This scare the shit out of anyone else?

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
ShakyFiend said:
Please try and keep this civil. You are still celebrating the death of a HUMAN I do not give two fucks what he did he was still that. You are celebrating a DEATH. Just to make this point clear: If the man had raped and killed my own mother I would still not celebrate his death OK. Jesus how many times do I have to say this.
Then you do not love your mother in the way that he and I love our mothers. We took his actions personally, as he WANTED us to, they WERE. He said that ALL of us should die because we did not believe the same things he did. I had a family friend that was blocks away when the buildings came down. Had he been closer, he would have died. THEN, Osama came on TV, and TO THE WORLD, proclaimed that he was proud of his actions and there would be more attacks like that one (Braggart couldn't make good on that one, could he?), and you expect us NOT to take it personally? He MADE it personal. I hope he burns in hell, and it smells like roast pork to him the whole time... I hope he is stuffed in the Gluttony level of hell for 40,000 years, forced to watch the gluttons over eat on Pork. You don't like it, that is your choice, but don't dare call it barbaric when people celebrate the fact that a reign of evil was brought to an end. You denigrate everyone who fought for that end when you say we shouldn't be glad that those people were successful.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I don't think anyone outside the U.S. hates him as much as they do, so I guess it may seem odd to the rest of the world. I guess it's understandable.

Alexander Jackson

New member
May 4, 2011
Yes its Medieval.

America DOES have a right to be happy that they got the person who caused them so much trouble (to put it lightly). But when you start to celebrate the death of another human being as being a "huge success" then maybe you need to take a look at yourself.

This goes for you too terrorists.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I have trouble thinking that, no matter what the impact of 9/11 was, or how many people died, that it was any worse of a situation than Operation Shock and Awe, which resulted in the deaths of ten times the amount of completely innocent, defenseless civilians.

I'm not saying 9/11 wasn't a horrible tragedy, as it truly was, but the fact that people are joyously celebrating the execution of the 'Man responsible', while completely disregarding the fact that their own country's fear and hatred-ruled revenge war has taken the lives of so many more innocents is, quite frankly, disgusting.

Yeah, he was a horrible human being, and yeah, his actions resulted in several thousand civilian deaths, but when compared to the mountains of civilian casualties in the Middle East just 'Looking' for the guy, I find it hard to feel any sympathy.

There is NEVER a good reason to sacrifice ten thousand men, to avenge the deaths of two thousand, ESPECIALLY when there are a hundred thousand innocents between your ten thousand men, and the one responsible.

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Darius Brogan said:
Yeah, he was a horrible human being, and yeah, his actions resulted in several thousand civilian deaths, but when compared to the mountains of civilian casualties in the Middle East just 'Looking' for the guy, I find it hard to feel any sympathy.

There is NEVER a good reason to sacrifice ten thousand men, to avenge the deaths of two thousand, ESPECIALLY when there are a hundred thousand innocents between your ten thousand men, and the one responsible.
We could always put Bush on trial for HIS War Crimes... I am in favor of that...

Death Prophet

New member
Mar 23, 2011
ShakyFiend said:
So, Osama, Ok death of a international hate figure aside etc etc if anyone deserved it he did and so on, thats not what worries me. (although isnt it a bit odd how the US can stroll into a country and execute who they like?)

The troubling thing is this
and to be honest, this [] as well which is what prompted this thread.

And this is happening all over the US, people are actively celebrating killing a guy? Does that not seem a bit medieval to anyone else? When people turn out in their thousands to celebrate something like this it justs worries me like hell.

Anyone else? Or are you all patriotic Americans and whatnot?
Grow up. The only people who should be worried about the U.S. marching around the world executing people wherever we want are the ones planning to do it harm. I lose no sleep at night. If you think this is a first time occurence, you are very much wrong. World powers do this all the time, if you think its limited to just the U.S. you are completely ignorant. The only reason you even heard about this is because they wanted you to, they wanted to let the average American know that the man responsible for planning one of the darkest days in our history has been brought to justice.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Spade Lead said:
Darius Brogan said:
Yeah, he was a horrible human being, and yeah, his actions resulted in several thousand civilian deaths, but when compared to the mountains of civilian casualties in the Middle East just 'Looking' for the guy, I find it hard to feel any sympathy.

There is NEVER a good reason to sacrifice ten thousand men, to avenge the deaths of two thousand, ESPECIALLY when there are a hundred thousand innocents between your ten thousand men, and the one responsible.
We could always put Bush on trial for HIS War Crimes... I am in favor of that...
Lol, that might not be a bad idea.

Death Prophet

New member
Mar 23, 2011
ShakyFiend said:
Please try and keep this civil. You are still celebrating the death of a HUMAN I do not give two fucks what he did he was still that. You are celebrating a DEATH. Just to make this point clear: If the man had raped and killed my own mother I would still not celebrate his death OK. Jesus how many times do I have to say this.
This is pure pseudo-pacifist nonsense. ^
Mimsofthedawg said:
This entire thread is despicable, as are you.
This. ^


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Death Prophet said:
The only people who should be worried about the U.S. marching around the world executing people wherever we want are the ones planning to do it harm. World powers do this all the time, if you think its limited to just the U.S. you are completely ignorant. The only reason you even heard about this is because they wanted you to, they wanted to let the average American know that the man responsible for planning one of the darkest days in our history has been brought to justice.
And why the hell does that mean I should just lie back and accept it, and what 'grow up' and concede that if the US want someone dead, they will be killed? Does that sound like a good thing too you? Here's the thing, if the US want someone dead, they dont actually have to be posing a threat to their nation, according to what your saying, I wont even know about it.

