The Worst Bands Ever


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Khaiseri said:
Kay-Fett said:
4. Trivium/ Bullet for my Valentine (Same tripe really)
Why don't you like these? Just asking them, since I enjoy both bands, specially Trivium. But I'm not going to flame you anyways.
Well It's nothing personal.. I just hate screamy loud awful music.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Metro Station
Jonarsehole Brothers
Linkin Park
Any band that has winy arse singers or over the top screaming people and bands who look like queers or chavs whilst playing shit music.

Blue Musician

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Kay-Fett said:
Khaiseri said:
Kay-Fett said:
4. Trivium/ Bullet for my Valentine (Same tripe really)
Why don't you like these? Just asking them, since I enjoy both bands, specially Trivium. But I'm not going to flame you anyways.
Well It's nothing personal.. I just hate screamy loud awful music.
Oh well, I didn't used to like that kind of music, but after a while I got used to it, as it relieved me from stress, depression, hate and basically most feeling that I had during classes.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Kay-Fett said:
Khaiseri said:
Kay-Fett said:
4. Trivium/ Bullet for my Valentine (Same tripe really)
Why don't you like these? Just asking them, since I enjoy both bands, specially Trivium. But I'm not going to flame you anyways.
Well It's nothing personal.. I just hate screamy loud awful music.
Trivium have grown a lot more mature than most bands in their sort of genre group. I completely agree about Bullet though.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Dr. Feelgood said:
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Anyone calling System of A Down generic should put a shotgun to their head, because the lack of intelligence whould be so dire that it could't hurt to shoot themself.
I understand that some don't like the band BUT calling it generic is just ignorant.
I bet you have hust heard BYOB and Chop Suey and decided to brand it as generic.

And Metallica WHERE the greatest trash metal band, They WHERE good and original, But NOW they suck... HARD, and their lyrics have been swiftly declining since 1986, and if your a fan you better know the reason
If Metallica sucked hard then they wouldn't be selling out every show they play. :D
No, the reason for that isnt their quality, its the fans deluding themselves and clinching to the illusion of "epicnes". Hey i was a Metallica fan, i still enjoy their first 5 albums, but their carer after that is truelly "the thing that should not be"

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
BodomBeachChild said:
SoaD does suck, especially live. I'd rank them as one of the worst live bands ever. I'm sorry, but they do as much doctoring in the studio to their music and voices as do singers like Beyonce and Lady Gaga to be able to perform live. And yeah, their lyrics suck.
Go listen to them live or Serj tankian solo stuff live and if you arent deaf, you will eat those words.
just look at the breath work and the way they diferences from the songs original structure when they fuck around on stage, that is if you have any knowledge about vocal work

Lord Doomhammer

New member
Apr 29, 2008
United States
Why is there still any discussion on this? How haven't we all universally decided that the Johanas Brothers were the worst musical based endeavorer in all of human history?!

Or were they degraded from "Band" to "vortex of terror"... honestly I've not been keeping up on such things so perhaps this slipped the net.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Aku_San said:
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Black Dahlia Murder
The Devil wears Prada
Cute is what we aim for


Ok, just about every one of these Scene/Emo/Screemo bands suck.
Whoa whoa whoa. The fact you lumped in The Black Dahlia Murder with metalcore bands means you may not understand what's going on. TBDM is Gothenburg-style melodic death metal. Their music (later stuff, especially) has almost no breakdowns, they are far more technical than most metalcore bands, and they don't follow any kind of image or anything.

Sorry, they're one of my favorite bands, I had to jump in and defend them. Also, Shannon Lucas is an absolutely incredible drummer.

Arcanite Ripper

New member
May 1, 2010
So I know this band called Streetlight Manifesto. Even with all of these helpful music-repellent posts above, these guys are my winners for the title prize.

They definitely have an admirable style of uniqueness mixing certain instrument patterns, quick-changing time singatures and slight placement changes of their same chords, never have I before defined a band's style as "noise". I couldn't follow along, it hurts my ears. Make it stop.

Listen for yourself, daring post reader.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I don't really acknowledge the existence of shit bands, I'm usually absorbed into my own escapist world of Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Animal Collective and The Who, but I think Green Day is one of the absolute worst bands out there, or at least one of the most overrated ones. I mean, Green Day Rock Band? Best concept for a game ever, right?

But... the greatest band ever is undoubtedly... Old Gods of Asgard. No other band is powerful enough to repel the forces of darkness.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
I have seen them live. I wouldn't have said they sound like shit live if I haven't. It was at Ozzfest I seen them live. Terrible. If you call that mess of noises and terrible yelling "good" well then... yeah.


New member
May 2, 2009
DrEmo said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Metallica is the greatest band in the world, the harbingers of trash metal. They revived the genre and made heavy metal what it is today. Furthermore, they are most certainly not generic. Their songs are all original, so there are definitely not generic.
There. Fixed it for you.

Wow. We should really thank Metallica for reviving the genre. The genre that has given us such incredible gems like Chelsea Grin, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park and Killswitch Engage.
Yeah, they all revere Metallica.
So if any bad/mediocre band lists another group as one of their influences, or inspirations, or what have you, then that group is just as bad or worse? That's the worst logic I've seen since someone I met five years ago said "If someone calls you gay, then you automatically become gay."

Your argument would've been at least semi-valid if the bands you listed actually sounded similar to Metallica, but even then the only people who would've agreed with you would've been the ones did before you posted anyway.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Dr. Feelgood said:
wc alligator said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Maraveno said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Ulquiorra4sama said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Avenged Sevenfold? Are you serious?

