The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Ekonk said:
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
I seem to remember quite vividly that the whole point of 'asymptotic' (spelling?) was that it would get closer and closer to the axis, but never actually hit it.

Of course, dealing with infinity is a bit hard since it's a very abstract thing.
Yes; it hits it at infinity. When you divide 1 by zero. Q.E.D

And also, your point about how "we would probably live in a very odd universe" also hardly has any merit. For example, if you take a black hole, it, at its singularity, scientifically, has an volume of zero, as, with current measurements, the result will always be zero, nothing you can do about it. This means that it has an infinite density, from p=m/v, hence its massive gravity.

Dividing by zero is something that must be taken into account in physics, the laws break down when zeros and infinities are introduced.


Also, I think it was a bit of a fucking dick move to go and call what I said "The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard", when you have got no actual evidence to prove me wrong, and then, when I go and show I am right, you go and brush it off.
Hey man, I was always taught it was impossible to divide by zero. Also, you use circular logic. You're saying that 1/0 = infinity. You defend this by saying that an asymptotic line hits at infinity, and you back this up by saying 1/0 = infinity. Am I missing something here?

Then there's of course the fatal flaw that if 1/0 = infinity, then 0 * infinity = 1. However, it isn't. 0 times anything is 0.

Aaaand of course the fact that an asymptotic line gets closer and closer and doesn't hit, not even at infinity. It gets infinitely close, but it isn't zero.
Okay, I'll give you another example, for a simple y=mx + c straight line graph, a flat, horizontal line, has a gradient of zero. Simple maths. Likewise, a vertical line has a gradient of infinity. This means that if you multiply both graphs together, you must get a y=x graph, which you do, as, you said it yourself "0 * infinity = 1". So, yes, what you said about that is correct, backing up my point.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
My brother and I were playing Left 4 Dead for the first time. My bro saw "Bill killed Hunter" appear on the screen, and he asked "Who's Hunter?"

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
child of lileth said:
"Final Fanatasy XIII has so much exploration. I was like , 'I don't even know where to go. I'm gonna get lost' XD" - Some Gamefaqs forum poster, on a Star Ocean forum.
According to what I heard, FFXIII does have exploration.

You just have to get really, really far into the game.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
My family was making fun of my sister, calling her ignorant.
She didn't know what ignorant meant, and she said she didn't care.



New member
Apr 21, 2009
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
I seem to remember quite vividly that the whole point of 'asymptotic' (spelling?) was that it would get closer and closer to the axis, but never actually hit it.

Of course, dealing with infinity is a bit hard since it's a very abstract thing.
Yes; it hits it at infinity. When you divide 1 by zero. Q.E.D

And also, your point about how "we would probably live in a very odd universe" also hardly has any merit. For example, if you take a black hole, it, at its singularity, scientifically, has an volume of zero, as, with current measurements, the result will always be zero, nothing you can do about it. This means that it has an infinite density, from p=m/v, hence its massive gravity.

Dividing by zero is something that must be taken into account in physics, the laws break down when zeros and infinities are introduced.


Also, I think it was a bit of a fucking dick move to go and call what I said "The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard", when you have got no actual evidence to prove me wrong, and then, when I go and show I am right, you go and brush it off.
Hey man, I was always taught it was impossible to divide by zero. Also, you use circular logic. You're saying that 1/0 = infinity. You defend this by saying that an asymptotic line hits at infinity, and you back this up by saying 1/0 = infinity. Am I missing something here?

Then there's of course the fatal flaw that if 1/0 = infinity, then 0 * infinity = 1. However, it isn't. 0 times anything is 0.

Aaaand of course the fact that an asymptotic line gets closer and closer and doesn't hit, not even at infinity. It gets infinitely close, but it isn't zero.
Okay, I'll give you another example, for a simple y=mx + c straight line graph, a flat, horizontal line, has a gradient of zero. Simple maths. Likewise, a vertical line has a gradient of infinity. This means that if you multiply both graphs together, you must get a y=x graph, which you do, as, you said it yourself "0 * infinity = 1". So, yes, what you said about that is correct, backing up my point.
No man no. It simply doesn't hold up. You can multiply zero as many goddamn times as you please, but it will never ever become one.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Ekonk said:
No man no. It simply doesn't hold up. You can multiply zero as many goddamn times as you please, but it will never ever become one.
Look; vertical gradient is infinity, a horizontal gradient is 0. A diagonal gradient is 1. Its just maths. You can't just say that it "simply doesn't hold up".

