The most frivolous thing you can do with $100 billion


New member
Jan 24, 2011
geK0 said:
soes757 said:
Sixcess said:
Rowan93 said:
Make myself Emperor of the Moon.
I don't know if it's awesome or worrying that I got ninja'd on "build a private moon base."

Obviously now I have to spend my $100 billion on building my own army of robots to invade and kick Rowan93 off of my Moon.

So yeah, build a private moon base or start the first interplanetary robot war. Either sounds good.
I'm joining this war, but I'm genetically engineering Godzilla to fight for me and win the moon.
I will annihilate all of you with my $2,000,000 solid gold canon balls! however, after my purchases, I lack the funding to actually launch an invasion on the moon.
I resurrect Godzilla as Mecha-Godzilla, defend the moon after you have used your cannon balls.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Three words: secret volcano lair
Also, it must be guarded by sharks with frikkin laser beams attached to their frikkin heads.

Lastly, I buyout Valve just so I can become CEO and get a glimpse at HL2 ep3's development cycle.


New member
May 18, 2011
Clone yourself so you can make a pun how you're beside yourself with excitement. No, it's not an original idea, and I am slightly ashamed to be ripping it off, butit had to be said.

Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
I would use all that money for a money bond fire and see how many people will be pissed at me for burning the money.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
webkilla said:
Bertylicious said:
Fund a Uwe Boll & Michael Bay live action Dizzy collaboration.
you are an evil person

I'd fund a secret para-military organization that'd send demo-teams around to knock out spam servers all over the world

you know, use the money to do good - but in a frivolous way
Yes, frivolous but good. I would use my new found wealth to resurrect awesome scripts and projects from development hell []. First on the list would be Harlon Ellison's I, Robot script.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
I have the mindset of getting as much as possible for as little as possible so this is kind of hard for me.



Buy a heap of land, recreate the town in Persona 4.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
1. Hire an Assassin to kill David Cameron (Current British Prime Minister) as a warning to keep the rest of the crooked members of parliament in line so the people can sleep easy.
(side note - I think all the parties are bent not just the tories there all only in it for themselves)

2. Conduct genetic research so i can obtain the maximum strength and fitness the human body can achieve maybe more if the research goes well. (in simple words i want to be strong...very strong)

3. Buy a dodgy/funny tophat. (funny tophats make me laugh)

4. Give rest of the dosh to the poor, disabled and unlucky who have suffered under corruption of rich people.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Sansha said:
Of course if any of us came into a hundred billion dollars we'd probably pour some back into the community. The homeless, animal shelters, our friends and family, that sort of thing.
So I don't want to hear all the responsible, 'right' things you'd do with a fat sack of cash. It's boring, you're boring, go away.

But we all have little fantasies of what we'd do with our shares. I want your most frivolous, useless, wasteful expenditures you can possible imagine. Something that is a lot of fun for you and makes an impression, good or bad, on people.

For me, the only wild thing I'd do with $100 billion is every time I used public transport, I'd buy every single passenger slot on the vehicle. Ferry, airliner, bus, whatever - I'd book as far in advance as possible and bag ALL the seats I can.
I'd turn up for the trip and watch the crew go "What the hell? Where is everybody?"
I'm talking all four-five hundred seats on a long-haul international flight. Four pilots, a dozen or so flight attendants, an enormous airliner and you in the sky for 13 hours.
Buy $100 billion dollars worth of water and dump it in the Sahara.

My use will make a bad impression upon people.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The dumbest thing anyone could do is buy cars and houses that skirt as close to their magically gained money (Via lottery or whatever), because they wouldn't be able to keep the payments up for very long.

I am savvy enough to avoid this.

I'd probably remain in my state, and buy out room in this... Hell, I'm not sure what to call it. The top ten floors are basically like Penthouse-hotel-housing, while the rest is used for Miscellaneous stuff like officers and so on. I don't know what the term for it is.
Anyway, it's expensive (To me, anyway). Best part about it is, it's surrounded by things I could use to live. In walking distance. Restaurants, utility stores, everything I'd need to live. The walking distance is important because I still have a fear of driving for reasons that would be too tangential(sp?) to explain here.
I'd pay for it for -years- in advance to give myself some security. I'd buy my immediate family (Because my extended family has done fuck all for us) a house (One in the 400-800k range, which is NICE in my area, considering we're living in a ~200k one), a car that won't constantly break down on them every six months...

THEN I'd get frivolous.
I'd equip my little apartment with everything I'd need to be a gamer. Shit I don't have, can't get, and may never have. I'd have a TV and console OR laptop in my bathroom because that's how I roll >:D


Sep 9, 2010
Pay every single R'n'B artist to stop making music. Thhen again that would pretty much count as a "for the good of mankind" thing... ;)

Or I'd buy a Zepplin and fly around large cities dropping pictures of lolcats.

