
New member
Dec 31, 2011
You know its a little sad really because I kinda feel like I'd enjoy the game but I know virtually nothing about Undertale and I am already absolutely sick to death of hearing about it. To the point where I feel kinda ill at the idea of even trying to play it. The fandom is one of the most obsessive, hyperactive lots I've ever seen and I've seen some pretty hyperactive fandoms.

Feel like I'm missing out on a good game. Maybe in a couple of years when it all dies down. :-\


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
>When the fan art/head-canon is as good if not better than the original source.

Or, as I like to call it, the Star Wars prequel effect.

Yeah, I kind of loved the game.
It's the kind of game I WISH would get a bit of a graphical overhaul.

Just not a huge fan of indie games that think 'retro' starts and ends with the Atari.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
YOu know what the greatest game of all time is? The one that never got released that no one ever got to play. Because it doesn't. Fucking. Exist.


In a world of subjectivity these debates are hilarious.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Absolutely worth it for the ocean of boiled piss that has come from GameFAQs. I mean, I can't really attest to the game's quality because I haven't played it yet, but what it has caused is hilarious.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Honestly it seems a bit odd really to call it the best game of all time as we have not seen if it will stand the test of time as it hasn't really had that much time, it's the newest game from that list with the 2nd newest being fallout 3 I believe.

Really though I don't mind, the game doesn't look like it's for me as the combat looks to be a case of getting their shmup in my RPG (or via versa), but there are plenty of people who do like it and I can see why.

That said it sort of takes the point out of a poll (or what little point there was) when you do rally a new fandom at the peak of it's population to flood the system. It just stinks of "This game is so good I'm going to force everyone to acknowledge this is the best game ever" and when people look back at the Gamefaqs listings in a year or two people aren't gonna say "oh hey look mario 64 got a boost last year" they'll be saying "Oh look that was the year this new game got super popular and flooded the system".

That said, if gamefaqs was really wanting to take it seriously they'd ask for a membership requirement to vote.

TLDR; I think fans did flood the system to get their own victory and some people are super salty about it, but overal it's a pointless joke poll that's been elevated though the fact it's been around a while (just like most game awards these days)


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Of all time? Really? I mean, I didn't care for Earthbound myself, and I don't hate Undertale, it's certainly good... but it's not the Second Coming of RPGs that everyone makes it out to be. It's a clever idea, and the characters are well-written, but when I finished it, I was a bit disappointed. Of course the characters are all well-written; they're all insanely simplistic.

Good game, maybe even a great game with clever ideas, but Greatest Game of All Time? No. I will firmly disagree with that.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
shintakie10 said:
FoolKiller said:
MarsAtlas said:
DoPo said:
MarsAtlas said:
That said I think the poll was bombed by outsiders. Never been a fan of that to be honest.
*shrug* Certainly more interesting than Zelda winning again.
Especially the wrong Zelda.
Yes. A Link to the Past would be the correct one... followed by Majora's Mask :)

Also, to be best of all time you would need to be past five or ten years. Then if people still love it (even through rose-tinted diapers) you could make an argument for it.

Also, you should have won a lot of Game of the Year awards first before going for best all-time.
Looking at it from where we are now, I'd have to say that OoT isn't even in the top 5 best LoZ games anymore. Heck, maybe even top 7 dependin on how you want to count those double games like Oracle of Seasons, or the remakes of older games.

Twilight Princess was a much better version of OoT anyway, with clearer characters that actually had character and far more impressive visuals (not specifically graphics, but aesthetic too). Windwaker had exceptional characters and and amazing overworld that puts every other LoZ game to shame. Majoras Mask had the absolute best world building of any LoZ game, period, with the best story of any LoZ game.

Anyway though, its a for funsies poll that way too many people took way too seriously.

Yall can crap on Undertale fans all you want about how they're rude, bad, blah blah whatever. Doesn't matter because every other fandom is just as bad. Go to the FFVII boards and say that you think the game wasn't nearly as good as *insert any other FF game here*. You will get flamed terribly hard. They'll wish death in excruciating ways upon you, you'll probably get lots of gross usages of the word rape. Same with the OoT fans.

Are we really goin to judge the entirety of a fandom on the vocal douchebags that are a part of it? Seriously ask yourselves if you want to go down this route because I will gladly go down that route and denounce any number of things that people care about because douchebags are gonna douche in that fandom.
I'm not crapping on anything. I was basically just saying it should stand the test of time before you start considering it in a poll for best of all time. If anything, I would say that Gamefaqs was in error putting the game in the running in the first place.

