The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Skylane14 said:
Well, because it is often trumpeted as the end all, be all solution for where life came from, when it is actually laughably flimsy. I'm a very "prove it" sort of guy, and so far I haven't seen any proof that evolution is even possible. Natural selection, yes. Evolution? No.
oh and btw natural selection and evolution are pretty much the same thing, natural selection is the process through which evolution occurs, say, the freaky fish thats (100-1 odds) grown legs hops out of the water and all his brothers and sisters get eaten by sharks, his kids inherit legs - they survive etc


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Since I'm so edgy and hip I'm going to have to go with religion.

I can't accept people for who they are so I'll use this irrelevant thread to explain my world views in a smart sarcastic comment.


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Oct 31, 2008
"Don't use tampons because they'll break your virginity and you won't be able to have babies."


New member
Nov 9, 2009
interspark said:
Skylane14 said:
Jedamethis said:
Skylane14 said:
The Theory of Evolution.

Yeah, go ahead, laugh. I'm entitled to my opinion, and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands :p
If you don't mind my asking, why is it the stupidest thing you've ever heard?
Well, because it is often trumpeted as the end all, be all solution for where life came from, when it is actually laughably flimsy. I'm a very "prove it" sort of guy, and so far I haven't seen any proof that evolution is even possible. Natural selection, yes. Evolution? No.

I guess I should reform my statement a bit: The theory, as presented by Charles Darwin, while somewhat ridiculous, has merit, as a theory and a theory alone. The way it is presented, at least around here, as the Holy Grail of Science makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. That slavish devotion to a theory that hasn't even been proven as of yet tops every stupid thing I've ever heard from a religious fanatic, if only because religion, in and of itself, attracts fanaticism and fervor. It is built on the principle of believing the unbelievable. Science is supposed to be above that, but that sadly ceased being the case some time ago.
what are you talking about?!? you can see evolution with your own two eyes! you can see as fossils slowly change shape as you go on to younger fossils in sinc with the transformation of the earth! its there! its solid fact! anything else is just wishful thinking (aka - religion)
oh and btw natural selection and evolution are pretty much the same thing, natural selection is the process through which evolution occurs, say, the freaky fish thats (100-1 odds) grown legs hops out of the water and all his brothers and sisters get eaten by sharks, his kids inherit legs - they survive etc
Um, no. There is no evidence of either of these claims. Name one, just one, that actually has a full record, and then we'll talk.

Link Yeah

New member
Mar 18, 2010
You don't need a full record to witness macro-evolution in process - like the aforementioned periodic table example. Even though dozens of elements were yet to be discovered, using the atomic model, scientists could determine that there would be elements that exist *in theory* for certain atomic numbers. They (Mendeelev or something, I forget his name) still allocated a space for the undiscovered elements. The fact that Silicon was yet to be discovered did not mean that the body of evidence/the model for atomic theory was incorrect.

Also, as Interspark suggests, natural selection is indeed basically the same thing as evolution. You appear to believe in micro, not macro evolution. To return to a former question - how do you think species like Homo-sapiens began to exist (dawn of civilisation approx. 8000BCE?)? Did they spring into existence one day? I'm not being sarcastic here; I'm genuinely interested how you think 'young' species started life.

Link Yeah

New member
Mar 18, 2010
How could you EVER have a full record anyway? That would mean billions upon billions of examples. Even then you could argue it was incomplete. Also, there is no such thing as a single fossil record for a species, as I outlined earlier that there is technically no such thing, in evolutionary terms


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Skylane14 said:
interspark said:
Skylane14 said:
Jedamethis said:
Skylane14 said:
The Theory of Evolution.

Yeah, go ahead, laugh. I'm entitled to my opinion, and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands :p
If you don't mind my asking, why is it the stupidest thing you've ever heard?
Well, because it is often trumpeted as the end all, be all solution for where life came from, when it is actually laughably flimsy. I'm a very "prove it" sort of guy, and so far I haven't seen any proof that evolution is even possible. Natural selection, yes. Evolution? No.

I guess I should reform my statement a bit: The theory, as presented by Charles Darwin, while somewhat ridiculous, has merit, as a theory and a theory alone. The way it is presented, at least around here, as the Holy Grail of Science makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. That slavish devotion to a theory that hasn't even been proven as of yet tops every stupid thing I've ever heard from a religious fanatic, if only because religion, in and of itself, attracts fanaticism and fervor. It is built on the principle of believing the unbelievable. Science is supposed to be above that, but that sadly ceased being the case some time ago.
what are you talking about?!? you can see evolution with your own two eyes! you can see as fossils slowly change shape as you go on to younger fossils in sinc with the transformation of the earth! its there! its solid fact! anything else is just wishful thinking (aka - religion)
oh and btw natural selection and evolution are pretty much the same thing, natural selection is the process through which evolution occurs, say, the freaky fish thats (100-1 odds) grown legs hops out of the water and all his brothers and sisters get eaten by sharks, his kids inherit legs - they survive etc
Um, no. There is no evidence of either of these claims. Name one, just one, that actually has a full record, and then we'll talk.
Please, just stop. Not just you, stop this pointless argument. You're not going to change your mind, they're not going to change theirs, it's just getting pointless now.

