Things People Say That Piss You Off


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Sojoez said:
It doesn't apply in English I think, but in Dutch there is this saying that goes kinda like this. "Thats for you a question and for me a know."
If someone gives me that answer after a question I will rage. because basically they are saying that they know the answer to your question but wont tell you because they are either too elitist or too bored to tell you.

Such arrogance!!!! *slap*
There's actually a very similar expression in English. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." It's just as annoying.

I use to get unreasonably annoyed by pretty much every grammar mistake mentioned so far, but at this point I just let it go. I'll use it correctly, and I might correct my friends, but it doesn't actually bother me anymore.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
William Catching said:
Turigamot said:
William Catching said:
"Resident Evil 5 isn't racist, it's just from the Japanese perspective!" NO SHIT DUMBASS BUT IT'S STILL FUCKING RACIST YOU COCKMUNCH
of me saying it.

I don't understand this as being racist. If a zombie game takes place in africa, it stands to reason that most of the zombies will be african.
A game is perfectly fine if you shoot black zombies in the face, but when you have a tribe of shrieking black people who throw spears and wear grass skirts and it unlocks a leopard skin bra and panties with a necklace made of bones for your half black lady friend then it steps over the line of offensive.

Really? I asked by friend (who is black, and just finished the game not too long ago) if he found that offensive, and he said no.

There are still tribal people in Africa, dontcha know. It would make sense if some of them turned to zombies as well.

The unlockable aspect is simple fanservice. Unless you are a woman, that isn't much to take offense to either.


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
"How are you" FUCK THAT. The answer is either obvious or trivial enough not to warrant discussion. I hate that it has somehow become obligatory conversation material.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
J03bot said:
Odbarc said:
Kukulski said:
"Well, that's just your opinion"

No *****, it's my argument, so unless you refute it it's the universal truth.
When people say LOL, that annoys me. Especially when said out loud, as if it were a monosyllabic word.

Also, increasingly whilst online, people who confuse 'loose' and 'lose'.
I hate those loosers.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
When people say that "evolution is just a theory" as though that completely discredits my argument.

In order for something to become a theory, there must be sufficient evidence to support it. Evolution is a theory because it's easily observable everywhere.

A belief, on the other hand is something that people think is true, but there is no real evidence to prove it.

for example: Evolution is a theory. Creationism is a belief.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
"confidence is the most important thing"

No. Just no. Are you telling me that someone who looks like they shouldn't be on this plane of existence, rather in some hellish alternate universe, could be very popular if he was confident? How is someone like that supposed to attain confidence anyway? By going out to a bar to be stared at, laughed at, and then beaten up within an inch of his life? People are not kind. They judge on surface appearance and little more, and if you don't match up, you better run for your life, because people ain't peaceful either.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Akytalusia said:
it annoys me whenever a pirate asks for technical assistance on this forum. i mean seriously. SERIOUSLY... i facehoof everytime.
Come on that is pretty funny that the pirate think he is getting help with his pirated copy


New member
Aug 2, 2011
I've gotten into more screaming arguments than I'd like to admit about catfights being hot because the chicks might start making out with each other which NEVER EVER HAPPENS. I find it infuriating that when a couple of guys get in a punch up, they're angry. When a couple of girls start getting violent, they're a lesbian sex scene waiting to happen. (For those of you who are wondering about the REAL reason why catfights are sexy, it's because girls rip and tear when they're angry, and that includes clothing as well as hair.)

Also, the phrase "Quiet now, the adults are talking." sends me into fits of apoplectic rage every damn time someone says it to me.
It's worth pointing out that I am 22 years old, which is why that phrase is so insulting.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
bluepanda 492 said:
"________ sucks, _________ is much better"
without actually playing the game they say sucks.
I'd like to expand this to when they say this as an argument for you to stop playing a game. They must live in a sad, repetitive world where they can only play the one game they believe to be better than all others.

OT: My flatmate used to say to me when I was doing anything "You do know that *insert her way of doing it* is quicker/faster/better?"

No! Because either your way isn't better and that's why I'm not doing it that way, or I've not heard of doing it that way so I don't know! Usually it was the first instance.

