This one's for the girls.

May 5, 2010
OK, first of all: You do not have a "title has a girl gamer", you're just a girl who happens to play games.

Secondly, the way you get rid of the...I don't know, "controversy" (not the right word, but moving on) around girls who play games is to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
chinangel said: question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
It's like that for guys too. I can't really talk about games with my friends in public because as soon as I mention something, I get called a nerd or geek(which stopped bothering me years ago). My friends then will give me dirty looks and avoid me for days.
As for girls playing games, not a lot of girls do where I live. So when I find a girl who does, I absolutely flip my wig. I think it is cool because, as I said, not a lot even acknowledge that video games exist as anything other than something for nerds to obsess over.

Light 086

New member
Feb 10, 2011
Overall I don't know why, being a girl gamer myself I don't see anything wrong with it.

I think it's because gaming is seen as a 'guy' thing as well as it being geeky/nerdy, so other girls think we are acting tomboyish on top of being nerds and geeks. Face it we make fun of people who do nothing but study. Also we catch the same flak from some guy gamers, probably from shock and awe as we own them :)

On that topic: My boyfriend gets heat from a few people for playing games, so I assume guys suffer the same.

I don't deal with this issue much because my profile doesn't hint at my gender and I'm a ghost online. I don't talk much online to avoid this situation. Some are cool with it, while other will flame you by saying that I suck or whatnot. So I try to avoid people like that, who just talk crap.

My friends mainly play games as well, so I get no problems from them about it. With my friends who don't, they don't really talk about games with me or I with them about games...

Unless they ask me what I think about a game so they can get it for their boyfriends =P


New member
Oct 22, 2008
It's for the same reason I have to immediately grow a beard and shave it off again whenever I indulge in My Little Ponies.

I will say that, on the whole, it's far more acceptable for women to like and behave in ways that are considered "masculine" than it is for men to like or behave in ways that are considered "feminine".

As a classic example, you wouldn't think twice about a woman wearing mens clothing, but I defy you to not perform a double-take if you were to you come across a man wearing a dress.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
I doubt there is anything wrong with playing video games as a girl. I play video games and most of my gal pals don't. Therefore, I don't talk about games with them, but they respect my interests in gaming. If they aren't going to respect what you love, then they don't deserve your respect.
I think if someone thinks gaming is weird, just shrug and be like, "Whatever. I love playing video games."

Stand up and be a proud girl gamer :) (but don't be over zealous :p)


New member
Jun 26, 2009
chinangel said:
I direct this question at my fellow female gamers out there. While at work I was playing my PSP, now I struggle already with social situations but I like to think I try. Anyways, one of my co-workers commented that girls really don't play games much (she was also female if it matters) which made me really embarrassed and actually ashamed of my title as a girl gamer. I also spoke briefly with a few of the boys there about other games, mostly shooters. question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
Well, admittedly I am a transgirl, but still I play heaps of games. I probably play too much, and no-one says anything. Of course all my friends are gamers, and the other people I take no notice of.


New member
May 6, 2009
MasochisticMuse said:
If your co-worker is attempting to ostracize you because you enjoy a form of entertainment that she doesn't, she's probably a judgemental ***** and doesn't deserve your time anyway. Try to ignore her while at work, then look for women who aren't going to scratch your eyes out for not being a carbon copy of themselves.
Hear hear! Very well said. There should never be any shame in liking gaming, that's what it's made for. If other people can't accept that, that's their problem, not yours. So, don't let it be your problem. Hold that PSP high!


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
I guess I've never really met a girl who's as fanatical about games as I am. I doubt I ever will though most (or probably even all) girls I know who do play games are terrible a them. So the only girls I know are casual gamers. Pfft I'm not ashamed.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
chinangel said:
I direct this question at my fellow female gamers out there. While at work I was playing my PSP, now I struggle already with social situations but I like to think I try. Anyways, one of my co-workers commented that girls really don't play games much (she was also female if it matters) which made me really embarrassed and actually ashamed of my title as a girl gamer. I also spoke briefly with a few of the boys there about other games, mostly shooters. question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
I'm a guy, but I think you should give us a chance to answer too. I think you would be surprised at how many of us either don't care, or are ok with girl gamers. I for one am ok with girl gamers. I know several, and some of them can destroy me at my own games. This co-worker who said that to you is probably of the "old school" mind set. I like women who enjoy video games, it gives us more to talk about and relate to.

Stick with it and don't let anyone tell you different. :? )


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm going to take this at a different angle than other people, who are just saying to ignore her and such, and try to explain why she doesn't think gaming is for girls.

for that we have to look back at the 90's when video gaming had gotten back on it's feet thanks to Nintendo and such, And look at their ads.

now this may only be a small selection of ads, but I notice one thing from those.

do you see any girls playing those game?

I didn't either. During the 80's and 90's games were mainly advertised towards the male demographic, mainly teenagers I've noticed from the ads. Of course this gives the impression to the majority of girls growing up in this period that video gaming is a boys thing, and that girls don't play that sort of thing.

So, ironically, it's not her fault for judging you for playing videogames (though it is as well, don't let her off the hook) It's gaming itself when they showed themselves as a boys club back when they were younger.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
chinangel said:
I direct this question at my fellow female gamers out there. While at work I was playing my PSP, now I struggle already with social situations but I like to think I try. Anyways, one of my co-workers commented that girls really don't play games much (she was also female if it matters) which made me really embarrassed and actually ashamed of my title as a girl gamer. I also spoke briefly with a few of the boys there about other games, mostly shooters. question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
Girls have as much right to play video games as anyone else, no different to movies etc. If someone has an issue then their the one's with the issue. Personally I'd tell them where to go if that was me (tho I don't recommend it :p).


