Things you wish were normal to wear in public


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Err... Normal and normal. I couldn't care less what's normal.

Sure, if Victorian garb was normal it would be cool, since more other people would wear it, but when it comes to what I wear, I couldn't care less what's considered normal or not. If I want to wear a suit, I will, if I want to wear a hat, a trenchcoat, a sashed mandarian gown, a suit of chainmail and hoses, I will. And I have.

The one thing I could consider annoying is that it's illegal to wear things that obscure your face (tell that to the religious people and see how it blows over). I'd love to wear a plain white mask, or a gasmask. Both because it's practical, because it looks cool, and because I like how it feels (a mask, not a gasmask, those are hot and very uncomfy).

On a somewhat related topic, I saw a girl/woman/whatever walking around without pants today. I at least think she was without pants, she wore a t-shirt that went down to about the start of her thighs, and I don't see how something would fit under there. It got me wondering wether that was socially acceptable garb. No one seemed to react, apart from me, who of course immediately started gauging people's reactions, and comparing her clothing to other examples I'd seen during the day, and probably would have started taking notes if I wasn't eating at the time.

I don't know, is that acceptable? Would it be acceptable if a man/boy/guy/whatever wore the same? I'd suspect not, but then, if it was someone walking without a shirt, then it'd be okay for the guy, but not the gal, even if she wore a bra, right?

I suspect I'm the only one here to find something like this interesting, but there you have it.

retro himself

New member
Nov 14, 2007
Bulletinmybrain said:
retro himself said:
Bulletinmybrain said:
A overcoat, or more specifically a greatcoat. What? I assure you I am normal.
What? Since when are overcoats and greatcoats considered a strange thing to wear? I find them very tasteful and have a long coat myself.

Also, as someone pointed out, eyepatch and my personal favorite, gasmask. Or maybe even the full Combine suit from Half Life 2.
Yeah, but then someone is going to make a comment of you being a wannabe neo, or they will think you are up to no-good. The flashy kind.
Oh, then you mean a leather coat. Yeah, maybe a bit too flashy, but I still see people wearing them. But you must be built for a leather overcoat. It just doesn't suit some people, and I think people wouldn't really think you're trying to look like Neo if you just avoid short haircuts and black sunglasses. And doing slowmotion karate movements in public.
But try one and see if it suits you.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
SeleneRose said:
MaxTheReaper said:
CaptainEgypt said:
MaxTheReaper said:
The only reason I wish people would stop noticing is because if I get one more clever "Hey Neo" remark I am going to seriously kill someone.
There won't be enough left to bury, either.
Yeah, those movies have forever ruined awesome black coats. Which, according to most idiots, were invented by the Wachowski brothers specifically for the Matrix trilogy.
That's when you bust out your kickass martial arts.
By which I mean you punch them in the teeth and hope you don't break your hand doing so.
Seriously, you should never punch someone in the mouth. The human mouth is absolutely filthy.
sup neo?
Black tretch coats were overdone before then anyhow
What annoys me about this, is that during the winter, I wear a black oilskin duster and a fedora, yet people keep calling me neo. If I remember correctly, there are no mother fucking dusters in the movie. Not a single character wears a proper duster. Its annoying.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Definitely 18th century uniforms
Specifically numbers 2,4,12,14 or 29 (without the plume on the hat)

Failing the entire uniform coming back to style i would like to see the return of canes, tri and bicorne hats and top hats, cloaks or capes would be alright as well.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I would have to agree with the OP.
Cloaks are cool but haven't been in style for over a century. Now people only wear them to costume parties.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I would have to agree with the OP.
Cloaks are cool but haven't been in style for over a century. Now people only wear them to costume parties.

Sombra Negra

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Banana hammock. Just a banana hammock, Todd-style. Public indecency five!

I should stop watching Scrubs at 1 am.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
My Master Chief Helmet.I would've gotten so many girls around me.... saying "Oh Chief! SAVE US!"

Hey, we can dream can we?


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Dawn of war 40k Black Templar space marine Armor. (without the cloth thingy)

Pure awesomeness.