship and its passengers were not too far from the ship's destination of Coveting Cove, the southern most and by far the largest harbor in all of Mir. Inside the quarters that Captain Kall had generously assigned the two, both Constance and Som were seated on their separate bunks, staring deeply into each other's eyes. This was not the sort of deep stare that lovers shared but the stare of two opponents that sat on opposite sides of a chess board gave one another.

"Your concentration is pitiful. It is only a matter of time before you give up once again." Som stated evenly as he placed a finger on the amulet he wore around his neck, the liquid inside bubbling furiously as it counteracted the magic that the Raven Haired Vampire was casting upon the HUnter.

There was an audible puff of air as Constance released the breathe that she had been holding for quite some time, her whole body seemed to deflate with the expelled quantity of air.

"You didn't have to break my concentration." The Sorrowfeld Vampire complained as she picked up a blood box and sipped from the bendible plastic straw."[/color]

"Do you think that your enemies will be so honorable as to wait until your spell has been cast?" Hunter Waterford mocked as he stood up and left the small cabin. As the two had no money, it had fallen upon the Hunter to work for the passage fare, the Captain was unwilling to allow a girl, human or not, to work the ship.

As Constance sat in the darkness, alone with Teddy, a curious thought took shape in head.

"(This - This isn't how I dreamed it before.)" The thought came and left before it could be questioned.
Constance opened her eyes and found that she had dozed off while she was reading the personel files of the various people that made up the crew of the Rising Dawn. She also found that while she had slept, Cz had apparently woken and was having a rough time now that she had regained consciousness.

The remains of a ration bar shattered against a wall next to where the slumbering vampire was seated, followed by a phrase that was crudely strung together by a tongue unused to speech.

TheMehKingdom said:
"Tase baad! Not good!"
It struck Constance, while the youngest member of the Sorrowfeld clan but not inexperienced around children, as strange that Cz would have had a mental regression. While Cz had not had the best vocabulary when they had first met, this relapse into a more basic mental state was disconcerting at best.

"What's wrong with her, Jenny?" was what Constance was about to ask as Jenny the Gardevoir asked Melethia for an Evoker.

"(The plant lizard thing's going to go into the child's head. Not a good idea.)" Bast responded to the unasked question. Even as Constance slept, the Feline Persona had been observing everything that was going on within the confines of the room.

"Jenny? Is there anything I can do to help?" Constance asked suddenly, breaking her silence.


Airship: Rising Dawn | Training Room #7 Angelus, Som


Before Som could respond to the agitated comment that the Faux-Human Dragoness had spat at him, Som found himself flying through the air as the training dummy stuck the hunter from behind, the Som being unused to the fact that these training machinations struck back as to better simulate combat situations.

It was at this point that the Hunter found himself in a rather awkard position, kneeling and bowed forward as if asking the Dragoness to pardon his mocking at her expense. From his position on the ground, Som could see that the training dummy was posed to strike when the HUnter picked himself up from the floor, a process that Som found rather discomforting since the training simulator had caused the Hunter to cut himself with his own blade when he had been struck.

"Um - Miss Dragoness. If you would kindly restrain the training machination, I seem to have cut myself when it blindsided me." The Hunter stated, his tone oozing with a fair amount of embarassment at having to request assistance from a non-human and to cap it off, from a Dragon that would obviously hold this situation over his head for quite a while.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

"Nightmares I think. Still trying to get a straight answer from her. Just...We may need to go to a Shadow Zone. My powers won't work otherwise and I'll need them to get to the root of the problem." Jenny answered Constance.

Behold my short ass post!


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Awkward tension
Wanderer/Shawn and Rugal.
Location: Rising Dawn | Captain's room.
Before the door was opened, the Wanderer was touching the door a bit more. "(I have a bad feeling about this ... this feels like a good quality door.)" His Shadow whispered inside his mind, their question was answered as they heard Rugal and asked if it was them. "Ah ... yes ... let me just see if I can ... " The Wanderer was saying quietly as he hand started to wander by itself and then it found it's target.


