Things People Say That Piss You Off

Sep 14, 2009
theflyingpeanut said:
gmaverick019 said:
JYzer said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
"gay" is a word that has changed meaning many times, how is it not fair to say "that's gay" when in fact the person referencing it might not be referencing homosexuality at all?

I never understood that argument, language is a constant changing thing, it should be about the intent of whatever the person was referencing.

I could say something along the lines of "Wow this is the most fucking gay thing I've done in a while!" but in actuality what I really meant was "wow this is the most delightful thing I've done in a while!"

did it not mean "delightful, happy" long before it meant anything referring homosexual? so how is it not fair to use it's intent for something other than homosexual references?
Changed meaning many times? From what I understand, it's changed it's meaning once. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. How many people honestly use gay to refer to something delightful and happy any more? Gay means homosexual. The reason it's also used for something that's bad is because being gay is bad. There are so many words in the English language that could be used instead of gay in such a situation, so why choose gay, beyond the fact that being gay is considered a bad thing? So if you're going to use it, at least consider the implications of how it's used. Words are powerful.
now I don't care to sit here and get sources and all that, but here is just a quick link for some food for thought.

It's changed a few times, not nearly as much as I first thought ( I was thinking of "fag" when I thought of the name change thing originally by accident, whoops)

And while I'll get to counter arguing your points, your stance in your reply is based on the fact "well homosexuals use it mean homosexual references, so the original meaning doesn't matter anymore!", and my/the original argument was that a lot of people in modern day use the word "gay" to mean something is "lame" or "boring", which is the exact same reasoning you were using against my first point was it not?

and yes I understand there are many different words to be used, however sometimes it's just what you feel at the moment and free speech and all that jazz.

honestly saying

"I don't give a second thought on the matter"

is 100x less fun than saying

"I don't give a flying fuck"

when you say it out loud, the latter sounds/feels better every single time.

Now I realize my argument is kind of all over the place their, but my point still stands that it should be the intent of the word, which is generally easily recognizable, as the last time I heard someone use "that's gay" in the sense that you are describing? probably a good 10 years or so, hell most homosexual people I know use the word "gay" in the manner that I described.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
"I wasn't lying, I was joking."

Because you trying to tell something untrue is totally Humorous.

"Make me."

GRRRRRR. That is all.

"Why can't X person do it?"

I don't know if it's this sentence or just the way people use this phrase to excuse themselves of their responsibilities, but it angers me so MUCH.

"As if I care."

I never asked you to care, I only asked you to listen. I don't CARE about whether you CARE or not. That is so rude.

"You are so ignorant" - When used for EVERYTHING.

Every time me and my sister disagree, she says that, whether it's subjective or not. I ask her to check a dictionary, because she is IGNORANT of the true meaning of the word.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
OneEyeX said:
Pushing this topic further you repeatedly state that you are angered by people SAYING they're in Southern Ireland. But then ran with the capitalization argument. The problem is, verbally saying something can't be capitalized, so as you said previously, no, no you're NOT okay with people saying they're in southern Ireland because you can't tell the difference verbally.[/b]
Saying, typing, it's quite easy to tell what they mean by how they say it.

When someone who is not from Ireland says "I want to visit southern Ireland", they are quite obviously not saying "I want to visit the southern part of The Republic of Ireland.", they are clearly under the impression that the country is named Southern Ireland, which it is not.

It was named such for... I think it was about 17 months or so, in total. But I'm hardly going to say "I want to go to Stalingrad", no. I'd say "I'd like to go to Volgograd". Just like I wouldn't call St Petersburg "Leningrad", because that would be ignorance on my part, not just because they're no longer named Stalingrad or Leningrad, but because you'd have to be fucking stupid to not use the correct name for a place.

