Concrete bugs:
Apparently my latest badge is one I got for a quiz last month, not all the holiday-badges I've gotten since(according to the "your latest:" section).
The names of the shows in the Video drop-down menu do not always line up with the logos.
Furthermore, thanks for saving my eyes, but the site still looks worse than it did before all this. I'm sorry to say that the term "soul-less" still springs to mind. The "Latest" function on the drop-down menu is handy, but not as handy as the good ol' sidebar. Also, the running newsreel on the main page is not helpful at all, it's actually quite annoying...
Anyways, I'm glad you seem to take some of our feedback to heart, and I do appreciate your intent and hard work (especially at this time), but don't try to hard with the integration/assimilation of facebook and twitter, there's a reason most forum users don't use their own names and/or pictures...