The worst game of this generation.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Defense said:
Since you played it, what exactly did make the gameplay so horrible? Although I have no interest in MMORPGs, I did skim through a preview of the game and I thought the battle system sounded pretty interesting.
Well, my problem is primarily that it adds nothing new to the table. It's an already-tired system composed of the worst gameplay elements of WoW (ie: mashing the number keys in sequential order as if you were playing Electronic Simon) with the worst gameplay elements of FFXI (ie: relentlessly slow-paced).

I also found it really dumb that they removed the auto-attack feature when the game almost completely needed it. I do understand that auto-attack is usually a crutch in games, but when you remove a crutch when the leg is still broken it isn't going to help you at all. So now instead of hitting your attacks strategically, you need to mash the key associated with your "normal physical attack" repeatedly in between hitting the other attacks.

EDIT: Also, your MP doesn't regenerate on its own. You're 100% reliant on staying leashed to a nearby camp to refill your MP, or best-case scenario you have enough MP-draining magic and abilities to last you until you go back to the camp. ...But I think this is stretching it, and I think it belongs more in a "mechanics" section of "why this game blows".


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
SimuLord said:
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. I hate to slag on this game because I can acknowledge and respect the good craftsmanship that went into it. It's well-designed. It's also fucking depressing and WAY too bleak for my tastes. I just flat-out didn't enjoy it.
I can understand disliking it for the reasons you posted, but by saying that you acknowledge and respect the good craftmanship that went into it... do you think it deserves worst game of this generation?

Maybe bad in your eyes because of the depressing story and bleakness, but worst of a generation?

Sorry if I seem worked up, I just love the hell out of the game.

For me, worst game of the generation is probably a shovelware game that no one knows about.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Final Fantasy XIII.
All the gameplay elements are disconnected from each other and all the gameplay is disconnected from the story which the characters are also disconnected from. It's disconnected.

I would rather play Sega Superstars Tennis than FFXIII.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
I don't really target games that suck more as the games i have no love for.
But i only bought the good games of this generation so i don't have any bad games i the moment at least...


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May 17, 2010
Out of all the games I played, Darksiders it was one of the few games where I couldn't continue playing and it holds the record for fasted to stop playing.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
xavix said:

With a name like Jet Brody, it has to be bad.
I liked fractures terrain deformation gimmick but the story wasn't good at all and the enemy wasnt even that fun to shoot at.


New member
May 8, 2010
WOW, uh so many candidates. Let me think....

I almost want to say World of Warcraft because of the number of people I know who blame it for them failing their exams, but objectively speaking it's not a bad game, so doesn't fit. perhapse better described as the most evil game of our generation.

Without that, I guess it's a toss up between two worlds and too human. both for low scores in every category, both for hyping themselves up way more than the final product deserved and both for blatantly ripping off other franchises. You just hate to see it.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
My least favorite game that I purchased would have to be...
Shadow of the Colossus.

For as much hype as SotC got, I hate it. The controls are awful. It feels like you're moving through sludge and the jumps are so hard to control. On my way to a Colossus I remember trying to jump over a hole in a bridge and falling down, down into the water far below again and again and again. To me, the controls feel sluggish and sloppy.
Then there is the gameplay. No real challenge, just frustration. You climb on the first Colossus, for example, and as he flails around you have to sit and wait before you can do anything. Done flailing? Hooray now I can continue slowly climbing. Crap, flailing again. Oops, ran out of stamina, guess I have to do the whole thing over again. At least I'll never die. It's a grand test of patience. And don't get me STARTED on the final Colossus... or the little bull-like one where you have to use the torch.
So you argue the difficulty is less about skill and more about the puzzle aspect. Maybe it's the fact that I've never played a real puzzle game, but to me, puzzles should be something that you have some idea what you're supposed to do, you just have to put the pieces together to figure it out. Msybe I was just in a super-dumbass mood when I played SotC, but for many a Colossus I wandered around the arena not understanding what I could possibly do. Oh, so when the Colossus swings at me and I'm near the edge of the area, it pushes up a walkway to another level? How was I supposed to know that part of the environment could be interacted with??
For a game to be one of my absolute favorites, it needs replayability... or length. There's nothing I love more than sinking hours upon hours into a great game... upgrading all your weapons in Ratchet & Clank UYA, getting the stealth camo in MGS3, beating all difficulties in DMC3, getting 100% in Okami... I love it all. SotC is a short game to begin with, and since it's "puzzle" focused, the "difficulty" is nonexistent (well, the frustration is still there, I suppose). I know this is more of a personal complaint, but it bothers me anyway.
Then after I became super frustrated with it, little things started to bother me, too. The framerate issues. The annoyance of trying to up your stats by hunting geckos. The poor map.

