The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
well well well......time to make my first reply.

- spoony is a pathological, irresponsible, unemotional, self-destructive and dishonourable person. and guess what, that's why many of his fans love him. and guess what. that's why he's not going to change. he has learned that it's OK to be an *sshole. it's what he builds his self-confidence now. the guy is a tragedy - and he has always been so. of course he is going to get depressed. of course his gf dumped him. of course he is falling apart. he has always been an angry person finding easy accessible outlet on videos. angry, unemotional and obscene. His FOUNDATION is corrupt. all the people telling him "get better!" need to wake up and smell the coffee. this guy does not want to get better. he does not want to heal. he does not want to apologize. what is going to happen? maybe he will fall down so low that he HAS to admit he needs to change. maybe he will have a heart attack. maybe he will get even sicker. maybe he won't live to learn from his mistakes. there is one thing I want to say to all the fans of spoony who claims to care for him. you need to take him seriously. you can't use his depression as an excuse. you can't let HIM give you excuses. nobody has the right to damage themselves and others and then make excuses. what you need to understand is that when someone is 'rewarded' in some way for making themselves sick, they will continue doing it. when you PITY him for being depressed, or give him a free-pass for being depressed - it will be as if he will continue to do it. Everyone deserves to be taken seriously no matter how sick they are. And the reason he is sick is because he is NOT taking reality seriously! He needs to get out of the vicious loop. Let me make this clear: he has NO right to blame ANYTHING on depression!! Everyone must be taken seriously. I don't know how this will play out. One thing is certain: if he doesn't change he will eventually die. Most likely heart attack. His "heart problems" is not coincidental. This is due to the fact that he has a belief system and lifestyle of ANGER. This is directly linked to the heart, believe it if you choose. He needs to drop his style of anger 100% if he wants to heal. This is intriguing because he is a role-model for many and he puts his life out for the world to see, with being himself, angered as he may be, in his reviews. Who knows where Noah draws his anger from. Maybe there is something unfulfilled in his life. He had an 'angry' style before his gf left him. He needs to see the whole picture. If this guy actually changes, and manages to heal, imagine the inspiration it can be for all the 'angry' fans who are attracted to his style. Hmmm.......well I can't end this comment without giving a relevant advice. drop the drugs and go to alternative medicine. I see a lot of caring comments about Mr Antwiler and his well-being which is very heart-warming, however it is important to include everything, take him seriously and have him take the consequences of his choices. don't let this guy "rest" in his comfortable anger-reviews. I'm going to say a prayer for him.

I would also like to take the time to make some further sane comments. I only read about 10 of the first pages of comments so I may not have the full picture. However I did not see one person remarking Lupa and Phelous brave actions.

What they did was confront him with his unsavoury, unworthy and unacceptable behavior. For that, they deserve praise for their courage. Lupa has of course every right and reason to defend the dignity of spoony's ex. She confronted spoony with it, and the highly inappropriate joke, be it a month later doesn't remove the fact he should be confronted with his actions, and wrote an ethical remark on it defending her actions. a brave defender of dignity. it seems a lot of this has been twitter messages from fans and what not. nevertheless, she stood up. Phelous added his defense alongside with her, which I commend him for. Surely they were hit by a barrage of fan-blind attitudes looking for the first person to blame. I'm proud to see Phelan standing up as well. What we have to remember here is that one of the main points of TGWTG is COMMUNITY. They are supposed to have SOCIAL and ARTISTIC integrity with each other. They're on the same team! Of course it's only right for them to voice their opinion - when one member behaves unacceptable.
"Uhhh we are only on the same team when everything is OK I just shut up if something happens." what the heck, I think it's boring and dull that noone else except lewis voiced their opinion. of course everything eventually falls to the bosses and they made the right decision. however.

was it good enough? saying that they split with spoony for 'creative differences'. they are supposed to be a team-spirited band of reviewers, who does collabs to give off the impression and significance that they are on the same creative team. and then what - they kick spoony out like a dog! creative differences, my ass! are they insulting him??? "he is an asshole and that is a creative difference from us, good luck with that quality material, yo". No way. They're just avoiding it, kicking him out as if it doesn't matter. Amazing. No wonder spoony fans are pissed at CA. CA is acting like they're the top-bosses of a multi-billion company and they "dont have any other choice but the cruel nature of business" - and lie. the fact of the matter is spoony was booted because he completely self-destructed. how about some help? how about some integrity? how about showing that they're going to stick up for him no matter what? this is unworthy treatment of a teammember!