OT: I hope we can pick single artists too
1. Miley Cyrus
2. Lady Gaga
3. The Jonas Brothers
4. Seriously? Wtf was that Black Out Band? I gotta wash my ears now...
5. Donkeyboy (Norwegian band. Dunno if anyone has ever heard of them but be glad if you haven't)
Dead serious, they're one of the worst bands I've heard to date, they are poser metal.
Avenged Sevenfold AND SOAD?

you're on meth or?
Let me clarify, System of a Down and Avenged Sevenfold would be A LOT better if their singers would shut up, they have no talent.
Serj Tankian has no talent? What the hell is wrong with you?
I registered just so I can ask that.
Nothing's wrong with me, that's just how it is. He sounds like someone being beat to death with a bag full of cats. His lyrics are just HORRIBLE. You would know what I'm talking about.
I really want to hit you with a stick right now...

I agree that the other bands on your list are sort of generic, though Avenged Sevenfold is pretty good live.

But SOAD?? It's okay that you don't like their music, but if you say they suck you have no comprension of music. AT ALL.
Jul 5, 2009
Dr. Feelgood said:
Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Metallica is the greatest band in the world, the harbingers of thrash metal. They revived the genre and made heavy metal what it is today. Furthermore, they are most certainly not generic. Their songs are all original, so there are definitely not generic.
Well sir, System of a Down are no way generic to any extent. Furthermore, should you use the argument that they are shitty nu-metal, myself and the legions of religious System Followers shall be very displeased and may write a strongly worded letter!


New member
May 4, 2009
b4k4 said:
DrEmo said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Metallica is the greatest band in the world, the harbingers of trash metal. They revived the genre and made heavy metal what it is today. Furthermore, they are most certainly not generic. Their songs are all original, so there are definitely not generic.
There. Fixed it for you.

Wow. We should really thank Metallica for reviving the genre. The genre that has given us such incredible gems like Chelsea Grin, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park and Killswitch Engage.
Yeah, they all revere Metallica.
So if any bad/mediocre band lists another group as one of their influences, or inspirations, or what have you, then that group is just as bad or worse? That's the worst logic I've seen since someone I met five years ago said "If someone calls you gay, then you automatically become gay."

Your argument would've been at least semi-valid if the bands you listed actually sounded similar to Metallica, but even then the only people who would've agreed with you would've been the ones did before you posted anyway.
Why I don't like metallica:

1. They have the word "Metal" in their name. If any other band did that they'd get lynched for being posers.

2. Their songs are incredibly long. They're not incredibly long journeys of sound like Pink Floyd's songs or Rhapsody of Fire's songs, they're just really long. They take a 2 minute song, tack on a guitar solo and repeat the song twice to make a 6 minute song which is just repetition.
*Side note*
I was at a friend's house playing Guitar Hero. It was my friend's turn to play and he chose "Master of Puppets" and started playing. The song was droning on for what seemed like ages so I went to the kitchen to have a soda. I suddenly heard the song again and asked him if he re-started the song to weasel me out of a turn. He said that the song was like that. Naturally, I didn't believe him so when my turn came I did Master of Puppets too. I quickly realized that he was telling the truth; the song really is this long and repetitive.

3. Their songs are repetitive. The same few guitar chords over and over in the song and the drummer having an aneurysm on the drums while the lead singer does his best "Cat getting his scrotum rubbed against a cheese grater" impression.

4. Their fans. I hate their fans. Most of them are annoying neckbearded men in their 20's or 30's that will defend Metallica with their heart and soul as the "OMG TEH GRETEST BAND EVUHR!" and claim that it's "real rock" and that anything after it is just shite. Same goes for its 12-15 year old fans who think they're rebellious and rock hard just because they know a few Metallica songs from Guitar Hero. It's basically the smug and annoying attitude they have that bugs the living crap out of me.

I hope these 4 points explain why I don't like the band much. I don't think you or anyone is going to read the whole thing, but I took my time to explain why I don't like them instead of just going for "I don't like them cus they're gay".

I've never felt pumped up while listening to Metallica.

Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Anyone calling System of A Down generic should put a shotgun to their head, because the lack of intelligence whould be so dire that it could't hurt to shoot themself.
I understand that some don't like the band BUT calling it generic is just ignorant.
I bet you have hust heard BYOB and Chop Suey and decided to brand it as generic.

And Metallica WHERE the greatest trash metal band, They WHERE good and original, But NOW they suck... HARD, and their lyrics have been swiftly declining since 1986, and if your a fan you better know the reason
If Metallica sucked hard then they wouldn't be selling out every show they play. :D
No, the reason for that isnt their quality, its the fans deluding themselves and clinching to the illusion of "epicnes". Hey i was a Metallica fan, i still enjoy their first 5 albums, but their carer after that is truelly "the thing that should not be"
He speaks the truth.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Anyone calling System of A Down generic should put a shotgun to their head, because the lack of intelligence whould be so dire that it could't hurt to shoot themself.
I understand that some don't like the band BUT calling it generic is just ignorant.
I bet you have hust heard BYOB and Chop Suey and decided to brand it as generic.

And Metallica WHERE the greatest trash metal band, They WHERE good and original, But NOW they suck... HARD, and their lyrics have been swiftly declining since 1986, and if your a fan you better know the reason
If Metallica sucked hard then they wouldn't be selling out every show they play. :D
No, the reason for that isnt their quality, its the fans deluding themselves and clinching to the illusion of "epicnes". Hey i was a Metallica fan, i still enjoy their first 5 albums, but their carer after that is truelly "the thing that should not be"
What do you mean "should not be?" Death Magnetic was good, can't say the same for St. Anger though... they're not too bad live either.(aside from vocals, what happened to James?)


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Look up SKYMAH on Myspace.
They have one song uploaded and it's terrible.
You should go listen and laugh. And feel sorry for me cause I had to put up living with the singer for year!

Actually if he wasn't in there then the rest of the band might be called decent.