Yes, infinity isn't a true number, but that wasn't what I was saying, I was saying it was possible to divide by zero. Now, please, don't go belittling people for the sake of it. I used to think you had some decent contributions to this forum, not just throwing out insults like a damn 13 year old.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
I'm finding myself hard pressed to think of any specific story, but I'd say any argument made by extremists, especially of the religious type, and those unwilling to change their dated world views.
Take for example, people who firmly believe:

- drilling offshore was a good idea. (Is it really that hard to stop the leak? Have you tried Duct Tape?)
- Violent Media is the downfall of humanity.
- Video Games are not art.
- Pokemon are soul corrupting demons.
- Evolution is false and should not be taught.
- Faith is a viable replacement for Fact.
- that Obama is a Socialist, Progressives are evil, and that we are all becoming Nazis because we want National Healthcare. (Really, anyone who believes Glenn Beck.)
- that Electric Cars are not possible.

That actually brings me to a story actually where I had to convince my grandma that Electric Cars do have gauges that inform you when you're low on charge. She assumed they wouldn't and that they run out unexpectedly.

And as one last bit before I wrap this up.
socialmenace42 said:

Not just stupid but some of the funniest ignorance I've ever seen
This literally made me plant my face on my desk, cry, and laugh all at once.

and B:
MCDeltaT said:
My Sister (14): "When I get a pet I'm going to get a dragon"

Me: "Dragon's are fictional"

My Sister: "Yeah, that doesn't mean they aren't real"
This post is adorable, I could picture a little kid saying this and just thinking "That is Awesome."


New member
Jul 28, 2008
A girl in my previous class was always saying stupid things out of nowhere.

Like this one: "When a meteor hits earth, is that how an earthquake is created?" she asked our science teacher. To which the teacher just shook her head and said "Good lord Sanna".


New member
Apr 21, 2009
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
No man no. It simply doesn't hold up. You can multiply zero as many goddamn times as you please, but it will never ever become one.
Look; vertical gradient is infinity, a horizontal gradient is 0. A diagonal gradient is 1. Its just maths. You can't just say that it "simply doesn't hold up".

Yes, infinity isn't a true number, but that wasn't what I was saying, I was saying it was possible to divide by zero. Now, please, don't go belittling people for the sake of it. I used to think you had some decent contributions to this forum, not just throwing out insults like a damn 13 year old.
I don't recall insulting you. Anyway, my mind is not the best mathematical instrument. What you say about gradients is beyond me - although that might be a language barrier as well. Perhaps you're right, and perhaps you aren't. I know I haven't got a clue anymore. Well, I've got clues, but not enough to still stick to one point. Anyway, sorry about nominating you for the 'stupidest thing you've ever heard'-thread. (Hey, could that be the insult you meant?)

I say we bury the mathematical and barely comprehensible hatchet. What say you, brother?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
MCDeltaT said:
My Sister (14): "When I get a pet I'm going to get a dragon"

Me: "Dragon's are fictional"

My Sister: "Yeah, that doesn't mean they aren't real"
That reminds me of a guy at my school who told everyone he had a pet dragon named Gasket, and the we couldn't see it because we "didn't believe", I had known him previously and he didn't seem like a borderline schizophrenic or anything this was just right out of the blue.

OT: I'd have to say a lot of religious fundamentalists on the internet there was a Cracked article called "The Most Half-Assed Apologies For Terrible Events" or something like that, it mentioned that the Catholic Church were assholes in the middle ages and the pope's (I forget which pope but not the current one) modern day apology was kind of lame.
Here were some comments
"I thought the church already knew the Earth was round"
Response: "No Galileo told them that it orbited the sun which is obviously doesn't"

"Science is a lie, the Earth is flat and the sun and planets revolved around it."
And some of the most racist shit I've ever read as well.

Mana Fiend

New member
Jun 8, 2009
Overheard a few years ago, in Woolworths.

Customer: Excuse me? I brought a copy of this DVD (holds up Pan's Labrynth (sp?)) and it's in a foreign language. Can I get the English version?

Shopkeeper: No, sorry ma'm. That film only comes in Spanish.

Customer: But I want the English version.

Shopkeeper: There is no English version.

That discussion carried on for a while...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Le-a, pronounce that name. You are probably wrong. Because "the dash don't be silent", it is pronounce Ledasha.

Drakmeire said:
when I got in a 7 minute argument with a girl who claimed Europe was a country and that Britain Spain Germany and every other area in Europe are states. way to go public school system.
To be fair she isn't entirely wrong. A State is another word for country(though that is getting to be outdated). Also, Europe is getting pretty close to the U.S. with the EU forming and whatnot.

Chaos Marine said:

How did you make that backward's b?
Hi fellow bash goer!


New member
May 19, 2010
I read this story about a kid who had brought a .22 to school. An elementary school, and it went off in his desk, and they don't know why? Um yeah he pulled the trigger, guns don't go off by themselves.
Aug 25, 2009
'Always Bet on Duke.'

One of my sister's friends had a pretty epic one recently. When asked if she knew what the Immaculate Conception was:

'It's when you have really nice skin isn't it?'

I needed a moment to lie down.

For a bonuc point and a cookie, what is the Immaculate Conception according to Catholic Dogma?