The Worst Bands Ever


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
PolarBearClub said:
This is the only song I've ever heard from this band, but one is enough. If you don't laugh at 0:59 or 1:18, you have no soul, or more inexplicably, you like this band.
Yeah, that's overproduced tripe, I'm seconding this. Their British namesakes on the other hand are alright.

The Austin said:
I really think people need to lay off Nickleback.

Sure, they're AVERAGE in every possible way, and they have some of the most generic sounding songs in the world, but they don't suck.
Finally someone who agrees with me.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
that faceless copy paste band. The one with a billion shirts at Hot Topic, and that all sound the same. They cycle through the dumbest names, and you can't understand what they're saying. They call themselves punk, and unfortunately so. The first rule of Punk if you don't call yourself a punk, because then you're a nazi-punk, and no one wants that.
Jun 13, 2009
What is with all the hate on Nickelback? Their music is generic and samey but hardly as bad as this current wave of anger seems to suggest. I actually enjoy their bland rock sound now and again, it's still good music. Although "Rockstar" was overplayed to the point of no return..

The same goes to Linkin Park, their first 2 albums are freaking awesome. A little angsty to listen to for any length of time but damn Numb is good.

And you don't like Red? The hell is wrong with you man? No. Just no. This won't do at all. Innocence and Instinct was just eargasmic and your hatred for them is unjustified and wrong. There will be no arguing.

For the worst things to happen to music, feel free to look at pretty much anything played on Radio 1. Especially Ke$ha. And the obligatory Justin Bieber mention.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
PurpleLeafRave said:
Captain Pancake said:
Negative thread is negative.

That being said, BrokeNcyde.
Why would you even mention that? Why do you make me remember that horrible horrible sound. They tormented my dreams.

Also, here's a video if you don't know who they are.

This video must be taken to mordor and destroyed in the fires of mount doom!
on a serious note I saw this video yesterday and have since gone on 9 murdering ramapages to take my mind off of it.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Aerodynamic said:

Warning, this song is fucking horrible.
Worst redux of 'I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night' ever.

As for worst band... hmmm... Puddle of Mud. They got booed off stage in South Korea by the Army for being drunk and retarded.

Plastic Muscles

New member
Apr 9, 2010
PolarBearClub said:

This is the only song I've ever heard from this band, but one is enough. If you don't laugh at 0:59 or 1:18, you have no soul, or more inexplicably, you like this band.
But seriously, there is worse out there.
Jonas Brothers
Kedollarha (if you spell your name with a dollar sign it does not replace the goddamn S it means you now have the word dollar in your name)
Actually instead of me nameing a lot of artists i'm just going to say most pop music.

Skullman 125

New member
Jan 25, 2010
Plastic Muscles said:
But seriously, there is worse out there.
Jonas Brothers
Kedollarha (if you spell your name with a dollar sign it does not replace the goddamn S it means you now have the word dollar in your name)
Actually instead of me nameing a lot of artists i'm just going to say most pop music.
That gif is so much win


New member
Feb 11, 2009
The Austin said:
I really think people need to lay off Nickleback.

Sure, they're AVERAGE in every possible way, and they have some of the most generic sounding songs in the world, but they don't suck.

The Jonas Brothers, now THEY suck.
I quote their for I am.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.

Deadlock Radium

New member
Mar 29, 2009
Inb4 BrokeNc...shite.

tellmeimaninja said:
Lady GaGa
The Black Eyed Peas
and 3oh3
Those. And also, BrokeNcyde, how is it possible to make a song as horrible as "Freaxx"?

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Seriously!? Nobody has said ICP yet or did I miss it? They are horrid. Also Lady Gaga, and pretty much everything else on the radio...


New member
Mar 24, 2009
PolarBearClub said:

This is the only song I've ever heard from this band, but one is enough. If you don't laugh at 0:59 or 1:18, you have no soul, or more inexplicably, you like this band.
What's truly sad, is I have a friend who actually might like this...

PurpleLeafRave said:
Captain Pancake said:
Negative thread is negative.

That being said, BrokeNcyde.
Why would you even mention that? Why do you make me remember that horrible horrible sound. They tormented my dreams.

Also, here's a video if you don't know who they are.

Made it 41 seconds before I just couldn't take it anymore that was god awful. It was so bad I don't even know who I was going to say anymore. I think my ears may be bleeding...

Psychosocial said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Coheed and Cambria
3.Linkin Park
4.System of a Down
5.Any other generic bands that suck.
Yeahhhh.... I don't think you're allowed to call bands generic when you've got a Metallica avatar.
Super Mario Cookie for Mr. Psychosocial!


New member
May 4, 2009
Nickelback(Generic country rock crap)

Linkin Park(Crappy emo lyrics and horrible songs. If you like this band after middle school, you should go get your head checked.)

Miley Cyrus(I dislike her as a person/actress/singer/musician)

Paramore(Pseudo punk and they sound like ass.)

Seether(Same as Nickleback)

Black Eyed Peas (Bunch of idiots singing idiotic songs about idiocy)

Chelsea Grin (There is a special circle in Hell for the worst of the worst. Reserved for serial killers, rapists and the like. Their torture is to listen to Chelsea Grin on an eternal loop. Even Satan thinks it's cruel and unusual punishment.)

There is a special place of hatred in my list for Skillet, the band that makes me want to bomb entire cities. I hate that band so much... so so much. Any band that can say "I will turn your tears to roses" in a song and name said song "Whispers in the dark" and expect people other than emo little middle schoolers to take it seriously must have serious mental problems. That and they sound like a cat being gutted over an open fire while uncoordinated racoons play the violin.