This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I see what you're saying, but I think after what he did, citizens of the USA are completely reasonable to be celebrating the death of such a man. It's like when Hitler died, that was a good day, and it's the same thing with Osama, except Osama wasn't as successful as Hitler in killing people he didn't like.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Scipio1770 said:
Sarge034 said:
We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we also be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?
haha what are you talking about? we dumped it in the ocean and called it a day.
I'm talking about the fact that we did not parade his body around as a warning not to fuck with us the way he did. Nor did we contaminate the body with pig's blood to ensure he did not reach Allah's side and get his 70 virgins.

Their religion also dictates that the body must be given a funeral as soon as possible and that no invasive procedures can be performed on the body. Yea, we gave him a burial at sea. However we did, and might still, preform burials at sea for our own people as well.

So I'll ask it again.

We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
It's because there's a shitload of Americans who are patriotic assholes, perhaps more than most countries. Patriotism is basically just a quick way of bringing out your inner douchebag. OP has proof of that.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
No if I would worry about people being able to kill other people whenever they feel like it, I wouldn't leave the house.

metal mustache

New member
Oct 29, 2009
This not the death of a man we are celebrating, it is the death of a monster. What, you didn't lose your innocense september 11th?


New member
Oct 19, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
ScoopMeister said:
I'm sorry, but naivety is believing that because one man is dead, no matter what he did, that the world is suddenly a better place.
It can't be a worse place. The terrorism isn't going to go away neither is war, the world keeps on spinning. The celebrations are a manifestation of the relief you mention not a vicious 'we are glad we killed somone.' Like someone said being dead doesn't automatically get you respect.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Some people are beyond forgiveness.
And he claimed responsibility for the 911 attacks in a televised broadcast at the time...
That last part starting from good riddance. I'm currious how can you say that? I seriously mean that. I'm currious how your moral way of thinking condems the attacks of 9/11 but probably allows the nucluar bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just a little info: "Even though most Americans weren't aware of it, the Taliban was at war with America even before 9/11. They terorized American troops and civiliance to get them out of Saudie Arabia."

metal mustache

New member
Oct 29, 2009
Sarge034 said:
Scipio1770 said:
Sarge034 said:
We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we also be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?
haha what are you talking about? we dumped it in the ocean and called it a day.
I'm talking about the fact that we did not parade his body around as a warning not to fuck with us the way he did. Nor did we contaminate the body with pig's blood to ensure he did not reach Allah's side and get his 70 virgins.

Their religion also dictates that the body must be given a funeral as soon as possible and that no invasive procedures can be performed on the body. Yea, we gave him a burial at sea. However we did, and might still, preform burials at sea for our own people as well.

So I'll ask it again.

We respected his body and his burial customs. Why can't we be happy that a bad thing happened to a bad person?
oh what!? You guys didn't turn him inside out or skull fuck him or anything? Stupid 21st century civility! oh well, we wouldn't want to keep his soul from reaching its destination. HELL!!

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Bags159 said:
I'm not celebrating myself as I really had no personal ties to the 9/11 attack, but I can see why some people are celebrating.

I think it's perfectly fine to celebrate the death of someone who represents so much evil.

Thank you! Hell, would you wag your finger at someone for celebrating the death of Hitler right after WW2?

Would you honestly tell a person they are shameful for celebrating the death of Vlad The Impaler!?

NO! Those people were by far some of the sickest to exist and had little to no redeemable qualities.

Secondly I think I was a bit sad when Albert Wesker died though. :(

Rest in Peace you global saturating prince.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I'm more scared that Bin Laden was found in the largest military town in Pakistan living in a mansion, with Cables on wikileaks talking about how America was already distrustful of the ISI and Pakistan government's behaviour before this.

He was a dick, he used his wife as a human shield (showing he's not exactly faithful to his martyrdom speeches) and now he's a dead dick. Al Qaeda will no doubt replace him, but at least his replacement won't have CIA training.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
starfox444 said:
Celebrating the death of a figure head. Good job, America, you truly have made the world a safer place.

Nagisa94 said:
This sums up what I believe:

?Joyfully celebrating the killing of a killer who joyfully celebrated killing carries an irony that I hope will not be lost on us. Are we learning anything, or simply spinning harder in the cycle of violence??
- Brian McLaren
I guarantee you there were some people celebrating the death of Hitler, Muselini (don't know the right spelling), Vlad the Impaler, Rasputin and even King Henry. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Pope Borgia's death was celebrated.

It's the relief that they are no longer a threat and also vengeance plays a big role in this as well. The guy claimed to be responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Either way, the death of such a person will always raise celebrations somewhere in the world despite what we say or how much we mock them for doing so. Simple as that. Personally I actually screamed "Hell yeah" just to finally be done with the whole hide and seek BS the US has been doing throughout the years.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
ThisIsSnake said:
I'm more scared that Bin Laden was found in the largest military town in Pakistan living in a mansion, with Cables on wikileaks talking about how America was already distrustful of the ISI and Pakistan government's behaviour before this.

He was a dick, he used his wife as a human shield (showing he's not exactly faithful to his martyrdom speeches) and now he's a dead dick. Al Qaeda will no doubt replace him, but at least his replacement won't have CIA training.
This, coming from Solid Snake, proves that this post is of utmost legitness...

However, This solid is about to get *Sunglasses* Saturated...


