Things in entertainment you'd like to see stop


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
TheRightToArmBears said:
How the fuck does Penny in TBBT have such a nice apartment? How do characters 'bad with the ladies' have even more sex in a year than your mum Casanova?
I believe the answer to both is "prostitution".

On topic: another I'll add for myself is a character who has crossed the line having that deed basically forgotten by everyone. A good example is Loki, who in the MCU was in a pretty nice and comfortable cell for his crime of attempted genocide, killing hundreds directly and being accessory to thousands more, especially when the people in the cells around him, which where in much worst condition, had likely not done anything as bad as he had collectively amongst themselves. Also, pretty much 100% of "law enforcement using criminals to help them solve crimes" situations. Yes, it happens in real life, but it isn't with people responsible for triple homicide or taking down the nation's power grid.

Also, hacking into NORAD or some other military facility with a closed system. I don't care what any fiction writer has to say on the matter, unless you have someone on the inside doing it, there is literally no way to hack into something like NORAD. There is no connection to the outside world for that to happen through.

And connected to that is internet connected nukes. This seems to be in pretty much every story which has nuclear war or the threat of it as its core for some inexplicable reason. From Terminator to Jericho to Avengers and beyond, everyone seems to not be aware of the fact that nuclear launch facilities are disconnected from the world specifically to make hacking into them impossible, and that their systems are analogue. I don't care how fancy your military supercomputer gone rogue is, it can't use hacking to make two keys physically turn and then manually impute a series of numbers into an all-analogue system.


New member
Jul 27, 2014
Legomaniac91 said:
The best counterpoint to the "Chosen Hero" trope is Anakin Skywalker. He was rash, impulsive, violent, and power hungry, yet the Jedi council was dead certain he would be their savior by "bringing balance to the force." And he did, by ending the reign of the light side so the Sith could rule the galaxy.
That's actually incorrect; he didn't bring balance to the Force by killing all the Jedi. George has explicitly said that Anakin is the Chosen One even when he becomes Vader, and his redemption (and killing the Emperor) fulfills the prophecy by destroying the last two Sith remaining (himself and the Emperor).

Tuesday Night Fever said:
I can't stand the over-reliance on CGI in movies these days. It almost always looks like crap, unless the filmmaker is able to throw enough money to match the GDPs of several small countries combined at a studio (and even then, the studios that do the CGI for movies often don't actually make enough of a profit from their work and immediately go under). Physical effects like those done by Stan Winston's team still look great like 30 years later (while also being comparatively dirt cheap), meanwhile CGI from 5 years ago already tends to look laughable - even when it's the particularly expensive sort. And the sad thing is that there are fewer and fewer people in the industry each year who are actually good at doing practical effects like those done by Stan Winston's team because demand is so low.

I don't mind CGI when it's used to enhance a physical effect. I think it was in the commentary track for the 1999 SciFi movie Virus that director John Bruno mentioned that they intentionally mixed practical effects and computer effects to create the movie's main villain so that viewers' eyes would have a difficult time distinguishing what part of the effect was really there and what part was CGI. The movie was, admittedly, pretty forgettable - but I've always liked that particular method of using computer generated effects. It certainly ages better than, say, the Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace method of shooting pretty much everything in front of a green screen.
Episode I actually had a lot more practical stuff than you think, there's a message board that shows set photos from the prequels (

You should also watch this, it's very informative:


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
renegade7 said:
it looks less like groups of teenaged computer prodigies typing into terminals at a million WPM and more like groups of people spending hours poring over datasheets and cryptography textbooks.
Actually sometimes not even that.

(Comic: SMBC)

Actual "hackers" use social engineering if they can. Why slave away over datasheets and long lines of code when you can simply make some probably clueless intern think you're the manager? ;)

Happyninja42 said:
I'd like to see them stop always using artificial intelligence as the badguy. Seriously, every fucking movie that has it in it, they're trying to kill humanity. If they don't do the Ultron "I've done the math, and Humanity must die" angle, then they're an AI that started out as a war machine, and everyone is afraid of them because of that, just like SHort Circuit and Chappie. The only AI movie that didn't do this angle, was A.I. And it still had the "humans hate the robots" shit.

I also get fucking sick of the "he messed in God's domain" bullshit, for movies like Transcendence, or Lawnmower man, and other similar movies. Yes, please, let's further misrepresent technological advancement, and ALWAYS color it in the paint of fear and ignorance, planting the seeds in the common person brain that scientific discovery is evil, and we'd all be better if we just lived on a fucking farm. That good old "down to earth" lifestyle bullshit.
Although Full Metal Bolshevik did recommend some good stuff, I HIGHLY recommend playing The Talos Principle. I think it's perfectly what you're looking for.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
rcs619 said:
Oh man, that actually reminds me of a fun character from a book series I like.