this is my opinion: this is insulting to the supposed integrity of the site and to the fans visiting there. who do they think their kidding? they are looking down on the fans so much it's laughable. if you see the video that 'the Amazing Atheis' put up, he gives off the same argument - CA looks on their fanbase as a bunch of sheep they just have to aimlessly cater to. not that I know anything about Amazing Atheist. I get the feeling CA is a wanna-be corporation shamelessly hiding behind their reviewers, creating a fake athmosphere. maybe you don't care about this, but I can't ignore it. I was even pissed off when they tried to leech off James Rolfe's fanbase, lol. Shameless entrepeneurs :p that's how I got to know em. Maybe you don't agree or simply don't care, however CA comes off to me as a band who tries to give off a feeling of teamwork and camaraderie, however it's all empty ties for the sake of earning them some easy bucks. I just can't bring myself to tolerate that. There was even one guy who objected to the "We have gathered the best reviewers here, that's YOU and we are the bosses" attitude that CA has. A guy called ThatAussieGuy used to be on tgwtg but was kicked. Why? No explanation. Don't ask, don't tell. That was the message from CA back then. And now look how they handle spoony. Undignified ethics.
It's okay if you don't agree but I want to see more integrity and dignity towards the reviewers!!! They deserve it!!!!

Another person who seems to have had the balls to not be a neutral scared little coward, is actually Welshy. He seems to be have expressed a few sentiments with spoony on twitter. impressive.

and finally.... wow..... if you haven't heard LordKat's rant, go ahead...... I have never in my entire life heard anyone confront someone and called them to light as much as he did to Spoony. He is of course dead-on.

Spoony must take responsibility for himself. If you think this guy is a victim who is going to heal, think again. There is no guarantuee he will quit being an empathy-lacking person.

- anger issues affecting his heart
- not willing to admit making mistakea and apologize to everyone, even after beeing thrown off TGWTG.
- misoginystic (even now, after he was confronted with the joke, he's asking for groupies and women who can clean&make sandwhiches for him. (pathological defense mechanism, how long will it hold him up.)
- life crisis?
- harassed his ex for a year and indirectly caused his fans to harass her as well, certainly not taking responsibility and stopping them at the time. and still has the gall to expressing self-pity and resentment towards her even after she was caused harassment.
- lacking empathy

the fact that Scarlett, spoony's ex, was so touched by Lupas dignifying defense shows just how much harassment she has persevered through. Go Lupa!!!!
there was a forum post where Lupa was confronting a fan, she wrote how Noah had stalked and harassed his ex and her friends for a year, it's in the earlier pages.

here is Lupas comments

Also I saw some people looking down on feminism or how allison defended dignity. To those, be honest with yourself: do you really want to be a douchebag who attacks dignity of women? there are better things to attack.

In conclusion: Spoony must take responsibility, ownership and sincere humility and apologize to everyone, TGWTG, twitter, fans, his ex and also lordkat for damaging his professional venture in order to heal. and stop with the medicine too. It should be said Lordkat should apologize to spoony for his rancourous remarks afterwards. (he wont apologize first) his final stream-video on the matter does not hold the same rancour-filled intent and is more confrontational towards spoony, brilliantly made (very confrontational, very aggressive, very manly, very heroic, maybe a few small unnecessary points but alltogether beautiful.)

I think it's boring and quite frankly cowardly and a breach of social and artistic integrity from the reviewers who are neutral and not speaking up about this. is all their teamhood a false front?
so it doesn't matter when someone just drops out of that teamhood?
all honour to phelan, allison and lewis for speaking up.

sadpandas diplomatic notes:

Can someone copy the apology spoony made to JO here?

and finally.... wow..... if you haven't heard LordKat's rant, go ahead...... I have never in my entire life heard anyone confront someone and called them to light as much as he did to Spoony.

xDDD HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He completely bashed Spoony in his
stream. and talks about how Joe and mostly Spoony, and Blistered Thumbs, cost him an interview with Notch, and he quit TGWTG because of it and is rightfully angry. Appearantly the temporary rumour of BT being jackasses cost him that one interview, even though it doesnt seem to have affected BT further in any way. I dont have the link right here but it was on one of the earlier pages 5-10 or something.