The Wanderer poke Rugal's stomach. "(One hundred percent muscle bro ... )" His Shadow confirmed the fact, this made the Wanderer jump slightly backwards. "Ru-rugal ... wait ... don't tell me, this is the Captain's room!?" The Wanderer's guess was one hundred percent correct as he took in the smell of luxury which really wasn't for him in a sense.

"Okay, I can explain ... I just came from coming back from my own Shadow fight in that weird zone." He took a pause before memorizing the few things he saw afterwards. "I won ... but my body ... and mind, took a lot of damage as you can see. " the Wanderer opened his arms and from what Rugal could see that his armour and clothing had many holes in them, even beyond that he could see his flesh inside the armor covered in blood.

The most notable features were the crimson blindfold over his eyes and a pretty large hole in his head, luckily enough Rugal could only see a it of skull and facial muscle over the wound. "I'm going to guess it is bad ... but thanks to lead bullets I have lost my eyesight for a while. BUT my regenerative factor should come in sometime soon." The Wanderer said but he started to point his head and multiple directions and sniff.

"So if you could tell me some directions to the elevator that would be great ... and is it me or can I smell the scent of anger and fear." The Wanderer shrugged but just recollected himself and realized what he just said. "I mean ... that probably isn't from you, but rather myself ... I think." His face straightened up as he said that to the rather large man.

"Something went on here ... " His Shadow said the obvious which made the Wanderer's face turn to the side. "No shit ... but do we really want to say that to him." The Wanderer said quietly but covered it up with a cough. "So yes ... directions would be great, if I can get to my room I can sleep this off, other then that has anything happened around here?" The Wanderer said and decided that it would be great to get an update in ship activities from the 'Captain', even if the Wanderer did not treat this guy like a Captain ... but he knew that he was a better fist-fighter then him.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Awkward tension
Wanderer/Shawn and Rugal.
Location: Rising Dawn | Captain's room.
"...Turn left, walk 10 steps, Then turn left again, 3 steps. Good day." Rugal instantly answered before shutting the door in his face, rolling his eyes at just how moronic this entire ship seemed to be.
While I still think you are a fool for staying here, I have a need found respect for your utter patience... He thought as he went back to getting the feeling back in his hand, figuring that one of the AIs or something would guide the Wanderer if he was unable to understand his simple directions.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Ton Ton

[color=00c863]"B-but... fine... I'll go. I don't really know who would have stuff that does fit me, though..."[/color] Devon knew that she wouldn't be getting another word in edgewise with Caim, and the fact that Ton-Ton had almost been assigned to her would make it hard to just say that she went to the Doctor's area.

When she got there, Melethia pulled Devon aside (Literally, the kid was darn strong) and tsked with a great deal of disappointment. "Whatever did this to ya really packed a punch, ya know? It'll take me a few weeks to get this fixed, and that's if I even CAN fix it. Just put on one of the patient gowns here and get something tomorrow, but this is going to take a long time even if I CAN salvage this. How did you not die?"

After that, Devon left the room with Ton-Ton in tow while wearing a patient's gown.

Rising Dawn: Ella's Room: Ella, Garm, Teri

"Oh, we can definitely work with it. Remember: If you wouldn't be caught dead with it, it's a pretty strong option. Now then, I'm guessing Devon's headed to the Medbay after that battle if she runs into Caim. Want to head her off?" Ella certainly had a plan, and the two ran into Devon after handing her armor to Melethia. After telling Ton-Ton the gist of the plan through the rings, Ella gave that pleasant smile again as she talked to Devon.

"Devon, I'm glad we ran into you! Mitsuru did say that the three of us are on the investigation team tomorrow, so how about me and Teri help you get something to wear? You can't wear that the whole time unless you want to let everyone know what underwear that Teri poofed in for you. And really, me and Teri can actually find you clothes that fit.