Thandi Palane is character in the Honorverse (the various side-stories and spin-offs from the original Honor Harrington book series). She lives in the year... I think it's like 4018 or something like that, and she's from a planet with such high gravity and such harsh conditions that humans from there are basically superhuman just to survive. Thandi is a hair over seven feet tall, and she's actually quite a bit stronger than she looks because her homeworld has like 40% higher gravity than Earth's. Physically, she's one of the most lethal characters in the series.

But yeah, she winds up falling in love with Victor Cachat (basically an elite covert operative for another nation in the series) who is described as, well, supremely average and unassuming... and it turns out that she's a total submissive in bed. Honestly, they're just a cute couple. Almost total opposites physically, but they're just super into each other. Watching a woman that could rip off a car door with her bare hands being gentle, or even goofy, with her significant other is cute as heck.

Honestly the Honor Harrington series is just chock-full of amazingly capable female characters, for that matter.
Thandi is from Ndebele a place that started getting genetic modification very late compared to other worlds, so a great deal of their superior strength comes from adaptation over generations. Another thing is that Ndebele a low light world, so most of the people who have long term familial roots there are very pale. The issue is that as a natural selection adaptation people from the Mfecane worlds tend to be extremely bone and muscle dense, to the point where they have no buoyancy, making them unable to float or swim in water. Strangely genetically modified highgrav people tend to be able to swim, like Honor who is a Meyerdahl Beta, or San Martinios who are adapted to live on a 2.7G world, the heaviest inhabited world in the known Honoverse.

OT: On the subject of badass women I have one trope that really grates on me, especially any more. The girl power and badass women trope in general has gotten really irritating in some respects. Girl power is one that just irks me, because it makes any and all female characters in the property it's used in automatically superior to any male character. Thus any male character has not only to be less able than female characters, but he also has to be stupid and ineffective to the point of being reduced to comic relief at best. Then there is the stain of thought where the girl power girl has to be one of the guys, but she's also still looked down on for being female, thus has to work harder to prove herself, thus is better at everything than any of the guys. I hate that, no single person is so great at everything that they beat everyone else at everything, but it's especially irritating when it's done just because the character in question is female.

This brings me to the badass female character trope, which has the tendency to have one of three back stories; a sad underprivileged past, Massimo personal tragedy, drive to prove one's self because of gender, or some combination of those. Why can't a badass female character ever just be badass because she's talented, or gifted? Why does it always have to be because of some past event that makes them need to work superduper hard. A side part of this is that it often comes at the exclusion of badass male character, the badass female always has to dominate the story, her struggles have hammered into us with the subtly of a pile and pile driver combination. When there is a badass male then the badass female exists as the counter point to the fact that there is a male badass. Why can't we just have talented badasses who are talented, skilled, or gifted, for reasons other than tragic history? Why do we always have to have a female whose badass to be a counterpoint to a badass male, or to make men in general look evil, or/and stupid? Seriously it's lazy "gender war" writing and it's stupid as hell.

Here is one of the big reasons I love the Honoverse, the vast majority of characters are badasses, but they're badasses because they worked for it. They don't all have tragic pasts, or societal disadvantages that force them to prove themselves constantly. They're just hard working people, who have pride in the things that they do, so they work hard as a measure of personal pride. None of this personal tragedy rigimorole which generally makes people adopt a victim complex, or the "I'm gonna prove myself because I'm [insert underprivileged group label]", bs character arc.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Zontar said:
series non-endings.
I hope you don't mean an ending like Soprano's, because I thoroughly enjoyed that. It didn't come to a clumsy forced stop like so many others.

For me, I want animes to stop using extremely awkward scenes. I mean it make sense if the point of the anime is a socially disconnected person, but if the point of the anime is robo-pilots killing invading aliens because it's awesome then great, do that, that doesn't require the main character accidentally groping his crush then being super awkward around her for the next season.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
GrumbleGrump said:
Happyninja42 said:
I'd like to see them stop always using artificial intelligence as the badguy. Seriously, every fucking movie that has it in it, they're trying to kill humanity. If they don't do the Ultron "I've done the math, and Humanity must die" angle, then they're an AI that started out as a war machine, and everyone is afraid of them because of that, just like SHort Circuit and Chappie. The only AI movie that didn't do this angle, was A.I. And it still had the "humans hate the robots" shit.

