The Escapist Presents: MovieBob Reviews Wolverine Trailer

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Nerdfury said:
No, my post was more directed towards the theory that while whining about bad movies changes nothing; the only thing that will positively change the movie industry is to become something good in it. An internet troll is hardly a positive beacon of light for the industry, but becoming a film-maker and making good movies is.

Sitting in forums telling people that every comic book to movie conversion sucks is going to have no positive effect.
Wow. Good thing we have you around to tell us these things. By posting on an internet forum.

Thank you, but I already know I'm black, Mr. Kettle. If you do not like what I say and cannot formulate an appropriate response, please ignore my posts. Everyone else seems to have that down pat.

Because I took a great deal of offense to your original reply. It would have been one thing if you had said

"lol Are you kidding? teh DARK KNIGHT was AWSUME!!!11!!ONE!!"

Or perhaps something intelligent, either disagreeing or asking questions or whatever. But to tell me to go make a movie is belligerently rude. Partially because you know god damned well I won't do it because if I would, I would already be making movies and not bothering with internet forums full of pushy cunts having pushy competitions to see which one is the pushiest. So, to even suggest this is eight different kinds of stupid if sincere and just being a hypocritical dick if not.

So, yes, I am complaining on an internet forum and that's pathetic.

You're trying to be the internet forum complaining police, which is even more pathetic.

If you disagree, disagree. Don't resort to acting like my ex-roommate's girlfriend, whom I took great pleasure in suggesting that her pet hamster might not have died if she'd only kept it out of her twat.

I hated that pushy *****.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I haven't seen the third X-Men movie, though maybe that's a good thing. Also, apparently, they like to add characters, even though they don't have much screentime and character development.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Without discussing my own personal apprehensions in regards to the Wolverine movie or my opinion of this review as a whole, I just want to squeak in regards to one thing.

imo, the entire " action gambit. There you go. Female and gay-male fans of Xmen, can you now please find something else to ***** about" shtick was entirely off base. I'm not saying that reading masses of fan drool (for ANY character) isn't annoying, just pointing out that a number of people were waiting for a Gambit appearance because the name "Remy LeBeau" comes up along with "Hank McCoy" in the previous movies, and this is finally a delivery of the "promised" addition of an X-man arguably more notable to the main X franchise than say Jubilee or Kitty Pride. Something that is completely overlooked in the review in favor of just bashing on people.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
the movie was good though it had many parts that i wish were not done as they did but oh well.
All i ask is that if they make a deadpool movie the first shot in the film shows him with his arms cut off, eyes gouged out, and lower jaw missing so he at least has the chance of being more deadpool like when they grow back.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Super powers of the blob:
The Blob could create a mono-directional gravity field extending five feet from his center of balance, rendering himself virtually immovable as long as he was in contact with the ground.

sorry, i could not resist telling that, because it is a awesome power


CGI scene with the claws and the mirror:
i heard about 12 people laughing in the theater


New member
May 2, 2009
Actually, yes I DID know that Kamehameha was the name of the last king of Hawaii before American assimilation. In Japanese, the word loosely translates as "Turtle Shot/Blast," and is named for its creator Roshi, the Turtle Hermit.


New member
May 22, 2009
I don't agree with MovieBob a lot, but this time he's right. I mean, how lame would it be if we got to see EVERY single Batman villain, that would be just stupid.