The Worst Bands Ever


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Aerodynamic said:

Warning, this song is fucking horrible.
Crap. Once I saw the 12 years-olds performing the song (ironic, considering I'm 13) I knew it would suck. And, only 10 seconds in I stopped the video as it was so horrible I couldn't stand to watch as pre-pubescent teens desecrate video games for three minutes.


New member
May 16, 2009
Aerodynamic said:
Warning, this song is fucking horrible.
That can't be real.

OT, I don't know. Here's just a list of bands I don't like:

- Justin Bieber
- Black Eyed Peas
- Ke$ha
- Generic metal bands
- Generic College/High School 90s rock
- Evanescence
- System of a Down
- Limp Bizkit


New member
May 17, 2010
Dark Knifer said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Your saying System of a Down is generic? You have listened to them right?
Are you kidding me? What the fuck do you listen to?


New member
May 4, 2009
b4k4 said:
DrEmo said:
b4k4 said:
DrEmo said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Metallica is the greatest band in the world, the harbingers of trash metal. They revived the genre and made heavy metal what it is today. Furthermore, they are most certainly not generic. Their songs are all original, so there are definitely not generic.
There. Fixed it for you.

Wow. We should really thank Metallica for reviving the genre. The genre that has given us such incredible gems like Chelsea Grin, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park and Killswitch Engage.
Yeah, they all revere Metallica.
So if any bad/mediocre band lists another group as one of their influences, or inspirations, or what have you, then that group is just as bad or worse? That's the worst logic I've seen since someone I met five years ago said "If someone calls you gay, then you automatically become gay."

Your argument would've been at least semi-valid if the bands you listed actually sounded similar to Metallica, but even then the only people who would've agreed with you would've been the ones did before you posted anyway.
Why I don't like metallica:

1. They have the word "Metal" in their name. If any other band did that they'd get lynched for being posers.

2. Their songs are incredibly long. They're not incredibly long journeys of sound like Pink Floyd's songs or Rhapsody of Fire's songs, they're just really long. They take a 2 minute song, tack on a guitar solo and repeat the song twice to make a 6 minute song which is just repetition.
*Side note*
I was at a friend's house playing Guitar Hero. It was my friend's turn to play and he chose "Master of Puppets" and started playing. The song was droning on for what seemed like ages so I went to the kitchen to have a soda. I suddenly heard the song again and asked him if he re-started the song to weasel me out of a turn. He said that the song was like that. Naturally, I didn't believe him so when my turn came I did Master of Puppets too. I quickly realized that he was telling the truth; the song really is this long and repetitive.

3. Their songs are repetitive. The same few guitar chords over and over in the song and the drummer having an aneurysm on the drums while the lead singer does his best "Cat getting his scrotum rubbed against a cheese grater" impression.

4. Their fans. I hate their fans. Most of them are annoying neckbearded men in their 20's or 30's that will defend Metallica with their heart and soul as the "OMG TEH GRETEST BAND EVUHR!" and claim that it's "real rock" and that anything after it is just shite. Same goes for its 12-15 year old fans who think they're rebellious and rock hard just because they know a few Metallica songs from Guitar Hero. It's basically the smug and annoying attitude they have that bugs the living crap out of me.

I hope these 4 points explain why I don't like the band much. I don't think you or anyone is going to read the whole thing, but I took my time to explain why I don't like them instead of just going for "I don't like them cus they're gay".

I've never felt pumped up while listening to Metallica.
Now this changes things. You actually give reasons that make sense, one of which is true, but I don't necessarily find to be a bad thing, one of which is true of every modern band, and two of which I agree are bad things, and one of those two is actually my reason for hating a popular computer/electronics brand.

It seems like you could've said that stuff originally, but at least you did eventually give a valid argument, and for that I salute you (not that you should care about what I think, I'm just some anonymous prick on the internet, right?)
Well, I wouldn't use the word "prick", but some anonymous guy on the internet who has his head where it belongs and can read a forum post longer than 2 sentences.

Here's one most of you will hate:

I like that band...


New member
Feb 6, 2010
DrEmo said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Metallica is the greatest band in the world, the harbingers of trash metal. They revived the genre and made heavy metal what it is today. Furthermore, they are most certainly not generic. Their songs are all original, so there are definitely not generic.
There. Fixed it for you.

Wow. We should really thank Metallica for reviving the genre. The genre that has given us such incredible gems like Chelsea Grin, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park and Killswitch Engage.
Yeah, they all revere Metallica.
you know all these bands are NOT thrash metal


New member
Jun 8, 2009
The song is not bad, the performance however, IS.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
The overwhelming majority of metal bands. If you really want me to be in awe of how good a guitarist you think you are then turn off all that horrible fucking distortion. And buy some clothes that fit. And get a haircut.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Bamberger said:
what exactly is the "D"
and yeas this is probly one of the worst songs ever made
I think they're talking about Detroit. That makes it even worse lol.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
fuhier said:
Something that beats all of this
I dunno. If you're into deathcore this isn't that bad at all, I like that it's got some original weirdness too. Nice to see a band of the genre that doesn't take themselves too seriously either.