This scare the shit out of anyone else?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
ScoopMeister said:
[ Bin Laden was a polite, quietly-spoken man. He wasn't the 'evil bastard' or the coward that you perceive him to be.
So his estranged son was lying when he spoke about Osama making him kill his own puppy with a bioweapon or the fact that he took personal credit for 911. Stop being so nieve the guy was a monster. They have stated that a woman died in the attack she was used as a human shield. American's see this as a victory over a man who declared war on them and is no different to the V day celebration of world war 2.

MaxwellEdison said:
This is how humanity reacts when horrible things go away.
well said.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I find it a bit funny how a majority of Americans were totally shocked and pissed off when Al-Qadea and the other Anti-American's were celebrating in the streets and stuff when the 9/11 happened, yet they find themselves doing the EXACT SAME THING.

I'm actually suprised that they didn't bring Osama's body back and parade him around the streets with they amount of joy those people are showing.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
Why should it scare people? The US is a country based on revenge. This wasnt about a war on terror. This was about getting the guy, and we did.

Besides, its just a bunch of drunks chanting USA USA USA!

I'll tell you what scares me. When the Canadians bad mouth America while they're in America. I'm scared for the guys, they may not make it back over the border.
I would be more scared if they didn't have the courage to do so, and only bad-mouthed from the safety of Canada. I would also be rather disgusted.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
The fact is, we haven't had a whole lot to celebrate as a country recently. We've been looking for this guy for 10 years and we finally finished the job. Let us revel in it a little, get a little bit of closure for 9/11 and I promise we'll all go back to painting in the lines and feigning civility. Yes we're celebrating a death, but it's the death of the most infamous terrorist in recent history.

If this "scares" you, you're misinterpreting the situation.

also what the hell, captcha:


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Well, does anybody remember when thousands of Iraqis celebrated on their streets when those planes killed over 2,000 innocent americans?

Ok, fair argument out of the way.

Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia got his own guys through american security, stole and flew their own planes and took down two f***ing great big buildings in the middle of a world famous city without anyone knowing before it was too late.
Pretty big feat for his country.

America got the Army to kill one guy....
Yeh you keep on celebrating..

Hopefully we'll put an end to terrorism and bring peace to the world soon eh guys?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Lonan said:
emeraldrafael said:
Why should it scare people? The US is a country based on revenge. This wasnt about a war on terror. This was about getting the guy, and we did.

Besides, its just a bunch of drunks chanting USA USA USA!

I'll tell you what scares me. When the Canadians bad mouth America while they're in America. I'm scared for the guys, they may not make it back over the border.
I would be more scared if they didn't have the courage to do so, and only bad-mouthed from the safety of Canada. I would also be rather disgusted.
well... I'm thinking of very specific cases like where Canadians decide to boo our national anthem while they're in our country, even when Americans have the courtesy to be respectful during Oh Canada.

Or when a Canadian said something about how the American Health Care system sucks (which, some parts do), and Universal Health care had no faults whatsoever and continued to ride it. I dont know why that argument bothers me, but it always does when the conversation between private and universal comes up.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
I'm so
xXxJessicaxXx said:
ScoopMeister said:
[ Bin Laden was a polite, quietly-spoken man. He wasn't the 'evil bastard' or the coward that you perceive him to be.
So his estranged son was lying when he spoke about Osama making him kill his own puppy with a bioweapon or the fact that he took personal credit for 911. Stop being so nieve the guy was a monster. They have stated that a woman died in the attack she was used as a human shield. American's see this as a victory over a man who declared war on them and is no different to the V day celebration of world war 2.

MaxwellEdison said:
This is how humanity reacts when horrible things go away.
well said.
I'm sorry, but naivety is believing that because one man is dead, no matter what he did, that the world is suddenly a better place. Terrorism will continue, someone will take his place, and the world will still suck afterwards.
And I don't agree that this is the same as celebrating Hitler's death. Not only is there no solid proof that Bin Laden was even responsible for 9/11, but the sheer scale of the Holocaust is much too big to be compared to maybe a few tens of thousands of people, no matter how awful that atrocity was. and to be honest, I don't even think it is right to celebrate Hitler's death. Be relieved, yes, but rejoice? No. I don't think that can ever be right.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
It's totally right to celebrate the death of a madman, there's nothing at all wrong with it, and what those who would argue against that are lacking is perspective. Nearly the whole world celebrated when Hitler died, and videos of Hussein's hanging were broadcast on the news in many countries. It's not even a case for barbarism. It's we beat evil, simply put. It damned sure better be everywhere, and there better be celebrations.

