The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
imahobbit4062 said:
It's a tie between COD and Halo
(thats any COD and any Halo)

I'm not even trolling here, these are the worst things to ever happen to the fps genre.
What would you consider to be a good FPS then?
Something with innovation, and something without a fan base that gives everyone else a bad name

Section 8 (yes it was flawed), Unreal Tournament, Quake arena, Deus Ex


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Glademaster said:
Don't agree with the bit in the spoiler.
If the guy hadn't of helped them out and given them tactics and shown them how to actually stop the humans machines they either would of lost or of taken very heavy casualties. I am sure another smurf could of tamed t he big dragon and united the people but win with the humans when they have no concept of how to destory it is doubtful but possible. So I don't think it is saying they are stupid and incapable in anyway.
I'm sorry, but what you say would've made all the sense in the WORLD, if the "tactic" you speak of, the one that the ingenious humans came up with in all their glory (praise to the white master race, and all that)....wasn't CHARGE with Alien Horses, and CHARGE with Dragon thingies! What Tactic?
Ok fine, there was that bit with throwing grenades into the engines, but they could've just as easily have thrown rocks in and gotten the same effect.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Johnny Impact said:
Star Control 3. Broken, broken, broken, with a side of broken. I'm fairly certain it isn't actually possible to finish that game.
A bit point-and-click considering the sheer awesomeness of its predecessor, but I didn't see much 'broken'. Elaborate?

Master of Orion 3. Did I say StarCon 3 was broken? My mistake. This game defined the term.
Oh man, I was DEVASTATED about how bad that game was, especially after MOO2!

One game I have to add. Darksiders. When Bayonetta does a better job at being a God of War clone, you're fucking doing it wrong. It's the only game I've voluntarily returned.


New member
May 22, 2009
I think "VVVVVV" and I also hated "Rogue Warrior", but I despised "Far Cry 2" and "Dragon Age: Origins".



New member
Nov 18, 2009
That I can remember, No More Heroes, why that game is rated highly is beyond me, it's not that funny and the combat is boring as anything.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Hard one.. E.T., Call of Duty 3 or X3: Reunion (however, the last game is probably because I never managed to grasp the concept). So.. I'll say Call of Duty 3.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
The Super Mario 64 remake for the Nintendo DS. Who thought that having the camera controls be the touch screen was a good idea? Infuriating all around.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Mikeyfell said:
secondly higher level players get better guns and perks
what the fuck?
once you have proved that you're better than everyone else we'll give you some good guns and perks.
so the good get better while the bad get repeatedly slaughtered and demoralized?
(even if I was good enough to be a level 70 with the bullet-proof-infinite-ammo-double-damage-instant-kill perk I'd still think it was a bull shit system, a fair challenge is better than domination)

in Halo there are 7 perks and none of them are any better than the others. Which are "the best" comes down to player preference.
in CoD there are a shit ton of perks and about 5 or so that can totally make you invulnerable if you're good enough to have unlocked them.

anyway, I can't decide whether Modern Warfare is worse than Black Ops or not
I have no problem with you thinking either of these two are bad games and recon you must be pretty lucky for these to be you're worst two that you've ever played but please don't make up stuff. Higher players do not get better weapons or perks than the lower levels in any of the CoDs from 4 through Blops.
4 - Widely regarded as the best guns were M16 and mp5, both available from the start.
WaW - mp40 is available from level 10
MW2 - ump and scar available from start / early on.
Blops - famas and ak-74u both unlocked in the first 20 odd levels, so is a bit farther than the others but hardly unlocking the bfg's at level 65 or anything.
As for perks 4 and WaW the key ones were stopping power and juggernaut, unlocked from the start. MW2 was stopping power unlocked from the start. Blops, arguable which is best but as soon as you can create a class you can choose which perk to unlock.

OT: Croc 2 I guess... might be something worse out there that I've successfully repressed the memory of it.

EDIT: Oh FF2, wtf was that level system like? Really thought it was terrible.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Halo 3, I rented it because of peer pressure and was floored by it compared to the amazing accolades that gamers and reviewers had given it compared to how I felt of it. I know a lot of people love it and am not trying to start a flame war but I just found it repetitive and very unoriginal even more so by the amount of hype around it.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
I'm a fan of racing games and mostly play within that genre.

To that end I wish to nominate NASCAR 2009 by EA Games.

In GT5P and Racedriver 3 I really enjoyed the oval track racing, so I thought I'd give NASCAR 2009 a try when I found it for £10 in GAME.

What's fun about oval racing? Well, the trade-off between track position and momentum is being made constantly. The car is always on the edge of traction, so careful throttle control is really important. The fact there isn't one clear correct line means that overtaking is actually quite a tactical endeavour.

So to NASCAR 2009: I started playing it on Easy - I always do this with any game. It lets me get a feel for any control quirks. I found on Easy the traction control was so powerful and effective, with turn-in assistance also given, that I could simply open the throttle and get round the track with little thought. Overtaking becomes a breeze and I easily win every race.

Not a real problem - easy is supposed to be easy after all - but it would be nice to see beginners have to work a bit for their wins.

So I switched over to hard, and now the game becomes more fun. In corners I can feel the car trying to slide away and ram me into the barriers at 150mph, and I can feel my competitors breathing down my neck. The handling model is now challenging enough to really make me work for my lap times without crashing massively.

The problem is, the AI can't deal with handling model. Every single lap there would be a huge crash and the safety car would be deployed and we'd lose several laps for cleanup. As a result, I only had control for 30% of laps, and we never completed a racing lap.

Stuff like that just screams at me "We CBA with beta testing" and I stopped playing within about three races.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
Cat Cloud said:
Veldie said:
Xenosaga Episode II
Was it really that bad? I was considering buying it... What didn't you like about it?
They ruined everything about it and made alot of bad changes

1. Combat was totatly redone in a bad way
2. Look up a vid and listen to the voice changes they changed a good few voice acters and actresses

3. How Momo looks in it..... SHE ISNT CUTE ANYMORE

Theres many reasons just watch the cutscenes and skip right to Ep III its alot better

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
I feel very lucky that the worst games I've played (Perfect Dark Zero, Half-Life 2) are not bad but only mediocre. Very lucky indeed.

Times like this I feel grateful for my relative lack of gaming experience. I never played E.T, or Big Rigs, or Superman 64, or any other truly awful, astonishingly bad game. And I don't plan to.