Before you just ask Teri for some, remember that it tires her out. It's rude to have her poof in everything you wear."
The way Ella spoke, she knew that Devon wouldn't see the fact that Ella'd been the one to ask Mitsuru for the non-Shadow Zone assignment.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

Tama communicating with Slindis was certainly unexpected, but the answer did make a lot about the past day or so tie together. [color=c200]"You know, that does tie a lot together... I have some ways of breaking that, but all of those involve getting Rugal to a Shadow Zone so I can use some spells. After that last fight, though, I don't see him going anywhere near there. If anything, we'll need to catch him off-guard."[/color]


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
Jenny | Melethia | Cz | Constance

Siz held her hand out, toward the poffin expectantly. Jenny place a small piece of the bread into Siz's soft delicate hand, and popped the morsel into her mouth and chewed. It was overwhelmingly sweet, but Cz made sure Siz swallowed it all. Apparently eating was now a necessity. "Cz think taste okay." How humiliating. Cz grumbled within the confines of her compressed form. To be conscious and acting in such a manner. This is unacceptable for someone of my rank to be this absurdly childish. Siz grabbed the rest of the poffin and started to eat it, taking small bites and chewing slowly before swallowing.

Nightmares no, visions more like. Warnings... threats. Something of that sort. Cz told Jenny. Or at least she tried to. What came out of Siz's mouth was a little different. "Dark is scary. Scary man in dark place. Scary in everyplace. No place I can hide. Always dark," Siz paused as she struggled to put her thoughts into words, "Big dark man being mean to I."

Siz paused and stared at Jenny for a long time silent. And then her eyes lit up like a christmas tree, "Doll! Where is Siz's doll!?" My evoker! Where is my evoker!? Cz screamed within the mental prison. Whoever had decided to lock her up, and Cz had a very educated guess who it was, had also seemed to have slipped the small living doll from her body. Something meant to cripple her in this world, and Cz did not appreciate it one bit.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wanderer/Shawn and Rugal.
Location: Rising Dawn | Captain's room.
When the door was simply swung shut after he gave directions, the Shadow side did not really agree with this interaction. "(Rude)" It spoke in the mind of the Wanderer, "Yeah, but it's Rugal ... what would you expect." The Wanderer said as he gripped his cane again and began to walk down the hallway. "(Yeah but ... you know we are kinda handicapped here, and we value manners above many things!)" The Shadow snapped back, surprisingly the Wanderer agreed with his other half, manners were something that made his day better.

Feeling weight in his hand the Wanderer Shawn looked down and saw a familiar weapon he hasn't used for a while. "A cyro mine ... are you crazy!?" He whispered to himself as he passed Annie, "(Yeah ... aren't we both?)" The Shadow said with the truest fact. "Well, you are right. Okay, I know what to do, you can take over if you want." The Wanderer said to his Shadow, who would smile evilly if he was in a physical form.


"Thank you partner~!" The Wanderer said to himself as the insanity trigger was pulled, for the Wanderer now, it was time to have some fun with this. "Okay, I have ... well ... that should be enough." The insane!Wanderer said to himself as he threw the first mine on the wall. It was a matter of time, but in a few minutes the hallway to the Captain's room was covered with these little babies.

From bottom to top, to side to side, the hallway was covered with these mines. Luckily for Rugal they were "Completely safe for the human body, well ... if he did step on one of these he would turn into a Popsicle for a hour and turn this place into a fridge freezer. AHAHAHAHA" He laughed, sure it was hard for him to see at the moment, but he was confident in his work and could feel the mines around the hallway.

Then suddenly ... "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"
A voice of the unknown proportions called out and the Insane!Wanderer pulled off his crimson blindfold to see his work of art. "It's ... it's ... beautiful!" He said in such a fashion that it almost bought a tear to his eyes, quickly taking control of his emotions the insane!Wanderer started to walk away, happy with his work, then a weird figure came into view, it was Annie.

"Ugh, you come into play here brother. Switchu!" He called out before the normal Wanderer came back into mind. "Well ... DAMN." The Wanderer looked around and saw the work of his other half, he actually admired it for a while before spotting Annie again. Walking over to the blonde girl, he lowered himself. " ... hey, what happened?" He said in a calm and soft voice.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Ton Ton
Jake waved to Blackhearte, another long veteran of the AA. "G'day mate, nice to know you're still part of the ship."

