The misinterpretation of evolution

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
So do you think that God created the entire universe within a matter of days, including all life, or do you hold a more intelligent design belief with God creating the universe but evolution doing most of the "work"?
I was not aware that was what Intelligent Design entailed. I thought it was exactly the same as Creationism. Huh, live and learn.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.

The ability to adapt to environments is a written code within us based on outlying factors, EVOLVING is an entirely different concept.

It should be stated though that until you can find the missing mitochondrial eve link for evolution you can't prove ANYTHING, and everyone knows that.


New member
May 27, 2009
There is one big misinterpretation about Evolution. The big misinterpretation is that Evolution and Creationism are both scientific theories. Evolution is a scientific theory and is therefore one of the most proven thing in science. This isn't one case study this is mountains and years and years of evidence that is clear as day and tested.
It's the reason Evolution is taught in schools and creationism is not. If we taught creationism we should then not bother teaching them any science, maths, English or geography because nothing can be proven and nothing can be wrong.
I can accept religious group, while I still have issue with them, however I will not stand for creationism belonging to any section of education excluding briefly in RE.

Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact.
Explain this sentence?
Lol wtf? I agree it does't make sense.

cdstephens said:
As far as I know Europe has similar religious hindrances, though Catholic instead of Protestant based.
Not at all, from my knowledge Europe hardly suffers a comparable amount and only have a few splinter groups who will never see the light of day, however Muslim groups see to be the only ones creating issues and that is mostly due to media trying to start controversy and sell papers.

Dann661 said:
Intelligent design is still a possible theory, as is the theory of evolution, I think God guided evolution but, I'm not going to go around and try and make people teach this in schools everywhere.
Quoted from above "Evolution is a scientific theory and is therefore one of the most proven thing in science. This isn't one case study this is mountains, years and years of evidence that is clear as day and tested." intelligent design is just a theory and therefore are not comparable as being equal.
Again if we stop teaching our children proven thing like evolution we may as well stop teaching science altogether.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Sleekit said:
its worth noting that the ignorance surrounding science subjects like this and general anti-intellectualism is seriously harming Americas economic strength.

most of the innovation and scientific development taking place within the US economy now stems from the work of foreign nationals. atm they go and work in the US with their non-fairy story embracing educations because they get best paid there but that can change.

it's a problem that's built up over time and is gonna take a long time to shake off if indeed there is any will to address it at all. at a fundamental level if the US wishes to remain in even a half decent position over the long term it really has to be tackled head on and forcefully.
As far as I know Europe has similar religious hindrances, though Catholic instead of Protestant based.

East Asia, however, has no religious hindrances because they don't view religions the same way we do. China is atheist (or Confucianist depending on how you define religion) and Japanese people don't practice Shinto or Buddhism.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.
I maintain that their intelligence or lack thereof is irrelevant. Unless they have published scientific, peer-reviewed papers with evidence against evolution, it is still hearsay evidence.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Avatar Roku said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
So do you think that God created the entire universe within a matter of days, including all life, or do you hold a more intelligent design belief with God creating the universe but evolution doing most of the "work"?
I was not aware that was what Intelligent Design entailed. I thought it was exactly the same as Creationism. Huh, live and learn.
Intelligent design is a form of creationism, and is less hardcore than the belief that God created the world in exactly 7 days.
weker said:
There is one big misinterpretation about Evolution. The big misinterpretation is that Evolution and Creationism are both scientific theories. Evolution is a scientific theory and is therefore one of the most proven thing in science. This isn't one case study this is mountains and years and years of evidence that is clear as day and tested.
It's the reason Evolution is taught in schools and creationism is not. If we taught creationism we should then not bother teaching them any science, maths, English or geography because nothing can be proven and nothing can be wrong.
I can accept religious group, while I still have issue with them, however I will not stand for creationism belonging to any section of education excluding briefly in RE.
The one exception of course being a religion class that teaches religion from an outside point of view. It would be rather hard to teach what's in the Bible without going through Genesis.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Dann661 said:
However, I do not think everyone should be forced to believe in evolution, if people don't want to, why make them? Intelligent design is still a possible theory, as is the theory of evolution, I think God guided evolution but, I'm not going to go around and try and make people teach this in schools everywhere.
This opinion makes me very sad :(


New member
Aug 16, 2011

You need that or you can't prove evolution and EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST will admit they don't know what that link is...


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Avatar Roku said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.
I maintain that their intelligence or lack thereof is irrelevant. Unless they have published scientific, peer-reviewed papers with evidence against evolution, it is still hearsay evidence.
Point is to say that Christianity isn't filled with "uneducated".