Also, I don't judge fans because I also have my own idiosyncracies which make me seem crazy.


New member
May 2, 2011
DoPo said:
chocolate pickles said:
You know what, cheers man. You just gave me even firmer evidence. Thanks for doing my job.
So, what, you're going to omit thinking about both the title and the actual description of what kind of contest this is? Erm, good then. Let me enlighten you:

DoPo said:
As a side note, it's kind of interesting how in this thread people discussing the competition are actually calling it something different and thus distorting the meaning. The competition is not about the "greatest game of all time". That implies a level of seriousness that the original title "Best. Game. Ever." does not.

It is, once again, something for fun. Moreover, the very description of the contest dispells any notion that this is in supposed to be "like all real, guyz! For realzies"

The actual description of the actual contest said:
don't forget: This is not a contest to see which game is your favorite, or even which one is the best rated. It's all a big popularity contest, and visitors who have never visited GameFAQs before will be sure to stop in and vote.

So, should have Undertale won? Is it, like, the bestest game? Umm, yeah, that poll is entirely the wrong thing to look at for answers.
EDIT: I'll also throw in an extra one for you:

Remember: This is a popularity contest, and nothing more.
You are now allowed to explain how this is supposed to be "all for realzies guyz".
Can you two get a room or something?? The sexual tension is getting distracting.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
sonicneedslovetoo said:
Wow, so how serious was this poll? Was it the end all poll to end all polls? Did they call in the military to ensure that every vote was counted and legitamate? Is there an ongoing FBI investigation about ballot stuffing? Did congress pass a law that this poll was to decide once and for all, legally, to be engraved into 10 ft high slabs of lead to be preserved for all time what the best game of all time was?

Wait what? It was just a run of the mill internet poll where you don't even have to so much as log in to vote on?
Yeah, I don't particularly get what the fuss is about either. I liked Undertale, but if, say Batman: Arkham Knight had won the same poll, I'd care just as much, as in: very little.

Something about accepting that people like different things and all that. I'm not particularly hyped for Episode 7(I'll see it when the queues die down a bit), but I'm not gonna piss on people who are because they happen to like something more then I do.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
sonicneedslovetoo said:
Wow, so how serious was this poll? Was it the end all poll to end all polls? Did they call in the military to ensure that every vote was counted and legitamate? Is there an ongoing FBI investigation about ballot stuffing? Did congress pass a law that this poll was to decide once and for all, legally, to be engraved into 10 ft high slabs of lead to be preserved for all time what the best game of all time was?

Wait what? It was just a run of the mill internet poll where you don't even have to so much as log in to vote on?

I would say I'm sorry for being so sarcastic but I've seen this going around lately and I think it would be more interesting to discuss clickbait lists because they are probably more credible. Wait no scratch that my grandmother who to my knowledge has only played Wii sports boxing once in her life as a joke the day we got a Wii would probably be a more credible source.
Supposedly there was a cash prize if you guessed right.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
RaikuFA said:
Supposedly there was a cash prize if you guessed right.
Not precisely cash, but one of those "worth X$" - it was "worth $2000", as contained all current gen consoles (including handhelds). Alternatively, you could opt in to take this prize in gift certificates. There were few more lower worth prizes for scoring in the top 10.


Apr 8, 2011
While fun to observe (and yes, I voted for Undertale), the entire poll can basically be described as follows.

GFAQs: Salt. More salt. Even more salt. Salt on top of salt. Mountains of salt. Salt unto the end of time. Deep fried salt. Salt with a side of salt, with extra salt. Concentrated salt. More salt than the Bonneville Salt Flats. Salty McSalterson. Indiana Salt and the Raiders of the Lost Salt. Salt Wars: The Salt Awakens. Salt Row IV. My Little Sodium: Saltiness is Salty. Adventure Salt. Rick and Salty. Salt and Recreation. The Salt and the Saltiness 7. Saltman Begins. Call of Salty: Salt Ops 3. Saltyfield 4. Salt: Saltiness Evolved. Super Salty 64. Legend of Salt: Saltiness of Time. Saltiness: The Last Saltbender.

Undertale fandom: Constant quotes of "you're gonna have a bad time", "DETERMINATION" and "But it refused".