- Wesker approves


New member
Mar 17, 2010
They're not celebrating Bin Laden's death per se, they're celebrating the death of a symbol. While it is in bad taste, and did actually make me a tad uncomfortable, I'd say that in this scenario, it's certainly justified.

To say that this only furthers the cycle of violence is naive, because it's not the celebration that furthers this, but the hunting and murder of terrorist leaders in the first place. The only alternative to that is to sit idly by, which is unfeasible. Murdering murderers for revenge, justice, or whatever you wish to call it, and fostering even more hatred, is certainly not ideal, but there are no real alternatives, in this scenario.

metal mustache

New member
Oct 29, 2009
teehee Look at you people getting all fussed up because America is being too edgey with its vigilantism. As a Canadian i am glad for America's shoot first ask questions later attitude. No one else wants to mop up these terrorists before they become some sort of team cobra. too bad America usually needs at least some vague reason to get drunk and brawling with these assholes. If only Gadhafi would say something like "I will have my peoples total obeidence or kill them! also, America's president is a smelly n*****." "You fucking talking to me *****!? *POW*". May as well take out those douchey authoratarian types while youre in the area!


New member
Nov 27, 2009
there is something you all fail to understand, a single man can be as evil as humanly possible but without other sick, stupid and evil people to follow him he will not accomplish a great deal; at least not something of this magnitude.
i did not see bin laden in one of the planes that hit WTC, nor did i see him blowing himself up. He had his ideologies and opinions and he told people about them, the fact that so many people agreed with him and chose to follow him is what frightens me, just like in the case of hitler if people just say NO, he cant do anything, he will be just one guy talking nonsense on the corner of the street.
In this cases you can't blame all on one individual, like Bin Laden or Hitler. You have to take in consideration the ones that followed them too, because they gave them power to do evil.

All that bin laden did, is take advantage of human stupidity, now i let you guess what big branch of the human stupidity he took advantage of.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I don't care how much heat I'll get for this one...

Celebrating a death is simply sick. By all means, take pleasure in reading the obituary, but good GOD don't fucking celebrate and party because of it. That's wrong. People in Britain would do the same thing if it happened to us, so it's got nothing to do with it being Americans...that's just people.

People are sick.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
rutger5000 said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
ScoopMeister said:
I'm sorry, but naivety is believing that because one man is dead, no matter what he did, that the world is suddenly a better place.
It can't be a worse place. The terrorism isn't going to go away neither is war, the world keeps on spinning. The celebrations are a manifestation of the relief you mention not a vicious 'we are glad we killed somone.' Like someone said being dead doesn't automatically get you respect.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Some people are beyond forgiveness.
And he claimed responsibility for the 911 attacks in a televised broadcast at the time...
That last part starting from good riddance. I'm currious how can you say that? I seriously mean that. I'm currious how your moral way of thinking condems the attacks of 9/11 but probably allows the nucluar bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just a little info: "Even though most Americans weren't aware of it, the Taliban was at war with America even before 9/11. They terorized American troops and civiliance to get them out of Saudie Arabia."
Sorry I don't really see your point? How does my condemnation of a terrorist attack condone Hiroshima exactly? They aren't even related in the slightest. Surely your point that the Taliban was at war with the US only condones thier actions further. You make no sense at all. I'm tempted to think you are a troll.

Good riddance to bad rubbish means exactly that, The world is better off with Osama dead he was an evil piece of work.

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
ZombieGenesis said:
All we need now are pictures of desert soldiers kissing a swooning woman on the front page of the paper. Seriously, why don't we get that anymore? Victory, even in the smallest struggles, used to mean something.
God, I was losing faith in people reading through this thread... You are so right. What happened? We did something that will forever alter the course of history, and although yes, it won't end the war on terror overnight, it did make it that much more difficult, because one of it's leaders was brought down. If we keep it up, eventually no one will want to pick up the reigns, and that is the ultimate goal. Did I celebrate Bin Laden's death, no. Am I glad he is gone, hell yes. Do I hope we do the same thing to all his lieutenants? Also hell yes. He did bad things to good people of many races, religions, and creeds, not to mention sending innocent men of his own religion to their death. He SO had it coming. I wish I could have helped. If I ever meet the men who did this I will buy them all a beer of their choice. They risked entering an unfriendly country to attack a securely guarded compound and kill, face to face, a man who was willing to kill them all and any innocents who stood in the way if he had to. Fuck him, I will celebrate his death now...

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
metal mustache said:
teehee Look at you people getting all fussed up because America is being too edgey with its vigilantism. As a Canadian i am glad for America's shoot first ask questions later attitude. No one else wants to mop up these terrorists before they become some sort of team cobra. too bad America usually needs at least some vague reason to get drunk and brawling with these assholes. If only Gadhafi would say something like "I will have my peoples total obeidence or kill them! also, America's president is a smelly n*****." "You fucking talking to me *****!? *POW*". May as well take out those douchey authoratarian types while youre in the area!
While I agree with you about Qaddhafi, it is a slippery slope. Sure, we took out Saddam (And I STILL think it was more of a cluster fuck than it should have been, and we SHOULDN'T have done it) but where do you draw the line. Well, Putin is getting all territorial, we better take him out (Remember Georgia?), Well, now Great Britain is mad at us for taking out an elected goverment, so we better take ALL of Parliament out, and the royals too... See what I mean. We can't solve ALL our problems through assassination, but when they openly declare war on us, GAME ON, BITCHES!