This illogical MW2 hate has got to stop


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Treblaine said:
But is it realistic for us to merely hold PC gaming to a higher standard?
Yes. End of discussion.

You never, ever remove features from a game. Period. Remember when GTA4 came out? Remember how it lacked a lot of the features that previous GTA's had? Remember how people were upset about that?

Same thing, except here instead of it being something fun you can toy around with, it actually impacts how well the game plays online.

It's a choice between your average joes terrible PC that probably can't even play the game single player at a reasonable FPS or a dedicated server built specifically for the task. Or, to put it another way, it's like having the choice between two workers, one who's decent at many things but specializes in none or one who specializes in the field you're looking for but isn't very good at those other things.

Which would you hire?

Too bad, you can't because IW said so.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Mr. Drood said:
I can't stand this whole "PC gamers are such elitists" argument. It's painfully obvious the OP hasn't bothered to look at the arguments in the debate in any sort of depth. The PC community isn't mad that the IW hasn't made the game "better" than the console versions, but because they seem to be actively trying to make it worse!

You can't tell me it was less work to make the whole thing than just copy-paste the dedicated server system from COD4. Also, just because something works on a console doesn't mean it works on PCs, as has been the case with P2P in every other PC game so far.

Oh, and max 9v9 for multiplayer because "the maps are balanced for 9v9"? First of all, doesn't everyone see what massive BS this is? And even if we believe that IW are soooo concerned about players getting the best and most balanced experienced out of their game (and considering everything else they've done that seems unlikely), then why not just give the players the chance to change it? Making it impossible to go higher than 9v9 must have been more work than simply making 9v9 the default but allowing many different amounts of players.

PC gamers still get mouse aim? Well, since most PC gamers only have a mouse, that really doesn't seem very impressive. What, are we supposed to be grateful for NOT having to buy a gamepad just to play MW2?

"If you don't like it you don't have to buy it!" I hear you crowing gleefully. But that's not really what IW and Activision are thinking is it? I doubt the executives sitting together on a big conference table said: "you know what, if they don't like it, they'll just not buy it! No problem!" They simply know that because of the incredible hype around the game and most people's complete ignorance of all these issues, people will still buy it on the PC. And that attitude, the attitude of "oh, the idiots will still buy it" should NOT be allowed to become a habit.

It's like with the game costing 60 bucks. Sure, if you don't want to pay that much, don't, no problem. But again, that's not what Activision and IW are hoping for. They're hoping for this to become standard so that from then on everyone can bring out their games for 60 euros without concern. And lets be honest here folks, if MW2 is still a massive success on the PC as well, whats to stop other devs from releasing their games for 60 bucks as well?

Sorry for the lengthy post, and also:
Hi Escapist Community! (first post)
Thanks, I really do appreciate your post, I did not bear much consideration to that perspective, that IW/Activision would DELIBERATELY make the PC version harder in an underhanded business practice. But how can we force Activision to capitulate and give us the freedom that the PC platform promises?

I guess I should oppose MW2 on that principal for the good of PC gaming in general... well, for now at least.

I also had no idea that in the US the PC version was retailing for $60, that is ridiculous on so many levels. For one the PC release requires absolutely zero licence fee that is required on console, that is how Microsoft/Sony make money if they sell their console at a loss they charge a fee for every single game sold for their system. It is a trade secret what that cost is and is probably dynamic though everything indicates it should be about 25% of the final retail cost. PC should cost 2/3 to 1/2 the price of an identical console title.

A console title also requires far more work optimising the game code for the limited environment of a set and often out of date hardware, while PC has so much overhead.

In a way Activision et all ARE crushing PC gaming more than any pirates, it's almost as if they WANT the sales of their PC release to be low along with arbitrary (and often meaningless) Piracy data as an excuse to cut PC off.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
People complaining about other people complaining are the worst type of hypocrites.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
MetallicaRulez0 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Either use 100% of it's usability, or just develop the game for the consoles. How 'bout that?
It's funny you should say that, because in all likelihood there won't be any PC version within another 4-6 years. The sales aren't there and publishers seem to be scared to fucking death of piracy.
It's funny how consoles can be "cracked" to.
The sales aren't there? Stop joking, really.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm one of those 'fags' (not the Harley-Davidson riding ones) who didn't buy it just because of this. IW simply buttraped us, very, VERY DEEEEP. In fact, at the point that their penis goes all the way through your body and is halfway through your throat, making you barf uncontrollably.

That 13% score on Metacritic is perfect. It gets a 3,0 at Gamepond, a 6,3 at GT etc. Now i just hope IW regrets their decision and changes it, because i really do want to like MW2 because it's simply a great game, if you look past this entire PC multiplayer thing.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
bagodix said:
Zenn3k said:
bagodix said:
L4D isn't a horror game.
....aaaannnnd you just lost all credibility.

Its "survival horror". Zombies = horror. Shawn of the Dead, Horror Comedy. Zombieland, Horror comedy, anything with a zombie in it...horror.
Horror implies fear. I do not remember ever being afraid during Left 4 Dead. It's a fast-paced co-op shooter where you repeat the same levels over and over again, killing hundreds and hundreds of zombies.
There were moments in L4D (at least when it was new) where I jumped back in my chair. Shock moments are moments of fear. If you never experienced those, then bummer for you, those were the best moments the game had.