EDIT: Also the people think that scientific theories are "right" or "wrong" and you can't use "wrong" theories. Are they even remotely aware of how hard it would be if we weren't allowed to use approximations and theories that aren't quite exact but work to within a decent limit? Saying that, now I've done some general relativity I do like doing simple mechanics with it to confuse my mates.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
It's probably been said but it's so irritating i'm going to say it regardless.


Wiv, wut, w8, m8, plx, pliz, plox (what the fuck, would that be small plox or chicken plox ... moron) so on and so forth.

But my biggest pet hate is "whit" as in "I saw tom whit pete last night".

Whit ... it's not even shortening the damn word it just makes you look like an illiterate muppet you fethwipe.

Spelling mistakes I can understand but when people start typing in moron code I stop paying attention.

Well they can't be arsed typing out full words so i'm going assume they have sod all improtant to say and can't be bothered reading it.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
People who constantly use the word "literally" and people who use the word "gay" to describe somthing they dislike.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
"Well I don't know, I don't see colour..." Oh shut the hell up, yes, you do. Pretending to not see people's race is almost as bad as being out-and-out racist, in my opinion. Everyone has prejudices against other races, just most people don't let it interfere with their own, and other people's, lives.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
When people call people saying the "N-Word" "Ignorant Faggots."
Like really? I can't even take you seriously (Not that I use that word.)


New member
Aug 25, 2009
"You haven't fucked your girlfriend yet? LOL fag."
Fuck you *****, just because I don't poke my girl until you can fit a two lane highway in her doesn't mean I don't care. I've been with her ten months and that's ten times longer then you and you're girl-of-the-week. But then I turn around and tell them that my girlfriend's bisexual and I may have a higher chance at a threesome then them.

"You're a fascist? You're a Nazi! Hey everyone! This guy's a Nazi!"
Que me beating this person's brains in with a brick. Just because I'm fascist doesn't mean I'm a Nazi or hate the Jewish Community, I just happen to think the world would be better in a different way.

"You support genocide. Nazi."
RAGE. And I'd like to see them come up with a better realistic solution to solving World Hunger/Population. And don't give me that ethical shit, If I could enact it, I'd pick a continent at random and wipe out the human population... Preferably Africa.

"No1 spellz prfctly anymre."
*****, I'm doing it aren't I?! Is it so hard to fucking put in a few extra letters and make yourself look less like an ignoramus?! Is it!? GRAH!


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I absolutely cannot stand the phrase "He/She/You're/I'm a grownass ________."
Excuse me, you are a what? I believe you are trying to tell me that you are an adult that can take care of themselves, but the use of the word "grownass" is making me think otherwise.


New member
Aug 8, 2010
There are far too many to list, people in general make me angry with almost every word they speak.

- Speaking but not saying anything worth listening to
- Excessive swearing when not applicable
- Use of internet any time
- "Nuh uh" "Whack" "...or what?" or any other colloquialisms that are used instead of real words
- Hissing noises, thats a new one that Ive noticed people at work doing. Usually when something has been said thats unfavorable. I think, hard to tell sometimes honestly

If I listed them all I would never stop.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
People who say 'Guesstimate'.

'Get up, it's time for school.'

Any discussion involving the American version of football.
I don't really care which team won the latest in the endless stream of matches that take place every day. I don't have a favorite team. If you even mention something like 'Quarterback' I have half the mind to punch you in the balls. Listening to it EVERY DAY in, say school, gets on my nerves REALLY quickly.

People who claim something will be the best thing since being alive, then turn around two months later and claim it to be shit *cough* Call of Duty series *cough*

Every time a certain friend of mine opens his mouth for anything at all I want to tear my hair out. I'm not sure why, so I've been avoiding him.


'Why don't you go outside and do something?'

...It's more comfortable in my cool, dark living room in my nice swivelly office chair and my computer. Call me what you may, but I just couldn't care less.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Normally not much. Only when people try to shove their beliefs onto me, or when they argue with my by just repeating the same speech over and over without actually refuting anything I said.

This week though, I'm getting kinda pissed at the word: the. Honestly. It's been a rough week, I really need to get the fuck away from this hellhole town and my parents.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
People who use the phrase, "That's a big NO-NO!", towards other adults or when they are describing something someone did that they didn't like, or didn't think was correct. What the hell is that about?