This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Hey iam not fused celebrate if you want i would have ramed nails though his wrists and hooked him up to a car battery/genertator so i think he got of lightly.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I have mixed feelings on it.
On the one hand, I can't bring myself to be happy about the death of a human being, but on the other hand he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and he sent hundreds of people to die for him while he hid away in a mansion. So I'm not really celebratory, but I guess I could say I'm relieved.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Zekksta said:
Khaun said:
Hey iam not fused celebrate if you want i would have ramed nails though his wrists and hooked him up to a car battery/genertator so i think he got of lightly.
Clearly you're a better person than he is then, torturing your prisoners.
Iam what Iam an eye for an eye thats my opinion.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we also be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
TBH, I find outpourings of nationalism to be partially scary and partially pitiable. It's particularly scary to see Americans doing it, because of how trigger-happy their military has seemed over the last decade, especially the top brass.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
One thing I've picked up from the feedback, seems that most of the americans here haven't actually seen much 'celebrating', except on the news, like we across the world have seen.

Anyone think perhaps, no, couldn't be...ah go on I'll say it anyway, maybe the newspapers and TV channels are carefully selecting their output to fit a certain image?

Believe me, America, the vast majority of the entire civilised world is happy that he's gone.

I certainly don't believe that there's been dancing in the streets and wild parties because of the announcement. I imagine if you knew someone who was lost in 9/11, or in the ongoing military actions, you're pleased that he's been dealt with, but at the same not in the mood for fireworks and some cake. As one paper's cartoon put it (me agreeing with part of a newspaper!), killing Bin Laden was like lopping a head from a hydra, there's far more willing to spring up to take his place, just that now they're going to be even more pissed.

Still had to be done and I'm glad it happened, but I don't feel most Americans are like the few that are getting airtime on TV. I would guess most rational, thoughtful Americans wouldn't have written front page headlines like 'Nailed the bastard!' either, which to me feels one step away from 'BOOM! Headshot! LOLZ!'. 'Bin Laden Dead'? 'Osama killed by US Troops'? Would that not have got the message across without looking like an ass?

In short, not knocking Americans, just doing my usual thing of knocking the news generators.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Average Joe's Mentality + Mob of Average Joe's + Terrorist Killed = Everyone shouting at that country for being a jerk (in this case: America). Because, you know, America's the ONLY place full of average Joe's that would totally do this. Let's not forget how the entire world did the same during Hitler.

I'm sure the difference is because a couple thousand innocent v. a couple million innocent means Osama was a better man than Hitler! Because you know, it was only a few thousand people! And Osama would never have stooped to Hitler's level if he had that sort of army.

I agree with what people are saying: The only thing that's bigger than America's ego is the world's Holier-Than-Thou attitude.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I personally had no real thoughts about this other than I was disheartened to hear things could not have gone more peacefully but glad that our soldiers can slowly start pulling out with the leader taken out. I find it a bit weird that people are celebrating like this is the most wonderful thing in years but I understand where they are coming from. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am just neutral in the whole matter.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
ShakyFiend said:
Exactly my point, which is why arguing blame in this way is pointless (the person I was arguing against was attempting to argue that Osama's death was justified by 9/11; its a highly subjective thing)
It's not subjective. You misunderstand me.

No judicial system in existence, nor any judicial system ever conceived by mankind, would excuse Bin Laden from punishment for 9/11. Nothing the U.S. has done in the past, no attribute of Bin Laden's upbringing or society could possible remove the link between his willful actions and the need for punishment.

Bin Laden committed a crime. He was punished. This is self evident. You have a major burden to argue otherwise. It's crystal clear.

This doesn't mean I am unaware of the nuances and the problems of the issue, namely that Bin Laden was punished extra-judicially by a body that had no legal right to do so. I am also aware that his killing could be construed as preventative as much as vengeful.

But I have yet to hear a reason that we should not have done it that isn't, well, stupid.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Ok to the trolls saying how bad America is for this...

Grow up.
Screw the country of Pakistan they were hiding Osama.

Don't go on about how aggression in the middle east is to blame, the middle east hold aggressions for 1200 year old events and the invisible man in the sky their justifications for violence.

As for judgment in a court? Screw that. You pled guilty, you confess you don't get 17 years in a jail waiting for your sentence of death. And what the counts of murder? Round oh what 20,000? Over his life time, directly or indirectly?

I for one, would say I'm sickened or appalled or the like...but i'm not. Internet trolls will whine about anything. And you know, the last thing I care for is humoring some butt tard who honestly wants to defend the rights of one the greatest Mass Murdering cult leaders of all times.

Trial, god pick up a history book. What does every terrorist group do when a leader is arrested? All of them... they kill more, take hostages and demand swaps for the leader. No trial...trials are for human beings. They wanted him dead, he's dead. GOOD. He's not a nations leader... so it's not against the Geneva Convention.

Have fun trolling, but do it on 4chan where it belongs.

Swear some people would defend Satan if he popped up and slaughtered half the world, why you kill him he had rights you know...

Yeah yeah, your trolling so cool...



New member
Dec 2, 2010
Sooooo, let me get this right, this process took ten years to complete, half the national debt of an average country, thousands of people killed, damaged created that exceeded any damage done to america, and then shoot dead the one unarmed guy that might have been able to explain a thing or to?
You didn't want to take him a camp and 'debrief'?

anyone else find it strange?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Sarge034 said:
We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we also be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?
haha what are you talking about? we dumped it in the ocean and called it a day.