Thinking About Violent Games Makes Men More Aggressive

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Correlation isn't really causation.

Because if I'm thinking about murdering some assholes in RDR, it's probably because I'm pissed anyway.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Celtic_Kerr said:
Hi! 20 year old man here! After playing a very violent videogame, I do NOT get more aggressive.

Stop assuming these things.

Thank you
Boom. /thread, s0n.

I play violent games all the time, for just about a few hours a day depending on my schedule. For me, violent video games vent frustration a lot more than they build it. I have never willingly gotten into a fistfight, and the times when I almost did were when I was protecting my friends from assholes, namely the generic wannabe-gangstas so common to my area. I will fight to protect, but I've finished possibly violent fights with words more often than not. Fuck off, "science".


New member
Nov 19, 2009
The study was only a "randomly sorted 126 college students." They only played 20 mins and had to think about violent games for 24 hours? I don't think that's a very good study of how video games affect people's aggression.

Younger men are always going to be more aggressive. They are full of testosterone and would shock the crap out of their friend for fun. I hope they're not trying to say this is what happens with 100% of guys that play games. In fact, I wouldn't believe them if they said this is what happens to 50% of guys.

More tests, more data and stricter control of variables before I would consider this a viable study.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
The_ModeRazor said:
I disagree, there is nothing more calming than God of War. You'll never ever want to fucking hurt anyone again after finishing all the games.
Very true. By the end of the game, you'll have spilled enough blood to fill Atilla the Hun's lifestyle, let alone that of a layman. Like I said in a previous comment, they vent frustration. If you're thinking about wrecking people in your upcoming football game, you get aggressive, too. Maybe we should do a study on that so that we can net-teabag these studies.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Keela said:
The_ModeRazor said:
I disagree, there is nothing more calming than God of War. You'll never ever want to fucking hurt anyone again after finishing all the games.
Very true. By the end of the game, you'll have spilled enough blood to fill Atilla the Hun's lifestyle, let alone that of a layman. Like I said in a previous comment, they vent frustration. If you're thinking about wrecking people in your upcoming football game, you get aggressive, too. Maybe we should do a study on that so that we can net-teabag these studies.
Hmm, net-teabag?
How about...
I think I'm going to sleep now.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
This is a totally conclusive test and not at all done in an artificial environment where people's actions can be lead by researchers and the surroundings... totally.

BioTox said:
The study was only a "randomly sorted 126 college students." They only played 20 mins and had to think about violent games for 24 hours? I don't think that's a very good study of how video games affect people's aggression.
I think anyone would be pissed off if they were forced to not play games and sit around thinking about them all day... but all this really proves is that people waiting for what they want makes them kind of bitchy.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I also listen to music like this [].

Does this mean that I drink beer by the keg, pump g-smack by the kilo, and snort coke by the mound? No. I have never touched dope in my life and I don't plan to.

Study = Invalid

I am all over this topic right now. Nerd rage consumes me!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I think I could potentially be more aggressive after seeing any form of violence
not just games, but also movies...real life...etc.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
A study conducted by Dr. Bryan Gibson of Central Michigan University and Dr. Brad Bushman of Ohio State University showed that men who played violent games and then thought about them afterwards showed heightened levels of aggression as long as 24 hours later.
OTOH, there was a paper [] from the University of Rochester, New York, published last week on how action videogames improve decision-making skills.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
For people (the people who performed the testing) that are so presumably smart, didn't they take into account that the reason these men appeared more violent is because they implanted those feelings into their subjects brains. Did they let their test subjects on to the fact that the two tests were going to be linked and so soon from one another? Were they like, "now go think about this ultra violent game for 24 hours and then come back tomorrowfor further testing?"

You can't really have an accurate experiement when you engineer the results, even unknowingly.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Violence = violence, basically. Well that's not surprising.

And it's also not surprising that males are more aggressive than females. Testosterone and all that jazz.
Apr 28, 2008
Now test them using a kung-fu movie. You'll find every male will want someone to fight them because they think they know kung-fu and are totally awesome at fighting.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
in other news, thinking about hitting someone with your fist makes you think about punching people...
also, testosterone is directly linked to aggression...

i really need to think of an absolutely stupid, pointless, nonsense study that i can get government funding on.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
few flaws here

126 college students
A: not a large enough group here, to get a genuinely accurate reading. aka 21 people per game. divided again that would be roughtly 10 men per game and since there's six games 3 of which i will guess would have been the violent ones that would be 30 men.... YOUR BASING THE RESULTS OF YOUR STUDY ON 30 MEN HERE, that is not conclusive evidence, sure it can suggest that it makes people more violent but not even come close to sounding like proof.

B: They could not control what was happening out width of said game time, making it somewhat flawed. In a study with said amount of people it would be very easy to get wrong readings due to this.

C: THERE WAS NO REAL CONTROL GROUP.... (aka people who were non subjected to any intervention (made to play the games)) im sorry but when there's no control group in a study, i have to question its validity.

all in all, this is more than likely a load of trash, and i will take it with a pince of salt.

there is alot more flaws i could point out, but come on if a first year psychology student can see this (its one of my courses not my main) going into second year.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
when i think about assassins creed 1, 2 and brotherhood i think about how i could possibly use engineering and science to make a hidden blade to stab something. see games help you learn