This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
First of all, a disclaimer: I'm American, and I really hate these people celebrating in the streets. All my (American) friends agree that it's kind of sick.

The event of a death should always be met with dignity and respect, no matter who died. Death should never be a cause for celebration.
I too am american I believe you are right no one deserves death or the celebration of your death. His actions in life were brutal and wrong but that gives no one the right to dance on his grave so to speak.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Wondermint13 said:
Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia got his own guys through american security, stole and flew their own planes and took down two f***ing great big buildings in the middle of a world famous city without anyone knowing before it was too late.
Pretty big feat for his country.

America got the Army to kill one guy....
Yeah, you keep on celebrating..
- And just like that any pride we felt as American's has been snuffed away.

This was quite honestly the funniest and most accurate comment I've seen yet.

I mean, I'm proud to be an American, but sometimes we need a good smack to deflate our ego


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
ShakyFiend said:
So, Osama, Ok death of a international hate figure aside etc etc if anyone deserved it he did and so on, thats not what worries me. (although isnt it a bit odd how the US can stroll into a country and execute who they like?)

The troubling thing is this
and to be honest, this [] as well which is what prompted this thread.

And this is happening all over the US, people are actively celebrating killing a guy? Does that not seem a bit medieval to anyone else? When people turn out in their thousands to celebrate something like this it justs worries me like hell.

Anyone else? Or are you all patriotic Americans and whatnot?
We're celebrating the victory, for whatever such a victory is worth. Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat. Captured or killed, we'd be celebrating just as much. Sure, the slogans would be different, but that's just semantics.

When a bad guy gets it, it's hard not to at least indulge the very universal human urge to feel that justice has been done. He killed many, and he was killed. It feels like balance.

The fact that they sent in a specops team to do this, rather than just exploding the compound, indicates to me that capture was certainly an option. Probably the preferred option. But it turned into a firefight, and down he went.

Either way, this is just a simple matter of one country finding closure in the ending of a particular chapter in our national lives... and scattered people from other nations begrudging us that comfort because they already irrationally hate all things American. Or they love complaining, and we're the prominent target. Or both.


I am the storm.
Mar 29, 2011
Amondren said:
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
First of all, a disclaimer: I'm American, and I really hate these people celebrating in the streets. All my (American) friends agree that it's kind of sick.

The event of a death should always be met with dignity and respect, no matter who died. Death should never be a cause for celebration.
I too am american I believe you are right no one deserves death or the celebration of your death. His actions in life were brutal and wrong but that gives no one the right to dance on his grave so to speak.
Not only that, but if anyone wants to argue that, given his actions in life, he deserves no respect or dignity, then the ultimate insult against him is to just carry on and not assign such importance to him. That is a whole different bag of marbles, since even if everyone entertained that same thought, it'd never happen, but I digress.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I think, what bothered me the most, was the whole goddamn celebration at the WTC.

"Joining us live from the still unbuilt crater in the ground that should've been built 8 years ago is our local reporter Johnathon. What's going on over there, John?"

F*cking CAPTCHAS!!!
restered accidental


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I have absolutely no problem with him being killed, but yes it was a bit weird watching parts of the states erupt in celebration. It seemed rather morbid.
I can understand a feeling of relief and to some extent satisfaction, but not joy.
i get the feeling it just came across wrong on the media. The news is plugging it as "a celebration of death" but they're always going to sensationalise stuff. A celebration of a step towards the end of terrorism (however small or large it may be) is perfectly understandable.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
I don't understand why Americans are/ were celebrating his death.
Aside from the fact that celebrating the death of any man is barbaric, it's just one man. Even better, he's a damned figure-head. Well, hey, at least there was a reason to kill him right? He was hiding behind his wife, threatening to blow up an orphanage and had an army of Nazi- Muslim- Communist zombie terrorists! Oh, wait, he wasn't. He was an old man hiding in a mansion with a handful of extremists and his wife.
And American troops shot him. And his wife. And several others. What was the point in that? Where was the need for such rash actions? Osama Bin Ladens death has only made matters worse.
The possibilities were endless had he been captured (and he was pretty fucking easy to capture). Negotiations for hostages, to get Al-Qaeda to back down, interrogation for valuable information and more. You could have made this man stand up, in front of a recorder and apologise for 9/11. What kind of a morale boost would that have been? That could have completely broken Al-Qaeda (well, not likely, but it might have been possible) and their allies. Or, if there was nothing he could offer, he could have been tried and his body sent back. Not only as a warning, but as a way for America to show to the world that, yes, they can take the high-road sometimes.
But no. He was shot. On sight. And then his wife was shot because she watched someone shoot her husband.
One pull of the trigger (supposedly ordered by Barack Obama)and countless possibilities are gone. And America has now proven to be none better than those they hunt down (not that people didn't know from all the stories coming out of the Middle-East).


