The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
The Legend of Spyro series and the Crash bandicoot games made by Radical. They murdered the original series and then chucked the series off a cliff, then fished them out and threw them off again.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
GrizzlerBorno said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
I have no issue with other people liking Avatar, really, the movie just personally insulted me and I hate that it's the highest-grossing movie of all-time. Nothing more.
Are you referring to the fact that in Avatar...
It needed the efforts of a White man to accomplish the same feats that the locals could've easily done themselves, thus unintentionally turning into an extremely racist message against indigenous people, by calling them incompetent and completely unable to do anything themselves?
Then yeah, that movie was pretty DAMN insulting.

Come to think of it, i wonder what MovieBob said about Avatar? I'm gonna go check that out.
Nope, not that, I didn't think of it, actually.

I just found the obvious far left, ecological, white-guilt message of this movie offensive in the way it was presented - blunt, obvious, the movie was trying to school me.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Joshimodo said:
MulticolorCharizard said:
Joshimodo said:
CoD series past #3.
Oh fuck off.
Aside from CoD4's decent campaign, name one redeeming feature or anything remotely interesting/not broken.

Can't? Didn't think so.
CoD4's multiplayer, CoD5's campaign + multiplayer + zombies, CoD6's Spec Ops + CoD7's Campaign + Zombies.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Can't really decide between:
Driv3r (the interactive guidebook on how not to make games)
FarCry 2 (sooooooo frustrating and ugly)
Spore (so much potential, such a dumb game in the end)
Saints Row 2 (PC version, complete lack of polish made it feel 10 yrs older)
Feb 18, 2010
I agree with thawk on Far Cry 2 and Spore. Far Cry was ruined by some stupid design decisions (respawning guards) and Spore just wasnt that fun to play. Stalker Clear Sky was a crapfest as well, especially disappointing seeing as I love the orginal and Call of Pripyat.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Bullet Witch. I tell a lie, I haven't played it all the way through, just the first 20 minutes or so.
Two Worlds is probably more accurate...didn't play the whole thing either, but more than enough to warrant a comment on it.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.
I am still wondering how the franchise could survive this disaster of epic proportions.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
Stormrise an RTS for the ps3, it had some good bits and some of the units look realy cool but it was all buried ander the COLOSALI bad cotrols! Maybe it wood have work if it was on the pc, oh well just gous to show that console RTSs, like halo wars, DONT WORK!!!


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Danceofmasks said:
Ninja Bread Man
That actually sounds pretty good,but I've seen some gameplay on youtube...outch.

I'll go for Call Of Juarez on this one,because it was bad in a lot of ways.


New member
May 9, 2010
i dont play a lot of bad games.when i was 6 i played a lot of lego games who most people say are bad but i still had fun even today.theres is one game that i dont think is realy bad but i hate is rayman 1.rayman 2(pc version) is one of my favourite games i love everything about it the story the level design the gameplay and its sequel rayman 3.i remember getting
rayman 1 i was so happy. and even when i saw how hard the game was i still had fun until my continues were up and i discovered that if you go game over you have to do the level again.the rest is rage. i got so angry i stoped playing video games and even when i discovered rts games and started playing again i dident play platformers for a long time.
so thats why i hate rayman 1 and want to hit people saying the 80 and 90 where the golden age of gaming.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Shadowgate Classic on the Gameboy Colour, dear god who thought of putting a POINT AND CLICK game on Gameboy. I have fond memories of it though, just due to how hilariously poor it was.

Also what's with the FF13 hate? Sure you didn't like it, but it's not like it's a broken pile of wank that didn't work, I find it hard to comprehend how it can be compared to some really poor games, *ahem* E.T. >_>.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Gex Enter the Gecko for the N64. Not only was it just overall bad, but the controls (at least on my config) made the game unplayable.
Jun 11, 2008
Herminator09 said:
FF7...I just can't comprehend how anyone can actually enjoy turn based games...
FF 7 is semi turn based it is like Chess with a clock. You're free to dislike it but it is not fully turn based.

There are a couple. Far Cry 2 because the stealth was completely broken in it and when you were doing a mission you had no allies and everyone shot at you. Well you did have another mercenary but I am referring to factions. The reason is bullshit as they know you are working both sides which is the reason they give for not giving back up.

Legendary had interesting ideas with enemies but ended up being broken. You had a health bar and then a pool of health to replenish the normal health bar. This pool could also be used for some little magic tricks. So you when you got to fight pixies you had to use your spare health to kill them. You could also only pick up this spare health of the myth creatures so when you fought humans you were fucked.

Bullet Witch managed to have some interesting ideas too but the execution was terrible. The game needed a minimap or compass to objective badly and only had 5 mission. You also had to waste all your magic killing certain vehicles that would pop up during a mission so if you were unlucky enough to not haev a full pool you may as well mooned the tank/helicopter. The Snipers were 1 hit kill which wasridiculous in the middle of combat having to make a wall to hide behind while getting shot at by others. Half the spells while seem good in theory are a ***** to initiate properly to cover cost(eg. Rose Spear). Although the Raven one made the game bearable by being a bit imba.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
It's a tie between COD and Halo
(thats any COD and any Halo)

I'm not even trolling here, these are the worst things to ever happen to the fps genre.
Jun 11, 2008
GrizzlerBorno said:
MiracleOfSound said:
If Far Cry 2 had cut out the respawning checkpoints and given us a fast travel and quick save options, it would have been an awesome game.
Such as it was, it ended up being the world's most frustrating driving simulator.
Yeah, i can see that. Well said.

JourneyThroughHell said:
I have no issue with other people liking Avatar, really, the movie just personally insulted me and I hate that it's the highest-grossing movie of all-time. Nothing more.
Are you referring to the fact that in Avatar...
It needed the efforts of a White man to accomplish the same feats that the locals could've easily done themselves, thus unintentionally turning into an extremely racist message against indigenous people, by calling them incompetent and completely unable to do anything themselves?
Then yeah, that movie was pretty DAMN insulting.

Come to think of it, i wonder what MovieBob said about Avatar? I'm gonna go check that out.
Don't agree with the bit in the spoiler.
If the guy hadn't of helped them out and given them tactics and shown them how to actually stop the humans machines they either would of lost or of taken very heavy casualties. I am sure another smurf could of tamed t he big dragon and united the people but win with the humans when they have no concept of how to destory it is doubtful but possible. So I don't think it is saying they are stupid and incapable in anyway.