This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
rsvp42 said:
The fact is, we haven't had a whole lot to celebrate as a country recently. We've been looking for this guy for 10 years and we finally finished the job. Let us revel in it a little, get a little bit of closure for 9/11 and I promise we'll all go back to painting in the lines and feigning civility. Yes we're celebrating a death, but it's the death of the most infamous terrorist in recent history.

If this "scares" you, you're misinterpreting the situation.

also what the hell, captcha:
Captcha really has it in for you doesn't it.On topic it strikes me as disgusting more than scary seeing as when you think about it they are celebrating the murder of a man.Its not like VE or VJ day this won't change anything Osama bin Laden dying won't end the war of terror it won't protect our servicemen and women in fact in the short run it will endanger them even more.


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Jul 14, 2009
What's really scary is the fact that the President of the US has the authority to murder any resident of his country without a trial.

Tehlanna TPX

New member
Mar 23, 2010
I had a really long winded reply to this thread.

Then I decided to delete it and simply say:

Too much Hate.
Too much Ignorance.
Too much Hypocrisy.

Please, take the time to consider the feelings of others, before you make judgements on them.

And for the love of ... whatever you respect, be it god, whatever... stop shitting on America. I know it's the damn Bobby Kotick of the world to you ignorant people, but seriously.. it gets just as old as reading a thread on Activision now adays. Wise up. Choose your boogey-men properly. And some of you? Stop devli's advocating the now dead boogeyman.



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Jul 2, 2010
we didn' kill saddam , he was executed in his own country by his own people for crimes commited by him.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
thelonewolf266 said:
it strikes me as disgusting more than scary seeing as when you think about it they are celebrating the murder of a man.Its not like VE or VJ day this won't change anything Osama bin Laden dying won't end the war of terror it won't protect our servicemen and women in fact in the short run it will endanger them even more.
They're celebrating the fact that we finally found and killed Osama freakin' Bin Laden, to put it bluntly. To reduce such an event down to "some guys murdered a man" is ignoring the most important aspects. No one thinks this will truly end anything, especially since President Obama said as much when he announced it (and if you think about it VE and VJ didn't truly end anything either, considering the Cold War and all the proxy conflicts that ensued). We're not so naive as to think the world will becomes sunshine and jellybeans after this, but it is something worth cheering. People flock into the streets and tip cars over sports championships that mean nothing the next season, I think a little revelry after finally taking down the most hated terrorist in recent history is allowable.

I just think that if people are disgusted or scared of this, they're viewing it through too narrow a lens. It's not like Americans are in the streets every week cheering over the death of criminals on death row. We're not a barbaric nation and the elation over the death of Bin Laden is an exception to our normal behavior (which usually just involves political bickering and being too conservative/religious).


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Feb 16, 2010
Not all American's are mindless nationalist sycophants. Some of us recognize the repercussions an event like this will have. Retaliatory attacks on civilian targets will escalate, new leaders will crop up, the cycle of violence will continue. Making a spectacle out of it will only exacerbate the issue. That said, I understand why he was killed and why people would want him dead. These enemies will not play by our rules. Ever.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
It's uncomfortable because it seems fishy. I wont delve deep in conspiracy theories, but the fact that his base was right next to the Pakistan military training base just baffles me. They've thrown all evidence away of the body to the sea, with no body examination. It is demanding that they release images of his death, it may be macabre but it is important, they also implied that its gory. If it's gory then wouldn't that cover the face?


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Father Time said:
Megawat22 said:
Because he killed thousands and has been trying till the day he died to kill thousands more.

Megawat22 said:
No it's not.

Megawat22 said:
Actually we're probably going to get a lot of valuable information off the guy's computers and if not I think this means killing one of their funding sources. So yeah it is good news.

Megawat22 said:
No one would believe he was serious/not being coerced.

And I think the intent was to take him alive but he shot back at us and 'resisted' (the last part according to the White House). Alive would've been the best but dead is better than nothing.

Megawat22 said:
We gave his body Muslim rites and gave it a burial at sea. I heard that they didn't want to give him a grave so that his burial site couldn't be made as a shrine by terrorists.
Megawat22 said:
He used her as a human shield. I think that's how she got shot.
He didn't try to shoot anyone though. You're ignoring the part where I said he was unarmed. And he never hid behind his wife at all. She was shot because she was distraught at the sight of here husband being shot in the god damned face right in front of her and ran at the troops.
The information is not nearly as valuable as the information that man had. But it's going to be much more difficult getting it now that his brains are splattered all over the floor.
Celebrating the death of a man is barbaric and it only makes you look as bad as the enemy. That's not up for dispute.
Although you're right on not giving him a grave I suppose. That wouldn't have worked out well.

Also, it doesn't matter if he didn't mean any apology or he sounded coerced that would be to humiliate him. The man who claimed responsibility for 9/11 forced to stand up and tell the American people he's sorry. What better way is there to get back at him than that?


New member
Jul 20, 2010
ShakyFiend said:
Pretty sure a radical Islamic court would, not that its a good thing, in fact im pretty sure half the courts in the middle east would...not that thats even the argument, dont know how I even got to this point.
I believe you stated that holding Bin Laden responsible for 9/11 is a matter of opinion. Which is nonsense.

And given that the 9/11 attacks are forbidden by the Qu'ran, even an Islamic court would convict Bin Laden, assuming he continued to admit to planning them. Otherwise the evidence could prove troublesome.

But a judicial system is based on rational thought, even if that means rational analysis of scripture. As Islamic court would have to be completely blinded by fanaticism to find Bin Laden anything other than responsible, and as such not actually an impartial body at all. Even an Islamic Court that approved of Bin Laden would have to find him guilty, even if that guilty verdict was worded as congratulations.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Ashcrexl said:
best served cold.

and best enjoyed cold.
So it's a good thing that a world power can seek revenge against individuals for the pleasure of revenge?


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Sep 18, 2010
MercurySteam said:
Obama himself said to himself "We got him" once the deed had been done and I think Americans have wanted payback for a long time now. Seems like a victory in my books though maybe not worth going crazy over it. Plus killing Bin Laden won't bring all those people back, but it's a start.

I agree, finding Bin Laden was a victory for america, but executing him was a step backwards.

If you capture someones leader, they will try and get him back, but remain without a leader and lacking organisation.

If you kill someones leader, they elect a new leader elected for their anger and the biggest lust for revenge.

Fair enough he had done terrible things and the world will be better without him, but before you kill the leader of a religeous organisation you have to think of the Consiquences that will come from it.


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Apr 15, 2009
archvile93 said:
No worse than what every country does when their country wins a sport event. At least killing the guy mattered, even if only slightly.
So, it's a sport event now?

(Not serious btw.)

Now, how long do you think it will take until some idiot mentions the name of the guy who shot Bin Laden, on Twitter?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Harrowdown said:
Ashcrexl said:
best served cold.

and best enjoyed cold.
So it's a good thing that a world power can seek revenge against individuals for the pleasure of revenge?
Yes and if you don't want the number one world superpower to kill you don't piss it off. Pretty simple.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
ShakyFiend said:
So, Osama, Ok death of a international hate figure aside etc etc if anyone deserved it he did and so on, thats not what worries me. (although isnt it a bit odd how the US can stroll into a country and execute who they like?)

The troubling thing is this
and to be honest, this [] as well which is what prompted this thread.

And this is happening all over the US, people are actively celebrating killing a guy? Does that not seem a bit medieval to anyone else? When people turn out in their thousands to celebrate something like this it justs worries me like hell.

Anyone else? Or are you all patriotic Americans and whatnot?
Good men should always celebrate the defeat of evil, no matter how small.