This illogical MW2 hate has got to stop


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
bagodix said:
So everyone was already suffering from chronic lag, but only now, with MW2, do these people complain about it? Not a very plausible theory, I'm afraid.
Now you see, if these people actually HAD MW2, I could dig that. But most people were/are complaining about POTENTIAL lag. As in, they haven't actually tried the game themselves.

JeanLuc761 said:
The lag can't be solely blamed on a bad connection; it has to be blamed on a bad host as well. The host is the one whose computer/xbox 360 is attempting to manage every single connection in the game at once, and if the host doesn't have enough bandwidth, EVERYONE starts lagging. Dedicated servers effectively remove that issue.
Can the program managing who is host not know how much bandwidth people have? I find it hard to believe that such a major issue could be overlooked.

I do not dispute the rest of your post though. The removal of mods/console commands, and completely removing dedicated support (as opposed to making it a side option) doesn't strike me as a wise move.

Sombra Negra

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Dedicated servers and mods are the status quo for PC games. This is why it's rated lower, Infinity Ward are removing things without any need for it. Consoles never had either of those things, which is why their scores are higher. It's like taking a kid's beloved bicycle away, then comparing their emotional state to a kid who never had a bike to begin with. The former is going to want their transportation back, while the latter will be totally passive.

If people start saying the experience should be equal across all platforms, then why hasn't Activision/IW improved console versions of the game, rather than making PCs worse off? It's just senseless dumbing down. People think that PC gamers should get off their 'high horse and stop whining about the game,' but valid criticism (and it IS valid, what would happen if, for instance, Bungie took out the playlists in Halo 3, so you could only play a random game with empty spots rather than Slayer, Team Slayer, and so on?) is the best way to improve any media. People who primarily play on consoles should wake up and start demanding more from publishers and developers. YOU'RE the ones who are spending money on this stuff, so it's your right to insist upon constant improvements and fixes.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
There's no legitimate reason for the restrictions, basically. An 'equal experience' is pointless when the console version is still incompatible with the PC version.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
AndyFromMonday said:
So please, tell me, why shouldn't the PC use 100% of it's "usability"?
Because the console kids say so! 'We can't have nice things so neither can you'. To put it in perspective for the console users, what if the console port of The Orange Box made you use a mouse and keyboard instead of the Xbox controller? Or if you couldn't use the dashboard, would you still be saying 'Oh I can understand why they made a lazy attempt at a port, it's for balance.'

If IW were able to add party mode (a common feature on console games) to the console version, why couldn't they add dedicated servers (a common feature on PC games) for the PC version? EA say BF:BC2 will have servers for the PC version so why is it so hard for IW to do the same?


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Wolfgeist said:
I found the easiest way to "boycott" MW2 on PC was to buy it for 360.
Really? Really?

Activision accomplished exactly what it wanted then, because they want people playing on consoles. They want you playing on a medium they can fully control. Plus they still got their $60 from you. exactly is that a good solution? Because it makes absolutely no sense to me.

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Giving this game a low score like 0 or 1 might seem stupid, but it is the only way to really get the point across to IW and Activision. I had never intended to buy this game, because I have always thought it looked boring, but what they have done to the PC community (Which I am part of since I am a gamer) is inexcusable.

It's like a car manufacturer would remove lever to open the gasoline lid on your car. To fill you car with gas you have to drive to one of the manufacturers gas stations. Which there are fewer of than normal stations, and they are only open between 12 and 16 on the second sunday every month. Why did they do this? Because the citizens of one small town who don't have a gas station. Now it's just as hard for everyone to fill up their car! Hurray!

Seriously though, they fucked up, and they need to know it. Those of you who cannot see it... I hope for Gods sake they do something to fuck up games in general so much that you will feel it too eventually. This would be awful for all of us, but at least you would understand how stupid you are now as gaming dies.

