ServebotFrank said:
While I understand that it's considered "wrong" to celebrate someone's death (Also you guys are turning this into a anti-America thread. May I remind you guys of Hitler?) and how this guy is a human being, think about this. When you claim responsibility to orchestrating an event that killed thousands of people including women and children. Then any respect you had as a human being is gone. It's gone. I mentioned earlier about Hitler didn't I? I imagine you Europeans were quite happy when he died weren't you? Before you ***** about WW2 I'll say that Russia would've fucked you guys over if it wasn't for America. I'm saying that if you guys celebrate the death of Hitler, a man who caused mass genocide, then I think America is well justified in celebrating Osama's death.
Note that everyone volunteers for the military in America too. I won't stand for people going Anti-America just because it's America doing it that's prejudice. If you wouldn't want people doing it to you then you shouldn't say anything either. That is all.
People didn't celebrate the death of Hitler, they celebrated the fall of the Axis power, and being able to return home because the war had ended. Hitler killing himself was just another nail in the coffin; the Axis power was already collapsing in on itself.
This thread (and while that's not necessarily the case, because people tend to generalize at times) is not supposed to be "Anti-America", simply "Anti-people-who-use-bad-guy-dead-as-an-excuse-to-act-like-it's-Spring-Break". We're all thrilled he's dead, but it doesn't end the war or their organization, so we move on.
You want celebration? When couples celebrate because their significant other has returned home, and a war is at an end, then yes, by all means.
Celebrating because one person was killed? Poor form. Nevermind that it's statistically absurd. One man against tens of thousands? Bravo.