Ask the majority of Irish people, they will tell you it's not Southern Ireland, and they will DEFINITELY correct people who say it.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
aba1 said:
I think its annoying when people try to use other languages for one word in the middle of a sentince. Choose one language and stick too it. It's even worse when they do it and proceed to translate right after, why did you bother if your just going to translate directly after it makes no sence eugggg. Lastly I hate when they do that and if you don't know the word they act like your a idiot for not knowing.
Haha yeah, reminds me of a certain Death Note fansub "Just as keikaku" with the Translator's note at the top of the screen saying "keikaku means planned"

I would hate it if i didn't find that amount of redundancy hilarious XD

OT:The phrase "it's only a game/film/anime etc" The only in there makes me rage, it's as though you're calling the game/film/anime etc worthless... That's how it looks to my mind anyway, i have a tendency to overanalyse everything anyone says.


New member
May 1, 2010
When I meet Americans on xbox live and they keep insisting that I am British, I say that I am English and that Britain is a group of countries so therefore if I was British then I would be living in all of those countries at the same time that is impossible but then they start calling me a ****** and that I should go back to my tea.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Mrhenners12 said:
When I meet Americans on xbox live and they keep insisting that I am British, I say that I am English and that Britain is a group of countries so therefore if I was British then I would be living in all of those countries at the same time that is impossible but then they start calling me a ****** and that I should go back to my tea.
adjective /ˈbritiSH/ 

Of or relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language

Of the British Commonwealth or (formerly) the British Empire

Yeah, you're British.

British means "Someone from Great Britain/United Kingdom".


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Generic Gamer said:
Kukulski said:
"Well, that's just your opinion"

No *****, it's my argument, so unless you refute it it's the universal truth.
Isn't that the same school of thought that says that your opponent walking away in disgust means you're right?

Personally I hate the misuse of the word 'bias', a source can never be bias, it is impossible for someone to be bias. They can, however, be BIASED. It pisses me off so much because people say 'oh, Fox News is bias' and then put their hands on their hips and drop their trousers ready for the resultant circlejerk without realising how incredibly stupid they actually sound! Saying words wrong makes you sound like you're parroting a phrase you heard. Accusations of bias are so common on here that I think people just say the words without understanding what they mean.
I hate it when people say "Fair enough" synonymously to "Just your opinion". It's just as bad, if not all the more annoying, GAH!

No_Remainders said:
So, we've all got those things we hear from time to time that just really annoy the hell out of us. What are yours?

My examples are when people say "Southern Ireland" instead of "Republic of Ireland" because there's no such place as "Southern Ireland", it doesn't exist.

Apart from that, people saying that Ireland is part of the UK are just asking to be corrected, and possibly shouted at for their ignorance.
I can't help but think of Northern Ireland when I read that; a separate country that IS part of the UK because the republic broke off. To be fair though, the republic sounds a helluva lot better than up here. How casually bomb scares are treated should be considered scary itself, haha.
Anyhow, that's what annoys me as well actually. "I'm from Northern Ireland!", "Ooh! You're Irish!" Then "Huh, it's the same thing". It's really not, especially considering our currency is different. Psh.

thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."

I have to disagree there BECAUSE the word "gay" was first used as a synonym for the word "happy" and, according to Wikipedia cuz we all know it never lies, ahem:

"Gay is a word that commonly refers to a male or female whose sexual orientation is attraction to persons of the same sex. It was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; it had also come to acquire some connotations of "immorality" as early as 1637." which, for the former part of it, I had assumed was the reasoning for the word's evolution. So I suppose the word evolving to mean someone's a bit of a pansy, men typically supposed to being brave, strong, yadda, yadda, yadda and gay men TYPICALLY depicted as being incredibly feminine (as the ORIGINAL meaning of the word was "bright", "carefree", etc., etc.).

...It's bad that I feel I have to say I'm not intending any form of hurt towards the gay community. It's more of a theory as such and after all, it is a friendly discussion board after all.



New member
Jan 8, 2011
"Gaming causes violence in children, but TV/Film/Books have no effect on them whatsoever"


Oh and while I'm at it

"I'm not racist, but..."