And you know what? I am going to give this a score of 1 as a statement myself. I will do this because I am not going to stand by and see them dumbing down games on PC because games have to be equal among every platform.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
scotth266 said:
Can the program managing who is host not know how much bandwidth people have? I find it hard to believe that such a major issue could be overlooked.

I do not dispute the rest of your post though. The removal of mods/console commands, and completely removing dedicated support (as opposed to making it a side option) doesn't strike me as a wise move.
If it's well programmed, absolutely. Unfortunately, nobody I know has enough bandwidth to both host and play a game and have it be without lag. Part of this is due to the hosting PC being used for other things than hosting (like managing what's going on in the game), and this means even MORE bandwidth needs to be used.

That's why dedicated servers were implemented over a decade ago. They completely remove that kind of issue because a dedicated server is exactly that. Their very purpose is to devote all their bandwidth and processing power towards hosting a SINGLE server, and it's always, always, always more powerful than a player being used to host.

Consoles aren't exempt from this lag either (see Halo), but the nice thing about consoles, in this case, is that you don't HAVE to be nearly as accurate in a console game. Hitboxes (the area on a player that counts as damage) are larger, and auto-aim is implemented. Both of those are unavailable on PC, and as such require much more precision. That's why lag on PC is more noticeable.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
I'm a PC gamer. I loved Modern Warfare 1, but I don't intend to buy this game. You wanna know why?

Its not because of a sense of entitelement compared to console players - I don't give a damn about you.

It's because there are simply better games out there for PC gamers. Why would I buy a game with crappy multiplayer and a short story, when there are dozens of better games available for cheaper?

Infinity Ward took a dump on what could have been the PC GOTY, and any backlash they receive is well deserved.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Donnyp said:
lol. WOW! thats sad. So many Fanboys giving it a lower rating cause they didn't get what they wanted. Even when i buy a game thats Hyped a billion times over i still take it for what it is. Even in some of the reviews it all circles around the same thing. No difference in the actual review. Its like 4chan just bombarded the site giving bad reviews lol. RIP kanye style .

Allevil said:
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
I'm a PC gamer. I loved Modern Warfare 1, but I don't intend to buy this game. You wanna know why?

Its not because of a sense of entitelement compared to console players - I don't give a damn about you.

It's because there are simply better games out there for PC gamers. Why would I buy a game with crappy multiplayer and a short story, when there are dozens of better games available for cheaper?

Infinity Ward took a dump on what could have been the PC GOTY, and any backlash they receive is well deserved.
Not really. Every thing i've heard about this game is they took what was amazing and made it better. So what no dedicated servers for the game. A game should not be rated on its Multiplayer. I'm a firm Believer that Games should be rated on the single player and not the multiplayer. Cause if your like me and don't play multiplayer that much then theres no point buying a game thats built around its multiplayer like so many do now.
Then I'd have to pay $100 Australian for a game I can finish in 1 day.

No thanks.

Poopie McGhee

Über Sparrow Kicker
Aug 26, 2009
"What a pile of trash. This game is one of the WORST console to PC ports ever made. No servers? No Mods? No Custom Maps? No PC game. Enjoy the XBOX 360 version because we do not want crap games like this on our PC."
Not elitist at all
(Quote from a "User")
It makes PC gamers look very petty, which in most cases, is not true...


New member
Nov 11, 2009
If you have never played on a PC, and your multiplayer experience has only been delivered to you via matchmaking, then you will never really understand. But try to imagine a host hosting a game while never turning his console off, and you can always reach that room and play there whenever you want, night or day, because its always on. Now imagine that host has a Pentagon grade internet connection and his X360 can handle 64 players in that room. On top of that, the guy whos the host is actually resurrected Ghandi, so you will all be treated with respect, anyone using racial slurs, being offensive or just detrimental to gameplay experience via TKing or exploiting glitches, is going to be removed from that server forever.

Now imagine dozens and dozens of custom maps running on that server, which you will get for free, because IWs not making them. Then imagine entire communities and forums built around that one room (server). You recognize people who visit that same room, you befriend them, you have fun with these familiar folks.