Good times had all round, really.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
It's not only not the best game ever, it's a genuinely shit game. Forces you to play a certain way unless you want repetitious hell, requires multiple replays to get the full impact of the game, the puzzles are not in the slightest bit challenging, the characters responsiveness to your actions is on the level of an 80s RPG in the way it determines your 'path' by a single attack, and it's ugly. There are a ton more complaints I have but I really can't be bothered with discussing such a poor game.

Sep 9, 2010
I'm in the group of people who doesn't give a shit about the gamefaqs poll.

Like, if you actually give a shit just don't buy Undertale out of spite.

It's a stupid poll people. I remember being like 10-15 ever time there was a poll a Final Fantasy character was winning it, that's around the time I realized it was stupid to give a shit about it.

I wish gamers were more concerned about current events then the bullshit that only goes on their hobby, maybe things would actually change.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I kind of like that a recent game is doing so well as opposed to the usual "best game EVAR" subjects. I'm sure Ocarina of Time was great in the day, but it really hasn't aged well, whereas at least Undertale has a novelty that will probably make it relatively timeless. However, this is lessened by the issue of Undertale fans were apparently stacking the ballot boxes, but I think the game deserves the accolades. And at the end of the day, it's just a fan poll.

Mind you, I love the tweet I saw suggesting Gamefaqs should have waited until the poll was about to close, then automatically add 10'000 votes to Ocarina of Time while flashing up the phrase "FILE 3 LOADED". Beat the Undertale fans at their own game.


New member
Dec 14, 2015
Honestly, I can't see why anybody would get upset over a popularity poll. I think it's great to compare the strengths and weaknesses of different games and see how they stack up against each other, but it's unfortunate that contests like these devolve into petty bickering. I feel like certain people are so attached to their favorite games that anytime these games are criticized, they pretty much take it as a personal attack instead of, you know, a critique.

"What's that? You don't think Ocarina of Time/Undertale is perfect, as I do? Well, EFF you! We can never be friends."

Reminds me of arguments where people claim that they can objectively (somehow?) show that a particular game is better than all others. They will not stop until they have convinced everybody to share the exact same opinions as them.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
aegix drakan said:
stormtrooper9091 said:
Now the follow up poll of the day was something like "will you get Undertale now" and some people screamed "ad campaign" I mean really, who gives a shit.
Considering one of the options (hitting 25%, last I checked) is "I will now refuse to buy/play the game out of pure spite", that's a pretty shitty ad campaign. XD
No that was just people being knee jerking jerks.


Apr 8, 2011
Kingjackl said:
Mind you, I love the tweet I saw suggesting Gamefaqs should have waited until the poll was about to close, then automatically add 10'000 votes to Ocarina of Time while flashing up the phrase "FILE 3 LOADED". Beat the Undertale fans at their own game.
That actually would have been pretty funny. I wouldn't even have been mad, that's pretty good.

ghostface said:
"What's that? You don't think Ocarina of Time/Undertale is perfect, as I do? Well, EFF you! We can never be friends."
It's okay, you can swear on the internet, we won't tell your mother. :p


New member
Dec 28, 2012
A Fork said:
Is it really that good?

I didn't enjoy Earthbound that much, so I'm curious if this game is like the epitome of story telling or something.
Undertale is basically a perfect version of what it was. A quirky, witty homage to classic JRPGs and with some desconstuction and meta commentary plus a more engaging way of doing the classic turn based "combat". It's also dirt cheap and not that long so I'd just go for it. Earthbound is what it always gets compared to but it's very much it's own thing. The endings (all three of them) are some of my favourite endings to games ever even though with one of them you're gonna have a bad time...

Do you like the writing in things like "Community" or stuff ith Simon Pegg ("Spaced", "Shaun of the Dead" etc.)? Deconstructive and but also clearly by a loving fan with lots of heart and imaginative silliness?

It isn't the best game ever (honestly I don't even know why polls like this exist because you either get a boring answer like "Ocarina of time" or "Tetris" or get a novel answer which everyone then whinges about) but it is a serious contender for GOTY and a shoo-in for best indie game of the year.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
Did we all collectively smack our heads again? GameFAQs does these things fairly regularly. I'm a little baffled as to why I'm seeing topics and articles about it as if it were something new or noteworthy.

Not that my comment changes anything or anything.