Turning to Caim, Jake nodded and listened in silence to the explanations. "Huh, well the less I have to do with these persona's the better I think. Mine will be one sick twisted fuck, or about 30 sick twisted fucks. I dunno we'll have to wait and see I guess. Uhh, where are we going now, seeing as Devon is at the Medbay?"

Akane remained silent, pensive and her head bowed.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Room: Rugal, Wanderer

Rugal had finally gotten all the feeling back into his hand as Wanderer laid Cyro-Mines down all over the hallway leading to his room.
"Bloody hell, What the hell is his doing out there? I though he was blind?..." He sighed as Wanderer seemed to be talking to himself as he trapped the hallway.
Still, it was getting late and it was unlikely that anyone would be calling so he retired to his bed and got some shut eye.
Just a few more days and I'll be out of this madhouse and back to rubbing shoulders with Warlords and Republicans... He thought happily as he went to sleep for the night.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Devon, Melethia, Cz, Constance

"So it's not the dark you are scared of, but a being in it? Don't worry, I won't let that man bother you for much longer. Now then, where is that doll of yours?..." Jenny said as she got up and started looking for it.
"Jenny...What exactly are you going to do with your powers?..." Constance asked as she helped to look for Cz's wayward doll.
"Just a simple Mind-Meld while she's sleeping. I do them all the time back at my Clinic. Just while Psychological issues might exist, sometimes it's hard to describe to yourself, let alone another. By entering her mind, I can easily find out who or what is scaring her. I sometimes even help combat them." She explained to the Vampire as she found it on one of the counters in the med-bay.
"Here we are! Much better!" She warmly smiled as she handed Cz the doll while Devon was getting an ear bashing from Melethia for trashing her armor so much.
"I must ask the same, Devon. What did you do that damaged it so much? I mean, It looks like it was hit by a car..."

Rising Dawn: David's Room: David West

After a botched bender, David returned to his room and company of his own inner monologue.
Before he could flop down on his bed, he found the aftermath of his session waiting for him.
Tripping over the small pile of bottles he had thrown on the floor, He sighed as he began cleaning them up and throwing them into some Black Bags, intending to get some shut eye afterwards.

Rising Dawn: Deadshot's Room: Deadshot

Down the hall from where Wanderer and Annie were, Deadshot was sleeping soundly away and snoring to his hearts content, up until now, he had been sleeping in parks, the back of cars or in prison cells so he was keen to make the most of it.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Devon, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Before meeting with Ella and Teri

Having not expected Jenny in the room as well, Devon found herself explaining for what seemed the thousandth tine what had happened in the Shadow Realm. [color=00c863]"I know I probably came in at a bad time, but it all happened when we went to get Annie, the Wanderer, and Deadshot out of a Shadow zone. Fights happened, close calls happened, but we all got out alright so it's not that big of a deal... Now could I find a gown here without telling a memoir? This really is worse than it looks, after all... I mean, I'm still living."[/color]

Now of course it was rather hard to believe considering the state that Devon was in; between the scorches on her armor and the massive denting all over the armor, there was no way she wasn't in a bad condition even if she'd been healed. Was Devon overcompensating? With the curse, she might be trying to cling to any semblance of masculinity she could find. Apparently, though, Devon had gone about it in the wrong way.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Devon, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Before meeting with Ella and Teri

"Oh my...Well, I guess if you are still alive, it couldn't have been too bad..." Jenny said as it seemed clear Devon didn't want to talk about her several near deaths.
"Just take it easy and get some rest, No doubt you earned it." She added before letting Devon get on her way, seeing how she didn't seem to want to talk about it again.
...*Sigh* so many psychological fires to fight, so little time... The Therapist then sighed as Devon's situation came to the front of her mind again, keeping just one crew member here from going insane was a full time job, nevermind the rest of them.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Hallway | Rising Dawn
BlackHarte | Jake

BlackHarte returned Jake's greeting politely, "Author Jake, it is very good to see you again. I think." BlackHarte paused, his green eye flickered on and off a few times. "I think it has been a long while since I have last spoken to you. But I cannot seem to recall. My memory has begun to slip. Strange."

