This illogical MW2 hate has got to stop

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
scotth266 said:
Hitari0 said:
Everyone's just mad because no dedicated servers=90% chance of lag.
And yet, the console version (and therefore the PC version, since they run off the same principles) is lag-free! So what's the problem, again?

Vanguard_Ex said:
Treblaine said:
-snip the wall-
Yes, it's a user score. Therefore it's PC gamers themselves who gave it that overall score. The only thing here is that you think your opinion is much more correct than theirs.
Considering that all the posts explaining the low scores (mostly 0's) were all complaining about the same things that professional reviewers ALL HAPPENED TO SOMEHOW MISS, yeah. I'm gonna say that it's just people trolling Metacritic.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
Treblaine said:

A user score of 13%???!?
That high?
Oh, come on Root, I expect better of you. That's REALLY petty.

Even if the game doesn't have dedicated servers, that does not even come fucking CLOSE to warranting a 13% score, especially when the LOWEST critic score is a 60-something. I agree with the OP. THIS is what I was trying to tell you, Root. People like these trolls make the reasonable complainers like yourself go unheard: your legitimate gripes are overlooked thanks to the countless douche-bags doing nothing but saying "it's BAAAAAD!"

I want to see somebody actually make a GOOD post on Metacritic with a low score (only thanks to the multiplayer) where they spell properly, use grammar, and actually attempt to give a good analysis as to why the multiplayer isn't good. Otherwise, I'm just going to chalk it up as some more trolling.

(Hell, a good deal of the comments make it clear that they've never even PLAYED the game.)
These are the same professional reviewers that will claim that UC2 is the only game to rival MW2 graphically when Killzone 2 looks better? The same professional reviewers who never point out that console shooters tend to feature control presets that render certain actions like moving and jumping at the same time physically impossible? Yes their opinions are worth deferring to. Even though they demonstrate time and time again that they do not even LOOK at the options screens so that people know what to expect. So I guess the other user here on the Escapist who mentioned how lag tastic his experience was on the PC was just making it up right?

Ocelot GT

New member
Oct 29, 2009
I have no respect for a gaming organisation which came to exist from the success of CoD 1 A PC GAME, when they start talking about shit like mouse aim and customiseable graphics as a perk!

If they were in the car manufacturing business in America, maybe they'd boast left hand drive as a perk too?

Mouse aim and customiseable graphcis are a fucking standard on the PC! Like controller support and no system requirements are the standard on a console!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2009
Actually the really stupid part of this was the fact that for the Xbox 360 version people were giving it low rating because of lack of dedicated servers on the PC.**


New member
Jul 25, 2008
SomeBritishDude said:
I don't really understand why a developer would want to make the PC version better. PC is the smallest market, they'd be getting very little out of it.
Have you ANY idea how many PCs there are out there which are capable of playing Modern Warfare 2?

Way more than the 30 million Xbox 360s or 25 million PS3s, combined even.

"Retail sales in the PC game software industry reached $911 million in 2007"

That's ONLY the games ONLY in America and ONLY those sold in Retail stores!

That doesn't even factor in global PC Games sales or legitimate online distribution (via Steam/Direct2Drive which makes up a huge proportion) or even the revenue from hardware like Graphics Cards.

PS3, 360 AND Wii were able to beat that but only by combining all their software sales (that are generally higher per game) and also factoring in hardware sales of consoles, peripherals as well as online subscriptions. And does anyone really care about the fact that Wii earned more revenue than PC gaming? People don't care that it made more money than 360 or PS3...


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I guess MW2 wouldn't be disagreed over so much if it wasn't for the multiplayer. On one side, aat least they have a multiplayer instead of pulling it out, and on the other, they didn't do a brilliant job to retain over it's predecessor.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
bagodix said:
L4D isn't a horror game.
....aaaannnnd you just lost all credibility.

Its "survival horror". Zombies = horror. Shawn of the Dead, Horror Comedy. Zombieland, Horror comedy, anything with a zombie in it...horror.

The first game went outs of its way to try and scare you, IE: hunter pounce, music shifts, dialog, general atmosphere and darkness.