Turing '88

New member
Feb 24, 2011
JYzer said:
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
I admit I use 'gay' as an adjective from time to time, but provided you know your audience (and don't believe any stereotypes or have any hate for homosexuals) I don't see the problem with any words, phrases, jokes or anything else.

I would apologise if I did offend someone but I will use any words I like if I know the person I am talking with. Add to that, if I use '******' or similar I am specifically referring to black people, 100% of the time. No exceptions. When I use 'gay' I am almost certainly referring to something that is nothing to do with homosexuals, at least in the context it is being used.

As I said though, I don't care about justification because you'll never convince me I'm doing anything wrong.

Plus you should probably watch

If you've not seen it, in that episode the word 'fag' is officially redefined to mean Harley Riders not gay people. The point is that words mean whatever we want them to mean, and change their meaning a fucking lot over the years. Nowadays decent folk never use to word fag to refer to homosexuals, but may still use it to refer to people who act like cunts.
Sep 14, 2009
No_Remainders said:
gmaverick019 said:
No_Remainders said:
LordFisheh said:
Fair enough, but if someone says they're on holiday to southern-without-a-capital Ireland, that seems ok. There is an island called Ireland. They're going to the part south of an imaginary line across the centre of the island (not the border). Though if they're going to a part of the Republic in the island's upper half then yeah, they're wrong.

It's like if I say I live in south-east England. 'South-east England' is not technically a place, but it's still a valid thing to say. I'm saying I live in England, and then specifying a certain area.
An American once asked me what part of Ireland I'm from. I replied "Dublin".

They then said "Oh, I've always wanted to go to Southern Ireland."

Dublin is about smack bang in the middle of the east coast of Ireland.

So yes. It pisses me off.
so because someone mistook where dublin was one time, and the fact they were making conversation and wanted to visit it sometime, now you have a vendetta against all things labelled "southern ireland" ?

Not just Americans.

I've even had Scottish and English people ask where I was from... In "Southern Ireland".

It's not mistaking where it is. It's mistaking the name of a country.
I didn't mention nor do I care that the person was American, which is funny on the matter as "American" can technically cover the whole North/South Continents, so you basically just shot yourself in the foot with that one for being "stingy" over something so stupidly small, in which you just mistook the name of one people for the people of 2 whole continents. Nice one.

At one point it existed though, did it not? So visiting the same place as to where it used to be...????? where is the wrong in that?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Well, LIKE, sometimes, me and my friends will, LIKE, go the mall and, LIKE, buy shoes and LIKE, other cool stuff that, LIKE, me and my friends think are, LIKE, cool.

Why does every teenager have to use the word "like" 17.5 times per sentence?


New member
Sep 6, 2005
No_Remainders said:
OneEyeX said:
Pushing this topic further you repeatedly state that you are angered by people SAYING they're in Southern Ireland. But then ran with the capitalization argument. The problem is, verbally saying something can't be capitalized, so as you said previously, no, no you're NOT okay with people saying they're in southern Ireland because you can't tell the difference verbally.[/b]
Saying, typing, it's quite easy to tell what they mean by how they say it.

When someone who is not from Ireland says "I want to visit southern Ireland", they are quite obviously not saying "I want to visit the southern part of The Republic of Ireland.", they are clearly under the impression that the country is named Southern Ireland, which it is not.

It was named such for... I think it was about 17 months or so, in total. But I'm hardly going to say "I want to go to Stalingrad", no. I'd say "I'd like to go to Volgograd". Just like I wouldn't call St Petersburg "Leningrad", because that would be ignorance on my part, not just because they're no longer named Stalingrad or Leningrad, but because you'd have to be fucking stupid to not use the correct name for a place.

Ask the majority of Irish people, they will tell you it's not Southern Ireland, and they will DEFINITELY correct people who say it.
If I visit my old home, and go to my old bedroom where I grew up in, where am I?

