The Game Boy turns 20! What's your favorite portable game and why? - CHAT WITH THE STAFF!

Damien the Pigeon

New member
Oct 23, 2008
For older games, I absolutely loved Pokemon red/blue/yellow.

For newer games, Dissidia:Final Fantasy for PSP rocks my life.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Nothing beats the one of the oldest GameBoy Games, Tetris, I stil play it.

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
My personal top 10:

10.Advance Wars
9. Fire Emblem
8. Wario Land 3
7. Metroid: Zero Mission
6. Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (Metal Gear Solid)
5. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
4. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
3. WarioWare inc.
2. Pokémon Gold/Silver
1. Tetris


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Telling all my friends that i completed "tetris" on the DS was so funny, watching their jaws drop in awe.

Then letting them have a go and watching them do it in 10mins and think, "this is so easy!"

Its good to be slightly famous even for 10mins xD.


Uncanny Valley Cave Dweller
Nov 30, 2007
Totally missed the Pokemon craze. I tried to get into it with Pearl but it was just too daunting a game for me to deal with at the time. Right now I'm contemplating a Dragon Quest 5 purchase, but I don't know if I'm ready for that commitment either.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Not a Game Boy Game (technically, it's a Game Boy Color game, but it could be played on a Game Boy.), but my favorite has to be Pokemon Silver. Yes, I know how geeky that sounds, but I was 10 when I got the damn thing, and when you're 10, Pokemon's the shit. And that's the first game that I ever got that was mine and mine alone. Up until that point, I only really played some of my brother's N64 games. Yeah, I never caught Lugia (almost did once, but I didn't save before I went against it.) but that's the game that really got me into gaming.

It'd be interesting, and possibly nice if Nintendo decides to re-release Gold/Silver/Crystal, much like they did for Red/Blue/Yellow (remember FireRed and LeafGreen?).

Leaf Runner

New member
Apr 21, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.
You actually could put up with the way he talks? Sure, he's a caring guy...But everytime he says stuff like "I'm-a break you, yo!" or whatever...I just wish he would die.

Leaf Runner

New member
Apr 21, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.
You actually could put up with the way he talks? Sure, he's a caring guy...But everytime he says stuff like "I'm-a break you, yo!" or whatever...I just wish he would die.
You have to beat the entire game to see what I mean.
Anyways, he really just goes with the theme of the game, how everybody has their own point of view and everything.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.
You actually could put up with the way he talks? Sure, he's a caring guy...But everytime he says stuff like "I'm-a break you, yo!" or whatever...I just wish he would die.
You have to beat the entire game to see what I mean.
Anyways, he really just goes with the theme of the game, how everybody has their own point of view and everything.
Well, I'm on Week 3, day 2 or 3. So, I'll see soon...I still liked Joshua as my battle partner the most.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Poke'mon Crystal Version. I played that game so much during summer break that the only time I stopped was to get new batteries.

Leaf Runner

New member
Apr 21, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.
You actually could put up with the way he talks? Sure, he's a caring guy...But everytime he says stuff like "I'm-a break you, yo!" or whatever...I just wish he would die.
You have to beat the entire game to see what I mean.
Anyways, he really just goes with the theme of the game, how everybody has their own point of view and everything.
Well, I'm on Week 3, day 2 or 3. So, I'll see soon...I still liked Joshua as my battle partner the most.
Yeah, you'll see what I mean towards the end. The story starts getting really interesting.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Leaf Runner said:
Mine is definatley The World Ends With You. The gameplay is fun, addicting, and the game just beats every other game in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. The story is really touching, and it changes your perspective greatly.
It'd be better if they got rid of Beat. He's just soooooooooooooo fucking annoying.
Beat was a great character. He really improved the game, and I just wouldn't been as attached to the game without him.
The game was done perfectly. Nothing was wrong with it.. it was literally a MASTERPIECE.
You actually could put up with the way he talks? Sure, he's a caring guy...But everytime he says stuff like "I'm-a break you, yo!" or whatever...I just wish he would die.
You have to beat the entire game to see what I mean.
Anyways, he really just goes with the theme of the game, how everybody has their own point of view and everything.
Well, I'm on Week 3, day 2 or 3. So, I'll see soon...I still liked Joshua as my battle partner the most.
Yeah, you'll see what I mean towards the end. The story starts getting really interesting.
It already is...I likely won't play it again, though. Even with the New Game + style chapter select thingy. As I have more games to play that are still unfinished.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I greatly enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics A2, the game that finally convinced me to buy a DS. I'm not normally much for story in games (I've ranted repeatedly on these very forums about how little of a crap I give about story), but having played through the first FFTA back on the Game Boy Advance, I really liked the way Ivalice is laid out and designed. The fixes to gameplay that took away the first game's more frustrating elements coupled with a well-paced story and very well-developed characters for a strategy RPG (normally a genre that focuses more on the battles than the stuff that happens between them) made it the perfect portable game---I play a game like Fire Emblem and think "this is a sit down and wrap your brain around it game that belongs on a big console in the living room, not a light game for playing in bed", but with FFTA2 the pace was along the lines of "it's 11 PM, might as well play in bed for an hour or two before going to sleep". Square Enix never lost sight of the fact that they were developing a game for a handheld rather than a living-room console.

Between FFTA2 and Disgaea (which I reviewed for this very site) alone my DS has been worth it. I like what the Japanese do with strategy games.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
My favorite portable game... not including PSP or DS games, because I play those at home more then I do on the go, it would have to be "The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap." The reason? Zelda is my favorite series, and Minish Cap was a lot of fun, and really felt like an advancement in the combat (because of the learning moves thing). The puzzles were also clever and interesting.