This illogical MW2 hate has got to stop


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Quite frankly,I just played the first 2 hours of the game and so far,the gameplay has not changed since CoD2 and the story is perhaps one of the weakest I've seen this year(mean Russians invade the US).
Although,to be fair,I'm also playing the story heavy Dragon Age on the side and I've only played the first 2 hours of MW2,so my view on the game's story is biased at the moment.

Also,the MP issues hurt the score I would give MW2.
Had they barely touched anything,I wouldn't have minded,labeling MW2 as a cookie cutter sequel.
But they took quasi-essential things in the MP part for PC gamers,but console gamer just can't really get that because they've never had a taste of it,which sucks for them.

Overall,to me,they crapped out a bland game with some nice moments to rack in cash so they can do it again in 2 years.
In my opinion(can't stress that enough,or else people will quote me telling me I'm wrong),the CoD franchise as been on its deathbed ever since CoD4 came it,and MW2 just euthanized it.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Taerdin said:
ITT: People trying to justify their purchase to themselves, and people trying to justify their nonpurchase to themselves

well said, also fanboys happen to sneak there way in.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
My brother got the PS3 version. I laughed as he spent 20 mins trying to connect to his friend to play a spec ops mission. They have no problems connecting to each other in any other game. I alo made it a point to ask him if you could just direct people to the room you were in, in Killzone 2. He sid yes. I could only chuckle as I discussed how much easier it would have been to have a server that they could direct each other to instead of this crap. Not that he did not already know that, he has been playing console games with server browsers since Socom on the PS2.

Oh and for the record mods are possible on consoles, check out UT3 on the PS3.


Elite Member
Jan 9, 2009
Where there is agreement, there is disagreement.

Where there is disagreement there is sometimes hilarity, like the user reviews. No one in their right mind would take them seriously anyway. As long as you like it that's fine.


The Original RageQuit Rebel
Sep 10, 2009
Treblaine said:

A user score of 13%???!?
Hooray!!! It's down to a 1.4!!!! Serves them right, the bastards. No dedicated servers on a PC title is like no Achievements on the Xbox. Yea, it's possible, but why in the hell wouldn't you do it?


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I can't say I've had much experience with PC shooters besides the original Halo, having only really ever played console shooters ... but 13%? Wow ... surely it can't be THAT bad.

If the developers have made it to be just like the console version of MW2, then what's the big deal? I just don't understand that why it would be reviewed so lowly when it's still a good game.

I bet if I played the PC version I'd rate it much higher than most other people have. But that's just my oppinion, formed with a lack of knowledge and experience. I just feel like dissapointment is no reason to rate a game lowly.


New member
May 14, 2008
UberMore said:
Dilla said:
UberMore said:
A fair point, but there is no graphical different between the Consoles and the PC game has to fit on a much smaller disc than the Xbox version, which has to fit on a much smaller disc than the PS3 version, so everything the PC can (could) do, a console should be able to do at this point, bar modding and other things that require a PC, after all, this is where the game was built. And, with CoD, it's surely not difficult to integrate a dedicated server system or the ability to lean in a console; you can host a Private match, just use that same system for online. For leaning, just make it "hold sprint" while standing still.
There are graphical differences between the P.C and console, the console's are stuck with whatever hardware they came out with while P.C's keep getting more powerfull, that said a lot of gaming P.C's could already out do console graphics when they came out, but thats not the point (and it wasn't a slight at consoles)

Also, Pc's use the same DVD's as the xbox but we can have as much content as we want because we can install multiple disks to our hardrive, we don't run games from the dvd drive.

Also I find this thread quite pointless I am a PC gamer and believe we are petty (but just) for doing this, but no more petty than gamers on consoles have been.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Furburt said:
It's not illogical! Imagine if a PC developer tried to foist PC problems on consoles?

Treblaine said:
You still get:
-mouse aim
-fully mappable controls
-Free online multiplayer

I'm not buying it myself, it shows the start of a bad trend. I'm buying Left 4 Dead 2, a good PC and console game that is good on both.
L4D2 isn't very good.

Its exactly the same as the first game except:
- Its during the day, so its not scary at all
- The weapons suck and have half the ammo
- Melee weapons all do the same thing, no special animations for killing with a guitar (just some string noises) AND you have to ditch your pistol(s) for them, making them something you basically avoid, especially when the main guns have no ammo
- Couple new annoying special infected

MW2 is awesome.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Is it me or does it seem like the spoiled PC gamers(yes I'm one to so don't even start with me) get a game that isn't better then the console version and feel like they get ripped off. While they always have to rip on console gamers for having the "worst" version. Get over it, it's a game if you want it buy it if not don't by it. I also fail to see why TC is complaining, the others won't hurt his game time.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Treblaine said:

A user score of 13%???!?

This has just gone too far and is now officially harming PC gaming, not directly due to what Activision or IW are doing but because of what the PC gaming community is doing acting like this.

Look, I get it, but all the problems I have ever heard about Modern Warfare 2 on PC is that it *doesn't add* to *Certain Aspects* of the console version.

