The Most Immoral Thing You've Done in a Video Game


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Gralian said:
...kidnap people on Red Dead Redemption...hunting and killing people in this fashion, but always making sure to wear my bandanna so i'm always 100% honourable. I'm sort of like the wild west version of Patrick Bateman.
You and me both. I have a habit of maiming people so they have just enough energy to flee. I slowly, calmly walk behind them, secure in the knowledge that no matter how far they run, they can't escape. I toy with them, taking additional potshots and intentionally missing. Tripping them up with the lasso, just to watch them struggle to keep up their futile attempt at escape. I stalk them for hours, killing them only when I get bored, and even then, I usually don't simply end the chase. I like to take these broken, battered souls with my lasso, hogtying them and riding off to dump them somewhere amusing. Sometimes its the side of a mountain. Sometimes a slow, clear creek, not even shallow enough even to cover them before it drowns them. Other times I take my victim just to the edges of town, releasing them to renewed hope of survival. Then I put one last round through their mangled flesh just as they reach the streets.

There are of course, the accidents.
People who die before the game can begin.
The ones who bleed to death, collapsing not far from where the chase begins.
The ones who hide behind rocks and succumb to a rattlesnake's venom.

The ones that Nature takes from me enrage me. I must them slaughter and skin every animal I find in the area. I slash and burn, harvesting everything nature has to offer before moving on.

Then I return home, to my loving wife and son, as a renowned man of honor and virtue. They never even saw my face...

Also, Prototype.
Just Prototype.


New member
May 26, 2011
Clubed baby seals in Overlord 2. I dont think animal deaths are more tragic then people but alot of others do so there you go... I enjoyed the hell out of it,


New member
May 17, 2011
Decided to save Cole's girlfriend instead of a bunch of doctors and medics in InFamous 1, whoops and oh shi- is all I can say to that.


New member
May 20, 2009
It depends what you mean to be honest...Immorality is different to many people idk telling Benny to be crucified in New Vegas was bad....I would say that is more immoral than killing someone in general. That is why i dont find killing people in sandbox games immoral because they were designed in a way to be killed and to react as such. The games which actually question morality or force you to do something you dont want too, they affect me more.....take infamous 2 for example, just watch the endings and you will understand.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I killed that kid on the second level of Deus Ex with a knife. I then proceeded to stab his lifeless body for the next five minutes. Very immoral.


New member
May 21, 2008
I killed Megaton one person at a time in Fallout 3, repeatedly. I was filled with disappointment when I couldn't kill the annoying-ass kids. I did this with my bare hands. Then I went back to my last save and did it again, twice. I was sick of that crazy guy worshiping the nuclear bomb I had turned off the moment I got into town, about 15 playing hours ago, and when I attacked him the rest of the town tried killing me, so I declared war.


Regular Member
Aug 20, 2010
In Oblivion I kill a guard and immediately Raise him as a minion to attack the other guards after stripping him of everything but his helmet to defend me as I raise a horde.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
The only thing that comes to mind is in AssCreed, when I turned stealthily killing civilians- at a steady pace without losing all my health- into a sport.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
well in saints row 2 i stuck as many remote bombs as i could to a car ran over an old lady drove that car onto the train tracks waited for the train to come and set the car off presumably killing hundreds... then i killed alot of cops stole a plane and rammed it into a busy intersection before i finnaly died. seeing how long i could survive.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
I shot a bouncer in a strip bar in GTA4. I know it doesn't sound like much compared to killing kids in fallout 3 and such but it always stuck with me, the guy looked surprised as I pistol whipped him and shot him in the chest. As Stalin said killing one man is a tragedy, killing 10,000 is a statistic. Also tormenting numerous civilians in the PC game SWAT3, handcuffing them, throwing teargas in their face, and shooting their limbs to hear their pain yelps, and yeah that game had children, can't remember if they were killable, but you could make em suffer I'm sure.

Maverick Dorotheo

New member
Apr 16, 2011
Killing every civilian in the "No Russian" Mission in Modern Warfare 2.

Sent every unit I have to their deaths against more superior enemies in any RTS game.

Went wild with a tank in GTA: Vice City and San Andreas, flattening every civilian I came across and shooting down police and military personnel. I also landed on a guy's head with a motorbike.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I'm known in Albion for kicking chickens... lots of them! (Also did it in the Gears of War 3 Beta, my immorality knows no boundaries)

In all seriousness... I guess it was in Assassin's Creed, with the beggars. At first I just tried to ignore them, but I remember that at one point, I started to killing them... systematically.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Slaughtering bajillions of nameless NPCs doesn't make me blink. However,
forcing Big Z to kill Mission
made me stop for a moment, realize what I'd become, then push on to the end with the knowledge that I was a monster.

Jedi Wolf

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Getting 100% chameleon armor in Oblivion then going into a city and murdering people in broad daylight 1 by 1 well everyone looks on in horror because they have no idea whats happening. Seriously punching people to death well the scream and run around town, using slow burning AOE fireballs when people get to close together to spread them out again. I'm a bad person.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
So I was playing the Sims 3 and I had this cool dude and this total ***** living together. Things were nice for a while. Then she cooked some food and started a fire. I got the cool dude out of the house and destroyed the door. He watched her burn. He then went and watched a pretty great movie.


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
In WoW I tamed a polar bear on my hunter then giggled as I forced it to kill its baby... I'm a horrible person.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Creator002 said:

I said this not so long ago in another topic, but I'll say it again anyway; if you know what it is, you know what I've done.

So, yeah. That pretty fuck up buddy. I mean I destroyed the universe, you gave a family hell.