He stretched his body outward in all directions and snapped himself together, the equivilant of a slap tot he cheek to wake himself up. "I am serving master... Kyre? No. She has passed. Who am i serving? Red Mage? No he came before. The blonde merchant? I forget his name. oh... so many masters. I cannot keep them straight anymore. Perhaps I need a software update." BlackHarte shook his blobby head from side to side. "This will not do, this will not do. Writer Jake, if it would not be an issue, could you please bring me to the medical bay with you? I.. seem to have misplaced something there of great importance I feel. My memory is fading... how perturbing."

Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn​
Jenny | Devon | Melethia | Cz | Constance

Cz squeezed the doll firmly in her little hands, "I is thinking bad things." Siz paused and looked at Jenny tending to Devon. For a moment she was confused. I could have sworn that was a man not too long ago. Siz cracked a little smile. The bemusement had again overwritten her entire mental capacity t feel fear. The small compressed energy saving form was very troublesome Cz found. Her processes were only large enough to handle on instance of thought at a time without sacrificing vital processes keeping Cz alive within the back of her mental conscience. Gathering up all her will, Cz forced Siz to speak coherently for a few moments, directing the broken fragments at Jenny as cloudly and clearly as possible.

"Not nightmares. Threats. There is evil here and it is" Siz balked as she bit her lip. Instantly she shut her mouth and slumped back into the cot, holding in the pain. has been with this ship for as long as it has existed. Cz swore, the last part of her message unsent.

How long ago did that Stone of Darkness board this ship, Cz wondered, and for how long has it resided aboard, doing simply nothing but observing and making subtle manipulations. And how much of the events leading up to now had been the result of the foul creature. Cz wanted to know badly, she wanted to know and then destroy that thing forever. Or at least banish it from the realm of humans. But that would have to wait until they were outside of this particular instance of reality, when she could unleash her full divine form and confront the evil.

Sea of Chaos
Location: Distorted | Existence | Reality |Shattered Dimensions
Time: Distorted​
Black Heart Primary Unit - Designation: "Kusanagi, Sword of the Godslayer" Sub-Unit 22: Personality Core - Ragna

"Missing. Missing! Missing! He's missing! %*!@$%#!#C*!& is MISSING!" the Personality unit had lit up like a christmas tree. His body squirmed in the sea of empty existence where he occupied all. His voice was distorted and maniace, unable to find a proper balance between rationality and emotion. So instead his voice flew from one range of audio possibility to another with as little certainty as possible. He laughed, undulating and creating tumults int he air that sounded like a warbling laughter. "Alone! So alone. ALONE! GEHEHE! Alone for so LONG! I know KNoW kNOW NOW KNOW KOH KOW BOW HOW! HAHA!"

"$*!@!LA@!QEG%#@!!! HAHAHA! LEFT M# AL0N3! Alone... a1oл3! So Д1фйЗ! I... I... I... I am so alone. So sad. Where has he gone." BlackHarte squrimed together tightly and looked into himself. Seeing only darkness he recoiled. "GAHAHAHA! CURSED! LEFT ME CURSED TO WONDER!? WONDER WANDER YES [HEADING=2]WONDER![/HEADING] stupefying. really. StupefYing. Them. Him. Her. Them. Yes. I want to s33 the3m aga!>n? ! Done. tired. Rest. Wish.

Want see.

Want see friends again.

Want see. Them. Him. Her. It They. People. AGain. AgAIn agaIN OnE LAsT TimE. tO SAY gOodBYe. To say goodbye."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship: Rising Dawn | Hallway: Akane, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Teddy, Ton Ton

Watching as the Bard left for the Medical Ward, it struck the hungover Teddy Bear that there was something very much different about the appearance of Devon. Because gender was something that his kind never had to deal with, the Teddy Bear Back Pack sometimes found it difficult to distinguish male humans from female humans.

[color=B87333]"Hu-hu-heeeey! Washn't that guy a guy?"[/color] The Plush Bear asked, watching the retreating form of the Bard turn a corner and disappear altogether.


