The Worst Bands Ever

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
MadPetOwner said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
wc alligator said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Maraveno said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Ulquiorra4sama said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Avenged Sevenfold? Are you serious?

OT: I hope we can pick single artists too
1. Miley Cyrus
2. Lady Gaga
3. The Jonas Brothers
4. Seriously? Wtf was that Black Out Band? I gotta wash my ears now...
5. Donkeyboy (Norwegian band. Dunno if anyone has ever heard of them but be glad if you haven't)
Dead serious, they're one of the worst bands I've heard to date, they are poser metal.
Avenged Sevenfold AND SOAD?

you're on meth or?
Let me clarify, System of a Down and Avenged Sevenfold would be A LOT better if their singers would shut up, they have no talent.
Serj Tankian has no talent? What the hell is wrong with you?
I registered just so I can ask that.
Nothing's wrong with me, that's just how it is. He sounds like someone being beat to death with a bag full of cats. His lyrics are just HORRIBLE. You would know what I'm talking about.
I really want to hit you with a stick right now...

I agree that the other bands on your list are sort of generic, though Avenged Sevenfold is pretty good live.

But SOAD?? It's okay that you don't like their music, but if you say they suck you have no comprension of music. AT ALL.
They do suck, and I do have a comprehension of music, that's how I can TELL that they suck, anyone with ears knows that. To put it simply, THEY DON'T SOUND GOOD. The fact that anyone finds their music entertaining is more than surprising.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Least favorites:

IMO, these bands "suck," and my viewpoints are valid because "sucking" is purely subjective.

On the other hand, I love Lady Gaga, 3DG, Boston, Cascada, and Armin van Buuren. I can see that modern pop is not very much appreciated around these parts...


New member
Jan 13, 2010
The Jostiband.

They're a Dutch band of mentally challenged people. I don't mean mentally challenged in the normal metalhead way, I mean actually mentally handicapped.

I can't start my day without this. It makes me happy.


New member
May 18, 2010
Least favourite:
Lady Gaga
Ke$ha (I add the sign out of respect for music and the names people give themselves, not for her)
Justin Beiber (and anything else Disney, TBH. Just to cover Jonas B's and all that garbage under one umbrella)
System of a Down
Country (I could name every artist but this is easier)

-My list of disliked goes far, far longer than this.

Now excuse me while I throw out this obviously-flamebait but entirely-true statement: I rather enjoy BrokeNCYDE, Attack Attack!, and old Linkin Park in my playlist. I'll also probably never check this thread again though, so direct all hatemail to my inbox.

Also, kudos to the person who mentioned Linkin Park as a dumbed-down version of Zebrahead. I like my Zebrahead.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I'm going to throw Slayer into the mix here. I'm not a fan, and I've really tried to give them a chance.

Also, whoever said Rage Against the Machine is my hero. Hate them with a passion.

Instinct Blues

New member
Jun 8, 2008
Arcanite Ripper said:
So I know this band called Streetlight Manifesto. Even with all of these helpful music-repellent posts above, these guys are my winners for the title prize.

They definitely have an admirable style of uniqueness mixing certain instrument patterns, quick-changing time singatures and slight placement changes of their same chords, never have I before defined a band's style as "noise". I couldn't follow along, it hurts my ears. Make it stop.

Listen for yourself, daring post reader.
You must have really sensitive ears then because thats not even bad. Not that I'm a huge fan of Streetlight Manifesto but honestly I wouldn't refer to it as noise at all.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
AnnihilaSean said:
Y'all have clearly never heard these pieces of shit.

(Embedding video's is a process that eludes me to this day.)
Don't know if someone helped you yet, but you take the bit after the equal sign (LjMguKlazBg in the first song) and do this: [pootube=LjMguKlazBg] with you instead of poo.

End result being:
EDIT: Also, I'm tired of people saying popular bands that they happen to not like and saying that they're the worst ever (SOAD, Metallica). First, spend some time on youtube, there will be something worse, trust me. Second, you're not cool and anti establishment, because there's more of you then people actually naming shit bands.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Dr. Feelgood said:
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Your once and future Fanboy said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Anyone calling System of A Down generic should put a shotgun to their head, because the lack of intelligence whould be so dire that it could't hurt to shoot themself.
I understand that some don't like the band BUT calling it generic is just ignorant.
I bet you have hust heard BYOB and Chop Suey and decided to brand it as generic.

And Metallica WHERE the greatest trash metal band, They WHERE good and original, But NOW they suck... HARD, and their lyrics have been swiftly declining since 1986, and if your a fan you better know the reason
If Metallica sucked hard then they wouldn't be selling out every show they play. :D

No, the reason for that isnt their quality, its the fans deluding themselves and clinching to the illusion of "epicnes". Hey i was a Metallica fan, i still enjoy their first 5 albums, but their carer after that is truelly "the thing that should not be"
What do you mean "should not be?" Death Magnetic was good, can't say the same for St. Anger though... they're not too bad live either.(aside from vocals, what happened to James?)
thats exactly mine and everyone's problem! The vocals was really important for the band, there are hundreds and thousands of bands with better instrumental work and songwriting ability (which Metallica has been strugeling with since Cliff died, but thats another subject). But the mix of lyrics, great vocal work and o.k instrumental work that made them good, and when two of those elements are gone, well .... You get the point


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Not sure if anyone has posted this.
Everything from the duckface he does at the start, the girls pretending to play electric guitar, to his lip gloss... it's just... -_-


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Wait. . . We can do this?!?!?

BrokenCYDE you stupid little bastards I want to hunt you down, every last one of you, and. . . and. . .

Rip your lungs out of your body, strangle you with them, then introduce your heads to your sphincters.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Your saying System of a Down is generic? You have listened to them right?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I've got one for you fellows:

BTW, I've yet to learn how to make the video come up so you can see it without having to bring up a new window or leave the thread, anyone care to share that information with me?

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Harkonnen64 said:
I've yet to learn how to make the video come up so you can see it without having to bring up a new window or leave the thread, anyone care to share that information with me?
Quote me to see how to do it.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Dark Knifer said:
Harkonnen64 said:
I've yet to learn how to make the video come up so you can see it without having to bring up a new window or leave the thread, anyone care to share that information with me?
Quote me to see how to do it.

Got it, thanks a ton!


Lemon Meringue Tie
Aug 18, 2009
PolarBearClub said:

This is the only song I've ever heard from this band, but one is enough. If you don't laugh at 0:59 or 1:18, you have no soul, or more inexplicably, you like this band.
that band is one of my favourite bands... :(

OT: Steel Panther. Oh dear lord. Death To All But Metal? They aren't metal. They're just shameful.

Waking the Cadaver. Nobody knows the real lyrics for their most well known song, Chased Through The Woods By A Rapist, but the interpretations have been hilarious.
i like. shredded. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat. wheat. shredded wheat. shreded-ded wheat.

Insane Clown Posse. I don't need to explain.

Justin Bieber.