Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Sep 21, 2015 #13,581 ^ no, but had some earlier today. < jalepeno cheeseburger. it was good. V Got to roll with the punches.
^ no, but had some earlier today. < jalepeno cheeseburger. it was good. V Got to roll with the punches.
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Sep 22, 2015 #13,582 ^ Then I'd get wet and sticky. Like in the pornos. < Waste-a-money. v Tongue-Fu Master.
The Rogue Wolf Stealthy Carnivore Legacy Nov 25, 2007 17,138 9,868 118 Stalking the Digital Tundra Gender Sep 22, 2015 #13,583 ^ your tongue-fu is not as strong as mine < once split sixteen wooden boards with his tongue v would you like to sample my technique?
^ your tongue-fu is not as strong as mine < once split sixteen wooden boards with his tongue v would you like to sample my technique?
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,584 ^ Only on the weekends because I want the "after hours" edition... < "Oh, it's such a perfect day!" v A week of Fall premieres [on your mind]?
^ Only on the weekends because I want the "after hours" edition... < "Oh, it's such a perfect day!" v A week of Fall premieres [on your mind]?
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,585 ^ I don't watch T.V. < Some would think that preposterous V Revenge is only a feeling
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,586 ^ Feeling is only a revenge... < How am I still awake? v INSOMNIA!
NerfedFalcon Level i Flare! Mar 23, 2011 7,410 1,207 118 Gender Male Sep 22, 2015 #13,587 ^ With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything's far away. Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy. < Hasn't even seen Fight Club. Well, not all of it, anyway. v Has something stuck in their eye.
^ With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything's far away. Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy. < Hasn't even seen Fight Club. Well, not all of it, anyway. v Has something stuck in their eye.
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,588 ^ HA, not today! < I washed earlier. v I may wash later. What have you done lately???
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,589 ^ Typical mundane things < Unremarkable V Lives in a Fantasy world most of the time
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Sep 22, 2015 #13,590 ^ When I can. < I don't like it when sounds are client-sided in games. v Emoticon inventor.
Wary Wolf New member Sep 10, 2015 1,017 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,591 ^ Sadly not getting any royalties for it though < Fuelled by Caffeine and the hope that one man can make a difference V Fuelled by anti-psychosis medication and apathy
^ Sadly not getting any royalties for it though < Fuelled by Caffeine and the hope that one man can make a difference V Fuelled by anti-psychosis medication and apathy
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,592 ^ Not even close buddy. < ok back to Poke-puns. V Yogurt Flame
Wary Wolf New member Sep 10, 2015 1,017 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,593 ^ How did you know my porn star name? < I only did it to get through college V Has a very strong moral compass. So strong, that the needle flew off and lodged up a polar bear's backside.
^ How did you know my porn star name? < I only did it to get through college V Has a very strong moral compass. So strong, that the needle flew off and lodged up a polar bear's backside.
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,594 ^ I would like to think I do, yes. I would even help dislodge the needle from the polar bear once they have it sedated. < so annoyed with my ISP lately. V MC Hammerpants!
^ I would like to think I do, yes. I would even help dislodge the needle from the polar bear once they have it sedated. < so annoyed with my ISP lately. V MC Hammerpants!
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,595 ^ Stop! Hamming time! < *Throws everyone free ham*. v Get hammed up, son!
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,596 ^ yum, ham! < Have you met my falcon? V He's not just a falcon, he's a rock'n'roll falcon! (It's good to back in Boston, YEAH!)
^ yum, ham! < Have you met my falcon? V He's not just a falcon, he's a rock'n'roll falcon! (It's good to back in Boston, YEAH!)
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,597 ^ I think you may need slightly less ham *takes back ham*. < Here, take this honey mustard instead. v You can put it in your ears!
^ I think you may need slightly less ham *takes back ham*. < Here, take this honey mustard instead. v You can put it in your ears!
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Sep 22, 2015 #13,598 ^ Don't be ridiculous, why would I do that? < It's time. Gametime! V one fish, two fish, fat fish, s**t fish!
^ Don't be ridiculous, why would I do that? < It's time. Gametime! V one fish, two fish, fat fish, s**t fish!
The Rogue Wolf Stealthy Carnivore Legacy Nov 25, 2007 17,138 9,868 118 Stalking the Digital Tundra Gender Sep 23, 2015 #13,599 ^ remind me never to eat any tuna fish sandwiches you bring to our next picnic < should have learned after that incident with the "deviled ham" v has a long history with cold cuts... on file with the local police department
^ remind me never to eat any tuna fish sandwiches you bring to our next picnic < should have learned after that incident with the "deviled ham" v has a long history with cold cuts... on file with the local police department
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Sep 23, 2015 #13,600 ^ I'm not listening, lalalalalalaaaaa! < I ain't done nuffink. v FACK ORFF!