Airship: Rising Dawn | Medical Bay: Jenny, Devon, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Unlike Teddy, Constance had noticed the change in Devon as soon as he she entered the Medical Ward and though it may have been relevant in a team building sense to toss a few playful words in the Bard's direction, it did not seem to be the correct timing as there were concerns regarding the man-turned-woman's wounds as well as Cz's state as well.

Returning her attention to towards the young peacekeeper, the Raven Haired Vampiress was able to catch the last of the young one's words.

TheMehKingdom said:
"Not nightmares. Threats. There is evil here and it is"
"It's what?" Constance wondered to herself as she tried to mentally review what she remembered of the Airship's historical files. Seeing that no answer was forthcoming from Little Cz, Constance searched the Medical Bay and found a pad of blank paper and some pencils.

"Cz? Do you think you could draw the thing, the bad thing that you saw?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The Executioner.
Wanderer/Shawn and Annie.
Location: Rising Dawn | Outside the Captain's room/Hallway.
The normal Wanderer smiled, "Don't worry ... if anyone trips up and falls to the darker side, I will always be one small step behind them." The Wanderer said with a determined face and tone. The Wanderer then stepped up and stretched, the only wounds that were on his body was the facial opening which showed a small bit of his skull, thanks to the regenerative perks and medicine, it was already being covered by flesh.

"If there was any position on this ship I had ... it would be the sheriff." He smiled again yet it turned to a small distant frown. "But I have a bad feeling ... bad people will always be bad somewhere within them, it will be up to them to decide if they embrace that original feeling or accept their new selves ... but we shouldn't worry, we have many people who would come to this crew's rescue and take up a new leadership. Like David and my pal the Spartan, both good to lead this thing." He muttered once more as he remembered the part about "Discarding", this made the Wanderer smile in a crazy way.

"If it came to that ... I would simply have to 'discard' him as well." the tone and face of the Wanderer twisted fast to a dark and crazy version but reverted just as quick. Coughing to clear his throat, he gave Annie a stern look. "But in all honesty, if he did do that ... many people would not accept it, including me." He said in a serious tone for once but soon eyed the hand of Annie's. "Hopefully your regenerative factor will heal that ... but if you need help, I'll be in my place on the roof. I just, really need to rest right now ... fighting yourself physically and mentally can be really exhausting ... see you later ... Annie ... " The Wanderer said as his eyes started to droop slowly.

Soon enough the Wanderer wandered further down the corridor, where he got into a elevator to the roof. Soon enough he fell through his shack's door, ignored his robot companion SID and fell onto the bed ... his mind quickly drifted off. The two forms of the Wanderer gave a sigh of relief as a dream began to come to them.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Jenny had made up her mind when she heard the word "Threats".
"...I don't mean to alarm anyone, but we might be dealing with a Shadow...Dimitri, set up a training room with a link to the Shadow Realm and see if you can relocate my evoker there. Me and Cz will be down shortly." She stated to the AI and everyone in the room before she picked Cz up in her arms.
"Now...Cz, I am going to find the being that is making the bad things in your head. It will be scary, but don't be frightened. I will be with you at all times. Constance, Melethia, if you would like to help me, come to the Training room." She explained before going to leave the room with Cz in hand.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hallway: Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie

Deadshot was snoring away, least until Wanderer showed up and began making a racket as he planted a ton of those Cyro Mines all over the place.
uhhhh..what is he doing now?...
"...Wait, was that a rhetorical question or were you actually asking me? Just, because I'm, well, you, I have no idea either..."
...I liked you better when you were an Asshole. You were actually less annoying.
You're welcome...

Pulling himself out of bed in a sleepy stupor, He yawned as he opened the door out of his room, not bothering to put his top back on, planning to merely tell Wanderer to shut up and then go back to sleep.

Not long after the Mad Doctor left Annie to return to his shack, she heard him say:
"...Why are there dozens of landmines in the middle of the hall?..." He rightfully asked, glad that he wasn't staying in that room.
What was more interesting however was the state his body was in, adorned in scars that made the ones on his face look like papercuts. (This but not as chiseled and dreamy~)