Let the world celebrate the death of a madman, so that others thinking of walking their path will be dissuaded. Also - instead of arguing against the war and all that, how 'bout we honor the lives of the thousands that have died to get us to this point. Keep in mind we have a volunteer military in the US, all those people, despite some being less happy about it than others, made that decision to go fight for something. Don't go sullying that with hippie philosophy. They perfected ways to ignore problems, not ways to correct them.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
There are some people its okay to celebrate their deaths. Some people deserve to die. No its not politically correct but some people shouldn't be alive.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
It is a good thing that he is dead because it proves that terrorism isn't invincible, and the American people need that more than anyone since they seem to always fear it, here in England nobody gives a crap XD.

The only troubling thing is that he WILL be replaced... and the only thing we can hope for is that the person who replaces him is not worse than him


New member
Apr 15, 2009
All we need now are pictures of desert soldiers kissing a swooning woman on the front page of the paper. Seriously, why don't we get that anymore? Victory, even in the smallest struggles, used to mean something.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
ScoopMeister said:
I'm sorry, but naivety is believing that because one man is dead, no matter what he did, that the world is suddenly a better place.
It can't be a worse place. The terrorism isn't going to go away neither is war, the world keeps on spinning. The celebrations are a manifestation of the relief you mention not a vicious 'we are glad we killed somone.' Like someone said being dead doesn't automatically get you respect.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Some people are beyond forgiveness.
And he claimed responsibility for the 911 attacks in a televised broadcast at the time...


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Honestly, I'm happy that America have got what they consider justice for 911. If my loved ones had died in a situation like this then I can't deny that I'd want nothing more than to see the person responsible dead. However, in no situation can I honestly understand celebrating murder. Yes, he may of deserved to die for his actions but can't America take the higher ground on this!? Sure they have justice for the most shocking tragedy in their history but in my eyes murder is murder and to celebrate it is barbaric. Also, its not like the war on terrorism is over...


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I wouldn't say it scared the shit out of me. But I did wonder wtf?
Shouoldn't America and others be having a sigh of releif, not a bloody street party?

Stooping to their level for one, and pretty much pissing off Osamas followers to provoke another attack.

Yes the Terrorists celebrated 9/11, let them, they're the arseholes, don't copy them. It's a bit like "You pull my hair, I'll pull yours"


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I'm a Canadian, and I remember hearing about Osama's death and getting an insane feeling of joy.

Revenge is sexy, it's primal. But sober second thought a week later might get people to realize it's not a good idea to celebrate the death of anyone.

They shouldn't have killed him. They should have locked him in a cage for all of eternity. For two reasons, they are better than that, and because killing him means he got off too easy. Now he can't truly suffer for his crimes, he's dead.

Don't worry about it. They are simply going with their emotions today, they'll settle down eventually.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Yup, I do but the only reason I don't is I'm bound to offend some overly-patriotic American or something even though I know the rest of you are a lot better than that.
Fact is I saw people make similar comments to this and got in trouble with mods. This is a view I'd rather not express so I can stay on this forum.

On a site note you COULD look at it as the Americans cultural equivalent of a cause of a celebration - they find it wierd that we marry 2 old royals together - we find them weird for celebrating the murder of 1 man when in truth it's probably not going to do shit to stop the terrorists - but then again neither will marrying 2 royals! ha!
Basically - in a fair way - just let em have their fun. We've had ours, as long as they don't bother me with it I don't care.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
I guess I feel a sense of relief that justice has been served after all this time, but actively CELEBRATING someone's death doesn't really sit right with me. Plus his death is probably going to do fuck-all to change the situation, which means people are just getting excited over petty revenge.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
OmegaAlucard777 said:
I find it a bit funny how a majority of Americans were totally shocked and pissed off when Al-Qadea and the other Anti-American's were celebrating in the streets and stuff when the 9/11 happened, yet they find themselves doing the EXACT SAME THING.

I'm actually suprised that they didn't bring Osama's body back and parade him around the streets with they amount of joy those people are showing.
Celebrating the mass murder of thousands of innocent civilians and the near crippling of an entire country's financial infrastructure (to say nothing about the world-wide consequences) is very different from celebrating the death of a terrorist and one of the worst mass-murders in recent history.
We, Americans, would be the same if we were celebrating after Islamabad or Abbottabad had been carpet bombed for the sole purpose of killing as many civilians as possible.