The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Superman 64. I only played it as a kid as a launch demo in a game store.

Despite being young, I still knew it was inexcusable shit.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Ghostwise said:
Two Worlds on the 360. Sloppiest and most poorly coded game I have ever played on a console. That kind of craptastic effort should never have even been put forth. It's like they didn't try. I hear the PC version is actually decent but I've never played it. Two Worlds II looks awesome though!
i played for 5 minutes enjoyed 10 seconds...


New member
Feb 24, 2009

A young joyful child gleefully waits in excitement for nearly a year, he spends ages on the creature create in love with it. He waits, Wondering about the promised fun that awaits him in spore. and then when he gets it, puts in the CD and starts to play and....well...

He cryed himself to sleep for a year.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
baddude1337 said:
So, what is it? For me it's Gods and Generals, a truly terrible game. Just look up gameplay videos on Youtube and you will see why.
I came in wanting to say "Halo" or "CoD" but that's not fair; just because they're shallow shooters that I didn't care for doesn't make then the worst games ever, plus I had a little fun with each (Zombie modes)

Let me think...

Probably Planet Pachinko on WiiWare
it looked fun
sounded fun

but the gameplay was crap, multiplayer was a joke, and chaos theory makes it so there's NO WAY you can NOT get hit.

Or Dragon Master Spell Caster also on WiiWare

Broken sounds, mixed with crappy controls makes for a bad game enough said
it was a tad fun to look at the art sketches though, and anyone who says it has crappy graphics and likes minecraft can go die because they're pretty much the same thing... only one is round and one is square.

I also couldn't stand Marathon on that note...

hmm... worst game I ever played...

yeah probably Planet Pachinko or Dragon Master Spell Caster (keep in mind they're only $5 each)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Crispee said:
That I can remember, No More Heroes, why that game is rated highly is beyond me, it's not that funny and the combat is boring as anything.

You people really need to get out more and play more games if a gem like that is considered the "worst game you ever played"

the combat is good and actually works for the Wii (for crappy combat see Godzilla Unleashed; Wii)

As for the jokes, they're more adult jokes, but a lot of them pertain to the fourth wall and other game gags; such as the ending if you got that far...

Henry: I'm your twin brother!
Travis: Brother?! What the h*ll?! Why would you bring up something like that in the very last minute of the game?!
Henry: Well I thought you and the player would have at least expected a twist of fate of some kind!

...that would be the line

but I'm starting to wonder... are you a Console or Computer gamer
followed by do you enjoy the copy-paste space marine/army vet shooters (see Halo/CoD and everything trying to be them)

Or are you just bashing a wii game for being a wii game

final question
How far did you get into the game?
and what would you consider to be a good game? (-for me that would be Armored Core)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
KuwaSanjuro said:
Halo 3, I rented it because of peer pressure and was floored by it compared to the amazing accolades that gamers and reviewers had given it compared to how I felt of it. I know a lot of people love it and am not trying to start a flame war but I just found it repetitive and very unoriginal even more so by the amount of hype around it.
Agreed; and I'm still hearing flak from the fan boys to this day about a comment I made the first time I played Reach

Me: ...this seems a heck of a lot like the jet-pack in Tribes...

**and so for many MANY months to come, our hero would constantly be ridiculed and insulted and called a Tribes fan-boy for that one comment that one time about that one part of a Halo game... which just goes to show who the real fan-boy is**

Oh, and yes it's still happening to this day.

imnotparanoid said:
Mercsenary said:
why I loved it its one of my favourites.
Yeah, lots of people here are bashing spore

so let me get something out there

when you first got it YOU HAD FUN! ...until you started to feel the grind

sure it may have been disappointing, sure you may have not found it fun
but WORST GAME EVER is hardly fair

I do like it, but it's a relaxing game for me, something I won't sit down and play; rather I'll just mess around in from time to time

EDIT: Wow I made 3 posts in a row?! sorry about that but doesn't anyone else post in this it IS a "hot thread" after all


New member
Mar 31, 2010
probably has to be Drakenguard

boring landscape
completely depressing
irritating game play
expects you to grind like a Chinese gold farmer


New member
Nov 18, 2009
WOPR said:
Crispee said:
That I can remember, No More Heroes, why that game is rated highly is beyond me, it's not that funny and the combat is boring as anything.

You people really need to get out more and play more games if a gem like that is considered the "worst game you ever played"

the combat is good and actually works for the Wii (for crappy combat see Godzilla Unleashed; Wii)

As for the jokes, they're more adult jokes, but a lot of them pertain to the fourth wall and other game gags; such as the ending if you got that far...

Henry: I'm your twin brother!
Travis: Brother?! What the h*ll?! Why would you bring up something like that in the very last minute of the game?!
Henry: Well I thought you and the player would have at least expected a twist of fate of some kind!

...that would be the line

but I'm starting to wonder... are you a Console or Computer gamer
followed by do you enjoy the copy-paste space marine/army vet shooters (see Halo/CoD and everything trying to be them)

Or are you just bashing a wii game for being a wii game

final question
How far did you get into the game?
and what would you consider to be a good game? (-for me that would be Armored Core)
Like I said "That I remember", but yeah I haven't played too many games as of recent.

