Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Sep 11, 2009
s0p0g said:
one friend of mine cannot say eponential, he always says "expotential"; drives me nuts xD

The word IS "exponential"...?

Hyrulian Hero

New member
May 20, 2009
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
This! Also, people that call every abbreviation an acronym. FBI, IRS, UPS... not accronyms! SWAT, Laser, AIDS; those are acronyms. Learn english people!


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Trezu said:
BlueMage said:
Trezu said:
Someone that mocks someone just because his idea is stupid
No, if something said is stupid, it deserves to be mocked.

Because otherwise, how will the re-er, silly individual learn? It's like training a dog - give it a smack when it does the wrong thing, give it a treat when it does the right thing.
i meant it like this


Dead Rising 2 [some time last year]

Guy 1: i think the choice of being able to play as a Female protagonist would be a good idea in Dead rising 2
Guy 2: No your idea is stupid

thats what i sorta of meant i my wording was a bit confusing sorry about that
All is forgiven. There is a difference between a valid and different viewpoint, and an ill-formed or ignorantly-formed viewpoint (which, unfortunately, may not be different - only thing worse than being wrong for the right reason is to be right for the wrong reason)

No_Remainders said:
Trezu said:
i meant it like this


Dead Rising 2 [some time last year]

Guy 1: i think the choice of being able to play as a Female protagonist would be a good idea in Dead rising 2
Guy 2: No your idea is stupid

thats what i sorta of meant i my wording was a bit confusing sorry about that
Well, there's one thing saying that's stupid, but what if the idea is ACTUALLY stupid?


Person 1: I think it'd be a good idea if we made EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD FREE FOREVER

Person 2: That's a stupid idea.

In this case, it is a VERY stupid idea, and I think in this case, it's acceptable to say so.
Exactly my point sir. *bows*

Takumashii said:
BlueMage said:
Trezu said:
Someone that mocks someone just because his idea is stupid
No, if something said is stupid, it deserves to be mocked.

Because otherwise, how will the re-er, silly individual learn?
The only thing people learn from being mocked is that some people are insufferable bullies.
I wouldn't call us insufferable, just right more often than not and well aware of the fact.

Sir Boss

New member
Mar 24, 2011
"I Knew that"
Had you already known that, i would not have spend the last five minutes explaining it to you.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
"fuck my life."

i hear this from my stupid middle class friends. now, i know its just them saying theyre pissed at whats going on right now. but to people who say that, i have this to say:

listen, ************. i've seen some depressing shit, i've been thru some depressing shit, and its driven me nearly to the point of suicide (im ok now). ur just pissed about some trivial bullshit going on with ur work schedule, relationship, or the fact that starbucks didnt make ur fuckin coffee just the way you wanted it that day. shut the fuck up and dont let me hear you say that shit again. you have no idea how easy you got it. i see people everyday who go thru more shit than you just to survive and they never say "fuck my life".


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
Wrestling is fake....My dislocated joints, bruised up mornings, and multiple concussions prove youotherwise sir, Good Day!

Actually, I try to distinguish what is meant by "fake" and educate people now, makes me feel so much better about myself.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
BarberToad said:
People that insist that "life is beautiful"
Well, life is objectively neither beautiful nor ugly. It's all a matter of point of view, so they are not wrong those who claim it.

My own, religious people who get angry when they can't defend their religion in a debate, and resort to blaming the other for "hounding" them, and that it's only a personal thing.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
Vault101 said:
Communist partisan said:
Vault101 said:
Wuggy said:
Communist partisan said:
"skinheads are racist" for fuck sake, skinheads is originally from Jamaica good luck that real skinheads are racist!

And anything offending really.
you know thats kind of a similar thing with Feminism (correct me If Im wrong) the Idea of feminism got taken over by the sterotype of man hating lesbians, while the skinhead culture got taken over by racism

any why do people make fun of lesbians for being lesbians so much anyway?
Neo-nazis don't even go under the same "class" as Skinheads, Skinhead don't have anything to do with politics and they who mix it with politic are not the same thing, they got a other terms for'em.

And it's not the same thing as the thing with feminism (except nobody gives a shit, jk jk).
It's mostly the medias fault for the "blacklisting" of skinheads not the Nazis themselves and there's a really small percent of original skinheads that's racist, if you NEED to pick a politic for the skinheads it's closer to Socialism and Communism, but that's just because of the working class pride... And it's still bullshit.