Spade Lead said:
Then you do not love your mother in the way that he and I love our mothers. We took his actions personally, as he WANTED us to,
I know a lot of people on here would be outraged at your presumptions about my relationship with my family, and no, you could not be more diabolically wrong. I just rid myself of the need to 'get my revenge' whatever the cost when I was about seven. If something terrible like this happens to some people, the first thing on their mind is whose to blame and how they can be punished. Others (i am one of them) dont really care, its happened, and bringing a guy 'to justice' is not going to change that. (just to be clear, yes he did probably deserve what he got, but that dosent make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Revenge is childish at best, animalistic at worst)

reign of evil was brought to an end. You denigrate everyone who fought for that end when you say we shouldn't be glad that those people were successful.
I think they were already 'denigrated' by the fact that they were hunting for one man, check back near the beginning of this thread, there's a few soldiers who are quite disillusioned with the whole thing.

Also I just had a thought, the people who are saying, thousands of iraqi's celebrated 9/11 so we can do the same? There starting to remind of the people who said Japan deserves no sympathy because of pearl habour. I know its different argument and wouldnt compare the two, except that the core of the argument remains the same: They showed us no compassion and acted badly, so we're gonna do the same.

There's a serious flaw in your reasoning there.

Death Prophet said:
This is pure pseudo-pacifist nonsense. ^
Mimsofthedawg said:
This entire thread is despicable, as are you.
This. ^
Nope, this is pure anti-death penalty argument if you want to call it that, and I did ask people to stop being so goddamn patronising, and that includes dismissing an rather long argument thoughtlessly.

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
ShakyFiend said:
They showed us no compassion and acted badly, so we're gonna do the same.

There's a serious flaw in your reasoning there.
That is where you are 100% completely wrong. We DID show compassion. We executed him with a single, well placed shot. We could have used an air-strike and taken out the entire compound, we could have done so many other things that would have resulted in even more innocent casualties, but we went in there, like MATURE people, and brought down ONE MAN with as little collateral damage as possible, being RESPONSIBLE enough to not kill people that probably wanted us dead, but not definitely.

Personally, would you have told me we dropped a nuke on it, I would have thought Pakistan got what it deserved for harboring a known terrorist, and proving itself a terrorist-sympathetic state. I glad we didn't, yes, but would I have stood by the decision, also yes. If it meant less American lives at risk, do what needs to be done. We don't do business like that for a reason. We are the good guys. To win a war like this, occasionally you are going to have to get your hands dirty and play by their rules. That is all we did. When winning means you get to survive, all rules go out the window. That is the nature of survival.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
ShakyFiend said:
Does that not seem a bit medieval to anyone else?
All that's really changed in my eyes is that we attack other countries with better equipped soldiers and instead of day later executions, we let murderers and rapists live in disturbingly decent conditions compared to over a third of the worlds population.

On topic though, I couldn't care less really. The guy seemed like a dick, and he did dickish things, but he never did anything against me personally, so I don't have any real feelings directed to him.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Zekksta said:
Khaun said:
Zekksta said:
Khaun said:
Hey iam not fused celebrate if you want i would have ramed nails though his wrists and hooked him up to a car battery/genertator so i think he got of lightly.
Clearly you're a better person than he is then, torturing your prisoners.
Iam what Iam an eye for an eye thats my opinion.
Without being a loser who implies that an eye for an eye turns the whole world blind, I'll ask you a question instead.

Many innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan lost their homes and their lives thanks to the war that was looking for a single man. Would you be fine with them getting "an eye for an eye" and killing the same amount of U.S. innocents that weren't involved at all? Keeping in mind the civilians had NOTHING to do with 9/11 or any terrorist attacks?

Your personal opinion would be highly hypocritical if you don't think they should have equal revenge. Or maybe *an eye for an eye* is only applicable when your countries the one seeking vengeance?
In all honesty I know this is the blame game but Osama Bin ladin was the one who insited all of this, however the US tactics in Iraq were a joke though fear of amushs they blown holes though people houses to avoid the streets thats not how you gather sympathy.

?There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.? (cant rememeber the one i wanted but this is just as good) In War the innocenet are the first to pay the price no matter how hard you try they must have known as soon as the twin towers were attacked that America would be gunning for the ones resposible. If it ment that much to those innocent people id let them torcher me in place of the ones who comited what ever attoricties or accidents.

I know what wanting retribution is like.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Drago-Morph said:
Wondermint13 said:
Well, does anybody remember when thousands of Iraqis celebrated on their streets when those planes killed over 2,000 innocent americans?
Fair argument? How is it a fair argument to compare celebration over the death of a mass murderer to celebration over the death of thousands of innocent civilians?
Erm.. have I been misunderstood? I'm not sure

The point of that statement was more to highlight that People celebrating the death of a mass mudering terrorist is a little more fair than the Iraqis who celebrated when those planes killed all those innocent people.

Seeing as the OP and many others here are expressing negativity towards the celebrations and the 'big deal' people are making over Osama's death I thought I'd argue against it with that particular fact..

Sorry if you misunderstood or anything but i'm not sure how..