The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Blind Sight said:
I was playing Mass Effect 2 and when your ship does a bit of a crash landing, it kinda makes a sound like the old transformers transforming noise. My former roommate: "Wow, they ripped off the transformers sound, this game sucks, it can't do anything original." he's also commented on how it sucks because it "has too much talking and not enough shooting." Gaming philistine.

EHKOS said:
I didn't really hear it, but it went a little like this. "Hey guys, why don't we create a system where we have thousands of people. Then lets try to manage them all with one another and have different groups for some of them. Then after all that lets make it really hard for them to agree on things so that shit never gets done!"
-Creators of American Government
You think that's bad, you should see how the Canadian federal system is designed, it's just if not more broken then America's.
I think hes talking about the articales of confederation although i could be wrong.

OT: I once heard some one say that people who believe in god are going to hell for being gulliable.


New member
May 1, 2009
Ham_authority95 said:
Subzerowings said:
"Grammar and punctuation don't matter at all"
That one kills me.
fixed that for you.

OT: (usually told to musicians) "You're a sell-out because you make money!!"

Actually, that was intentional.
Ironic, isn't it?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
This is in a GCSE History class. We were talking about the Jewish Genocide, and some idiotic girl from the back shouted:

"Is this actually real!?"

I wanted to go up to her and punch her in her tango'd face.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Jayde111 said:
Oh man, that was hilarious. She even misspelled "constitutional rights" (besides other words). Surely she must be a genius, the last true free-willed human!


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Ekonk said:
I don't recall insulting you. Anyway, my mind is not the best mathematical instrument. What you say about gradients is beyond me - although that might be a language barrier as well. Perhaps you're right, and perhaps you aren't. I know I haven't got a clue anymore. Well, I've got clues, but not enough to still stick to one point. Anyway, sorry about nominating you for the 'stupidest thing you've ever heard'-thread. (Hey, could that be the insult you meant?)

I say we bury the mathematical and barely comprehensible hatchet. What say you, brother?
Sure thing man, sorry about all that


New member
Jan 22, 2010
in science class,we and our parents had to sign a permission slip, 2 kids in my class put their names in both Student and Parent signature.
*Edit* Oh, and there is this guy in my english class that, RIGHT AFTER THE TEACHER SAYS WHAT WERE DOING, he says "Hey, what are we doing?" to a friend next to him.


New member
May 19, 2010
Deshara said:
Correct, actually. How many zeroes does it take to make a non-zero number?
Which non-zero number? For two different non-zero numbers, is the number of zeroes needed different? (Hint: there exists no correct answer because the question is nonsense.)
1/0 is not equal to infinity; it is undefined. It makes intuitive sense that it should be infinity, but quite a lot of mathematics concepts will break intuition in half over the knee if you learn the conclusion before you learn the derivation. In this instance, intuition gives the wrong answer because of the assumption that infinity is a number. Infinity is not a number and does not follow the same rules.
milkoy said:
an asymptotal curve hits the y axis at infinity
There is no such thing as "at infinity". There is nowhere on the number line you can point to and say, "Infinity is here." See above; infinity doesn't play by the same rules as numbers.
All of the examples you give assume that a truism of an operation (such as multiplication, division) on the real numbers is still true if you're operating on infinity. This assumption has no basis in mathematic proof. When one of your operands is infinity, not even the most basic things like a*b = b*a remain true.
milkoy said:
vertical gradient is infinity
"Vertical gradient" has no meaning. A vertical line is undefined at all horizontal coordinates less one. This does not satisfy the definition of "gradient".


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Me: Hey "name of dumb blond" whats the capital of the country you live in? (The United States)
Blond (Being completely serious): Uhhhhh... America City?
Me and the guy next to me: *facepalm*

and before that we asked her if she knew what the capitol of Canada was and her answer was "France?" no she was not joking or trolling she was 100% serious.


New member
May 19, 2010
Danglybits said:
"Don't use tampons because they'll break your virginity and you won't be able to have babies."
That actually crashed my brain and I had to reboot.
I'd've said, "A, when you lose your virginity, you can't have babies anymore? That makes the opposite of sense.
And B, hymen integrity and virginity are not one and the same. A woman who's never had sex might've had her hymen torn by strenuous exercise or sports (I once read in Source Amnesia Quarterly that this happens often to equestrians), and a woman with an intact hymen may have had sex in an alternative orifice."


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Weird meth chick walked up to my friends and I tonight outside of a cinema, she saw my friend's let it be shirt and asked who the guy's in the picture were, then she looked at my The Who shirt and said, "The Who, that doesn't make any sense."


New member
May 5, 2010
God hates gays; If we let gays marry, we will have to let people marry dogs and lamps; gay people are evil; gay people are bad parents; the bible says being gay is wrong; girls can wear pants but men cant wear skirts cause they make pants for girls (now they do after years of crossdressing women); you hate halo cause you suck at it; Twilight is a vampire movie...

I could go on.


New member
May 21, 2010
Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi saying that women dressing promiscuously causes earthquake.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
My brother suggested the ULTIMATE game: You are put into a squadron of four people when you start the game, and you stay with them the whole time! You go around and... shoot things...

He just doesn't get it.

Vhite said:
/flameshield on
Macs are better then PC in every way.
A flameshield won't save you from nukes.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Too much idiocy to chose from, so i am gonna pick something rather big:

people who argue on the internet, it's uterly useless and proves nothing. Especially the ones that argue in comment sections on news sites or youtube.


Mar 28, 2009
Skylane14 said:
Jedamethis said:
Skylane14 said:
The Theory of Evolution.

Yeah, go ahead, laugh. I'm entitled to my opinion, and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands :p
If you don't mind my asking, why is it the stupidest thing you've ever heard?
Well, because it is often trumpeted as the end all, be all solution for where life came from, when it is actually laughably flimsy. I'm a very "prove it" sort of guy, and so far I haven't seen any proof that evolution is even possible. Natural selection, yes. Evolution? No.

I guess I should reform my statement a bit: The theory, as presented by Charles Darwin, while somewhat ridiculous, has merit, as a theory and a theory alone. The way it is presented, at least around here, as the Holy Grail of Science makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. That slavish devotion to a theory that hasn't even been proven as of yet tops every stupid thing I've ever heard from a religious fanatic, if only because religion, in and of itself, attracts fanaticism and fervor. It is built on the principle of believing the unbelievable. Science is supposed to be above that, but that sadly ceased being the case some time ago.
I think this wins my vote. Evolution is the same as natural selection, it has been proven, and it has nothing to say about the origin of life. Scientists are also very "prove it" kinds of people; do you really think they just accept evolution without thinking about it? Nobody presents it as the Holy Grail of science, they just know that it works.

What do you think is ridiculous about the theory? Random variations in a population cause some organisms to have traits that give them greater chances of surviving to procreate, and pass on these traits to their offspring. Over time, this will cause the population to become better suited to it's environment. It's been observed in bacteria, too. Or how about the fact that populations who migrated to colder climates ended up with white skin, because if they hadn't, they would have suffered from vitamin D deficiency. Or how about the fact people who live in cold climates have adapted to be shorter and stockier, with more fat. Or even people who live at high altitudes. They have large lungs and nostrils, to extract as much oxygen from the air as they can.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I lent my copy of the Watchmmen novel to a friend who had never heard of it. After having read a few pages, he concluded it sucked because it was a "clichéd story about spies". I was speechless :p