But failure to add more should not count as something against it. I still think that no one can deny that if you want to get MW2 at all... you are better off getting it on PC... yet why is it being marked down so much lower than the console versions?

I know it doesn't live up to PC standard but come on guys, gaming is universal and so should be held to a universal standard.

I put it to the forums that it is illogical to score the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 at a LOWER level than the console version just because a few aspects are merely "Not better".

You still get:
-mouse aim
-fully mappable controls
-1080p+ resolution & maximum Anti-aliasing while still 60fps (on even basic PC hardware)
-Free online multiplayer

It should be obvious to everyone that MW2 is better on PC than either console, surely it should be rated higher than the console version.

I still want dedicated servers, lean and the console commands back but that doesn't mean we as PC gamers should over-react and create this obviously wrong impression that the PC version is somehow inferior to the console version... when it simply *could* have been better.

(with all hope it will be better if IW sees sense and releases a "PC enthusiast" version)
Fan Boy Much?

They dumb it down, give us no STABLE MP support, taken out some control options, ooh but we get anti-bullshit, who cares about AA even though my rig can run AA I still don't use it, or HDR, or HD, or EAX audio, you want to know why? BECAUSE IT IS ABOUT QUALITY, you can take shoe shine to a lump of dog shit, but its still dog shit, and sucks to have on your feet. Although it will cover your feet, but that does not make the dog shit a shoe. Personally I am going to uhhhh "barrow" this one from my "friends" instead of actually buying it, shame to I loved the first one.

PS: what the hell ever happened to demo's of games *all games* they seem to be rare and only available to preorders/fan boys.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Yay, another Modern Warfare 2 thread. I haven't even played this game and I'm already sick of it.

On topic now.

It is rather ridiculous that people are giving it a low rating just because of the multiplayer though. But I guess that's just the way people work, they kick and scream like children and drag the rest of the gaming community down with them. That's how negative gaming stereotypes start.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Hitari0 said:
Everyone's just mad because no dedicated servers=90% chance of lag.
And yet, the console version (and therefore the PC version, since they run off the same principles) is lag-free! So what's the problem, again?

Vanguard_Ex said:
Treblaine said:
-snip the wall-
Yes, it's a user score. Therefore it's PC gamers themselves who gave it that overall score. The only thing here is that you think your opinion is much more correct than theirs.
Considering that all the posts explaining the low scores (mostly 0's) were all complaining about the same things that professional reviewers ALL HAPPENED TO SOMEHOW MISS, yeah. I'm gonna say that it's just people trolling Metacritic.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
Treblaine said:

A user score of 13%???!?
That high?
Oh, come on Root, I expect better of you. That's REALLY petty.

Even if the game doesn't have dedicated servers, that does not even come fucking CLOSE to warranting a 13% score, especially when the LOWEST critic score is a 60-something. I agree with the OP. THIS is what I was trying to tell you, Root. People like these trolls make the reasonable complainers like yourself go unheard: your legitimate gripes are overlooked thanks to the countless douche-bags doing nothing but saying "it's BAAAAAD!"

I want to see somebody actually make a GOOD post on Metacritic with a low score (only thanks to the multiplayer) where they spell properly, use grammar, and actually attempt to give a good analysis as to why the multiplayer isn't good. Otherwise, I'm just going to chalk it up as some more trolling.

(Hell, a good deal of the comments make it clear that they've never even PLAYED the game.)


New member
Jun 30, 2009
People are not the ones harming PC gaming.

Modern Warfare 2 has harmed PC gaming forever. It wasn't the first one to axe dedicated servers, but it was the first one in a quick succession of forsaking them, thus it's the one that made it trendy.

Also since it sold out in Britain-thank you very much people who didn't know the price hyke would be permanent if you did that-we're all doomed thanks to THIS GAME.

EDIT: I work in a video game store, and we've already had dozens of copies traded in because they didn't like it. I took it upon myself to play it, and while it looks nice, but what doesn't these days, it didn't rock my world and when asked why so many were traded in, I could only say, "meh, looks like just another shoot-a-thon to me."


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I don't really understand why a developer would want to make the PC version better. PC is the smallest market, they'd be getting very little out of it.
Feb 13, 2008
scotth266 said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Treblaine said:

A user score of 13%???!?
That high?
Oh, come on Root, I expect better of you. That's REALLY petty.
You misunderstand. Given what happened to Spore on Amazon, I wasn't expecting it to get any score, whether it deserved it or not.

And I got sick of these threads back in the Terrorist Outrage stage.


The Funnyman
Sep 2, 2009
Ok tbh i'm not too phased tht the pc version has a shit score. I'm more of a console gamer so when i saw it had 5.5 for 360 i was like WTF?!?!?!?! i think MW2 so far is epic. done the campaign and that was awesome. Gr8 storyline, cool characters etc etc and the general gameplay is awesome and online is good and special ops are good fun. Best of all its dead easy to kill them fucking dogs but anyway, back to my point. what are people so against modern warfare 2? its like they refuse to accept it as a good game for some reason.