Time Travellers are real? or were in 1928...


New member
Jan 16, 2010
x EvilErmine x said:
WhiteandNeardy99 said:
x EvilErmine x said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
How? How in any way would it break the laws of thermodynamics?
From what i understand (i may be wrong)
You would be decreasing the entropy of the universe which is not allowed according to the second law as far as i am aware.
So long as you keep them in balance (increase entropy and decrease energy, or vice versa) the universe won't implode. Of course, the entire universe is slowly decending into entropy (simpler definition is heat) because most reactions have some friction and give off some heat. And you cannot take heat and convery it 100% into something else.


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Apr 29, 2009
TraderJimmy said:
Biggest argument against existence of time travel - no time machines exist today. As soon as time machines exist anywhen, they exist everywhen.
That is refutable. Any theories about time travel are just that; therioes.

Some believe that time is linear and unchangeable, others believe time can be changed by the tiniest thing, others believe in parallel universes that open up IF time were changed.

A time machine might not exist everywhere, but one may exist in the time it was traveled to. In this video (if it were real), a time machine would exist in 1928. However, if we are to assume this traveler can also go back to their own time (I.E. the future) then the time machine will not exist past 1928.

^That is just one theory.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but we can't peg any time traveling theory as the RIGHT one since no one in out time as time traveled.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
sooperman said:
You know, I really wish it was a time traveler. That would be so cool. If time travel methods did exist and were feasible, it would literally be the most effective method of observing the past in the universe.

It's not a time traveler, but that would be cool.

zfactor said:
You have an interesting perspective on the topic. Very refreshing. :)

I've actually tried explaining this one to someone, and of course the Holocaust was the example used. It's almost naive to think that you could travel back in time and stop Hitler because you are not any more effective a killer than the 20+ people who failed during his reign. Plus, you can't prove that at least one of those failed attempts wasn't made by a time traveler.

x EvilErmine x said:
The closer you get to c then the grater the mass of the object becomes up to the point where at very close to the speed of c your mass effectively becomes infinite thus requiring more energy than is contained in the universe to accelerate you further. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, this type of stuff interests me
You have that right; if you were to travel at exactly the speed of light, you could become infinitely massive. At that point, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel you forward. As the universe contains a finite amount of energy, light-speed-travel is impossible.
Well, the answer then is one of those think-outside-the-box-impossible-screwed-all-to-hell-yes-I-am-insane-thank-you-for-asking answers: Don't use energy to accelerate past the speed of light. Good luck with that, by the way...


New member
May 24, 2010
The last few frames make me think there's some scratching or glasses holding involved.

Anyway, yeah. Time travel is impossible.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
I think she may have just clocked the cameraman and is trying to obscure her face.

They didn't have reality TV in 1928 and the average person wouldn't have been as comfortable being filmed in public.

I bet I could point a camera at a lot of camera shy people now and they'll suddenly and mysteriously start talking on invisible mobile phones, AKA holding their hand up to the side of their face.

The idea that this woman is a time traveller using a mobile phone is dumb beyond belief... it's just as stupid as taking some footage of Hitler waving his arms about during a rally and saying "OMG! Hitler is a time traveller cuz he's playing on Microsoft Kinnect!".


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Dec 23, 2007
bleachigo10 said:
Diagonal Horizontality said:
How would a mobile phone work before all the cell towers were built?
She was probably just a crazy person talking into her wallet, or something.
Unless in the future they don't need cell towers.
Which presumes means for that cell phone to work travelled back with her, or the cell phone can transpond its signal though time as well as space.

Which are both concepts that are laughable.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I don't know what she is doing but to me time travel is impossible. How is it possible to go to a place that you don't even know every single detail of what happend?


New member
May 23, 2010
ravensheart18 said:
Jonluw said:
zfactor said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Ah shitpickles... This thread got way off topic...

I explained in another thread actually about time travel about this... You cannot change what has already happened. The past is written and unchangeable because of the fact that it already happened. So if ou go back and try to change something, you will fail because you already failed. You already went back to change whatever happened.

Confusing as fuck? Yes...

I'll explain better. Let's say you wanted to go back in time and try to stop Hitler. The events of 1945ish have already occured, yes? Therefore, you cannot change anything because it has happened already. In 1945 you were there trying to stop Hitler already when everything still happened.

