Haven't you seen scrubs? They're talking with a future phone!Diagonal Horizontality said:How would a mobile phone work before all the cell towers were built?
She was probably just a crazy person talking into her wallet, or something.
Nice, I've seen that movie, very interesting.JohnGD117 said:If you ever watch the movie "Primer" that is how current ideas of possible time machines function. You cannot travel back in time any further than the moment it was switched on. It also takes a considerable bit of time to move through the dimension as well, so the person would age in the process of going back in time and then having to go forward to their own time again, limiting how "far" you could "travel." Of course, perhaps an alien civilization has turned such a machine on already somewhere else so we could at least send a probe or something back to witness the crucifixion or see dinosaurs
Sigh at quantum mechanics.
Anything and Everything is physically possible. Time travel may be implausible, but saying it is impossible is false.AndyFromMonday said:Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
Thats what they said about the lightbulb, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Putting a man in Space, ect.AndyFromMonday said:Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.