The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard


New member
Apr 12, 2010
interspark said:
rescuer86 said:
Dumbest thing I have ever heard in person? I know a college educated woman who believes that the Holocaust never happened. It is just a conspiracy created by the Jews to help them take over the world.
interesting theory, hell of a set up i must admitt. has it occured to you she may have been joking?
I actually laughed the first time she told me this. But no, she is German and her father was a Nazi sympathizer during the war. She also does not believe in vaccinating her children because she believes that vaccines are a way to experiment on the populace. Ironic, coming from a neo-Nazi, huh?


New member
May 8, 2010
Zayren said:
socialmenace42 said:

Not just stupid but some of the funniest ignorance I've ever seen
Oh god, so much this video.

But also people who take this video and go,"Lololol Americans sure are stupid!"
Too true, i would like to add a Disclaimer that I do not consider Americans to be stupid, examples of mis-informed people roaming the streets can be found ANYWHERE. Idiocy is a global phenomenon


New member
Mar 10, 2010
The teacher saying the study was anonymous, then a girl asked, if we should write our name on it.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Ekonk said:
milkoy said:
Sennz0r said:
I once heard someone try to explain to our maths teacher that you can in fact divide by 0, using dividing pizza to further explain his theory. It was so stupid I can't even remember the specifics.
You can divide by zero; the result is infinity.
Basic math fail. Our entire mathematical system is built upon/based upon the zero, and you can't divide by it. If you could, the whole system would never have worked/existed in the first place and we would probably live in a very odd universe.

EDIT: I qualify Milkoy's post for this thread!
Mate, that is just not true. Think of it in a mathematical way; an asymptotal curve hits the y axis at infinity, because its equation is y=1/x, so when x is 0, y is equal to infinity.

Thats a picture showing what I mean.


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
likalaruku said:
There was this foreigner who insisted that Seattle was in Washington DC, & yes, he did specify DC & the white house & all. I know he's a forgeigner, but he was adamant about it & obviously put no research into his claim. Guess which DC monument he thinks the Space Needle is?
That giant stone penis?


New member
Mar 11, 2010
In a video game store I saw a lady pick up a box for the Scarface PS2 game. Her son asked her who the man on the front was (a stupid question in itself), she replied "It's Al Pacino." (flips box to read the back) "No it's not, it's some guy called Tony Montana.... that's odd, he really looks like Al Pacino."


New member
Apr 21, 2009
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
milkoy said:
Sennz0r said:
I once heard someone try to explain to our maths teacher that you can in fact divide by 0, using dividing pizza to further explain his theory. It was so stupid I can't even remember the specifics.
You can divide by zero; the result is infinity.
Basic math fail. Our entire mathematical system is built upon/based upon the zero, and you can't divide by it. If you could, the whole system would never have worked/existed in the first place and we would probably live in a very odd universe.

EDIT: I qualify Milkoy's post for this thread!
Mate, that is just not true. Think of it in a mathematical way; an asymptotal curve hits the y axis at infinity, because its equation is y=1/x, so when x is 0, y is equal to infinity.

Thats a picture showing what I mean.
I seem to remember quite vividly that the whole point of 'asymptotic' (spelling?) was that it would get closer and closer to the axis, but never actually hit it.

Of course, dealing with infinity is a bit hard since it's a very abstract thing.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Two things -
"Watch out theres a invisible guy running round"
"I cant see him"
"Thats 'cus hes invisible..." =] - Two friends of mine

"You'll eat chips but you wont eat beans..." - My mum


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Ekonk said:
I seem to remember quite vividly that the whole point of 'asymptotic' (spelling?) was that it would get closer and closer to the axis, but never actually hit it.

Of course, dealing with infinity is a bit hard since it's a very abstract thing.
Yes; it hits it at infinity. When you divide 1 by zero. Q.E.D

And also, your point about how "we would probably live in a very odd universe" also hardly has any merit. For example, if you take a black hole, it, at its singularity, scientifically, has an volume of zero, as, with current measurements, the result will always be zero, nothing you can do about it. This means that it has an infinite density, from p=m/v, hence its massive gravity.

Dividing by zero is something that must be taken into account in physics, the laws break down when zeros and infinities are introduced.


Also, I think it was a bit of a fucking dick move to go and call what I said "The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard", when you have got no actual evidence to prove me wrong, and then, when I go and show I am right, you go and brush it off.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Another thing -
"...Korean" - Me
"What's a Korean?" - Retard
"Are you honestly asking me that" - Me
"No, of cause I know what a Korean is" - Retard
"What is it then" - Me
"I cant be bothered to say" - Retard
"A Korean is some one from Korea..." - Me
"Oh, like the Japanese are from China?" - Retard
*Facepalm - Me


New member
Jan 13, 2010
WafflesToo said:
"Hey guys, what is YOUR password?"
Well it is 12rt45... WAIT A MINUTE!

It would go with: "What is electricity again?" coming from a grade 11 physics student that I am tutoring.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
My friend believed that our blood pumps round our body at twice the speed of light!! I tried to explain to him that its impossible and that we would all be a mass of pure energy..he didnt belive me...LMAO


New member
Aug 27, 2009
"I don't beleive in all that science stuff, it's all lies."

I replied by asking why she beleived in a book with no evidence and she did not reply. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
milkoy said:
Ekonk said:
I seem to remember quite vividly that the whole point of 'asymptotic' (spelling?) was that it would get closer and closer to the axis, but never actually hit it.

Of course, dealing with infinity is a bit hard since it's a very abstract thing.
Yes; it hits it at infinity. When you divide 1 by zero. Q.E.D

And also, your point about how "we would probably live in a very odd universe" also hardly has any merit. For example, if you take a black hole, it, at its singularity, scientifically, has an volume of zero, as, with current measurements, the result will always be zero, nothing you can do about it. This means that it has an infinite density, from p=m/v, hence its massive gravity.

Dividing by zero is something that must be taken into account in physics, the laws break down when zeros and infinities are introduced.


Also, I think it was a bit of a fucking dick move to go and call what I said "The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard", when you have got no actual evidence to prove me wrong, and then, when I go and show I am right, you go and brush it off.
Hey man, I was always taught it was impossible to divide by zero. Also, you use circular logic. You're saying that 1/0 = infinity. You defend this by saying that an asymptotic line hits at infinity, and you back this up by saying 1/0 = infinity. Am I missing something here?

Then there's of course the fatal flaw that if 1/0 = infinity, then 0 * infinity = 1. However, it isn't. 0 times anything is 0.

Aaaand of course the fact that an asymptotic line gets closer and closer and doesn't hit, not even at infinity. It gets infinitely close, but it isn't zero.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
"You know, you should go green and try walking to school instead of driving since every time you press down the gas pedal one thousand people die."

She then called me a murderer for telling her she completely made that up. Our debate continued for at least 15 minutes longer with her also saying that everyone should go back to horse drawn carts...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
bwaremypower said:
If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
Hmmm... What's that supposed to mean? Let's figure this shit out..


In all seriousness though:


New member
Apr 14, 2008
milkoy said:
Sennz0r said:
I once heard someone try to explain to our maths teacher that you can in fact divide by 0, using dividing pizza to further explain his theory. It was so stupid I can't even remember the specifics.
You can divide by zero; the result is infinity.
damn ninjad