Replace that dialog with a southern hick saying "WOOOEEEE!!" and make everything really bright and well lit. And you turn the game into a shooting gallery, which is frankly, BORING.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
I haven't even gotten around to hating the game yet since I didn't buy it because they are the stupid cunts who sparked a price rise.

But I notice the only people who give it a low score are PC gamers, and from what I can tell this game butt-fucked them over.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
shadow skill said:
These are the same professional reviewers that will claim that UC2 is the only game to rival MW2 graphically when Killzone 2 looks better? The same professional reviewers who never point out that console shooters tend to feature control presets that render certain actions like moving and jumping at the same time physically impossible? Yes their opinions are worth deferring to. Even though they demonstrate time and time again that they do not even LOOK at the options screens so that people know what to expect. So I guess the other user here on the Escapist who mentioned how lag tastic his experience was on the PC was just making it up right?
Ok then. So you're saying that we shouldn't trust the professional reveiwers that say the game is really good, the best thing since sliced bread? I can dig that.

I can't dig people marking the game as a 0 though. That, my friend, is what we call bullshit. The lowest professional review, WHICH COMPLAINED MIGHTILY ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT PC GAMERS HAVE BEEN CRYING OVER, is a 50-something. Which translates to a 5 in user scores, who have marked the game as a 0 or a 1.

So either the people using Metacritic aren't very good reviewers, or they're trolls.

Also, the negative critic reviews are sort of weird. You don't mark a game down for some of the stuff that they mentioned, and the rest is directly contradicted by the higher scoring reviewers.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
As a 360 owner, it's a 95 for me.

If I were a PC gamer, it would be an 80.

No dedis really is a kick in the pants and having to put up with the shitty lag, host advantage and matchmaking we do sucks for the PC guys.

It's still an amazing thrill ride of a game though.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
bagodix said:
Zenn3k said:
bagodix said:
L4D isn't a horror game.
....aaaannnnd you just lost all credibility.

Its "survival horror". Zombies = horror. Shawn of the Dead, Horror Comedy. Zombieland, Horror comedy, anything with a zombie in it...horror.
Horror implies fear. I do not remember ever being afraid during Left 4 Dead. It's a fast-paced co-op shooter where you repeat the same levels over and over again, killing hundreds and hundreds of zombies.
Left 4 Dead is far from a survivial horror.

See Silent Hill and Resident Evil.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
bagodix said:
What are you TALKING about? My response to his complaining that the lack of dedicated servers was that it would be laggy was that the 360 version, WHICH RUNS OFF OF THE SAME SYSTEM, isn't laggy when you have a good connection; therefore, the PC version isn't laggy unless you have a bad connection.

If you're upset about the lack of dedicated servers FOR ANY OTHER REASON, I don't care, that's all cool. But complaining about lag is rather pointless when it's been proven that if you have a good connection, your multiplayer shall be lag-free.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
You know while I agree with the OP this as well as the boycott ultimately solves nothing. As most boycotters are talking out of their ass and either pirate the game or buy it secretly.

What will however tell the absolute truth is the sale figures, and from what the initial reports are is that the PC boycot utterly have wasted their time on this silly little boycott. Now go play some other game and quit trolling the internet.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I found the easiest way to "boycott" MW2 on PC was to buy it for 360.

The ONLY reason I play PC games over consoles is because I grew up playing PC FPS over consoles, so my gamepad skills are crap compared to alot of console gamers today, and I'm much better with mouse/keyboard. Recently however, I started playing more console FPS games to try and get my skills with a gamepad better, and I wound up beating MW2 in 5-6 hours, and I felt like the game was just as comfortable on the gamepad as it was on the PC.

As far as low scores for PC versions go, show me one PC game that has a higher score than it's console counterpart, with the stipulation that they were released at the same time. PC games will almost always have lower scores. Example: Modern Warfare 1 got a 92 on PC, but 94 on both consoles. Yes, its only 2 percent, but there are other games with a higher margin. If the PC community wants to piss all over MW2, let them, it's not going to bother the console gamers whatsoever.