The worst game of this generation.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Hmm. Well, Windy Windam on the DS is pretty high up there. It was a fighting game based on an anime, and I got the game at a Wal-Mart bargain bin. I tried to trade it in to EBGames, but they didn't even have it in their system, so I couldn't trade it in. I was pissed because even though it was a lousy fighting game, it had a character I really wanted to play as. In typical fighting game fashion, the ONE character I wanted to play as had to be unlocked first. SPRay on the Wii was also really terrible. It was an ambitious title with a lot of potential, but it seriously failed, which was a real shame because it looked promising. WarioWare Snapped on DSiWare was really terrible too.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Two Worlds definitely, I played it for an hour, raged at the horrid faux 'Olde English' accents, the freaking shite gameplay and lack of any morsel of character creation and took it back to the shop. They said they saw it coming.

This is coming from someone who really likes RPG's and that such. And someone who has a moderate liking for Olde English.

Bioshock 2 is a close contender, but I don't think it should win just because it was a disappointment in comparison to it's predecessor


New member
Mar 6, 2009
IBlackKiteI said:
Mass Effect 2.

Nah, in all seriousness Operation Flashpoint 2.

Its not so much bad, just not good, at all.
Unless you play Co-op, but noone has the damn thing in the first place.
I second that! On another note, your avatar represents one of the greatest game franchises I have every had the pleasure of enjoying!

Sad Face

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Leemaster777 said:
Worst game I've played? Honestly, probably Brutal Legend.

I was SOOO looking forward to that game. On the surface, I love the premise. You're Jack Black trapped in a heavy-metal world where you get to use the powers of rock to smite your enemies? That sounds several tasty varieties of epic.

The demo lead me on even further, leading me to believe it would be a hack-and-slash type game with an emphasis on team-ups and boss battles.

Then I actually played it. What a freaking bait and switch. After only a few short hours, the game basically turned into a straight-up RTS with limited options and even more limited control. I'm not a huge fan of RTS (except for Starcraft), so this was like drinking a glass of fine wine only to discover it's actually piss.

And before anyone gets on me that, "They said it was going to have RTS in it", that's still no excuse for leading me on with that demo. A demo is supposed to ACCURATELY reflect the gameplay, and Brutal Legend's demo failed so hard in that respect it hurts.

I'll admit that the comedy was good at first, but it quickly got tiresome.

Man, what a letdown.
I didn't play this game even remotely like an RTS. I suck at RTS and never play it. I wasn't overhead viewing passively from the sky, I was right there at every point axing my way to glory, and sure there were guys behind me tagging along but it was my show and my axe. The only time I was in the air was to qickly jump from one spot to the other, and even in those times I used the car a lot too, so I flew even less.


New member
May 20, 2009
Matthew Wilson said:
JSkunk22 said:
Fall Out 3. Only because I haven't played New Vegas, which could be worse.
You hate a game because you haven't played another game, sorry but that's not a real reason.
I was merely stating that I have not played New Vegas, which could have been worse because it looked like the exact same game previously stated. If that is too complicated, I didn't like Fallout 3, at all, and New Vegas looked like Fallout 3 part 2 Electric Boogaloo.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
minxamo2 said:
This is stupid, people aren't posting the worst games of the generation, they're just trying to be different and post popular games they didn't like.
Some of them, probably.
I'm sorry, but I've seen this argument too many times.
Have you considered the possibility that these people name games they have actually played?
That they haven't played "real" bad games because they knew they would be bad?

I think it's far more stupid for people to start spouting off names like Two Worlds and Too Human, even though they've read a review at best.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Condemned. I don't think I spelled it correctly. It got traded in within 3 hours of purchase, including travel time and my partner seeing if she liked it (If one of us likes a game it doesn't get traded in).
The controls just didn't work.

There's no other way to say it.

The op mentioned Too Human but at least the controls reacted when you pressed them, this game was horrible.

I was tempted to put Mirrors Edge or Bayonetta but that is more "Game you liked least this gen"

Cole Sauer

New member
Aug 24, 2010
Worst game of the generation hmmmmmm tough one if i had to decide i would was WWF attitude
look it up
when you play it it's IMPOSSIBLE all you can do by guessing is kick and dodge
a toturial would have reen nice


New member
Apr 24, 2008
this isnt my name said:

It was repetitive. No wonder the raider was posing like that, if I was stuck in that world I would lose the will to live too.
Agreed. Due to spending more than enough time online, I always steer clear of games that do not impress me. However, I should not have trusted the majority's opinion on Borderlands. It was SOOOO BORING! If it was just an FPS then I may have been able to tolerate it, but making the higher level baddies to require a googolplex (look it up) of rockets to kill killed all interest I had in this game.

Pikey Mikey

New member
Aug 24, 2010
Fucking Sniper:Ghost Warrior.
I will never forgive that game for wasting my time. The funniest part about it was a mission called "A sniper at his finest" when YOU are playing THE SPOTTER! That the the most fun (and that's not very much) in the entire game. The game sucked, you couldn't hide anywhere, if the enemy saw you, they could shoot you in the face with an AK 47 from the next town away, it was..... Not fun and the absolute best part was that I got 260 swedish crowns for it when i gave it to Gamestop (and it costed me 399). More than ½ the money back, that's at least something =)


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Ddgafd said:
josemlopes said:
So? Every online shooter that has levels does the same thing. Why is BC2 so special?
I am not saying that it is special. I would complain the fact that it takes too long for level 50 IF to unlock everything you needed to be at level 50, but since that isnt the case there just isnt any reason to complain.

This level system is different then the others and thats just it. It was a choice from the developers like any other system in any other game.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Russian_Assassin said:
this isnt my name said:

It was repetitive. No wonder the raider was posing like that, if I was stuck in that world I would lose the will to live too.
Agreed. Due to spending more than enough time online, I always steer clear of games that do not impress me. However, I should not have trusted the majority's opinion on Borderlands. It was SOOOO BORING! If it was just an FPS then I may have been able to tolerate it, but making the higher level baddies to require a googolplex (look it up) of rockets to kill killed all interest I had in this game.
If the enemy is taking too much time to kill then you are doing it wrong, really.

You are too weak and must level up through side-missions (some give you better weapons), level up your guns and stuff.

I also suffered that problem, but thats just mean that you are loosing the pace of the game.

The diference of 3 levels is enough to make a hard guy to kill become just another dude waiting to get blown to pieces.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
Icarion (aka Stockholm) said:
Anchupom said:
JoshGod said:
heavenly sword, the only game i will never finish.
I loved Heavenly Sword D:

For me, it's MotorStorm. Got past the first race and it was just... Bleh to me.
The sound track was tooo short, and the only metal song had a 1:10 chance of playing (I htink), among other complaints.
MotorStorm or Heavenly Sword? Because I didn't find an issue with either of their sound tracks.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Sonic 2006. Several reasons which I shouldn't get into. Mostly because they're either obvious, or you've heard them all before.
Sep 9, 2010
Anchupom said:
Icarion (aka Stockholm) said:
Anchupom said:
JoshGod said:
heavenly sword, the only game i will never finish.
I loved Heavenly Sword D:

For me, it's MotorStorm. Got past the first race and it was just... Bleh to me.
The sound track was tooo short, and the only metal song had a 1:10 chance of playing (I htink), among other complaints.
MotorStorm or Heavenly Sword? Because I didn't find an issue with either of their sound tracks.
Motorstorm. The soundtrack wasn't bad, but when tehy play the same roller coaster song 1000 times and Breed once, it gets kinda frusturating.