So in the end, Skinheads not racist or political, they who deny this are ignorant and we're usually one of the nicer persons you can bump into if we're in a good mood. :p

Aaaaalso, my profile is made long before I became a skinhead so my political name is not "ironic" and I can't do shit to change it and I'm too lazy to make a new profile. xD
And it is ok for skinheads to be political but not "mix it" with the lifestyle, if you get what I mean?
have you ever seen "this is england?" an interesting look at skinhead culture (I dont know much about it and was actually surprised that it WASNT originally racist)

lol anyway no one usually labels themselfs as a "feminist" because of the negative conotations, however the basic Idea is still there pretty much everywhere...HOWEVER it somtimes varies between extremes (like the movie Mulan, some people would see her as a feminist Role model..where as others might be unhappy that her drving motivation is her father..a MAN) I think when it gets to that point people are over thinking things
Lol, you're asking a skinhead if he's seen "this is England". (sorry, couldn't resist)

But than it comes to feminism I think it's great with equality between the sexes and everything but I have really hard accepting or discussing anything with "extremist" feminists.

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
It really aggravates me when someone assumes that because I'm Hispanic I MUST speak Spanish and flip out when I tell them that I don't. Related to these people are those who speak a Spanish phrase to me (99% of the time strangers) and then give me a look when I respond in English or not at all. And among some of my peers that share a racial background this seems to happen fairly frequently to them as well.

I usually receive the "why don't you speak Spanish? you're mexican right?!" spiel and it grinds my gears to no end. Most of the time I get this at work. I'm in the military and work in a hospital so I tend to see a lot of random people and because my last name is plastered on my chest the mentioned situation happens quite a bit.

But seriously I don't see people with Irish last names being asked why they don't speak Gaelic, or people with French last names being hounded because they don't know a lick of French, so why Hispanics?

Anyway, not that it matters, but there is in fact a reason why I don't speak Spanish. See I grew up in Texas, my parents speak it, most of my relatives do and the city I grew up in is predominantly Hispanic. Thing is, my parents had a hard time getting jobs, etc. because of their accent. Many people would assume that because they had 'Mexican' accent that the were either A) Immigrants, or B) unable to grasp English, thus idiots. So, to prevent me from suffering the same discrimination they raised me speaking English first so that I wouldn't end up with an accent. So there, that's my story.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
There's a word for that: Tautology.
We have a lot of it in NZ place names, like Lake Rotorua (Roto=lake, rua=two) or Mount Maunganui (Maunga=mountain, nui=big)
Speaking of which it grinds my gears how badly so many NZers pronounce Maori words, Maori's got 5 vowel sounds; 1 for each letter. Compare that with English which has anywhere up to 24 vowels, about 5 sounds per letter. It's like watching someone draw a detailed sketch and then screw up drawing a straight line with a ruler.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
MNRA said:
jshap243 said:
"I live with no regrets." and "I don't hate anyone."

Shut the hell up. If you lived with no regrets you'd f up over and over and over again, because you'd never learn from your mistakes. And you definately do regret things, so piss off. It wouldn't be healthier to never regret anything, so stop acting like you're a perfect little snowflake.

And you definately do hate people, you're human, it's really okay, so stop lying to make yourself sound superior.

Me, I regret a lot of things and I hate some people. That doesn't mean I'm stuck in the decisions I've made in the past or that I'm a complete asshole.
You seem to believe that regreting something is the same as learning from it. That statement is false. Regret imlpies a long term feeling of sorrow or disappointment over previous acions. To exemplify I don't feel regret for having sent those zerglings out too early and thus losing me that game. That was simply a small mistake that I learned from. -Water under the bridge- and all that.

I only truly regret one single thing at this time in my life since I know that all the other choices I made were always made with the best vailable information and I choose to do things of my own free will after (hopefully) adequate consideration.

If I had made a hasty descision that -for instance- killed a career path I would've liked to have while giving me nothing in return (not even a chance to learn from the experience) then yes, I would regret that action. But such things have yet to happen so I can (almost) state that I regret nothing.

Also, "Hate" is a very strong word to use and I can frankly say that don't hate anyone in this world at this time. There are some people wiht whom I have bad chemistry, but I certainly don't hate them. I wish them all the best and the happiest life they can live, just hopefully not near me :p

In light of this please stop telling me to "shut the hell up", "piss off" and implying that I lie. My world view is simply different from yours and don't casually throw the word "hate" around.

