You know, I really wish it was a time traveler. That would be so cool. If time travel methods did exist and were feasible, it would literally be the most effective method of observing the past in the universe.
It's not a time traveler, but that would be cool.
zfactor said:
You have an interesting perspective on the topic. Very refreshing.
I've actually tried explaining this one to someone, and of course the Holocaust was the example used. It's almost naive to think that you could travel back in time and stop Hitler because you are not any more effective a killer than the 20+ people who failed during his reign. Plus, you can't prove that at least one of those failed attempts wasn't made by a time traveler.
x EvilErmine x said:
The closer you get to c then the grater the mass of the object becomes up to the point where at very close to the speed of c your mass effectively becomes infinite thus requiring more energy than is contained in the universe to accelerate you further. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, this type of stuff interests me
You have that right; if you were to travel at exactly the speed of light, you could become infinitely massive. At that point, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel you forward. As the universe contains a finite amount of energy, light-speed-travel is impossible.