I have never heard such an honest, gut-spoken rant in my life. All my respect to LordKat. Never saw his videos and now I will. The people who hate LordKat only do it because they feel sorry for Spoony. Rather unnecessary. There was no under-handed insults from LordKat, everything he said was from his heart and gut -- and he directed them to an irresponsible person who deserves every word of it!! LordKat is spot on, spoony needs to man up, take ownership of his actions, and apologize. Instead we get nothing but more insanity from Spoony, and we get the token cencorship silence, "creative differences" (yeeeaahhhh gotcha buddy) and "nothing to do here" from channel awesome. HAHAHAHa..... I only visit Phelous once in a while.... and only visited spoony and got hold of this situation because I was actually wondering about his health. I'm so proud of Phelous and Lupa. The reviewing community totally needed this dignity-boost. I send a prayer to Spoony hoping he will choose to heal and doesn't end up angering himself to death. As a former angry-person myself who have given up hatred, I will drink one for you. (water) My hat goes off to all the sane fans of AVGN/TGWTG/Phelous. This is the best popcorn I've had in years.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
yawn said:
well well well......time to make my first reply.
Wow, that's a lot of anger right there. Much like you (probably), I've never met Spoony/Lupa/Phelous/LordKat/Jesus/Deceased President Regan/Everyone else on the planet who seems to be involved in this, and therefore I don't try to make wild assumptions and elaborate on them in a forum post so long that it could be turned into a screenplay.

All I know is that they entertain me for free, some shit hit the fan and now we move on, much like the people actually involved.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
I'm actually kind of glad this passed by my radar when it first started happening, and I know I'm rather late. Since I stumbled onto this at 1:30 EST I've read every single post from the beginning. You can check the post's time stamp to see how long it has taken.I am not intending this post to "revive a dead thread", but just to add what you could consider a retrospective into this event in as even a head as an extreme lack of sleep can provide. Perhaps even provide a little levity and a sort of final wrap up?I am also admitting that this is my first post and made for a sort of selfish reason. Namely that if I wasted an entire night that I could be sleeping reading 1488 posts in their entirety, I'm going to say something if only to self-justify my insomnia.

Apologies ahead of time for the ensuing text wall, it's an unfortunate habit of mine.

The only reason I found this tread was because I'm a fan of Channel Awesome, but I've been very busy this summer and barely had a chance to keep up with the site at all. Just to check and see if there was anything big I missed, I checked the site news. I saw Noah Antwiler had left the site, got curious, and Googled. This was the first thing that had any extensive info/speculation of what had happened, so I started reading.

Nobody directly involved comes out smelling like a rose, but I can see why the different sides that cropped up have reason to be angry in their own ways. It can be understood how a long series of tweets and a joke that could be considered offensive would be seen as the catalyst, even a while after the original event. The results and opinions resulting from the aftermath are also something I can understand. No matter what angle you supported, you could either feel like you're a champion for your side or feel victimized by your opponents. That's always a hard thing to think rationally about no matter who you are. This goes for direct participants and fans alike. It can also be seen how the constant stream of consciousness can lose the triggering instance in the complete tidal wave that Twitter and other communication services can experience. I can't be the only one who has suddenly seen a calm live chat turn into a frantic flame war and have no idea when or how it started. Things get out of hand quickly and all of a sudden there are multiple takes of one story floating around with only a few things in common with no one knowing what to believe and looking for someone to blame. Things are said that cannot be taken back, issues and complaints are filed, whether officially or just in the courts of public opinion, and people's fight or flight instincts are applied whether or not they are directly involved or not.