New member
Jul 1, 2010
rmb1983 said:
ServebotFrank said:
While I understand that it's considered "wrong" to celebrate someone's death (Also you guys are turning this into a anti-America thread. May I remind you guys of Hitler?) and how this guy is a human being, think about this. When you claim responsibility to orchestrating an event that killed thousands of people including women and children. Then any respect you had as a human being is gone. It's gone. I mentioned earlier about Hitler didn't I? I imagine you Europeans were quite happy when he died weren't you? Before you ***** about WW2 I'll say that Russia would've fucked you guys over if it wasn't for America. I'm saying that if you guys celebrate the death of Hitler, a man who caused mass genocide, then I think America is well justified in celebrating Osama's death.

Note that everyone volunteers for the military in America too. I won't stand for people going Anti-America just because it's America doing it that's prejudice. If you wouldn't want people doing it to you then you shouldn't say anything either. That is all.
People didn't celebrate the death of Hitler, they celebrated the fall of the Axis power, and being able to return home because the war had ended. Hitler killing himself was just another nail in the coffin; the Axis power was already collapsing in on itself.

This thread (and while that's not necessarily the case, because people tend to generalize at times) is not supposed to be "Anti-America", simply "Anti-people-who-use-bad-guy-dead-as-an-excuse-to-act-like-it's-Spring-Break". We're all thrilled he's dead, but it doesn't end the war or their organization, so we move on.

You want celebration? When couples celebrate because their significant other has returned home, and a war is at an end, then yes, by all means.
Celebrating because one person was killed? Poor form. Nevermind that it's statistically absurd. One man against tens of thousands? Bravo.
Listen. Some people in America were paranoid as shit because of this guy. Not saying I was but some people were because of 9/11 and some of these people celebrating are in fact families of victims of 9/11 or the troops that were killed by him in some way. If some people want to celebrate because they know this guy is gone, let them; if some people want to be more patriotic about all this, let them. People think it's a good thing and I wouldn't stop them for this occasion by any means.

On a side note: Our troops should be out of Afghanistan. They're not needed any more.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Oh who cares?

There's nothing to be worried about as it's nothing that will really have any effect on your life, well it certainly won't have an effect on mine anyway.

I really don't give a crap that Osama is dead.


New member
May 4, 2009
The Incredible Bulk said:
Tanksie said:
Ha why did they kill him fter all this time he stop paying taxes ore something?
Maybe they should have killed him when he was in america, that would have been easier.Instead they let him go. It gave the CIA someone to blame.
I know some people dont belive the conspiracy theorys but to those people i say this.

Why Did the speacial forces KILL HIM ON THE SPOT.

think on that.
Can you say "Intent to harm" or "Intent to kill" or "HE PROBABLY HAD A MOTHERFUCKING BOMB?" or "He announced on the news he just killed several thousand Americans." For fuck's sake, people, conspiracy theories are SO overdone.
They shot him in the face, then stood over his prone body and shot him in the chest, to ensure he was dead.

Why would he have a bomb in his own house?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
No. You think any other country in the world would be more rational after killing their number one enemy? No. Time to grow up, kids.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
ShakyFiend said:
So, Osama, Ok death of a international hate figure aside etc etc if anyone deserved it he did and so on, thats not what worries me. (although isnt it a bit odd how the US can stroll into a country and execute who they like?)

The troubling thing is this
and to be honest, this [] as well which is what prompted this thread.

And this is happening all over the US, people are actively celebrating killing a guy? Does that not seem a bit medieval to anyone else? When people turn out in their thousands to celebrate something like this it justs worries me like hell.

Anyone else? Or are you all patriotic Americans and whatnot?
Forgive me if I'm wrong on some comparisons, but do fellows from your country just roll over and let it go when groups hijack your planes and fly them into your buildings, killing many people? If anything this is the first warranted hate I've seen from people I know in a while.