I'm in my old Bedroom. Regardless of who currently owns the home; this significance of the place is based on my reasoning for entry. So if you visit St. Petersberg to visit Leningrad; you're visiting Leningrad.

So, if I go to Ireland to see Southern Ireland. I'm visiting Southern Ireland.

No_Remainders said:
Mrhenners12 said:
When I meet Americans on xbox live and they keep insisting that I am British, I say that I am English and that Britain is a group of countries so therefore if I was British then I would be living in all of those countries at the same time that is impossible but then they start calling me a ****** and that I should go back to my tea.
adjective /ˈbritiSH/ 

Of or relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language

Of the British Commonwealth or (formerly) the British Empire

Yeah, you're British.

British means "Someone from Great Britain/United Kingdom".
Oh this crazy Southern Irishman.


Winter is coming.
Nov 19, 2008
gmaverick019 said:
theflyingpeanut said:
gmaverick019 said:
JYzer said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
"gay" is a word that has changed meaning many times, how is it not fair to say "that's gay" when in fact the person referencing it might not be referencing homosexuality at all?

I never understood that argument, language is a constant changing thing, it should be about the intent of whatever the person was referencing.

I could say something along the lines of "Wow this is the most fucking gay thing I've done in a while!" but in actuality what I really meant was "wow this is the most delightful thing I've done in a while!"

did it not mean "delightful, happy" long before it meant anything referring homosexual? so how is it not fair to use it's intent for something other than homosexual references?
Changed meaning many times? From what I understand, it's changed it's meaning once. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. How many people honestly use gay to refer to something delightful and happy any more? Gay means homosexual. The reason it's also used for something that's bad is because being gay is bad. There are so many words in the English language that could be used instead of gay in such a situation, so why choose gay, beyond the fact that being gay is considered a bad thing? So if you're going to use it, at least consider the implications of how it's used. Words are powerful.
now I don't care to sit here and get sources and all that, but here is just a quick link for some food for thought.

It's changed a few times, not nearly as much as I first thought ( I was thinking of "fag" when I thought of the name change thing originally by accident, whoops)

And while I'll get to counter arguing your points, your stance in your reply is based on the fact "well homosexuals use it mean homosexual references, so the original meaning doesn't matter anymore!", and my/the original argument was that a lot of people in modern day use the word "gay" to mean something is "lame" or "boring", which is the exact same reasoning you were using against my first point was it not?

and yes I understand there are many different words to be used, however sometimes it's just what you feel at the moment and free speech and all that jazz.

honestly saying

"I don't give a second thought on the matter"

is 100x less fun than saying

"I don't give a flying fuck"

when you say it out loud, the latter sounds/feels better every single time.

Now I realize my argument is kind of all over the place their, but my point still stands that it should be the intent of the word, which is generally easily recognizable, as the last time I heard someone use "that's gay" in the sense that you are describing? probably a good 10 years or so, hell most homosexual people I know use the word "gay" in the manner that I described.
Well, most gay guys that I know don't. Most people I know who use gay as an derogative term also think it's a pretty bad thing to be gay. Hell, I know a few guys who think gay people are downright disgusting, so maybe it's just a view borne from a different upbringing. You don't sound like a bad guy, and I'm not saying that you are one. I just know what the people around me think of gays, so I know why they think something being "gay" is such a bad thing. It's why the use of the word as anything other than a description of sexuality grates for me.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
gmaverick019 said:
I didn't mention nor do I care that the person was American, which is funny on the matter as "American" can technically cover the whole North/South Continents, so you basically just shot yourself in the foot with that one for being "stingy" over something so stupidly small, in which you just mistook the name of one people for the people of 2 whole continents. Nice one.

At one point it existed though, did it not? So visiting the same place as to where it used to be...????? where is the wrong in that?
So, what would you have me call them? "A United States...ian"?

