Time Travellers are real? or were in 1928...


Aug 25, 2008
archvile93 said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Yes, but just as Mr. T has the greatest hair in the world. Science has proven that time travel is impossible, at least backwords. Now foreward is another story, but then you'd be trapped in the future.
Are you saying we can travel to the future, but not the past?

Explain O_O

why did i make this thread, I'm more confused than i already was!


New member
Jul 23, 2010
arc1991 said:
archvile93 said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Yes, but just as Mr. T has the greatest hair in the world. Science has proven that time travel is impossible, at least backwords. Now foreward is another story, but then you'd be trapped in the future.
Are you saying we can travel to the future, but not the past?

Explain O_O

why did i make this thread, I'm more confused than i already was!
we do not know what is and isn't possible. for all you know, it could be easy.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
arc1991 said:
archvile93 said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Yes, but just as Mr. T has the greatest hair in the world. Science has proven that time travel is impossible, at least backwords. Now foreward is another story, but then you'd be trapped in the future.
Are you saying we can travel to the future, but not the past?

Explain O_O

why did i make this thread, I'm more confused than i already was!
Kind of. Like a guy before me said, while I don't understand the exact mechanics behind it. The faster you go, the slower the time around you becomes. From your perception, everything around you will go super fast. Just then slow down and there you go, in the future. While you were only traveling super fast for a few hours or even seconds from your perspective as time is moving horrendously slowly, the time around you has proceeded as normal.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Jedi Sasquatch said:
Time travel is completely implausible. It could be a crazy person (like that earlier poster said) or the video could be fake or something. If someone traveled back in time, he wouldn't be using a cell phone to talk, because 1, as multiple people have already pointed out, cell phones wouldn't work in the past, and 2, because surely they would try to be inconspicuous.
And 3 if she has travelled back in time, who's she going to be calling anyway?


New member
May 23, 2010
arc1991 said:
Jonluw said:
zfactor said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Ah shitpickles... This thread got way off topic...

I explained in another thread actually about time travel about this... You cannot change what has already happened. The past is written and unchangeable because of the fact that it already happened. So if ou go back and try to change something, you will fail because you already failed. You already went back to change whatever happened.

Confusing as fuck? Yes...

I'll explain better. Let's say you wanted to go back in time and try to stop Hitler. The events of 1945ish have already occured, yes? Therefore, you cannot change anything because it has happened already. In 1945 you were there trying to stop Hitler already when everything still happened.

Still confused? Quote me and I will try again...
ravensheart18 said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Because that is a rather sizable and significant event. Changing that would have changed HUGE amounts of history, which could create an unbelievable paradox which might wipe you out so that you couldn't change history so....

Being able to get back in time doesn't mean you could...or should...mess with the timeline in any significant way.
That wasn't my point though. I was just pointing out the Stephen Hawking argument with a tiny twist. If time travel is possible, why haven't we been flooded with time travellers trying to stop the major catastrophes in history?

I just attempted to point out that travelling back in time would create huge paradoxes like that. Unless of course we assume that timelines can branch off, but then we wouldn't be able to see the lady with the cellphone in this timeline in any case.

OT: I'm going with the hearing aid.
I am going to sound completely stupid here...

But how do you know no one has tried to stop these events. Because surely if someone tried, and said "I'm from the future, and have come to stop [insert major event in history here]" then he would be sent to mental hospital (or killed if it was ages ago)
Yes, if one person did it. However, all the people who would ever try to stop it would appear within the same, short timeframe, so we would suddenly be drowned in people from the future. Besides, they wouldn't come around 1939: They would rather just kill Hitler as a child (Or persuade that art academy to accept him).


New member
May 23, 2010
zfactor said:
Jonluw said:
That wasn't my point though. I was just pointing out the Stephen Hawking argument with a tiny twist. If time travel is possible, why haven't we been flooded with time travellers trying to stop the major catastrophes in history?

I just attempted to point out that travelling back in time would create huge paradoxes like that. Unless of course we assume that timelines can branch off, but then we wouldn't be able to see the lady with the cellphone in this timeline in any case.

OT: I'm going with the hearing aid.
Yeah, timelines don't branch off (see above post...), and I was saying it is impossible to change anything because of the linearity of time. What happend happened, you were already there to try to stop it and failed because it happened.

A strange theory, I know. But it's off to class, so you will have to be confused on you own.
Do you really, conclusively know that timelines don't branch off?



Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
You know, I really wish it was a time traveler. That would be so cool. If time travel methods did exist and were feasible, it would literally be the most effective method of observing the past in the universe.