I am the storm.
Mar 29, 2011
ServebotFrank said:
rmb1983 said:
ServebotFrank said:
While I understand that it's considered "wrong" to celebrate someone's death (Also you guys are turning this into a anti-America thread. May I remind you guys of Hitler?) and how this guy is a human being, think about this. When you claim responsibility to orchestrating an event that killed thousands of people including women and children. Then any respect you had as a human being is gone. It's gone. I mentioned earlier about Hitler didn't I? I imagine you Europeans were quite happy when he died weren't you? Before you ***** about WW2 I'll say that Russia would've fucked you guys over if it wasn't for America. I'm saying that if you guys celebrate the death of Hitler, a man who caused mass genocide, then I think America is well justified in celebrating Osama's death.

Note that everyone volunteers for the military in America too. I won't stand for people going Anti-America just because it's America doing it that's prejudice. If you wouldn't want people doing it to you then you shouldn't say anything either. That is all.
People didn't celebrate the death of Hitler, they celebrated the fall of the Axis power, and being able to return home because the war had ended. Hitler killing himself was just another nail in the coffin; the Axis power was already collapsing in on itself.

This thread (and while that's not necessarily the case, because people tend to generalize at times) is not supposed to be "Anti-America", simply "Anti-people-who-use-bad-guy-dead-as-an-excuse-to-act-like-it's-Spring-Break". We're all thrilled he's dead, but it doesn't end the war or their organization, so we move on.

You want celebration? When couples celebrate because their significant other has returned home, and a war is at an end, then yes, by all means.
Celebrating because one person was killed? Poor form. Nevermind that it's statistically absurd. One man against tens of thousands? Bravo.
Listen. Some people in America were paranoid as shit because of this guy. Not saying I was but some people were because of 9/11 and some of these people celebrating are in fact families of victims of 9/11 or the troops that were killed by him in some way. If some people want to celebrate because they know this guy is gone, let them; if some people want to be more patriotic about all this, let them. People think it's a good thing and I wouldn't stop them for this occasion by any means.

On a side note: Our troops should be out of Afghanistan. They're not needed any more.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.
Hell, it made me paranoid, too, to an extent. There's a staggering difference between being happy the man is dead/being patriotic/feeling elation over all those lost finally being avenged (in some way, anyway. He was just a figurehead, after all), and partying like it's your birthday. When you're in your early 20's. Over the death of a single person who, end-game, really doesn't matter all that much.

On the other hand, what I whole-heartedly agree with, is getting everyone's troops out of Afghanistan. We still have a few (even though everyone was supposed to be back, by now), and I'm told yours are supposed to be pulled out by sometime this year. Everyone should have been back home years ago. I know I definitely don't want to be out there, again.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
We wouldn't have gone into a country in such a public way without the cooperation of at least some of the elite in the area. Besides, no one cares about Bin Laden at this point. Al Qaeda isn't a threat anymore because the Islamic Fundamentalist has passed in the area. That's why there's been so many revolts lately. We've known he was there for years, and now just happened to be a good time to pull it off. The fundamentalist wave passed, the elections are next year, and we need an out of Afghanistan and Iraq (We're still spending billions upon billions there, too) because it's gotten too expensive.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Yep, I was absolutely ecstatic when I heard the news. I literally jumped out of my chair and cheered, and danced. My problem with it, is they should have never given the piece of garbage a "proper burial". Most of his victims certainly never got that opportunity, so why should he? Anyway, I hope he is enjoying his eternity in hell. I know I am certainly glad the last thing he saw before a bullet pierced his ocular region was a navy SEAL.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I know we shouldn't be celebrating a man's death... but screw it, I'll celebrate anyway. And while I believe we shouldn't speak ill of the dead, I can make exceptions if they're assholes.

I'm not naive enough to believe that this will make things better... but it's definetly a start.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Wondermint13 said:
Well, does anybody remember when thousands of Iraqis celebrated on their streets when those planes killed over 2,000 innocent americans?

Ok, fair argument out of the way.

Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia got his own guys through american security, stole and flew their own planes and took down two f***ing great big buildings in the middle of a world famous city without anyone knowing before it was too late.
Pretty big feat for his country.

America got the Army to kill one guy....
Yeh you keep on celebrating..

Hopefully we'll put an end to terrorism and bring peace to the world soon eh guys?
America is not one to bring peace... no money in it y'know.