I understand the reason for wanting change, what i don't understand is how they possibly thought that this layout was an improvement in the first place. It comes across as far less organised with important sections such as news being relegated into much smaller less obvious areas.
Combine this with the fact that the colour schemes enough to give anyone a headache within a 5 minute period of reading anything (which is after all what most of this site is) and the fact that there doesnt seem to be any new features of note makes me wonder what the point of the redesign was in the first place as the most obvious reason for such a redesign is usually to accomodate new features being added or an improvement on the current ones
Combine this with the fact that the colour schemes enough to give anyone a headache within a 5 minute period of reading anything (which is after all what most of this site is) and the fact that there doesnt seem to be any new features of note makes me wonder what the point of the redesign was in the first place as the most obvious reason for such a redesign is usually to accomodate new features being added or an improvement on the current ones