OT: People who are overly negative about things. I have frinds who are so constanly pissed at the world they have stopped using words with positive connotiations or words in positive ways. These kinds of people would play "Mr.Awesomes awesome adventure full of awesome" and exclaim "Wow..that's amazing" in the most dejected voice ever, as if they think that the creator is amazing stupid or amazingly insane for creating the game. They have reached some sort of magical point where praising something is out of the question and as such the best thay can muster is some sort of hipster-irony praise for anything.
Well...I don't really know what to say other than thanks for saying two things that piss me off when people say them. I happen to disagree with you, but I don't think the point of the thread was to tell people their opinion was wrong.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
When everyone in our school assumes that people who run on the cross country team are wimpy, social rejects who wear tiny shorts.
I nearly punched someone in the face for saying something like that, it's almost never true. And it's almost always the kids who join the football team just so they can say that they play football, and then act all menacing. I run cross country, and I doubt most of the kids who stereotype us are in as good of physical shape as we are.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
All <specific demographic / race / nationality> is...


All seem to be .
are .
are .

Basically, any statement that stereotypes / generalises a group of people, usually based on the persons own (limited) experiences and biased assumptions.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
it annoys me whenever a pirate asks for technical assistance on this forum. i mean seriously. SERIOUSLY... i facehoof everytime.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Croix Sinistre said:
But seriously I don't see people with Irish last names being asked why they don't speak Gaelic, or people with French last names being hounded because they don't know a lick of French, so why Hispanics?
I think it's because it happen a long time ago for the other immigrants. But for hispanics it's assumed that you're probably an early generation of immigrants, that the first generation who moved to the US is still alive right now. So it would be more surprising that the language got "lost" in only a few generations when people who speak it as their first language are still around.

While your reason for not speaking Spanish makes sense, your parents had to make an effort (refrain from speaking around you the way they normally would and using another language than their first one), and if they hadn't you'd speak Spanish (as well as English of course).

I personally think your story is sad. I'm biased, I'm a language person, I wish anyone spoke more languages. But on top of that, if you don't have an accent when speaking English right now, then chances are you wouldn't have if you spoke Spanish as well. You would just have two first languages. I know many second generation immigrants and they don't have an accent in either language (in their case Arabic and French). So I feel sad because it feels like it wasn't necessary.
This being said, you're the not the first person I hear who was raised in such a way, learning only the new country's main language to help you get better integrated.
Although I also know a bunch of people who did the opposite (parents who only spoke French but hired nannies for their kids who spoke English or Spanish as a first language, and weren't supposed to speak to the kids in French, so that the kids would speak all three fluently).


Shivan Sympathizer
May 2, 2009
"I didn't say nothing"....Well then that means you did say something!!

The Chav language, when the hell did that kick off?

People who go on about the virtues of marriage when really, marriage is nothing more than an arbitrary, guilt-mongering stamp of approval - contrived by the priesthood to keep their weak-minded congregations in check - that gives you nothing and takes a small fortune from you, and then again when you want to split up!

"Have you heard the message?"...No because, even when turned all the way up, my phone speakers are crap...oh you mean god? No because he doesn't exist!


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I haven't had the time to go through all 16 pages of this thread so I hope what I'm going to say hasn't been said.

First off, I hate when people use sayings in an argument and act like it means something. Nothing's worse than arguing with someone and then having them say something along the lines of, "Oh yeah? Well curiosity killed the cat!" and then standing there smugly like they just cock-slapped the universe.

I also hate when people think that getting one other person to agree with them proves anything. I recently was in an argument where my stepsister was trying to tell me that it was illegal to drive in the left lane on a 4-lane highway saying that it was the fast lane and that you're only supposed to drive in it to pass people. I told her that was ridiculous and would be a complete waste of a lane and then she got her friend to agree with her and then acted like that solved the problem.

I also hate the saying, "Life's not fair." Most of the time when people use this saying, they are in the middle of doing something that's not fair. That's like saying, "People die everyday!" as an excuse to murder people.

Anyway, /rant off

EDIT: Just kiddin', two more. I hate when you ask a "Why?" question and then someone replies with "Why not?" That is the shittiest answer that has ever existed. It's obvious that you don't have a good reason but you managed to make it worse by trying to turn it back on me.

And also when people start a sentence with, "I'm not trying to be an asshole, but..." and then proceed to be an asshole. I'd love to see this used in court. "I'm not trying to be a murderer, but I just felt like I should kill that guy."


Aug 3, 2008
Especially the dumb, spoiled fucks who say it over everything. I saw a girl put on her Facebook 'gonna get in the bath, then pamper myself cos I have a photo shoot in the morning fml'
Shit for brains people don't know what the saying means ¬_¬

Also, people who say they don't care about something, but then go on a ramble about said subject they don't care about. Or join a group.venture into a thread to ***** and complain about said subject. Go to sleep. Forever.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
"Nuke Iraq"
I can care less about what happens to most people. But I do care about human rights, and killing hundreds of thousands...
Also "FML" for weak things. Oh no, your hair is messed up?
I got to spend 7 hours, five days a week, in upper 90 degree weather carrying a 20 pound bass drum on my chest.