The misinterpretation of evolution

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
The word Evolution implies something gets better. Actual evolution does not make animals better, it makes them more apt to live on whatever environment they find themselves in. It can and has make animals 'worse' (there is a case in which birds in an isolated island with no predators and plentiful food became a species of flightless fat birds, which I imagine would be the plot for the Angry Birds cartoon). This sliver of misunderstanding causes a doubt that allows more doubt to enter.

Not counting the people who disbelief evolution out of their religious beliefs. Religion is not science.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact.
Explain this sentence?
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact.
Explain this sentence?
Creationism doesnt mean i believe, "humans were made end of story".
Creationism is the belief that life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being.

I believe that life was created, and through evolution, humanity was made. The supernatural being, being something we cant comprehend.

And for the evolution part? Thats easy. The common cold. The experiment to extend the life of fruit flys. Archaeological history xD
Why does a supernatural being have to have made the universe?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
kouriichi said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
So do you think that God created the entire universe within a matter of days, including all life, or do you hold a more intelligent design belief with God creating the universe but evolution doing most of the "work"?
Not really "god".
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Well one could use the anthropic principle that if those things didn't happen, then no one would be able to observe it. Because if those exact chain of events didn't occur, then no intelligent life would have developed on Earth, thus no one would observe those things not happening.

There is also the mathematical proof that if we are able and willing to create a simulated reality just like the Matrix, the probability that we are living in the Matrix approaches 100%.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Avatar Roku said:
Delsana said:
Well the bible says that on a particular day He created man and than woman out of man.

There's really nothing to interpret out of that.

So... creationism.

Alrighty then.


Outside of that... when you can find the missing mitochondria eve then we will chat about EVOLUTION, but until then I'm not giving it a thought.
I really don't mean to get into a huge discussion about this (unless you want to take this to a PM), but how is the bible proof? It's basically the same as saying your friend told you: anecdotal evidence that holds no water.

I know you believe it, and that's fine for you and anyone else who does, but can you at least see how others would not?

Also, I am unfamiliar with the whole thing with the missing mitochondria. What is that?
The LINK so to speak is the thing evolution misses the chain that links any animal to the plausible Human DNA chain.

Similarities exist, as they do in every species but there is no link to us and scientists are throwing everything trying to find it (hence why they want to map the entire DNA sequence which would take massive massive datapower) but without it they are just a THEORY.

If I say the dog came from wolf hybridization but I cannot find any static link that shows that it did indeed come from it then I cannot be right.

If I find a chain and say that it links to a ball but the ball has no loose chain that broke then I am wrong.

YOU NEED THE MISSING LINK and without it you are wrong.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
you are referring to social darwinism in reference to the racist tenancy, and the misconceptions have to do with people being incredibly thick, epically lazy, and an education system that licks my fat hairy ass...

P.S. Evolutionism vs Creationism vs any other idea on how people got here is always going to be a dumb argument because its always going to be different ways of describing the same thing...its like arguing over whether a figure is a hexagon or a six sided polygon...


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
We owe everything to the "green belt".

But your statement does not prove you right and Christianity wrong.


New member
May 2, 2011
NotAwesomeAtAll said:
kjrubberducky said:
With the amount of people who are mislead / willfully ignorant about current events and the state of the world they live in, educating them on things that might have happened hundreds of millions of years ago shouldn't be a priority. IMO, all it provides is intellectual masturbation for no real gain.
I second this.There are much more pressing issues than if we got here through evolution or if we were created by something.Honestly, I see why this is important in a big "what is the answer to Life, the Universe, and everything" way, but the debates all descended into games of one-upmanship; one said saying "Look how great we are for believing in creation," and the other responding with "Look how great we are for believing science". Nothing is gained from these arguments, and a considerable amount of time has been spent in the academic,theological, and scientific community getting into petty squabbles when they could be doing something more important than trying to yell the opposing side (whichever it might be) into submission.
In short: we need to deal with the here and know before we deal with the beginning of time,and those who do study how we became need to know when to open an actual intelligent dialog, and when to ignore the angry preacher,teacher,or scientist who just wants to get into a pissing contest.
Bit off topic, sorry.
Tell you what when you become a member of the scientific community then you may dictate to us on how to spend our time, or how worth while the subjects we research are. Till then how about you shut up and enjoy the medical advancements and benefits it brings you.

Honestly you argue that peoples lack of understanding of the world around them leads to strife then try to make the point that wilful ignorance will benefit us.


New member
Aug 16, 2011

Evolving is the complete change or modification of the DNA strand into some other form, changing critical pieces or adding something entirely different.

ADAPTING is the modification based on current capability of the creature, animal, or humanoid that only activates when it comes close to it.

WE DO NOT EVOLVE when we become immune to a disease, we have ADAPTED.


This thread title is literally important when it comes to ADAPTATION and EVOLUTION.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Delsana said:
Avatar Roku said:
Delsana said:
Well the bible says that on a particular day He created man and than woman out of man.

There's really nothing to interpret out of that.

So... creationism.

Alrighty then.


Outside of that... when you can find the missing mitochondria eve then we will chat about EVOLUTION, but until then I'm not giving it a thought.
I really don't mean to get into a huge discussion about this (unless you want to take this to a PM), but how is the bible proof? It's basically the same as saying your friend told you: anecdotal evidence that holds no water.