Still confused? Quote me and I will try again...
ravensheart18 said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Because that is a rather sizable and significant event. Changing that would have changed HUGE amounts of history, which could create an unbelievable paradox which might wipe you out so that you couldn't change history so....

Being able to get back in time doesn't mean you could...or should...mess with the timeline in any significant way.
That wasn't my point though. I was just pointing out the Stephen Hawking argument with a tiny twist. If time travel is possible, why haven't we been flooded with time travellers trying to stop the major catastrophes in history?

I just attempted to point out that travelling back in time would create huge paradoxes like that. Unless of course we assume that timelines can branch off, but then we wouldn't be able to see the lady with the cellphone in this timeline in any case.

OT: I'm going with the hearing aid.
No, go back and read what I said. The reason they might not be able to mess with such a big event is that could case the paaradox situation (assuming the single timeline therory) or that they couldn't change it without creating a new universe (the multiverse theory of time).

That doesn't prohibit them going back for a looksy, or even making certain calculated changes. It's even possible some such changes have been made and you'd never know it. But stopping the Nazis...that might be too big and would paradox them out. Or maybe its just so big its an unchangable event (really, how WOULD you stop it? - odds are killing Hitler wouldn't be enough...). Then there is Stalin... if there hadn't been years of warfare to pull down the Soviets, would they instead of built themselves up and been an even worse instigator for WWII? Might they have developed Nukes years before anyone else even tried (remember, the UK/US only got interested after being pushed by Einstein and others because of the German nuke effort)
Yes, changing the timeline might cause a paradox, which would imply that time travel is not possible at all, or it would cause the timeline to branch off. Them not being successful probably wouldn't stop them from trying though.

Edit: Excuse the short reply. I forgot the argument I had thought out while writing it. But seriously though; there is really no reason for us laymen to discuss time travel. It's not like we will figure it out; and frankly, it's tiring.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I'm sure if time travelers were real then they would of stopped this video from surfacing by doing some more time meddling


New member
Aug 4, 2010
It could have been anything, but its awesome to think of what it would mean if it WAS a cell phone.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
arc1991 said:
FalloutJack said:
By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
Nope, take a look at the article, people are baffled buy it, cynics have been looking at the video and cannot find an explanation other than"time traveller"
Or, scratching her ear. Blocking the sun. Holding a mirror to the side of her face.

I only saw her hands, didn't look like she was holding anything. The cynics you've been talking to aren't very observant.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Here are some interesting theories!

She was nailed in the head with a brick, and was holding an icepack to her head while complaining under her breath about the idiot that threw it.

The cameraman was an old enemy of hers, so she obscured her face with a big black thing while talking to an offscreen buddy in a disguised voice.

Kidnapped by aliens in the year 2247, she was transported through time to the Chaplin era on a mission to kill important historical figures to prevent the Great Annihilation of 2441. Her mission failed when she was discovered talking on her Time Phone by a passerby and disrupted the timestream, sending waves of historical disruption into the past and future and accidentally causing the invention of telemarketers.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Ok, saying it IS a time traveller, why would (s)he use a "mobile phone" in broad daylight with so many people walking about... Wouldn't that cause suspicion or a riot?

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Although currently science argues that time travel is impossible, science in the early 20th century also thought that nothing organic could travel over the speed of 100 miles an hour without destroying it, so I assume nothing about the future.

All this talk about changing the past kind of reminds me of an old science fiction story where a guy goes back to watch Jesus' trial, but in order to follow time travel rules he has to cheer for his execution along with the rest of the audience. When he gets there, he discovers that there are no Jews in the audience, only time travellers come back to watch the trial and call for Jesus' execution. I thought that was an awesome twist.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
If you ever watch the movie "Primer" that is how current ideas of possible time machines function. You cannot travel back in time any further than the moment it was switched on. It also takes a considerable bit of time to move through the dimension as well, so the person would age in the process of going back in time and then having to go forward to their own time again, limiting how "far" you could "travel." Of course, perhaps an alien civilization has turned such a machine on already somewhere else so we could at least send a probe or something back to witness the crucifixion or see dinosaurs :p

Sigh at quantum mechanics.