I also get fucking sick of the "he messed in God's domain" bullshit, for movies like Transcendence, or Lawnmower man, and other similar movies. Yes, please, let's further misrepresent technological advancement, and ALWAYS color it in the paint of fear and ignorance, planting the seeds in the common person brain that scientific discovery is evil, and we'd all be better if we just lived on a fucking farm. That good old "down to earth" lifestyle bullshit.
This always made noise in head. Why the fucking hell would a perfectly logical intelligence try to destroy humanity? Wouldn't it be easier to leave? The only fiction that has really dealt with this properly is Mass Effect, since the Geth stopped chasing the Quarians when they weren't a threat anymore. Don't even get me started on the "technology being bad" thing.
It was actually done rather brilliantly in WarGames. The antagonist of the film was a military program in the Pentagon explicitly designed to run simulations and calculate responses. Problem is that it doesn't know that there's a difference between simulations and reality, so when a kid hacks into the computer and starts playing Global Thermonuclear War as the Soviet Union, guess what the Pentagon starts seeing on its screens? And as it doesn't distinguish between reality and fantasy, it starts trying to provoke the Pentagon to act in accordance with its battle plan to win the game. It's beautiful, really. The AI isn't malevolent, and its actions fall exactly in line with what it was programmed to do, it just doesn't understand some key concepts that are self-evident to us humans.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
inu-kun said:
I'll add 3:
First using TERRORISM ironically, like when the hero goes against the army and is branded a terrorist for some bizzare reason, not only it's not using the correct definition, it actively hurts people in the real world by lessening it's severity.

I'll get flak for this, fandoms loving a character for being LGBT or "stong independant woman" or the like and nothing else, yeah we get it, there aren't enough depictions of them in media, but it can be a block of wood but because it's one of the above it will branded "best character ever!1" rather then being an actual well written character.

While I'm on the subject, loving and hating films for politics, more specifically the person's politics, it's quite literally the death of culture and it doesn't seem to stop.
Female and LGBT characters aren't loved just for their gender or orientation presentation. Name one character that you think falls into that category and I'm sure their fans will come up with a list of reason for why they like them.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Lightknight said:
The big reveal being, "*GASP* It's a woman!!?" The motorcyclist pulling the helmet off to reveal long hair and such. It's WAY too overdone and assumes sexism on the audience's part.

Also, the big reveal being, "*GASP* They're gay together!!?" So what? It's 2015, they can even marry now. Gay people aren't unicorns or magic. They are relatively commonplace to a reveal that a dude loves another dude also assumes naivety in the audience and has been done so frequently recently as to have been made boring.

It just feels like these are being made for grandparents and maybe our parents rather than the supposedly all important 17-40 age group.
I get what you're saying but the truth is that white, cis, hetero male is still considered the default in fiction. This isn't just a problem for the "grandparents" generation but even the current one. Yes women and gay people exist but they're rarely if ever allowed to be the protagonists let alone characters of any real importance besides love interest or sidekick.

Anyway, I'd like to see less love triangles and characters hiding things from others, especially love interests.

Supposedly human characters shrugging of injuries that would at least leave you bedridden for life.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
I've finally thought of something.

Having your entire story be about a treasure hunt. You hype up the treasure, make the characters overcome a ton of obstacles to get to the treasure, finally reveal the treasure and take up several minutes to show off how awesome it is, but then some booby-trap gets triggered or a freak accident goes and drops it down a cliff or something, but it's okay because at least our heroes learned a valuable lesson about friendship and family and on occasion at least rescued enough to bail themselves out of whatever financial situation they're in.

Screw that! Friendship lessons are a dime and dozen, and you can learn them and keep the treasure at the same time! Donate them to a museum if you must, but stop destroying the very thing the whole story is based upon. It was very egregious when Duck Tales kept doing this. The guy's already filthy rich. It's not like you're gonna be upsetting the status quo!


New member
Aug 29, 2011
People telling me that I can't have an opinion in music because I dislike most of what is out there and popular.

I love music; multiple genres while holding Rock, Punk Rock, Alternative, Rap, R&B, and Hip-Hop close to my heart. Why do people think that because I don't like what they like that I'm 'out of touch' with music or that 'I won't like anything else that will come out'?

I'm always looking for new music to download and play on the go, and frankly, a lot of these new artist and songs from favorites are not as appealing as a lot of earlier stuff that I've listened to. Because of that, I'm discovering and appreciating a lot of music and artists from before I was born and having a blast listening to them.

I still download new stuff, but nowadays, I tend to go back to before my time to find music that not only sounds great, but are timeless classics.

Kendrick Lamar - King Kunta
Pitbull & Ne-Yo - Time of Our Lives
Rush - YYZ
Booker T and the MG's - Green Onions
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Saturday Night Special
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Avicii - Wake Me Up
Pigeon John - The Bomb
The Notorious B.I.G. - Going Back to Cali
Jimmy Cliff - Many Rivers to Cross
Stevie Wonder - Supersition
Boston - Foreplay/Long Time
The Cure - Just Like Heaven
Better Than Ezra - Good
Murray Gold - Doomsday
alt-J - Fitzpleasure
Eagles of Death Metal - Don't Speak
Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Van Halen - Dreams
Airplanes - B.o.B.