The worst game of this generation.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Oh my god, how could I forget?

Just Cause 2. Holy fuck giraffes, that game was terrible. Sure, it has an extremely big sandbox world, but honestly. HORRENDOUS voice acting, boring gameplay, the idiotic "HAY U CAN HOOK SOMEONE TO A PLANE LMFAO" gimmick, shitty story, everything. Honestly, I would have had a bunch of fun if there was something to kill. But there wasn't. I was gliding around in my fucking parachute for so fucking long trying to find something to do. And I find what, maybe a few cars? GTA IV, with all its shitty controls and gritty...ness, was still a MUCH better sandbox game than Just Cause 2. I could go on killing sprees whenever the hell I felt like it.

Fucking hate that game. Pardon my swearing, but it just drove me nuts. You know when you hype a game up and when you play it, you feel completely disappointed? Well, this was even WORSE. I didn't even hype it up. I thought, "well, this might be good" and it completely shattered anything positive I might have had to say about it.

Oh, and Borderlands was another bad one. No cutscenes really pissed me off, TBH. And it was repetitive. Entertaining... at TIMES... but so freaking repetitive and I felt no connection to the story (or lack thereof) or the character. And that's a MAIN thing I want to have when playing a game. Unless it's a guilty pleasure game, which neither of these games are.

tl;dr version: Just Cause 2 and Borderlands. Fuck 'em both.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Blazing Angels
Halo Reach
Red Dead Redemption
Fallout 3


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
If no-one else is Going to admit that they've played it I will. Leisure Suit Larry : Box Office Bust, A Pandering game that does not deliver on the pandering, and has the most clunky and frustrating platforming you will ever experience (At least super meat boy is functional) Not to mention the scripting and voice acting makes me want to gouge my face off with a shovel, and to be honest that sounds more appealing than playing this game.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Overlord 2.

Controls were clunky, and it was just BORING. The part where you're sailing around to... somewhere took more willpower to complete than it would to fucking watch 2 girls 1 cup 50 times in a row while listening to Bieber singing a cover of Stairway to Heaven.

However, I did enjoy the humor put into the game. It wasn't even really that BAD, just extremely boring. I haven't really played many truly bad games this gen anyway.

Eccentric Lich

New member
Dec 8, 2009
Either The Witcher or Two Worlds.

I love RPGs and I was really excited to try both. Two Worlds throws you into a magical realm where buttons sometimes work and you want to murder your horse. The character creation was almost non-existent as was the tutorial. When I did figure out how to play, I was really underwhelmed with every aspect of it.

The Witcher was another title that showed great promise and fell flat on its face. I'm okay with a lack of character customization in a game where you're playing an established character, so I can't fault it for that. I can, however, fault it for have the worst combat in any game I've ever played. I couldn't get past that aspect of it. They may as well have changed the title to Rock Paper Scissors RPG.

Yes, I realize that many games have a weakness system and that's fine. An enemy being weak to some element is different than every enemy needing to be beaten with a certain attack though.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Somehow, I don't think anyone knows the actual meaning of "worst game", because everyone is just naming a game that they personally didn't like due to the game not catering to them. It's like me saying Dragon Age: Origins is the worst game of this generation because it's a dumbed down RPG that fails at what it was marketing towards or Mass Effect because it's a dumbed down RPG that boasts nothing RPG-like besides a dialogue wheel for casual gamers, it would just be a "game I didn't like" as opposed to an actual worst game of this generation. Not saying that's my actual opinion (Maybe for Dragon Age), but just stating an example.

The "worst game" this generation would be something that has NO redeeming qualities, caters to absolutely no one and fails at even trying to cater to their target audience. An example I would say would be like Far Cry on the Wii, which had terrible controls, terrible AI, lackluster graphics even for the Wii, removal of multiplayer, horrible voice acting and just a bad story overall.


New member
Jan 5, 2010
Oblivion?...really? Thats the worst game you played?
Thats almost hard to believe. You havent tried many games if thats your worst!


New member
Jan 23, 2010
It's funny because everyone here says the same things, mainly because most of the community thinks they are "unique" if they just post some popular game, when really, they all just have the same opinion, so they are trying to be "unique," in a place that already has lots of "unique" people.
OT:I don't know, my least favorite game was probably WET, but it gets points for originality.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
I think some people failed to read the first post of this thread, and just read the topic, which doesn't quite fit. It asked what the worst game is from this gen that you as an individual have played. If you're like me, and are very careful about what games you spend your money on, you might not have played a truly bad game this gen.

For me, I had to say Oblivion, because that game single-handedly changed my attitude towards the game industry. It made me a jaded and pessimistic gamer, and this is actually why I haven't played a genuinely bad game in years: I won't spend more than $5 on a game without doing quite a bit of research on it.

Is Oblivion a bad game? No, not really. But every game I've played from this gen has been better for me. Probably because they don't make me miserable.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Viking. That game was the most repetitive and aggravating game I've ever played. It's full of bullshit, combat sounds change in volume and don't match, and there's no music. Yeah, you literally walk around the whole game listening to Skarin's footsteps. Awful in every sense of the word.