I kind of understand why people love this game. The Colossi are awesome, it's a really unique game idea, and the minimalist story was intriguing and motivating. I wish I loved SotC like everyone else, I really do, but I can't.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
RowdyRodimus said:
The worst game to me was Braid. It was overpriced at $15, over hyped and just no fun. WHy everyone loved Mario meets Prince of Persia, I'll never know. Also, Fallout 3 is close. I loved the originals but 3 was just a shit FPS.
So...because a 2d game has you able to control time, it's labeled Mario meets Prince of Persia? Braid is about 100x more of a puzzle game than Prince of Persia, and is one of the most unique titles I've played in the last few years. Wonderfully colorful painted visuals, a beautiful and serene soundtrack, brilliant, difficult, and varied level design, and one of the most ridiculous meta-game challenges of all time (seriously, to find even a single of the seven stars is an accomplishment) make Braid one of the most rewarding single player titles you could get on a 360. Whether or not $15 is too much (I would pay twice as much to play Braid as I would question) is beside the point. To say it's the worst game of this generation is beyond retarded. I can't fathom anybody who actually beat the game and experienced all the inventive puzzles saying any such thing. If you don't like the game, you didn't play it through! There's no other explanation! I think it would be more logical to say Mario Galaxy was the worst of the generation!


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Apr 9, 2008
Havzad said:
grand theft auto 4,
it was too gritty, and the ending was overall depressing
by the time the game was over i was hoping too end up with a huge mansion, a shiny car and all idiots who tried to mess with me, dead,(like San Andreas) no such luck...
i play video games to get away from a harsh reality, not to have one worse them my own
Yea, I had the same problems (and more: like perks being replaced with achievement trophies) with gta4 but I wouldn't call it the worst of this generation. Given the posts I've seen, this should be called the game you loathe most of this gen.
And as disappointing gta4 was, it wouldn't even get that.
Did you play No More Heroes? Worst minigames on the Wii, and that's saying something.
Fallout New Vegas is my new most hated of this gen though. As tedious as I found NMH, it at least worked.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Lunar Dragon Song. There are two different fighting modes: Fight for experience and fight for items. Also, running in the overworld drains your health. It's the only JRPG I can honestly say I hate.

There's also Professor Layton. Puzzles are cool and storylines are cool, I would just prefer it if they were even remotely connected.


New member
May 21, 2009
Velvet Assassin. That was so bad that the developing company went bankrupt.

Oh, or Daikatana.

Matthew Wilson

New member
Apr 27, 2010
JSkunk22 said:
Fall Out 3. Only because I haven't played New Vegas, which could be worse.
You hate a game because you haven't played another game, sorry but that's not a real reason.

Xan Krieger said:
Team Fortress 2, ugly graphics, lame weapons, no single-player.
Haven't played this but you hate a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game because it has no single player. Again, not a real reason.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I don't generally play games that aren't well regarded, but the biggest letdowns for me have been:

Yakuza 3: I just had no patience for the dated graphics and text dialogue, to say nothing of the huge narm factor of the whole ex-gangster running an orphanage thing

Metal Gear Solid 4: Bought it used. Didn't get past the first hour-long cutscene. I'm sure I missed a lot of great stuff. I'm OK with that.

Gears of War: Good in a lot of ways, but the underpowered weapons made the combat sloggy. With even the mooks being meat shields, I didn't enjoy plowing through waves of them one bit. And the placement of the checkpoints...Guh! Good thing it was short.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I really couldn't say which game I thought was the worst, but the game I played the least after getting it was either Halo: Reach or Mass Effect. I didn't really enjoy the Halo series anymore, and I just didn't like Mass Effect for various reasons, it was just boring for me.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Really not sure how a really popular game can be considered bad. There's no way in hell that MW2, GTAIV etc. can be considered 'the worst game of the generation' just because you thought it was disappointing.

A truly awful game? Saw. Clunky unplayable combat, horrible level design, barely any gore and fiddly as fuck. Play that, and then tell me that GTAIV's the worst game you've ever played because it was 'a bit depressing'.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
ForgottenPr0digy said:
Modern Warfare 2

It took everything I love about call of Duty4:Modern warfare and destroy it.
This. It not only destroyed what I loved, it raped it and left me with a disgusting, semen-encrusted shell.


Sep 23, 2010
A lot of people in this thread seem to think "WORST OF THIS GENERATION" means "SLIGHTLY UNDERWHELMING, MAN". If we were doing a "least enjoyable relative to Metacritic rating" thread this would be perfect.

OT: I'd have to say Conflict: Denied ops. It's so bad that it's unfun even when played in couch co-op, something that can save most games regardless of quality.

Granted, I can't exactly list any games that I haven't played, so there's definitely something worse.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Turok for the Xbox 360 was pretty horrific. The story was around 5 hours long, there was no actual story as such beyond "Your old teacher has turned evil on a world of dinosaurs. Go kill him." The combat was dull and repetitive with each smaller dinosaur having a one-hit finisher move you can use, but they are the same every single time. It was terribly linear in that you couldn't even jump up on scenery that was the right height due to invisible barriers preventing you from doing so.

DustyDrB said:
These's always mostly a bunch of one-uppers listing popular games.
Sad isn't it. Although if people can say games such as Halo Reach are the worst they have played of this generation, then I envy them for missing out on some games that are actually bad.