I diid not find the combat good myself, too much tapping A as far as I remember. If there were any other combos I never found them.

The Wii is the only console I own of the big three of the day, and no I hate first person shooters (except maybe Team Fortresss 2 and Portal if you count that as FPS.)

You got me there, I didn't really play beyond maybe the second or third boss, the minigames in between and the actual fighting didn't keep me interested to see what'd happen next. Maybe it got better a bit further on, I'll never know because I didn't like everything so far.

My personal favorite game is Zelda: Wind Waker, the combat seemed more flowing in that one, the minigames weren't requirements, and I just love it in general.

Finally, opinions dude, you might like No More Heroes, I did not. I consider it to be the worst game I've played because it's the only game where I stopped in the middle of a level and never started playing it again, I wouldn't call it a terrible game because I did like things such as the art style and arguably the story, but definitely not the best I've played.


New member
May 23, 2010
SimCity 2000 on the PS1. I LOVED the original on PC, so I bought the downloadable PS1 version from the PSN. Horribe, horrible, unplayable framerate. I'm not exaggerating when I say I think it's criminal that they actually sell it to you on the PlayStation Store. Criminal because it's a con to sell you something that, for all intents and purposes, doesn't actually work.

OT: Final Fantasy 9, I guess. The game's story was bland and ridiculous, the art style was.. Horrid, and the characters were nothing but irritating twats.
:O OMG. I just died a little inside! That's my favourite game ever!! And I didn't actually play it until 2010, yet it still managed to impress me that much, that it knocked Deus Ex off the top spot.
Seriously, I think for so many people FF7 was their introduction to the series or least what defined it for them, so that when 9 came along, for them it wasn't what Final Fantasy was about. But in reality, 9 was a throwback to what Final Fantasy was supposed to be in terms of world and characters. The creator of the series said after making it that 9 was the game that most captured what he felt Final Fantasy was always meant to be, and therefore was his favourite. The sci-fi settings of 7 & 8 were actually the real deviation from series, not the other way round.
Also I think because 7 was such a quantum leap, by the time 9 came around it was just more of the same. A "safe" game that didn't change anything. But for me, it was perfection.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Crispee said:

Finally, opinions dude, you might like No More Heroes, I did not. I consider it to be the worst game I've played because it's the only game where I stopped in the middle of a level and never started playing it again, I wouldn't call it a terrible game because I did like things such as the art style and arguably the story, but definitely not the best I've played.
I know opinions I just like to have more reason then "I didn't like this" I prefer "I didn't like this because-"

mainly because everyone around me is a prick that will hate any game I like JUST because I like it (and I should add they've never played it either)

Umm, I'm not saying "GO PLAY NO MORE HEROES" Just stating that there are combos (consisting of high and low attacks) there's specials (that require collecting 7 lovikov balls) and there's more weapons (both games have 4)

As for shooters you seem like me
PC shooters = Good (TF2/Unreal)
Console shooters = crap (CoD/Halo)

...I should note that I didn't care for portal because it was too easy and boring for me and I was sick of all its hype

plus that game is about 4 years old and I'm still hearing about the cake being a lie (Note- I got the cake so HA!)


New member
Nov 17, 2009
satokenji said:
Fuckin Damnation. Can't believe i bought that game. hated it
Yes. Damnation was everything that could be wrong with a game rolled up into one ball of crap.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
WOPR said:
Crispee said:

Finally, opinions dude, you might like No More Heroes, I did not. I consider it to be the worst game I've played because it's the only game where I stopped in the middle of a level and never started playing it again, I wouldn't call it a terrible game because I did like things such as the art style and arguably the story, but definitely not the best I've played.
I know opinions I just like to have more reason then "I didn't like this" I prefer "I didn't like this because-"

And that I gave. Didn't like combat, didn't find it funny and didn't like the forced minigames, nothing enjoyable for me.


Charismatic Leader
May 5, 2009
Lets see if I can actually pull up a couple from different systems without just trolling popular games in genre's I don't like or naming off some of the popularly awful games.

Fairy Tale Adventure: Sega Genesis. Sort of tried to cross the boundaries between Kings Quest and Zelda and really failed at doing it. I wanted to like this game. I tried to like this game. I just couldn't do it.

Drakkhen: Super NES. One of the active combat RPGs that wasn't in the Wizardry style first person perspective. This game really sucks. You theoretically have a party but you can only control one at a time, and even then only 'kinda' so the rest of your team gets murdered while you try and figure out why your weapon is swinging through an enemy.

Sewer Shark: Sega CD. This game was kind of like playing Desert Bus while driving through a sewer, if the graphics were made prettier so you make out all the refuse clearly. That isn't a metaphor for saying this game is a steaming pile(though it is), you literally are driving a hovercraft through a sewer. There is no direct control of the hovercraft, you just highlight an arrow to indicate what direction you want to turn at the next branching pipe and hope it matches up with whatever a voice is telling you in phonetic numerals. When I hear someone say Niner I still turn left.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
monster hunter tri

unbalanced monsters, horrible fanbase, no help whatsoever tutorial wise, they just make you read walls of text