It's totally right to celebrate the death of a madman, there's nothing at all wrong with it, and what those who would argue against that are lacking is perspective. Nearly the whole world celebrated when Hitler died, and videos of Hussein's hanging were broadcast on the news in many countries. It's not even a case for barbarism. It's we beat evil, simply put. It damned sure better be everywhere, and there better be celebrations.
Let the world celebrate the death of a madman, so that others thinking of walking their path will be dissuaded. Also - instead of arguing against the war and all that, how 'bout we honor the lives of the thousands that have died to get us to this point. Keep in mind we have a volunteer military in the US, all those people, despite some being less happy about it than others, made that decision to go fight for something. Don't go sullying that with hippie philosophy. They perfected ways to ignore problems, not ways to correct them.