The Escapist Presents: MovieBob Reviews Wolverine Trailer


The Altoid Duke
Jul 31, 2008
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Maet said:
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.
It's okay, from what I hear, they fucked up Deadpool enough to where there will be plenty of nerds in your same alienated boat.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
jboking said:
Maet said:
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.
It's okay, from what I hear, they fucked up Deadpool enough to where there will be plenty of nerds in your same alienated boat.
I download it. Its decent, not great but not bad. If you go in expecting them to screw everything up, you'll end up being satisfied with the movie. But if you go in expecting it to be amazing You'll be a little disapointed. They screwed up deadpool but they didn't.


Deadpool ends up being Weapon XI. They give him a bunch of powers: increased healing factor, teleportation, Cyclops' eye beam, and they put his katanas in his hands so he kind of has a claw that comes out. That is disapointing. But if you ignore the fact that it is deadpool and pretend its just a random villian its entertaining.( oh and they sow his mouth shut) Ryan Renolds does an amazing job with wade Wilson though. The sad part is is that he is only in a few scenes. The good news is is that they liked the character so much they shot more scenes with him, so when the real final cut of the movie comes out, there should be much more deadpool. And maybe he won't die at the end. (there is no forthwall breakage though)


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Way to perv out at the end there...

"This rack, this outfit"

That's some heavy fanboy pandering... though I suppose Wolverine Origins isn't doing much better as is...

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Eh, I'm not so interested.

For one, I detest prequels. It's that simple. When a property is so creatively bankrupt that they have to go back in time, I am not interested. The budget money would have been better spend on sidewalk chalk. At least then you could play hopscotch.

Also, X-Men is one of those franchises I just cannot reconcile. I haven't read the comic since the John Byrne/Chris Claremont days. To me, that is the X-Men. I have no idea who these people are nor do I care. The X-Men have a large and ever-changing roster. And that's the problem. There are just way too many characters and most of them are not very good. Especially the fan favorites. That they made a movie out of this franchise is amazing and that it did not completely suck is remarkable, but I'm beginning to think that the whole idea was horrible from the get-go.

The only reason I'm giving this movie enough attention to even bother forming a negative opinion is because it's based on a comic book super hero. That's the only reason, and I'm sure that this is true of most. There may be a few just plain action movie fans or fans of the previous X-Men movies and the like, but most of the people who even care this movie is coming out are comics fans. The same people who went to see Shaquille O'Neal's Steel in theaters despite all reason and logic.

Frankly, I'm just tired of comic book movies sucking, for a number of reasons that is really too much to go into here. But even the victories in this area have been hollow ones. i.e. the first X-Men movie wasn't really that good, it was just amazing it didn't suck.

That sentence pretty much sums up all super hero movies with the possible exception of Robocop. Interesting how that one was not an adaptation. In all the rest something is missing. Something I can't quite define but it is something major.

Anyway, I've been shooting off my mouth like a good little forum poster long enough. Suffice to say that I am holding no hope for this movie. Even if they do put that rack into that outfit.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Mitko8322 said:
jboking said:
Maet said:
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.
It's okay, from what I hear, they fucked up Deadpool enough to where there will be plenty of nerds in your same alienated boat.
I download it. Its decent, not great but not bad. If you go in expecting them to screw everything up, you'll end up being satisfied with the movie. But if you go in expecting it to be amazing You'll be a little disapointed. They screwed up deadpool but they didn't.


Deadpool ends up being Weapon XI. They give him a bunch of powers: increased healing factor, teleportation, Cyclops' eye beam, and they put his katanas in his hands so he kind of has a claw that comes out. That is disapointing. But if you ignore the fact that it is deadpool and pretend its just a random villian its entertaining.( oh and they sow his mouth shut) Ryan Renolds does an amazing job with wade Wilson though. The sad part is is that he is only in a few scenes. The good news is is that they liked the character so much they shot more scenes with him, so when the real final cut of the movie comes out, there should be much more deadpool. And maybe he won't die at the end. (there is no forthwall breakage though)
Does he at least crack a few jokes. Also, deadpool could already regrow limbs...why add an extra healing factor? I wouldn't worry about them killing him though. He has died quite a few times. Almost as many as wolverine. OH SNAP!


New member
Nov 25, 2008
jboking said:
Maet said:
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.
It's okay, from what I hear, they fucked up Deadpool enough to where there will be plenty of nerds in your same alienated boat.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Hyper-space said:
jboking said:
Maet said:
Given this trailer analysis, I'm not sure that I'll like the Wolverine film. It'll undoubtedly be pretty enough to look at (doubly so if they follow your "this rack/this outfit" advice) but the plot and nerd-wanking back story will probably alienate me completely.
It's okay, from what I hear, they fucked up Deadpool enough to where there will be plenty of nerds in your same alienated boat.
While I appreciate the meme, I think it would be better used on Mitko's post.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
I'm really looking forward to this movie, mainly because X3 was such a disappointment.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
i havent got my hopes up. im ready to be dissapointed. yet it looks sooooo much betta than X3


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Abedeus said:
I agree with everything, actually. I just wish they would FINALLY give a real villain. Okay, I get it, Magneto is cool, BUT COME ON!
Ian McKellen was the best thing about the whole XMen film series.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Pray for the best (whenever Jackman is on the screen), expect the worst (every other scene).

That said, it looks good. Dunno why I thought Emma Frost was Jubilee, the diamond skin kinda threw me off 'cause it looked like fireworks.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
thenumberthirteen said:
Abedeus said:
I agree with everything, actually. I just wish they would FINALLY give a real villain. Okay, I get it, Magneto is cool, BUT COME ON!
Ian McKellen was the best thing about the whole XMen film series.
No shit. They tried to include another villain, Juggernaut, and look at how badly they screwed that up. They should have just stuck with Ian Mckellen and his little crew the whole time. It was when they started branching out to other characters that things got worse and worse.