I also can understand Channel Awesome's actions in both a public relations and a legal sense. The entire situation was unfortunate for everyone involved, and they took steps to try and mitigate the fallout as much as they could. Now it may seem unfair to some, but it's really hard to react when you're in the middle of this sort of rage-cluster. It really is a no-win situation for them as a business. They either keep someone who has been with them since the beginning but is in a very volatile state, or stick by them and symbolically show support for behavior that will damage the business publicly. Either way it would create a divide among the staff. The tipping point was most likely the legal liability that Channel Awesome would have if they kept Mr. Antwiler on(PM me if you have questions on exactly how, this section is long enough as it is). CA is a business, but it's small and relatively new. Company and public conduct policies within all employment contracts are most likely going to change as a result of this, and it may take some time for them to settle into what is the most appropriate system for everyone. It comes with the territory of forming a business of your own and should be understood as such.In layman's terms, they're going through some growing pains and it'll take some time to settle in. I don't know if there was or is a gag order in place, but in this situation it does make a lot of sense for one to be issued to prevent escalation.

It was all but impossible to come out unscathed in this unfortunate event, but those contributors that remained neutral or refrained from attacks deserve as much respect as possible,with JO and Linkara reacting the most admirably in their reactions so quickly to the fan backlash. Their professionalism in this was very impressive and is sort of a shining beacon of hope in all of this.It would be hard to remain neutral for all on the site, especially with the potential of fans pressuring the staff to make a decision on which side they supported and with the interpersonal relationships of the reviewers and staff. That being said other associates of people involved did act quite immaturely, and it is not completely surprising. I cannot support or condone any of those actions, but it does not change whether or not I will watch any future content that interests me. Basically I understand why, but I don't agree.

I wish the best for Spoony and can still appreciate his and many CA contributors for their work. For all that's happened, things have calmed down now and conditions for everyone is improving steadily.

Other than that, I think the only thing left to say is that I wish for the improving and continued health of every individual both involved and speculating. Also many thank yous for not only the thread creator, but both Holly and Welshy to commenting in this thread. It was a real surprise at 4am that woke me straight up. Badonkadonk will always live on for me.

Again, sorry for the length.

And thank (insert preferred deity here) that I don't have a Twitter.

Carlos Storm

New member
Mar 13, 2012
I just found out that Spoony and Doug are confirmed guests at a nearby Anime Convention me and my friends are attending, I'm torn between bringing my "I love you Doug, please review ReBoot" sign, or my "Spoony please don't chain me to the pipe in your basement" sign......damn....

Daniel Westgate

New member
Aug 17, 2012
SaneAmongInsane said:
lacktheknack said:

<quote=anon>When the hell are you women gonna stop taking yourselves so seriously all the goddamn time? Noah is suffering from a serious case of depression and his girlfriend dumping him didnt help his situation at all. I dont condone misogyny, but I ALSO dont condone promiscuity! Which goes for BOTH men AND women! And you just had to open your big fat mouth and complain about some stupid joke that was obviously taken out of context! If Noah commits suicide because of this, his blood will be on YOUR hands!

<quote=Lupa>Well. You don?t condone misogyny, but you?re saying I?m promiscuous? How the hell am I promiscuous? He gets an excuse because he?s depressed? He can open his mouth but I can?t? He has absolutely no right over me to be able to speak his mind but I can?t. And it doesn?t matter if I?m a woman.

Excuse me, but you don?t fucking joke about suicide. You have no right.

<quote=anon>What? That was NOT a joke, Lupa! I was DEAD serious about your bullshit being liable to push Noah over the edge. I NEVER joke about things like that. I have even written extensively on my blog about how much the use of rape in movies is offensive and unneccesary. I even made it a two-parter. You know nothing about me, but what I do know is that all women play the "we've been oppressed and subjugated by men for so long" card to shamelessly manipulate men. I hate that. That makes me angry!

<quote=Lupa>And let me tell YOU something. Blaming Scarlett for Spoony?s problems is the most bullshit thing I?ve ever heard, and you should be ashamed for using that excuse. He?s been harassing her, her friends, anyone associated with her, for existing, for the crime of breaking up with him, and you have the fucking nerve to call her promiscuous? Because damn it, she?s done absolutely nothing like that, and someone has the right to exist in this world. It doesn?t matter if she twitter flirts, she has the right to fucking exist, and no one, NO ONE should hold anyone ransom for their own happiness. People have shit on her because of HIS attacks, and this shit needs to stop now. You said she did something wrong for breaking up with him when he?s depressed? Fuck you.