Far be it.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
So do you think that God created the entire universe within a matter of days, including all life, or do you hold a more intelligent design belief with God creating the universe but evolution doing most of the "work"?
Not really "god".
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
cdstephens said:
Avatar Roku said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
So do you think that God created the entire universe within a matter of days, including all life, or do you hold a more intelligent design belief with God creating the universe but evolution doing most of the "work"?
I was not aware that was what Intelligent Design entailed. I thought it was exactly the same as Creationism. Huh, live and learn.
Intelligent design is a form of creationism, and is less hardcore than the belief that God created the world in exactly 7 days.
weker said:
There is one big misinterpretation about Evolution. The big misinterpretation is that Evolution and Creationism are both scientific theories. Evolution is a scientific theory and is therefore one of the most proven thing in science. This isn't one case study this is mountains and years and years of evidence that is clear as day and tested.
It's the reason Evolution is taught in schools and creationism is not. If we taught creationism we should then not bother teaching them any science, maths, English or geography because nothing can be proven and nothing can be wrong.
I can accept religious group, while I still have issue with them, however I will not stand for creationism belonging to any section of education excluding briefly in RE.
The one exception of course being a religion class that teaches religion from an outside point of view. It would be rather hard to teach what's in the Bible without going through Genesis.
Huh. The more you know.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Delsana said:

You need that or you can't prove evolution and EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST will admit they don't know what that link is...
Can you explain which part of evolution you're talking about? Evolution is a fact, since you can see it just by taking some bacteria, using antibiotics on it, and observing in a while that the remaining bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics have reproduced. The resulting new bacteria are the same species but have *EVOLVED* to become resistant to the antibiotic you used.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Fbuh said:
First of all, your run on sentences make an extremely incoherent argument. Second of all, you seem to have some of your facts bass-ackwards. You seem to believe that evolution was the lead idea the whole time, and that these filthy newcomers of Intelligetn Design are invading. It is actually quite the opposite. Evolution is an idea that is barely even a hundred years old, while Creationism has had free reign for thousands of years.

I think that it is fair to say that you seem to need to brush up on some things first before you go crying wolf on other people. Also, it is fair that if one idea is taught in the classroom, then another idea must be taught as well. People need to see all of the choices, and then decide for themselves what they want to believe is true. There is no reasone why Creationism nor evolution can be taught simulataneously.
There's actually a very good reason. Evolution is based on evidence and actual biology. Creationism is based on religion and faith. One of these things belongs in a science classroom, one of them does not.

The length an idea has existed does not make it less valid. There was a several thousand year period in which the majority of the world believed everything revolved around the earth. When Galileo provided evidence that this was not the case, was this idea less valid because it was "new"?

I'm a Christian. I believe in intelligent design. But it's ignorant to take these beliefs and teach them in a science classroom just because that's where evolution is taught. People can learn about creationism elsewhere. Just because you want everyone to believe what you believe doesn't mean you can ignore what "science" is.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Delsana said:

You need that or you can't prove evolution and EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST will admit they don't know what that link is...
What do you mean? Please explain, I am genuinely curious.
Delsana said:
Avatar Roku said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.
I maintain that their intelligence or lack thereof is irrelevant. Unless they have published scientific, peer-reviewed papers with evidence against evolution, it is still hearsay evidence.
Point is to say that Christianity isn't filled with "uneducated".

Far be it.
Ah. Fair enough. I guess I misunderstood. To be fair, only a complete idiot would say that every christian is stupid.


New member
May 19, 2010
Levski7 said:
Flac00 said:
I will start off by saying I am no scientist. However, I have noticed that almost everywhere (including here on the Escapist) many people do not understand evolution. This not just simple missteps like accidentally involving use and disuse into your arguments, but major misinterpretations. But this is not the problem, simple misunderstanding and misinterpretations are not somehow horrible offenses. However this has lead to a problem.
These misinterpretations have now lead to a whole culture of people who not only refuse to believe in evolution, but also use their misinterpretations to fuel their arguments. An example of this run amok by ignorants is "Darwinism" (which is an extremely annoying name as Darwin had nothing to do with the theory), which was really just and excuse to "prove" racism. A modern example is half the population of the United States (or less since I have not checked recent polls). That's right, around 50% of the population of the United States does not believe in evolution, and that is sad. Especially since the scientific theory has undergone so much criticism and a constant wave of evidence, that it has become almost completely infallible. And yet people still live ignorant of it as they have been misinformed about evolution.
This all comes down to a single point. Why and how is this happening? Is it because our media seems to commonly ignore facts? Is it because people jump onto bandwagons just to get away from the "norm" of evolution? Is it because our public schools have failed to teach adequate science in the classroom? Is it because of the rise of Creationism and Intelligent design (which are the same exact thing) has been corrupting our science classes and media? I would just like to hear other people's opinions on this.
>Darwin had nothing to do with the theory of evolution

Oh, shit, son, what are you doing?!

Are you fucking serious?
woah woah woah, I did not say that. I said Darwin had nothing to do with Darwinism. He had everything to do with Evolution. Two completely different things there. In fact I'll even quote myself.
Flac00 said:
An example of this run amok by ignorants is "Darwinism" (which is an extremely annoying name as Darwin had nothing to do with the theory), which was really just and excuse to "prove" racism.
As you can see, I meant Darwin had nothing to do with Darwinism. I'll change my original post though as I can see that it might not be as specific as I meant.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact.
Explain this sentence?
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact.
Explain this sentence?
Creationism doesnt mean i believe, "humans were made end of story".
Creationism is the belief that life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being.

I believe that life was created, and through evolution, humanity was made. The supernatural being, being something we cant comprehend.

And for the evolution part? Thats easy. The common cold. The experiment to extend the life of fruit flys. Archaeological history xD