The story goes on, and thats what were missing. All of it is gone in this game that you got in MW1.Its a step backwards that no one in the PC world wants.I mean if thats what your used to WHY WOULD YOU?

Its not petty, just THAT simple.If your used to indoor plumbing and someone trys to sell you a "outhouse" your not going to go for it.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
bagodix said:
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
Here we see again how console warriors think it's "childish" or "immature" to stand up to game developers/publishers. I guess they just have no concept of the kind of freedom typically afforded by the PC. All they know and understand is being confined into whatever box Microsoft or Sony puts them in.
Freedom. That great American term.

Ahem, sorry. That's another topic.

Please do not insult Microsoft and Sony. That's console wars terrortory. Not a good thing to do. Now on the PC front, this is childish. I'm not usually the one to point, make up my mind then refuse it to be changed, but this is one of those moments.

The storyline is great. The single player is great. The online play is great.

"Wah! You broke our servers!"

Get a pair, pick up your damn mouse and play the game instead of bitching about it. And I add, LIKE A CHILD.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Sparrow said:
bagodix said:
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
Here we see again how console warriors think it's "childish" or "immature" to stand up to game developers/publishers. I guess they just have no concept of the kind of freedom typically afforded by the PC. All they know and understand is being confined into whatever box Microsoft or Sony puts them in.
Freedom. That great American term.

Ahem, sorry. That's another topic.

Please do not insult Microsoft and Sony. That's console wars terrortory. Not a good thing to do. Now on the PC front, this is childish. I'm not usually the one to point, make up my mind then refuse it to be changed, but this is one of those moments.

The storyline is great. The single player is great. The online play is great.

"Wah! You broke our servers!"

Get a pair, pick up your damn mouse and play the game instead of bitching about it. And I add, LIKE A CHILD.
It's not childish. Infinity Ward has taken a few steps forward and one giant leap backwards in terms of their PC product. They are trying to sell us a new game which is inherently worse than the one we bought off them 2 years ago. I certainly don't think its immature to call them out on it.

What does this have to do with you, anyway? You clearly don't intend to play it on the PC, so I don't see why you, or any other console player should care. You got your game, and that's great, no huge step backwards for you guys. I'm honestly happy for you. You have to recognize that this is not an issue between PC gamers and Console gamers. It is an issue between PC gamers and Infinity Ward.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Allevil said:
Sparrow said:
bagodix said:
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
Here we see again how console warriors think it's "childish" or "immature" to stand up to game developers/publishers. I guess they just have no concept of the kind of freedom typically afforded by the PC. All they know and understand is being confined into whatever box Microsoft or Sony puts them in.
Freedom. That great American term.

Ahem, sorry. That's another topic.

Please do not insult Microsoft and Sony. That's console wars terrortory. Not a good thing to do. Now on the PC front, this is childish. I'm not usually the one to point, make up my mind then refuse it to be changed, but this is one of those moments.

The storyline is great. The single player is great. The online play is great.

"Wah! You broke our servers!"

Get a pair, pick up your damn mouse and play the game instead of bitching about it. And I add, LIKE A CHILD.
It's not childish. Infinity Ward has taken a few steps forward and one giant leap backwards in terms of their PC product. They are trying to sell us a new game which is inherently worse than the one we bought off them 2 years ago. I certainly don't think its immature to call them out on it.

What does this have to do with you, anyway? You clearly don't intend to play it on the PC, so I don't see why you, or any other console player should care. You got your game, and that's great, no huge step backwards for you guys. I'm honestly happy for you. You have to recognize that this is not an issue between PC gamers and Console gamers. It is an issue between PC gamers and Infinity Ward.
Do not assume. It makes an as-- bugger it, I use that joke too much.

I don't have any console version. I have the PC version.


New member
May 19, 2008
Sparrow said:
bagodix said:
Sparrow said:
PC Elitists are the king dicks of the Elitist world.

They're worst than Escapist Elitists. That's saying something.