Holy balls, Lupa is PISSED.

Anyways, what I'm gathering here is that Lupa is (probably?) a friend of Spoony's ex, and that Spoony is (apparently) harassing his ex and her friends, and Lupa (definitely) had quite enough of this crap.

So take that as you will. I'll keep digging.
hmm... ya know at this point I have to question why we're all interested in this. Is it for truth or for petty entertainment?

Also yeah, Lups is right, however Spoony being a creep or not I still enjoyed most of his work and I'd rather he not kill himself. Plus two wrongs don't make a right, don't kick a guy when he's at the edge and all that.

She is absolutely wrong here, from what is shown, should it be in LOGICAL order. I put that in caps because her response makes no sense and does not show a clear mind, but pent up emotions, which are fine when you're trying to figure something out, not when you're dealing with someone who is emotionally and/or mentally disturbed. In fact, you should always approuch things like someone just might be. It's called, take a hint. I digress.

This Anon character is simply saying, "hey, the guy needs help. He could die. Be bigger, here, even if what he did was wrong." And she doesn't care and only brings up the past. Pointless. Second, nowhere in that previous comment or the one before it did Anon even suggest he was blaming Scarlet. Again, her emotions are coming over and it seems like she's projecting how Spoony has been acting onto this Anon guy. All he said was "don't kick a dog when he's down. He's a depressed person to begin with, show some sort of kindness." If Scarlet is at all a healthy person she can get over this. Spoony could die.

p.s. if she can't recognize that there may very well be something seriously wrong with the guy, one make want to consider getting her checked out too. Maybe she's her's age, but I'm not sure what that's suppose to be.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Spoony didn't look too good to me in Ultima 9 Parts 3-4. I don't know if he was wearing Hollywood Make-up or if that's how he has actually been looking for the past couple of days, but I am worried about him. Hopefully now he can take a break, do some fun things that aren't also stressful. I just hope he gets well soon. Poor guy...


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
Spoony didn't look too good to me in Ultima 9 Parts 3-4. I don't know if he was wearing Hollywood Make-up or if that's how he has actually been looking for the past couple of days, but I am worried about him. Hopefully now he can take a break, do some fun things that aren't also stressful. I just hope he gets well soon. Poor guy...
Ultima 9 Part 4 felt like Internet History in the making, there was something special, something touching about that piece of video. It reveals what the Ultima series means to him and he does it with a sincerity I have rarely seen before. If you haven't seen it, go see it!

I wouldn't worry to much about him though. I don't know him and don't pretend to have any insight in his state of mind but he looked fine in the previouw video (about the European beer and candy).


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Reynaert said:
Mr.Mattress said:
Spoony didn't look too good to me in Ultima 9 Parts 3-4. I don't know if he was wearing Hollywood Make-up or if that's how he has actually been looking for the past couple of days, but I am worried about him. Hopefully now he can take a break, do some fun things that aren't also stressful. I just hope he gets well soon. Poor guy...
Ultima 9 Part 4 felt like Internet History in the making, there was something special, something touching about that piece of video. It reveals what the Ultima series means to him and he does it with a sincerity I have rarely seen before. If you haven't seen it, go see it!

I wouldn't worry to much about him though. I don't know him and don't pretend to have any insight in his state of mind but he looked fine in the previouw video (about the European beer and candy).
Yeah when he went on that rant about his life, I remembered everything that had happened on TGWTG. Dont know how I felt about it.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I'm just glad that for all intents and purposes the people I like weren't asshats about it. Noah is and has been a Comedic Genius and one of the most influential members of the site, and he is run out of town but a no talent two bit hack with red hair.

Did CR take a side?


New member
Aug 29, 2012
Wow... what a long thread.. I only had the time to read a few of the pages before I skipped to the last few posts. This is my first post and I registered only to remark how sad that a site I looked at to get a laugh has itself become the butt of a joke. He made some pretty nasty comments on his twitter.. and if his fans wanted to leave or stop following or whatever, that's their prerogative. However, for his coworkers to rally up, counter, or admonish him publicly is not only distasteful, but unprofessional and pathetic.