I know you believe it, and that's fine for you and anyone else who does, but can you at least see how others would not?

Also, I am unfamiliar with the whole thing with the missing mitochondria. What is that?
The LINK so to speak is the thing evolution misses the chain that links any animal to the plausible Human DNA chain.

Similarities exist, as they do in every species but there is no link to us and scientists are throwing everything trying to find it (hence why they want to map the entire DNA sequence which would take massive massive datapower) but without it they are just a THEORY.

If I say the dog came from wolf hybridization but I cannot find any static link that shows that it did indeed come from it then I cannot be right.

If I find a chain and say that it links to a ball but the ball has no loose chain that broke then I am wrong.

YOU NEED THE MISSING LINK and without it you are wrong.
Every single "stage" if you want to call it that, (it's really not a stage, just a point in time) is a "missing link" There is no "this turns into this", it's a constant change due to selection pressure.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Flac00 said:
Is it because of the rise of Creationism and Intelligent design (which are the same exact thing) has been corrupting our science classes and media? I would just like to hear other people's opinions on this.
Sort of, but it's both because easy answers/slogans win, and he who shouts loudest is considered right.

It's also, in part, because creationists have phrased it as though evolution is nothing more than an attack on God.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
enzilewulf said:

"That's right, around 50% of the population of the United States does not believe in evolution, and that is sad"

Who put you on such a high horse? You know what? Your saying its sad that people don't believe in what you do, and that is sad. Seriously most people don't give a shit about Human evolution so deal with it. Why do people who strongly believe in Evolution have to be such dick heads? Sorry we can't all be like you.
Wouldn't had worded it as strong, but indeed.

I just say "I was made by my mom and dad. Now what's for dinner? I'm starving." and so just leave the subject at that, and make something productive instead.
Mar 9, 2010
Levski7 said:
I believe in evolution. Pretty sure that makes it a belief.
In the sense that you can believe in it, yes it is. In the sense that it matters and requires your faith, no it isn't. What I'm saying is it's not the same belief as religion.


New member
May 19, 2010
NotAwesomeAtAll said:
kjrubberducky said:
With the amount of people who are mislead / willfully ignorant about current events and the state of the world they live in, educating them on things that might have happened hundreds of millions of years ago shouldn't be a priority. IMO, all it provides is intellectual masturbation for no real gain.
I second this.There are much more pressing issues than if we got here through evolution or if we were created by something.Honestly, I see why this is important in a big "what is the answer to Life, the Universe, and everything" way, but the debates all descended into games of one-upmanship; one said saying "Look how great we are for believing in creation," and the other responding with "Look how great we are for believing science". Nothing is gained from these arguments, and a considerable amount of time has been spent in the academic,theological, and scientific community getting into petty squabbles when they could be doing something more important than trying to yell the opposing side (whichever it might be) into submission.
In short: we need to deal with the here and know before we deal with the beginning of time,and those who do study how we became need to know when to open an actual intelligent dialog, and when to ignore the angry preacher,teacher,or scientist who just wants to get into a pissing contest.
Bit off topic, sorry.
Well, my only big problem is that it is no coincidence that those same people who don't believe in Evolution also don't believe in more "pressing" matters. Global Climate Change, expanding into space, ect. Thats not coincidence. It is not only a pattern, but a disease of ignorance. When I said culture, I meant it. It is not everyone, but many people in certain communities refuse to accept any modern advancements. Evolution is just the tip of the very deep and twisted iceberg.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Alexlion said:
NotAwesomeAtAll said:
kjrubberducky said:
With the amount of people who are mislead / willfully ignorant about current events and the state of the world they live in, educating them on things that might have happened hundreds of millions of years ago shouldn't be a priority. IMO, all it provides is intellectual masturbation for no real gain.
I second this.There are much more pressing issues than if we got here through evolution or if we were created by something.Honestly, I see why this is important in a big "what is the answer to Life, the Universe, and everything" way, but the debates all descended into games of one-upmanship; one said saying "Look how great we are for believing in creation," and the other responding with "Look how great we are for believing science". Nothing is gained from these arguments, and a considerable amount of time has been spent in the academic,theological, and scientific community getting into petty squabbles when they could be doing something more important than trying to yell the opposing side (whichever it might be) into submission.
In short: we need to deal with the here and know before we deal with the beginning of time,and those who do study how we became need to know when to open an actual intelligent dialog, and when to ignore the angry preacher,teacher,or scientist who just wants to get into a pissing contest.
Bit off topic, sorry.
Tell you what when you become a member of the scientific community then you may dictate to us on how to spend our time, or how worth while the subjects we research are. Till then how about you shut up and enjoy the medical advancements and benefits it brings you.

Honestly you argue that peoples lack of understanding of the world around them leads to strife then try to make the point that wilful ignorance will benefit us.
Well actually I'm pretty sure that research into the human genome and evolution gives us further understanding in DNA and microbiology, which allows us to perform genetic engineering much more efficiently than our ancestors thousands of years could have.

And even if some of it is a waste of time, it's what they want to do. *shrugs*

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Delsana said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
We owe everything to the "green belt".

But your statement does not prove you right and Christianity wrong.
Most people who believe in evolution are not trying to prove Christianity wrong. Unless you are taking literally every word of the bible as literal truth, they are not mutually exclusive. One is the how, the other is the why.