Those aren't cynics those are conspiracy theorists. There is more than one reason to hold your hand to your face. People know that right?arc1991 said:Nope, take a look at the article, people are baffled buy it, cynics have been looking at the video and cannot find an explanation other than"time traveller"FalloutJack said:By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
unless she was talking to someone from her own time!! the phone could make audio contact between the user and another at a pre-input time, and then runs both timelines parralel to each other so that the conversation goes at the same speed on both ends of the phone!!! of course no two people should ever use such a phone at any one time because that would put strain on the fabric of the space-time continuum. as it happens she was probably just telling her spouse that she would be home lateDiagonal Horizontality said:How would a mobile phone work before all the cell towers were built?
She was probably just a crazy person talking into her wallet, or something.
i hardly thing that's such a jaw-dropper, i think it's more than 1 in 10 people are left-handed so it's hardly unheard ofBrownGaijin said:Also aren't most people right handed? Isn't that her left?
Look in the background towards the beginning and you see its for the Movie Charlie Chaplin at the Circus.FalloutJack said:By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
Then explain Rose Tyler...esperandote said:No cellphone towers, no cellphone.
Well, I said earlier that I don't believe in alternate dimensions because time is one-dimensional. There would be no way to get there because doing so requires two dimensions, and there is only one for time.Zeithri said:No you wouldn't have failed.
Either you explained it too poorly or you failed to take into the accounts of alternate dimensions.
To put it simply, here are 3 timelines;
In Timeline 1; We defeated the Nazis, the nuclear deterence were in place and we are as we are today.
In Timeline 2; The Nazis won, the cold war never happened.
In Timeline 3; The Nazis gave up after Hitler was assassinated, the cold war resulted in Russia and America being bombed away, and the rest of the world cooping.
Infintive possibilities and uncountable events.
Heck, in some timeline the holocaust possible never happened. And in another, Nazis went to live on the Moon and another, the meteor that carried our genetics went to Venus instead than Earth so now we're really all crablike sentinent heatresistant spacebugs from Metroid (Space Pirates) instead!
Well, I suppose the only way to know about branching timelines is to time travel. So I think there are no alternate timelines, but nobody can prove it either way...Jonluw said:Do you really, conclusively know that timelines don't branch off?zfactor said:Yeah, timelines don't branch off (see above post...), and I was saying it is impossible to change anything because of the linearity of time. What happend happened, you were already there to try to stop it and failed because it happened.Jonluw said:That wasn't my point though. I was just pointing out the Stephen Hawking argument with a tiny twist. If time travel is possible, why haven't we been flooded with time travellers trying to stop the major catastrophes in history?
I just attempted to point out that travelling back in time would create huge paradoxes like that. Unless of course we assume that timelines can branch off, but then we wouldn't be able to see the lady with the cellphone in this timeline in any case.
OT: I'm going with the hearing aid.
A strange theory, I know. But it's off to class, so you will have to be confused on you own.
Then don't use your energy to propel yourself. Use gravity or some external force acting on everything; it's still energy, but it is not your energy, so would that add to your mass? Still, that seems to be the answer to the energy-mass problem, just don't use energy, use space itself or something...Pyro Paul said:acctually it does.zfactor said:I don't think approaching c would cause a mass increase... But if you could exceed it (which is what this thread is about) t would reverse.
Yet, space itself can travel faster than light (according to an outside observer). This is because it may be impossible to travel faster than light locally (velocity = c), it is possible to make space velocity > c. (Your local v would be 0, the space you are in would move really fast, but seem to be still...) This is the priciple of the warp drive (yes, Star Trek) and the reason nobody is effected by inertia (if you jumped to lightspeed, wouldn't you get flung bakcwards?)
But blargh, I've got a class to get to soon...
that is why traveling faster then light is impossible under general relitivity.
at the Speed of Light, Light itself has mass.
FTL travel is some what paradoxical in itself as at the speed of light energy itself has mass. so trying to accelerate yourself faster by simply putting more energy into pushing you only gets you to have a higher mass.