Yeah, "American". What other word is there? I suppose I could've said "A citizen of the United States of America" but that would've been ridiculous.

So in this case. "American" is the only word that really applies, as that's the term of someone from the USA.

I've also pointed out that just because it used to be Leningrad, you won't say you're going there. You go to St. Petersburgh.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
mkjm said:
I can't believe that no one has said "noone" in this thread. It's the same as "alot" but I find "noone" to be worse for some reason.

"noone is gonna notice."

What? Noon? What is going on at noon?

"no man noone."

Someone get me a stick and a book on basic spelling and grammar.
I don't understand that annoyance, compounding words is how alot of words are made, just because they aren't currently in a dictionary doesn't mean they never will be, this is how languages evolve.
Sep 14, 2009
theflyingpeanut said:
gmaverick019 said:
theflyingpeanut said:
gmaverick019 said:
JYzer said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
"gay" is a word that has changed meaning many times, how is it not fair to say "that's gay" when in fact the person referencing it might not be referencing homosexuality at all?

I never understood that argument, language is a constant changing thing, it should be about the intent of whatever the person was referencing.

I could say something along the lines of "Wow this is the most fucking gay thing I've done in a while!" but in actuality what I really meant was "wow this is the most delightful thing I've done in a while!"

did it not mean "delightful, happy" long before it meant anything referring homosexual? so how is it not fair to use it's intent for something other than homosexual references?
Changed meaning many times? From what I understand, it's changed it's meaning once. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. How many people honestly use gay to refer to something delightful and happy any more? Gay means homosexual. The reason it's also used for something that's bad is because being gay is bad. There are so many words in the English language that could be used instead of gay in such a situation, so why choose gay, beyond the fact that being gay is considered a bad thing? So if you're going to use it, at least consider the implications of how it's used. Words are powerful.
now I don't care to sit here and get sources and all that, but here is just a quick link for some food for thought.

It's changed a few times, not nearly as much as I first thought ( I was thinking of "fag" when I thought of the name change thing originally by accident, whoops)

And while I'll get to counter arguing your points, your stance in your reply is based on the fact "well homosexuals use it mean homosexual references, so the original meaning doesn't matter anymore!", and my/the original argument was that a lot of people in modern day use the word "gay" to mean something is "lame" or "boring", which is the exact same reasoning you were using against my first point was it not?

and yes I understand there are many different words to be used, however sometimes it's just what you feel at the moment and free speech and all that jazz.

honestly saying

"I don't give a second thought on the matter"

is 100x less fun than saying

"I don't give a flying fuck"

when you say it out loud, the latter sounds/feels better every single time.

Now I realize my argument is kind of all over the place their, but my point still stands that it should be the intent of the word, which is generally easily recognizable, as the last time I heard someone use "that's gay" in the sense that you are describing? probably a good 10 years or so, hell most homosexual people I know use the word "gay" in the manner that I described.
Well, most gay guys that I know don't. Most people I know who use gay as an derogative term also think it's a pretty bad thing to be gay. Hell, I know a few guys who think gay people are downright disgusting, so maybe it's just a view borne from a different upbringing. You don't sound like a bad guy, and I'm not saying that you are one. I just know what the people around me think of gays, so I know why they think something being "gay" is such a bad thing. It's why the use of the word as anything other than a description of sexuality grates for me.
which yeah I can understand your point, which is what I was trying to get at with the "intent" of it, if i lived in your area and someone used the word "gay" in that sense, I'd probably be a bit more on edge and find them douchey on that fact, but where I'm from gay has been used in the sense I described for quite a while and the sense "gay = homosexual reference" never even crosses my nor my friends minds when we do use the word.

But hey, that's what we get for being in different cultures/locations.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
"It's common sense."

No, it's something that you know (or think you know) that you expect everyone else to know simply because you (and maybe your group of friends) know.

And then they go on to think that the person is stupid rather than ignorant. /rage