Airship: Rising Dawn | Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Jake, Teddy, Ton Ton
As the small group conversed amongst themselves, one of the crew quarters opened with an audible swish, revealing an annoyed looking Teddy Bear with a long stick in his furry paws. One might have mistaken the look of annoyance over the fact that the conversation in the hallway had been the cause of waken the hungover Teddy Bear but the true source of the annoyance was the fact that with Miss Constance in the Medical Bay of the Airship, Teddy was forced to utilize what working braincells remained in his alcohol soaked brain and figure out a way to open the door given his rather short stature.
Giving the group a look of admonishment with his bleary eyes, he noted that there was yet another crew-member that he had not yet met.
[color=B87333]"Z'it m-
*hic* me or dosh - does -
*hic* does this crew seem to get bigger v'rytime ah - a - I wake up?"[/color] Teddy asked aloud to no one in particular before waddling over to the group to see what all the commotion was in regards to and noted that the heavy armor that the Ship's Bard wore appeared to be quite damaged in several places.
[color=B87333]"H-Heh-Heeeeyyyy. Y'r am'r broke!"[/color] Teddy stated as he plunged a paw deep into his stomach and produced a rather large bottle of pain pills.
[color=B87333]"Ugh. If ah - I'm gonna meet new people, I sh-sh-should probably get rid of this headache first."[/color]
Airship: Rising Dawn | Medical Bay Constance, David, Jenny, Melethia, Siz
Mir | Coveting Cove Outskirts said:
The Airship and its passengers were not too far from the ship's destination of Coveting Cove, the southern most and by far the largest harbor in all of Mir. Inside the quarters that Captain Kall had generously assigned the two, both Constance and Som were seated on their separate bunks, staring deeply into each other's eyes. This was not the sort of deep stare that lovers shared but the stare of two opponents that sat on opposite sides of a chess board gave one another.
"Your concentration is pitiful. It is only a matter of time before you give up once again." Som stated evenly as he placed a finger on the amulet he wore around his neck, the liquid inside bubbling furiously as it counteracted the magic that the Raven Haired Vampire was casting upon the HUnter.
There was an audible puff of air as Constance released the breathe that she had been holding for quite some time, her whole body seemed to deflate with the expelled quantity of air.
"You didn't have to break my concentration." The Sorrowfeld Vampire complained as she picked up a blood box and sipped from the bendible plastic straw."[/color]
"Do you think that your enemies will be so honorable as to wait until your spell has been cast?" Hunter Waterford mocked as he stood up and left the small cabin. As the two had no money, it had fallen upon the Hunter to work for the passage fare, the Captain was unwilling to allow a girl, human or not, to work the ship.
As Constance sat in the darkness, alone with Teddy, a curious thought took shape in head.
"(This - This isn't how I dreamed it before.)" The thought came and left before it could be questioned.
Constance opened her eyes and found that she had dozed off while she was reading the personel files of the various people that made up the crew of the Rising Dawn. She also found that while she had slept, Cz had apparently woken and was having a rough time now that she had regained consciousness.
The remains of a ration bar shattered against a wall next to where the slumbering vampire was seated, followed by a phrase that was crudely strung together by a tongue unused to speech.
TheMehKingdom said:
It struck Constance, while the youngest member of the Sorrowfeld clan but not inexperienced around children, as strange that Cz would have had a mental regression. While Cz had not had the best vocabulary when they had first met, this relapse into a more basic mental state was disconcerting at best.
"What's wrong with her, Jenny?" was what Constance was about to ask as Jenny the Gardevoir asked Melethia for an Evoker.
"(The plant lizard thing's going to go into the child's head. Not a good idea.)" Bast responded to the unasked question. Even as Constance slept, the Feline Persona had been observing everything that was going on within the confines of the room.
"Jenny? Is there anything I can do to help?" Constance asked suddenly, breaking her silence.
Airship: Rising Dawn | Training Room #7 Angelus, Som
Before Som could respond to the agitated comment that the Faux-Human Dragoness had spat at him, Som found himself flying through the air as the training dummy stuck the hunter from behind, the Som being unused to the fact that these training machinations struck back as to better simulate combat situations.
It was at this point that the Hunter found himself in a rather awkard position, kneeling and bowed forward as if asking the Dragoness to pardon his mocking at her expense. From his position on the ground, Som could see that the training dummy was posed to strike when the HUnter picked himself up from the floor, a process that Som found rather discomforting since the training simulator had caused the Hunter to cut himself with his own blade when he had been struck.
"Um - Miss Dragoness. If you would kindly restrain the training machination, I seem to have cut myself when it blindsided me." The Hunter stated, his tone oozing with a fair amount of embarassment at having to request assistance from a non-human and to cap it off, from a Dragon that would obviously hold this situation over his head for quite a while.