It's not a time traveler, but that would be cool.

zfactor said:
You have an interesting perspective on the topic. Very refreshing. :)

I've actually tried explaining this one to someone, and of course the Holocaust was the example used. It's almost naive to think that you could travel back in time and stop Hitler because you are not any more effective a killer than the 20+ people who failed during his reign. Plus, you can't prove that at least one of those failed attempts wasn't made by a time traveler.

x EvilErmine x said:
The closer you get to c then the grater the mass of the object becomes up to the point where at very close to the speed of c your mass effectively becomes infinite thus requiring more energy than is contained in the universe to accelerate you further. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, this type of stuff interests me
You have that right; if you were to travel at exactly the speed of light, you could become infinitely massive. At that point, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel you forward. As the universe contains a finite amount of energy, light-speed-travel is impossible.

Pyro Paul

New member
Dec 7, 2007
zfactor said:
I don't think approaching c would cause a mass increase... But if you could exceed it (which is what this thread is about) t would reverse.

Yet, space itself can travel faster than light (according to an outside observer). This is because it may be impossible to travel faster than light locally (velocity = c), it is possible to make space velocity > c. (Your local v would be 0, the space you are in would move really fast, but seem to be still...) This is the priciple of the warp drive (yes, Star Trek) and the reason nobody is effected by inertia (if you jumped to lightspeed, wouldn't you get flung bakcwards?)

But blargh, I've got a class to get to soon...
acctually it does.
that is why traveling faster then light is impossible under general relitivity.

at the Speed of Light, Light itself has mass.

FTL travel is some what paradoxical in itself as at the speed of light energy itself has mass. so trying to accelerate yourself faster by simply putting more energy into pushing you only gets you to have a higher mass.


Imp-imation Department
Jul 21, 2008
zfactor said:
Time travel is theoretically possible. (I explained it in another thread in more detail...)

Approaching the speed of light causes time to slow down (x EvilErmine x is right) and exceeding it would reverse time to keep c constant for you. THERE IS NO NEED TO RECREATE THE UNIVERSE. Because if you reverse time (-t) every reaction, speed, acceleration, force (every vector or equation involving t) reverses itself, thereby reverting the universe to a previous state. Time "jumping" (going directly from 2010 to 1928) is impossible, you have to reverse t and go through all the years in between. Time reversing is possible, we just haven't found any way of going faster than light.

Oh and mass doesn't distort time, it distorts space, which distorts time. (mass bends the fabric of space, which condenses (slows down) time).
There's a couple problems with your explanation.

First, the energy requirement to travel at the speed of light is infinite. Therefore, it is absolutely not possible to travel any faster to create the time reversal you speak of.

Second, and probably most important, is that this "-t" value you speak of is only relative to the time traveler. It is therefore absolutely ludicrous to offer a value for time that is before the time traveler was born, or even to a point before the time traveler exceeded the speed of light. Creating such a paradox requires the existence of a parallel universe where the time traveler was already in motion in reverse time, or where time moves in reverse relative to the known universe.

However, if you look beneath the atomic level - into the minor quantum interactions every atom is based on, modern physics suggests that these parallel universes may actually exist. Mathematical models for black holes also suggest they may contain holograms of the entire universe - like a snapshot taken at the time it was created. If it was possible to survive the trip into one of these snapshots, and return to earth, then traveling into the past without a parallel universe is possible, and it would work as a 'jump' into the past.

EDIT: looks like there's enough people giving you a hard time about this. Ignore me.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
x EvilErmine x said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
How? How in any way would it break the laws of thermodynamics?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
lol it's now on CNN http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/web/10/28/charlie.chaplin.circus.time.travel/index.html?hpt=C2


New member
Feb 25, 2009
chenry said:
Oh yeah, it's a time traveler.

Pardon me, but Occam's Razor doesn't say "jump to the stupidest possible answer", it says "simplest". Someone is scratching their face. And in a crowd of people, it's totally inconceivable that she'd be talking to someone off camera.

I'm sure the next time I walk by a camera picking my nose, people in the future will analyze the footage and say "Look there! A Time Traveler, nose activated communication devices weren't invented until 2071!" and thus the thread will be reborn and history will repeat itself.

One thing that doesn't change with the ages (unlike technology) is peoples gullibility.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I always keep time travel as an open possibility, just because we don't fully understand the nature of the universe (or Time, for that matter), yet.

We probably never will.


Aug 25, 2008
KorLeonis said:
Look, its quite simple. The Doctor sonic'd that person mobile so it would work anywhere and then somehow they got separated. Now that person is just calling the Doctor to come pick 'em up. Happens all the time, don't you people watch tv?
Made my day...thank you! <3


New member
Oct 16, 2009
zfactor said:
I'll explain better. Let's say you wanted to go back in time and try to stop Hitler. The events of 1945ish have already occured, yes? Therefore, you cannot change anything because it has happened already. In 1945 you were there trying to stop Hitler already when everything still happened.
This is all getting awfully Red Alertish...

OT: There's probably a really simply answer to all this... It's more than likely a hearing aid or an itchy ear.