The worst way to die?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
anything that involves suffocating or starving.
to add to that, lets add a disease that makes your gradually process less food. which means that in rder to keep up the same amount of nutriens you need to keep increasing the dosage, which after around 10 years owuld mean you have to eat 24/7 to keep enough nutriens and after that even that is not enough.
the disease is real, there was a girl recently that died from it, official cause of death - starvation. her body simply refused to abosrb the food.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Froggy Slayer said:
So, what for you would be the worst way to die? Please note, I don't want people holding back in this thread. Don't break the forum rules, obviously, but up until that point give us all the detail that is needed to convey the horror of this 'preferred' manner of expiration.

For me, it's probably something like rabies. Losing your mind to the pain is a nasty fucking way to go.
ironically, considering your name, I'd say the worst oncievable death to me, would be getting swallowed and digested whole by a large animal, like a giant frog or bird.. I mean.. we don't really have animals of that size that could swallow humans whole except snakes, but if they did exist? damn, I would not want to get eaten by one.

like a huge pelican.. or a giant frog, launching a huge sticky tongue with a whole slew of muscles, wrapping around your body in various ways, crushing bones before pulling you into the mouth, swallowed, still alive as you choke to death on their digestive juices in agonizing horror.

I hope that description doesn't break any rules, I've not really explored the "graphic content" side of the rules, but it scares the shit out of me.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Well this is cheery. I know, I should have known better to click on the thread but what's done is done. And there's no way I'm looking up the Junko Furuta thing.

Anyway, imagine being tickled to death. Horrible.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Tied up and thrown into a pit of with a dozen starving rats with open flesh wounds. Eaten alive slowly over several days.