New member
Dec 20, 2008
chinangel said:
I direct this question at my fellow female gamers out there. While at work I was playing my PSP, now I struggle already with social situations but I like to think I try. Anyways, one of my co-workers commented that girls really don't play games much (she was also female if it matters) which made me really embarrassed and actually ashamed of my title as a girl gamer. I also spoke briefly with a few of the boys there about other games, mostly shooters. question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
Too be honest, I would say it's most likely the fact that women are somewhat conditioned to compete with each other, and tend to do so by stripping away the confidence of their peers. Generally most girls do grow out of this, much like males grow out of bullying.

If you're somewhat older, you're going to catch flak for gaming in public no matter who you are. It's seen as not a very adult thing to do outside parties and home use.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Xiphos98 said:
I think, it goes back to the fact that it wasn't known for a girl to enjoy these sort of things. In the past a women wasn't meant to do some things but stick to the cleaning?

I don't know if that makes any sense but to a male they don't understand why we would enjoy it, but there only meant to enjoy it, but us females.

At the end of the day its always going to seem weird to other people when they see a female gamer, am not sure why but yeh, and as you can hardly see. i really don't know how to explain yeh i wish they would see us girl gamers just the same as the male gamers, some times we're better
To the OP, I sympathize, you shouldn't have to feel ashamed for liking games in public.

And in response to the quoted, I think it's because, from OUR point of view (that is to say, as a man) when we play online games, sometimes 4-8 hours a day, we rarely, rarely rarely come across real women playing. In fact there are periods of my life, where I played say, an MMO or a shooter on xbox live, and I went an entire year without hearing a single female voice. The reason why its so shocking is because it IS rare, but NOT wrong. It's just rare.

I guess let me put it like this; I used to feel really embarassed when I was a kid and my mother would take me with her to the mall. She ALWAYS liked to try on outfits by the underwear section (in the changing stalls of course) so as I sat there, the only male in the entire store, I felt out of place. Because I sort of was.. it wasn't wrong for me to be there, just rare.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
theonlyblaze2 said:
I can't really talk about games with my friends in public because as soon as I mention something, I get called a nerd or geek(which stopped bothering me years ago). My friends then will give me dirty looks and avoid me for days.
No, they won't.

Those people with whom you've been wasting a lot of your precious time may, but your friends won't.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
chinangel said:
I direct this question at my fellow female gamers out there. While at work I was playing my PSP, now I struggle already with social situations but I like to think I try. Anyways, one of my co-workers commented that girls really don't play games much (she was also female if it matters) which made me really embarrassed and actually ashamed of my title as a girl gamer. I also spoke briefly with a few of the boys there about other games, mostly shooters. question to you is, why is it okay for guys to be into games, but when we get into them, or publicly show our love/interest/what have you of video games, other girls avoid us like we are carrying some kind of contagious disease? Is there any good reason why we should be ashamed or hide the fact we play games?
I know you directed your question to girl gamers, but I'll chime in anywho and you can do what you want with my input.

There is a worse stigma for gaming than for sports, since it's still not quite mainstream and since, though so many guys do it, it's not considered "manly" by comparison. Therefore, there's going to be more of a stigma toward gaming from the immature stereotype-pedaling girls out there. You know, the ones who wear way too much makeup and fake-tan all year round and see every aspect of their lives in terms of status - "My God, I am SO ugly today!" Why yes, yes you are.

There will always be an army of sad little men who are unhappy/unsatisfied with the life they've chosen and eager to find any excuse to pick on a woman. But there are far more women for whom this is true. I wonder if the co-worker who said that considers Cosmo reading material.

Anyway, I probably don't have to tell you that we guys either don't care or think it's cool as Hell.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Oathy said:
I doubt there is anything wrong with playing video games as a girl. I play video games and most of my gal pals don't. Therefore, I don't talk about games with them, but they respect my interests in gaming.
I happen to be in the exact same position. Although, my friends occasionally show a tad of interest in which kind of games do I play, but that's all.

It happened to me quite a few times while playing CoD2 and CoD4, you find yourself first on the charts with a feminine name, and then you get accusations like "haha u r not a girl" or even ignorant comments like "girls dont play gamez". I usually ignore comments like these, but sometimes it gets irritating.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Good reason? No.

Reasons. Yes.

You look like a child. You look like that loser boyfriend they dated. "Games are for kids." You're not a boy. Grow up. It's not something a respectable girl does. Don't you have something better to do with your life? Secretly I'm jealous because all the guys come talk to YOU instead of me, so I have to bash on your hobby (That last reason is my favourite).

I talk about video games and girls often roll their eyes at me. I've learned to shrug it off, realize that type of girl isn't my type of girl, and keep talking about what I love. Don't let your coworker bother you. Despite the protests, a true girl gamer--not a girl who plays games--is rare. Keep playing.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
MercurySteam said:
I guess I've never really met a girl who's as fanatical about games as I am. I doubt I ever will though most (or probably even all) girls I know who do play games are terrible a them. So the only girls I know are casual gamers. Pfft I'm not ashamed.
heh. I take that as a personal challenge sir :p

naw, I'm definately not a casual gamer. I'm currently building my skills in MvC3, and I'm not half bad at CoD4 and Black Ops. ^^

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
For the same reason that I, a boy who doesn't like to play sports was ridiculed and ostracized for a good portion of his life. You stray from the collective, you are an anomaly, and you must be purged. If you like something that sets you apart from the crowd, do what I did. Find a different crowd.