But as many people have said, you can't tell people how to act. If they want to be children, I doubt there's anything anyone can do.
Here we see again how console warriors think it's "childish" or "immature" to stand up to game developers/publishers. I guess they just have no concept of the kind of freedom typically afforded by the PC. All they know and understand is being confined into whatever box Microsoft or Sony puts them in.
Freedom. That great American term.

Ahem, sorry. That's another topic.

Please do not insult Microsoft and Sony. That's console wars terrortory. Not a good thing to do. Now on the PC front, this is childish. I'm not usually the one to point, make up my mind then refuse it to be changed, but this is one of those moments.

The storyline is great. The single player is great. The online play is great.

"Wah! You broke our servers!"

Get a pair, pick up your damn mouse and play the game instead of bitching about it. And I add, LIKE A CHILD.
I think allot of PC gamers would try it if they could try it without having to give IW their money first... But unfortunely IW didn't make a demo version of their game... If they had I would probably be playing it right now just to try it.

But still... some people (like the people that plays in clans and modders) don't even have to try it to know that the game won't be for them. And they also have other more PC games that are more attractive to them waiting for them.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Marowit said:
Wolfgeist said:
I found the easiest way to "boycott" MW2 on PC was to buy it for 360.
Really? Really?

Activision accomplished exactly what it wanted then, because they want people playing on consoles. They want you playing on a medium they can fully control. Plus they still got their $60 from you. exactly is that a good solution? Because it makes absolutely no sense to me.
Actually, the bigger argument of playing it on my console was that the console is hooked up to a 47 inch LCD TV, and my PC is only hooked up to a 22 inch widescreen monitor. I'm not going to deprive myself of a game I've been waiting for, and which, BTW, I had already dropped $150 prepaid for the day it was available for preorder at Gamestop, before any news of the PC changes had been made public. I was planning on buying BOTH versions. When it became apparent that the PC version was going to be changed quite a bit, I cancelled my preorder for the PC version and kept the 360 Prestige edition.

Refusing to play a game you want to play just because it doesn't meet your strict demands isn't a message, it's stupid. I've purchased PC games that had FAR more drastic changes (Deus Ex 2 being one of them). I was going to purchase it anyways, but went with the 360 version first because I'm a consumer whore and like putting collectables on my "Tchotsky Shelf". I was only getting the PC version for multiplayer.

On a further note, anyone complaining about the 9v9 aspect is out of their minds. Have you played MW online for PC? Try it sometime, and watch how horrible it is when you are on a tiny map with 48 players running around grenade spamming. 9v9 is optimal for MW's maps. If you want 64 player battles, go play Crysis or Quake Wars.


New member
May 15, 2008
Whilst I applaud Infinity Ward for trying to make each version equal, I cannot applaud their backasswards way of "achieving" it.

I cannot fathom (without being cynical) why IW would rather remove dedicated servers from the PC version then allow console users the same access, especially if so many people are complaining about it. It is always good to have a choice in who you want to play with, and it can be a very rewarding experience in being part of a community.

It is not impossible for the consoles to support similar systems. So, again without being cynical, I fail to understand why IW have not gone about making the game more balanced that way.

Dedicated servers can allow for no one person (in matchmaking games, the host always has an advantage) to have a significant advantage. If that is not removing balance, I do not know what is.

Piracy is not a very good excuse either. They will find a way around whatever you do. That is not to say that stopping piracy should not be a priority, but rather that the ways in which piracy is prevented should not affect the genuine users. Besides all of that, piracy is growing on consoles anyway, which is conveniently overlooked and ignored.

I, like many of you, find the 13% Metacritic rating just a little bit absurd, but you cannot deny that you have noticed it. I am sure the developers have as well. What that leads to I do not know. What I do know is that people do not want a price rise and no dedicated server option to become standards within the industry, which given the sales of MW2 may very well lead to just that.

Anyway, I will not be buying this for a short while yet. I both want to see how this pans out and have fewer distractions for my upcoming exams.