Its not "Resident Evil" survival horror, but its still survival horror.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
bagodix said:
scotth266 said:
bagodix said:
What are you TALKING about? My response to his complaining that the lack of dedicated servers was that it would be laggy was that the 360 version, WHICH RUNS OFF OF THE SAME SYSTEM, isn't laggy when you have a good connection; therefore, the PC version isn't laggy unless you have a bad connection.
Again: it has been explained why it isn't the same and why a smooth online experience on the 360 does not automatically translate to an equally smooth experience on the PC.
All of the professional reviews (even the lowest one, the 50) said that with a good connection, the multiplayer is lag-free.

So essentially complaining about the lag means that you don't have a good connection. In which case, why are you playing the multiplayer?

I see those who are complaining about lag in the PC version are those who probably lag in other games as well. If some actual DATA arises that proves the contrary, I can dig that.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Treblaine said:
It should be obvious to everyone that MW2 is better on PC than either console, surely it should be rated higher than the console version.
So your saying one hate argument is piontless while starting another? (Pc vs Console)
While I do agree that the PC version is superior, thats my personal opinion and many will call you out for saying that.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
go look at and at the top 10 board. Numbers 1-7 are all MW2.

Now shut up


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Baby Tea said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
To me, this is a step closer to cross platform gaming, which is something that only Shadowrun did. And that's a shame, because Shadowrun was terrible (For me, at least). But here is a fine example of a game that's the same for everyone, everywhere. It wouldn't take much to have PC gamers playing with 360 gamers! How awesome would that be?
Then why cant they add dedicated servers for the consoles, somthing that they are fully capable of doing, instead of trimming back on the PC version?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
scotth266 said:
All of the professional reviews (even the lowest one, the 50) said that with a good connection, the multiplayer is lag-free.

So essentially complaining about the lag means that you don't have a good connection. In which case, why are you playing the multiplayer?

I see those who are complaining about lag in the PC version are those who probably lag in other games as well. If some actual DATA arises that proves the contrary, I can dig that.
The lag can't be solely blamed on a bad connection; it has to be blamed on a bad host as well. The host is the one whose computer/xbox 360 is attempting to manage every single connection in the game at once, and if the host doesn't have enough bandwidth, EVERYONE starts lagging. Dedicated servers effectively remove that issue.

I'll state it for the umpteenth time (even though I know it won't change anything). They removed features that are essentially "PC requirements," all of which have been in previous iterations of the same series, and expect us to pay more for an inferior experience to what we've had in the past.

Fricken Hamster

New member
Dec 25, 2008
johnman said:
Then why cant they add dedicated servers for the consoles, somthing that they are fully capable of doing, instead of trimming back on the PC version?
Fricken Hamster said:
To me, all the nerfs are economically motivated.

My theory: Activision want to sell mods and maps and other commonly available thing you can get for a server

In order to do this, they cannot have everyone running around with their own servers, so they remove dedicated servers, and along with that, they removed mods.
Now there the problem of needing servers for players to play one.
They have 2 choices, IW's own servers, or listen servers hosted by gameplayers

But then they have another problem. Bandwidth is expensive. Most PC gamers don't have the bandwidth to host large servers. So they cap player limit at 9v9.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Furburt said:
It's not illogical! Imagine if a PC developer tried to foist PC problems on consoles?

Treblaine said:
You still get:
-mouse aim
-fully mappable controls
-Free online multiplayer

I'm not buying it myself, it shows the start of a bad trend. I'm buying Left 4 Dead 2, a good PC and console game that is good on both.

Well said.

To the OP - Sure the game may have an alright single player campaign, but a lot of people have been clocking in at around 6 hours on normal...

So what's left to make the game enjoyable...why multiplayer of course, and what did IW do it's multiplayer? It turned it into a PC port of the console version in order to make people buy their DLC in order to have any new content.

Sure that may work for Console kids who don't have any experience with mods/maps made by their gaming community, but it doesn't suffice for PC gamers. Is it really that hard to understand why PC gamers are passing on this game and giving it low scores? With so many fantastic single player and multiplayer games (including CoD4) out there, why should we not let IW know what we think of it and its latest game for making such and obvious money grab? How is that hurting PC gaming?

Sure if it actually "improve the online experience" like they're claiming I could swallow it, but it doesn't. It makes the game have more lag. It makes the game sizes limited to 9v9. It effectively makes it so your clan cannot be larger than 18 ppl if you all want to game together...etc... The only thing it actually does, as I stated earlier, is make you buy their DLC.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Stop telling people what they're allowed to think or feel about something.

People can worship the game or hate on it all they want. It's making for some colourful discussions and it's amusing to watch everyone squabbling over it.

A 1% Metacritic user score is such a hyperbolic over reaction that it's hardly worth getting upset over, it's actually rather worthy of a chuckle.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
MW2 is the exact same as on the xbox, so there's no reason to buy it on the pc any more, because everything that made it better is now removed. Also, the xbox has better online in my opinion.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
bagodix said:
So everyone was already suffering from chronic lag, but only now, with MW2, do these people complain about it? Not a very plausible theory, I'm afraid.
I've been bringing up the chronic lag and host advantage in COD4 on this forum for a long time now.

The most common response?

'Get a PC'.