Ooh! Or spend it all at an arcade on the crocodile hitting game and use all the tickets I win on stickers. Then use the stickers as graffiti around town.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
I'd buy a new car and desktop and move out of my parents house. Travel the world for a bit, find a girl I like, then settle with her in a cabin somewhere and sit on my phat stacks of money. What else am I gonna do?

geK0 said:
Withdraw ALL OF IT in pennies! Canadian pennies (which are no longer in production) and make a giant penny fortress!

A penny is 19.05mm in diameter and 1.45mm in thickness
689 pennies stacked is 999.05mm tall
52 pennies in a line is 990.6mm long
placing pennies like this makes a cube of about 980356.1361cm^3 (19643 short of a cubic meter)
(I can get closer with 690*52*53, but I don't want the pennies stacked higher than a meter and I want the width to be the same as the length)
a precise amount of packaging material and adhesive will be put between the pennies to make the block a perfect cubic meter.

689*52*52 = 1863056 pennies
or $18,630.56

the mass of a Canadian penny varies by the year they are made, but I estimate that a cubic meter of pennies will weigh 4,375 Kg on average.

with $100,000,000,000.00 (Can), I can afford 5,367,525 of these penny blocks, which will make a damn good fortress! Although, I might want to save a few billion for labour, landscaping, shipping and other expenses.


edit: Come to think of it, I don't think that many Canadian pennies exist(10 trillion pennies?)....
only 34,996,960,265 pennies have ever been minted in Canada (AND I WILL FIND ALL OF ZEM), this can only make a measley 18,784 of my penny blocks.... still enough for a decent fortress I guess : [

So I shall use the remaining $99,650,030,397.35 to....

--hire an army of 10,000 little people at a wage of $50,000 a year on contract for the next 60 years
cost of army contract:$30,000,000,000
new balance: $69,650,030,397.35

--Pay for a legal name change for each one of these people to various dwarven names of their choice (it has to sound dwarven, and only my high ranking elite officer may be named Gimli)
*cost of a legal name change in Canada is approximately $150
cost:$ 1,500,000
new balance:$69,648,530,397.35

--Arm these little people with custom weaponry,
including: 3000 battle axes($100/unit), 2000 war hammers($100/unit), 2000 morning star maces($200/unit),1000 flails($100/unit), 1000 lances ($300/unit),1000 crossbows($1000/unit), 3000 full plate mail suits ($4500/unit), 8000 chain mail suits ($1500/unit) and 1,000,000 frag grenades($5 per unit)
new balance:$69,615,730,397.35

(obviously I am not spending this money fast enough)

--Free Ferrari Enzos for every soldier! $644,000/unit * 10000

new balance:$63,175,730,397.35

(barely a dent)

--a stockpile of 6 inch (15.24 cm) diameter solid gold cannon balls
*Volume= pi/6*diameter^3, =3.14/6*15.24^3 = 1853 cm^3
*Density of gold is 19.3g/cm^3; total mass = 35769g (1262 oz)
*gold price is currently 1615.61/oz ; total price = $2,038,457.24 per ball
*I will purchase 10,000 of these cannon balls

new balance:$42,791,157,997.35

The remainder of my fortune will be used to develop a cannon capable of firing a 35kg solid gold cannon ball AT THE MOON; I will manufacture 10 units of this canon!

I change my mind. This. This exactly.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
In response to the life sized to scale Gundam robot in Japan I'd build a life sized to scale Atlas from Mech Warrior/ Battletech



Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Wasn't there a movie, in which a dude had to spend a few million dollars within a time period? I think one of the rules was that he couldn't use it to buy anything that would add to his personal value, so no houses or whatever. Seems relevant.

Anyway, I'd use it to replace every single uniform, for every single major sport team, with that of a Marvel superhero. So, the Boston Ballkickers, or whatever, would get to dress as Magneto, while the New York, uh. Ninjas? Would play some football wearing Shadowcat's yellow suit thing.

I wonder how much I'd have to pay Marvel to make it so? And the teams, for that matter. And the press, because "What the fuck this rich prick could have done something really good for mankind but instead did this really weird though admittedly awesome thing" would become a tiring headline after a while.

EDIT: Actually, that's what I'll do second, if there's any dosh left. First? Pokemon theme park. I'll buy an island, construct linear paths connecting all towns, place my hologram emitters fucking EVERYWHERE, buy some top-notch devs to make the actual Pokemon...

I'd be the Elite 4 champion, too. 5 Wobbuffets, and a trick lv. 1 Rattata.

Oh, yeah, this is gonna be boss.