Things you wish were normal to wear in public


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Armor, full armor of any type.

Mainly because I want to see people running around shining like cars.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
The only reason I wish people would stop noticing is because if I get one more clever "Hey Neo" remark I am going to seriously kill someone.
There won't be enough left to bury, either.
Yeah, those movies have forever ruined awesome black coats. Which, according to most idiots, were invented by the Wachowski brothers specifically for the Matrix trilogy.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Biek said:
Or what the local law enforcement thinks when they see it. Wanna know what I mean? try wearing a ski mask and stand in front of a bank.

I'll give you 5 to 10 minutes.
Five to ten minutes before what? Some idiot calls the police and they show up to find that they're accosting someone who is literally just standing there wearing a ski mask, who is undoubtedly unarmed and has no intention of robbing the bank, upon the discovery of which the officers will realize they've just wasted their time?

I could see if I walked into the bank wearing the ski mask, but even then, if I walked in to make a transaction like any other account holder there'd still be nothing anybody could do about it.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
CaptainEgypt said:
Biek said:
Or what the local law enforcement thinks when they see it. Wanna know what I mean? try wearing a ski mask and stand in front of a bank.

I'll give you 5 to 10 minutes.
Five to ten minutes before what? Some idiot calls the police and they show up to find that they're accosting someone who is literally just standing there wearing a ski mask, who is undoubtedly unarmed and has no intention of robbing the bank, upon the discovery of which the officers will realize they've just wasted their time?

I could see if I walked into the bank wearing the ski mask, but even then, if I walked in to make a transaction like any other account holder there'd still be nothing anybody could do about it.
There is a law against wearing masks, 'cept on Halloween.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
sawed off shotgun strapped to my back, 3/4 length heavy leather coat, under which i would wear many layer's of frayed clothing, or one perfectly clean t-shirt, thick baggy jeans, and worn-out adidas high-tops
nothing too creative just really specific


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Hippopotamus said:
I really want to bring those face masks that you see people in Asian countries wear when they are sick. There are tons of people here in the States who go to work sick, taking no medication whatsoever, and spread the disease. At least the face masks would help with containment.

Plus, you can doodle on them and make them super fashionable.
screw what I said before, I want to wear these, it would look cool AND keep you from being sick!


New member
Feb 19, 2009

including the sweet gun and demonic, telekinetic arm :) god I love that gun.

note: not a fanboy, just think the threads are sweet.

I wish I could procure and wear this without people staring at me or that no one knew that it was from a game. I think these are the coolest threads I've ever seen. Actually If I had these I might wear them, they radiate awesome.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
I have a purple pimp hat with a peacock feather that I wear when it isn't raining, which in Washington pretty much means I hardly wear it. When I do a few people flip me shit about it, I just don't let it get to me, they don't know me.


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Bulletinmybrain said:
A overcoat, or more specifically a greatcoat. What? I assure you I am normal.
Nothing wrong with that. I partake in airsoft once a fortnight with a slightly eccentric chap who wears a greatcoat while he plays.


New member
Dec 30, 2008
traceur_ said:

including the sweet gun and demonic, telekinetic arm :) god I love that gun.

note: not a fanboy, just think the threads are sweet.

I wish I could procure and wear this without people staring at me or that no one knew that it was from a game. I think these are the coolest threads I've ever seen. Actually If I had these I might wear them, they radiate awesome.
That would be pretty mofo sweet. I'd get myself a set of those. Infact... Gonna go find my step mum, she does sewing alterations.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
CaptainEgypt said:
MaxTheReaper said:
The only reason I wish people would stop noticing is because if I get one more clever "Hey Neo" remark I am going to seriously kill someone.
There won't be enough left to bury, either.
Yeah, those movies have forever ruined awesome black coats. Which, according to most idiots, were invented by the Wachowski brothers specifically for the Matrix trilogy.
That's when you bust out your kickass martial arts.
By which I mean you punch them in the teeth and hope you don't break your hand doing so.
Seriously, you should never punch someone in the mouth. The human mouth is absolutely filthy.
sup neo?
Black tretch coats were overdone before then anyhow