Chunga the Great

New member
Sep 12, 2010
(raises flameshield)
Either GTA IV or Dead Rising. They both had crap controls (read: game-breaking controls) and boring, pointless stories.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
nevermute said:
Oblivion?...really? Thats the worst game you played?
Thats almost hard to believe. You havent tried many games if thats your worst!
I've been gaming for a long time. My first console was a Genesis, purchased brand spankin' new. I've played a lot of bad games. But I was asked what the worst game was in THIS generation for ME, and that's it, unquestionably. I've played other games this gen that were underwhelming, but no other was actually depressing.

Since it was also one of the earlier games from this gen, and I was a much more cautious buyer after purchasing it, I haven't really played any bad games this gen, with the exception of The Conduit, which I bought when my 360 was bricked and my PC starting to show its age, and I wanted a new shooter. But it didn't make me miserable like Oblivion did, so I don't feel right calling it my worst of this gen.

If you care to look, the scathing, foul-mouthed, half-ranting review I did for it may still be in the user reviews section of the forum, buried under countless other reviews. Some people found it funny. I found it... therapeutic, given the vitriol I still had for Oblivion at the time.

EDIT: Here it is. If you don't like it, please note that criticism of it is already in that thread, and I did respond to that criticism.

Robot Overlord said:
ComradeJim270 said:
Robot Overlord said:
tough competition between Mass Effect, Dragon Age and the ever dissapointing black sheep of the family, the consolised bastard child that is Bad Company 2
You just named two of my favorites of this generation. I'm curious why you dislike Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
Well, Mass Effect was just awful voice acting and boring rpg elements and Dragon Age was just a bad version of Diablo in my eyes
Point taken. I can easily see how they could be viewed that way.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Bionic Commando (the new one) it made Bionic Commando a game where you have grappling hook arm and blow up Hitler,s head with a RPG REALISTIC (also they gave a white guy dreadlocks) its controls where terrible and its too hard to master them its only saving grace was that you can unlock the classic Rad Spencer skin (the guy with that looks like Duke Nukem but with red hair)


New member
Oct 30, 2009

I felt cheated "watching" animated parts with only the audio playing. The challenge modes were pointless (to me) and the story was hard (for me) to follow because I haven't been following the series. I felt like the game was aimed more towards people who play online and I don't have xbox live.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
It's a tie for me.

Super Mario Galaxy.
I do really like Mario but I hate motion controls and the stage designs in this game, they're very disorienting. The abstract design to all of the levels really did nothing to invest me in the effort to explore and beat them. I hate to say that I'm one of those fans that still thinks Super Mario 64 was the best 3D Mario platformer... but I am. I didn't like Mario Sunshine on Gamecube either. The proverbial lightning did not strike twice as far as I'm concerned.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
Because it really didn't control like a side-scrolling Mario game. It controlled like 3D Mario if he could only go left or right. The reaction and movement time for him was very off, he was slow to get moving at all. It was a disappointment for me when I was expecting a game that would handle like Super Mario 3 or Super Mario World, two games I navigate with great finesse and reflex. What resulted for me was a cluster-fuck of stupid deaths because I had a hard time adapting. I still haven't adapted and I really tried. So it's not really a poorly-made game, I'm just pretty horrible at it. And, again, the motion control bits are annoying no matter how minor.

Yes, I know, I sound like one of those older people that think a certain game should be a certain way.

I am.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Mass Effect 2.

I know its not really. Its already a really simplistic, but well polished TPS that improves on the cinematics of the first game, with just as good voice acting as the first game to boot.

However it also pisses into the wind in other respects. Some of the writing, retcons and general plotholes are just batshit. That the RPG element in combat has come to "firing" one power at a time from behind cover doesnt help a supposed "hybrid" game either.

The only reason I list it is because in terms of living up to expectation and in some cases, promises, ME2 falls flat. More responsive shooter combat, and more focus on shooting overall was not the two major things I wanted to take away from ME2. Gameplay issues aside, I wanted to take away from the game another amazing plot and characters (and not just new characters, I wanted the old team with me). The new team are well written enough at first glance, and are imaginative and interesting enough, but like the plot, they are just disconnected from one another, and more than anything feel like a big waste of time.

Thats why Id pick ME2. Because other than the shooter combat, it felt to me like the devs were happy with almost everything else just being a big waste of time.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
TU4AR said:
Far Cry 2. I hated it. Just HATED it.
This, it was a horrible horrible game, i played for about an hour and promptly put it to one side.

this isnt my name said:

It was repetative. No wonder the raider was posing like that, if I was stuck in that world I would lose the will to live too.
There is definitely some repetition but you've got to bare in mind it's essentially a RPGFPS, repetition is a staple concept within the genre. While it may not appeal to you i would argue borderlands is one of the most replayable games i own.