OT: Read this on the internet about a college science lecture
Teacher: If an astronaut drops a pen on the moon, will it move or stay still?
Student: It will drop.
Teacher: Incorrect, as there is no gravity on the moon. (most of the class agreed with her)
Student: That makes no sense. If there is no gravity, then how do the astronauts stay there?
Teacher: They have heavy shoes...


New member
May 27, 2009
Neikun said:
In my grade nine English class we were analyzing a short story about an alien sniper who had to shoot humans from his tower. A classmate suggested that the story took place on Earth, when I asked him why he felt that was he said it was because this planet had gravity.
I told him that all planets and even the moon has gravity to which he and the teacher both told me I was incorrect. I almost walked out of that classroom.
Looks like they were both riding the slow pony to the rubber forest.

*cookie for reference*

EDIT: Woah, 1500 posts? You don't look at it for a while, then you glance and it's surprising!


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Teacher: 2 apples minus 1 apple
Student: 1 apple
Teacher: 2 carrot minus 1 carrot
Student: 1 carrot
Teacher: 2/3 minus 1/3
Student expresses herself by looking like a horse

And the above repeated itself FIVE F*CKING TIMES! God I hate thick people.


New member
May 27, 2009
Arkvoodle said:
The fact that people pay money for "Twilight."
I laughed myself off my chair good sir. YOU win the thread!

EDIT: Did you see the Twighlight woman comment on The Wolfman? GOD THAT WAS HILARIOUS


New member
Apr 21, 2009
milkoy said:
Sennz0r said:
I once heard someone try to explain to our maths teacher that you can in fact divide by 0, using dividing pizza to further explain his theory. It was so stupid I can't even remember the specifics.
You can divide by zero; the result is infinity.
Basic math fail. Our entire mathematical system is built upon/based upon the zero, and you can't divide by it. If you could, the whole system would never have worked/existed in the first place and we would probably live in a very odd universe.

EDIT: I qualify Milkoy's post for this thread!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I complimented a girl on her boots, and she asked me if they were "real leather made of cows?" "I replied, no Jackie, these are fake leather made of cows, real leather is made of woven human hair." And she believed me, funniest thing i have ever seen.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Today I learned from the village idiot that Furries are not much different from Transgendered people.


Aug 3, 2008
MCDeltaT said:
My Sister (14): "When I get a pet I'm going to get a dragon"

Me: "Dragon's are fictional"

My Sister: "Yeah, that doesn't mean they aren't real"
Bearded Dragons? Technically Lizards, but soooo cute.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
milkoy said:
Sennz0r said:
I once heard someone try to explain to our maths teacher that you can in fact divide by 0, using dividing pizza to further explain his theory. It was so stupid I can't even remember the specifics.
You can divide by zero; the result is infinity.
I always wondered about that.

nickd007 said:
The following actually took place today in study hall. Our teacher is Buddhist and so is his daughter, which for some reason bothers my friend (he's a Christian, albeit not a terribly good person. Weird, I thought that was what they were supposed to be...). I was talking to this friend of mine when the teacher's daughter walked in, and this is the conversation that occurred.

Friend: "God, what is this, a Buddhist convention?"
Me: "Dude, what's your problem with them?"
Friend: "She's probably only Buddhist because he is and he said it was good when she was growing up."
Me: "Isn't that why you're Christian? Because your parents were?"
Friend: "Well, yeah, but Christianity is good. Buddhism is a heap of shit."

What. The. Fuck.

Also, he seems convinced that Buddhism was started when Buddha said, "Hey, fuck God! I'm gonna sit around and gain weight for a few years, and then you guys should worship me." No shit. That is what my friend said word for word.
Your friend is an intolerant retard. I recommend getting another.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
The following actually took place today in study hall. Our teacher is Buddhist and so is his daughter, which for some reason bothers my friend (he's a Christian, albeit not a terribly good person. Weird, I thought that was what they were supposed to be...). I was talking to this friend of mine when the teacher's daughter walked in, and this is the conversation that occurred.

Friend: "God, what is this, a Buddhist convention?"
Me: "Dude, what's your problem with them?"
Friend: "She's probably only Buddhist because he is and he said it was good when she was growing up."
Me: "Isn't that why you're Christian? Because your parents were?"
Friend: "Well, yeah, but Christianity is good. Buddhism is a heap of shit."

What. The. Fuck.

Also, he seems convinced that Buddhism was started when Buddha said, "Hey, fuck God! I'm gonna sit around and gain weight for a few years, and then you guys should worship me." No shit. That is what my friend said word for word.