Yes, he made disparaging remarks, but as the "better person", each individual who chose to respond to his twitter could have simply ignored it as he was already on "tilt". He probably would have ranted on to something else soon enough instead of causing this firestorm of stupidity.

This drama should never have gotten out of hand like this and shame to the administrators for not trying to work this out.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
ovidbrono said:
This drama should never have gotten out of hand like this and shame to the administrators for not trying to work this out.
They did. Spoony was suspended for being an asshole to his followers and other Channel awesome contributors on twitter, he then proceeded to violate his suspension by being an even bigger asshole. The TGWTG admins then gave him the option to either change his behavior, or leave the site. He chose to quit.

It wasn't about the rape joke, neither JO nor Lupa got him fired. He made the decision to leave. It's all on him

Gone Rampant

New member
Feb 12, 2012
So if Spoony's left, how come Insano showed up in To Boldly Flee? Plot reasons? An attempt to calm everyone down?


acting on my best behaviour
Mar 6, 2012
Gone Rampant said:
So if Spoony's left, how come Insano showed up in To Boldly Flee? Plot reasons? An attempt to calm everyone down?
I doubt these guys make their videos a few days before submitting them. As TGWTG is considered a serious workplace I imagine they have deadlines and have created numerous shows a few months in advance.

Plus -- Spoony can guest star but he just can't have his own material on the site and get paid for it.


New member
Oct 24, 2011
So if Spoony's left, how come Insano showed up in To Boldly Flee? Plot reasons? An attempt to calm everyone down?
To Boldly Flee was shot back in April, long before the whole shitstorm with Spoony started. Given how Spoony is playing at least two key characters in the special, there was no way they could remove him from the special even if Channel Awesome wanted to, not without massive rewrites to the script and a whole bunch of expensive reshoots. TBF has just had a very long post production process, which is why it is coming out now, four months after it was shot. It likely will be the last Channel Awesome video that Spoony is in.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
GothmogII said:
Pandabearparade said:
GothmogII said:
Don't really know what you're talking about...the only thing TGWTG censors in its videos is nudity. Most everything else is fair game. :/
False. The Amazing Atheist was booted off the site for posting inappropriate content and it had nothing to do with nudity.
As far as Channel Awesome goes, they don't say anything about anything. But I did watch the AA's vid after he left, according to the man himself it was because he felt that TGWTG wasn't creating interesting/engaging content. He wanted to set up his own thing to attract 'real' talent. I hadn't read otherwise i.e regarding censorship issues, but quite possibly I just missed that little detail in the whole snafu.

Captcha: yes, sir
He wasn't fired because of any content, he was fired because he was The Amazing Atheist. He was scaring away advertisers.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
Dorian6 said:
ovidbrono said:
This drama should never have gotten out of hand like this and shame to the administrators for not trying to work this out.
They did. Spoony was suspended for being an asshole to his followers and other Channel awesome contributors on twitter, he then proceeded to violate his suspension by being an even bigger asshole. The TGWTG admins then gave him the option to either change his behavior, or leave the site. He chose to quit.

It wasn't about the rape joke, neither JO nor Lupa got him fired. He made the decision to leave. It's all on him
Well, Spoony has just cleared up this whole mess in the first part of his commentary on "To Boldly Flee" and really, it wasn't even the suspension that made him quit, it just got him thinking. The admins didn't give him an ultimatum he just realized that being suspended didn't actually affect him that much.

The real reason Spoony quit was because of a disagreement in how TGWTG deals with their producers and how their site works in general. The shitstorm on Twitter was just bad timing, but he does take responsibility for the things he said and admits that he was being an ass. Spoony left because he felt that he and TGWTG didn't need eachother anymore (they didn't generate any traffic for eachother which is why they originally teamed up) and after Doug made it clear that he was retiring the Nostalgia Critic Spoony felt it was time for a change too.

He left the site on fairly good terms with everyone and he has made it clear that he does not intend to stop working with the producers he usually does crossovers with and that they are only a phonecall away. In fact, he just posted a crossover with Diamanda Hagan, another producer on TGWTG.

Really, just watch the commentary on his site so that this whole thing can finally be put to rest.